Monday, May 6, 2024

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.'

a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God.

b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God.

c)  Deuteronomy 7:12. Follow the Word of God.

d)  Deuteronomy 7:12. The Lord will keep His part of the Covenant.

(This QT shows me a part of The Christian Life)

PRAY: As a True Believer to follow The Christian Life.


'Teaching The Word Of God In Every Circumstance.'

Luke 5:3.

a)  Stepping into one of the boats,

b)  Which was Simon's,

c)  He asked him to put out a little from the land.

d)  And He sat down and taught the people

e)  From the boat.

(This Second One reminds me of the importance of Teaching The Word Of God In Every Circumstance) 

PRAY: To be Teaching The Word Of God In Every Circumstance.



It is really a vitally important part of Church life to be Teaching the Word of God. When we are taught the Word of God this helps us to spiritually grow as Believers. Different Churches put their emphasis on various activities but the Church that puts its emphasis on Teaching the Word of God will surely be pleasing the Lord!


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Unusual Miracles!

 'Unusual Miracles'
Acts 19:11-12.
a)  And God was doing 
b)  Extraordinary miracles
c)  By the hands of Paul,
d)  So that even handkercheifs or aprons
e)  That touched his skin
f)  Were carried away to the sick
g)  And evil spirits left them.
(This QT reminds me of the possibility of God doing Unusual Miracles)
PRAY: For people to be helped through Unusual Miracles in these days.
'Jesus Found The Best Way.'
Luke 5:2.
a)  Jesus found two boats,
b)  The fishermen had gone out of them
c)   And were washing their nets.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus Found The Best Way)
PRAY: To always Find The Best Way.
We should never discount the possibility of miracles being performed by True Believers and in the Churches today. There are times that miracles can draw unbelievers to the Lord. I have had the privilege of seeing such incidents! Let us Believe God that in our Churches, Outreaches and Evangelical efforts we shall witness Unusual Miracles.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

A Sociable Woman!

'A Sociable Woman.'

John 2:1.
"A Sociable Woman."
a)  On the third day of the feast
b)  There was a wedding
c)  At Cana in Galilee,
d)  And the mother of Jesus was there.
(This QT teaches me that the mother of Jesus was A Sociable Woman)
PRAY: That the sisters in our Churches will have sisters within who are Sociable Women.
                                                                          Luke 5:1.
                                                               "The Listening Crowd."
a)  One day as Jesus was preaching
b)  On the shore of the Sea of Galilee,
c)  Great crowds pressed in on Him
d)  To listen to the Word of God.
(This Second one reveals The Listening Crowd)
PRAY: To be a good listener to the Word of the Lord.
Sisters in our Churches have an important part to play, not only in their service, but also in their social lives. Every member of the Church, whether brothers, sisters or young people, needs to be cared for and taught how to care for others too! The Pastoral Ministry within the Churches needs to be valued and esteemed. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

We Should Identify With Our Offerings!



'We Should Identify With Our Offerings'

Leviticus 3:8.

a)  Lay your hand on its head

b)  And slaughter it in front of the Tent of Meeting

c)  And Aaron's sons

d)  Shall throw its blood against the sides of the Altar.

(This QT reminds me that We Should Identify With Our Offerings)

PRAY: To be humbly open about our Offerings To The Lord.


'A Mighty Miracle.'

Romans 15:19.

a)  In the power of signs and wonders,

b)  In the power of the Spirit of God,

c)  From Jerusalem and all the way round to Illirycom,

d)  I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ.

(Through this Second one I find A Mighty Miracle)

PRAY: For the Gospel of Christ to be preached in our Churches.



Humility is the correct attitude to have in Christian Worship, whatever part of Worship it may be! When secrecy shrouds Worship Offerings, that really leads the way to an open door for abuse and deception. The Churches need to be open about financial matters and that includes its practical outgoings such as salaries, love gifts and mission offerings.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Making Sensible Decisions!


 ‘Making Sensible Decisions.’

Acts 19:8-10.

Apostle Paul had begun the Lord’s ministry in Ephesus in helping to plant a Church among them. Ephesus was a heathen city, it was not easy to plant the Church. There was the need for making sensible decisions so that this Church could grow and be fruitful.

a)     Acts 19:8. Paul went to preach in the synagogue for three months, arguing persuasively about the Kingdom of God.

b)    Acts 19:9. Some people were rejecting Paul’s message and speaking publicly against “The Way”. Paul then left the synagogue ministry, he took the Believers with him and began to teach daily in the School of Tyrannus, a sensible decision.

c)     Acts 19:10. Paul spent two years in that place so that many Jews and Gentiles heard God’s Message.

(Through this QT I find that it is important to be Making Sensible Decisions)


‘Blessings The Lord Gives To Us.’

a)     Luke 1:67-75; 2:14. Covenant.

b)    Romans 8:28-34. Calling.

c)     Romans 9:15-16. Compassion.

d)    Hebrews 4:16; 10:35-36; John 14:13-14. Confidence.

e)     Isaiah 51:3; 46:4; 45:11. Comfort.

f)      Isaiah 54:17; 2 Peter 2:9; Psalm 7:8-10. Covering.

g)    Psalm 59:16-17; 3:3. Cheerfulness.

(Through this Second one I am so grateful for the wonderful Blessings The Lord Gives To Me)



God is a God of Covenants. We read of these Covenants right throughout the Scriptures. He delights in keeping Covenant with His People. We need to trust God and the Covenants that He makes with us and respond to them well. The Covenants are to do with God’s people, their Churches, their families, and individual Believers.




Monday, September 25, 2023

We Sometimes Need A Guide!'

 "We Sometimes Need A Guide."

Acts 8:31.

a)  The man replied:

b)  'Without someone to guide me,

c)  'How could I?'

d)  Then he invited Philip to climb up and sit with him.

(This QT reminds me that We Sometimes Need A Guide)

PRAY: For good guidance when we need it.


'The Humility Of Christ.'

Philippians 2:8.

a)  And being found in human form,

b)  He humbled Himself

c)  By becoming obedient to the point of death,

d)  Even death on a Cross.

(This Second one reveals to me The Humility Of Christ)

PRAY: To learn from The Epistle to the Philippians.



Before we focus on any other Biblical Doctrine and Truth, we need to focus on the Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! If we have this correct focus, we can both grow well and serve well as True Believers. May our Churches have this focus as a part of their "ministry plan".

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go!

 'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.'

Leviticus 3:7.

a)  If he offers a lamb 

b)  For his offering,

c)  Then he shall offer it

d)  Before the Lord.

(This QT reminds me of The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go)

PRAY:  For our offerings to be purely Before the Lord.


'Righteousness And Justice.'

Psalm 37:6.

a)  He will bring forth your righteousness 

b)  As the light,

c)  And your justice

d)  As the noonday.

(This Second shows me that Righteousness And Justice go hand-in-hand)

PRAY: That Righteousness and Justice will have an important part in our lives.



Psalm 37 is an excellent source for meditation. It is good to remember what God wants to do in our lives. He wants to bring forth our righteousness! When our lives manifest Godly Righteousness, we will surely give Glory to Him. Let us consider Psalm 37 well.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...