'A Sociable Woman.'
The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
A Sociable Woman!
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
We Should Identify With Our Offerings!
'We Should Identify With Our Offerings'
Leviticus 3:8.
a) Lay your hand on its head
b) And slaughter it in front of the Tent of Meeting
c) And Aaron's sons
d) Shall throw its blood against the sides of the Altar.
(This QT reminds me that We Should Identify With Our Offerings)
PRAY: To be humbly open about our Offerings To The Lord.
'A Mighty Miracle.'
Romans 15:19.
a) In the power of signs and wonders,
b) In the power of the Spirit of God,
c) From Jerusalem and all the way round to Illirycom,
d) I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ.
(Through this Second one I find A Mighty Miracle)
PRAY: For the Gospel of Christ to be preached in our Churches.
Humility is the correct attitude to have in Christian Worship, whatever part of Worship it may be! When secrecy shrouds Worship Offerings, that really leads the way to an open door for abuse and deception. The Churches need to be open about financial matters and that includes its practical outgoings such as salaries, love gifts and mission offerings.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Making Sensible Decisions!
‘Making Sensible Decisions.’
Acts 19:8-10.
Apostle Paul had begun the Lord’s ministry in
Ephesus in helping to plant a Church among them. Ephesus was a heathen city,
it was not easy to plant the Church. There was the need for making sensible
decisions so that this Church could grow and be fruitful.
a) Acts 19:8. Paul went to preach in the
synagogue for three months, arguing persuasively about the Kingdom of God.
b) Acts 19:9. Some people were rejecting Paul’s
message and speaking publicly against “The Way”. Paul then left the synagogue
ministry, he took the Believers with him and began to teach daily in the School
of Tyrannus, a sensible decision.
c) Acts 19:10. Paul spent two years in that place
so that many Jews and Gentiles heard God’s Message.
(Through this QT I find that it is
important to be Making Sensible Decisions)
‘Blessings The Lord Gives To Us.’
a) Luke 1:67-75; 2:14. Covenant.
b) Romans 8:28-34. Calling.
c) Romans 9:15-16. Compassion.
d) Hebrews 4:16; 10:35-36; John 14:13-14.
e) Isaiah 51:3; 46:4; 45:11. Comfort.
f) Isaiah 54:17; 2 Peter 2:9; Psalm 7:8-10.
g) Psalm 59:16-17; 3:3. Cheerfulness.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful for the
wonderful Blessings The Lord Gives To Me)
God is a God of Covenants. We read of these
Covenants right throughout the Scriptures. He delights in keeping Covenant with
His People. We need to trust God and the Covenants that He makes with us and
respond to them well. The Covenants are to do with God’s people, their
Churches, their families, and individual Believers.
Monday, September 25, 2023
We Sometimes Need A Guide!'
"We Sometimes Need A Guide."
Acts 8:31.
a) The man replied:
b) 'Without someone to guide me,
c) 'How could I?'
d) Then he invited Philip to climb up and sit with him.
(This QT reminds me that We Sometimes Need A Guide)
PRAY: For good guidance when we need it.
'The Humility Of Christ.'
Philippians 2:8.
a) And being found in human form,
b) He humbled Himself
c) By becoming obedient to the point of death,
d) Even death on a Cross.
(This Second one reveals to me The Humility Of Christ)
PRAY: To learn from The Epistle to the Philippians.
Before we focus on any other Biblical Doctrine and Truth, we need to focus on the Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! If we have this correct focus, we can both grow well and serve well as True Believers. May our Churches have this focus as a part of their "ministry plan".
Saturday, September 23, 2023
The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go!
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.'
Leviticus 3:7.
a) If he offers a lamb
b) For his offering,
c) Then he shall offer it
d) Before the Lord.
(This QT reminds me of The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go)
PRAY: For our offerings to be purely Before the Lord.
'Righteousness And Justice.'
Psalm 37:6.
a) He will bring forth your righteousness
b) As the light,
c) And your justice
d) As the noonday.
(This Second shows me that Righteousness And Justice go hand-in-hand)
PRAY: That Righteousness and Justice will have an important part in our lives.
Psalm 37 is an excellent source for meditation. It is good to remember what God wants to do in our lives. He wants to bring forth our righteousness! When our lives manifest Godly Righteousness, we will surely give Glory to Him. Let us consider Psalm 37 well.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Growing More Like The Lord!
'Growing More Like The Lord.'
Ephesians 4:15.
a) Instead,
b) We will speak the Truth in love,
c) Growing in every way more and more like Christ,
d) Who is the Head of His Body,
e) The Church.
(This QT gives me the desire to be Growing More Like The Lord)
PRAY: That we will be Growing More Like The Lord.
'Fully Trusting In The Lord.'
Psalm 37:3-5.
a) Trust in the Lord and do good.
b) Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
c) Take delight in the Lord,
d) And He will give you your heart's desires.
e) Commit everything you do to the Lord.
f) Trust Him, and He will help you.
(This QT encourages me to be Fully Trusting In The Lord.)
PRAY: To fully trust in the Lord.
It is a wonderful fact that God really wants to give His People their heart's desires. This is really a part of what it means to be 'in God'! We should be able to commit everything we do to the Lord. If we cannot trust in the Lord we miss many blessings and benefits. He really desires to help us - we need to turn to Him and not away from Him.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Do You Understand?
'Do You Understand?'
Acts 8:30.
a) So Philip ran to him
b) And heard him reading the Prophet Isaiah,
c) And said,
d) "Do you understand what you are reading?
(This QT challenges me to help people understand)
PRAY: That we will do our best to help people understand good Bible Teaching.
'Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is.'
2 Corinthians 3:17.
a) Now the Lord is the Spirit,
b) And where the Spirit of the Lord is,
c) There is Freedom.
(This Second one reveals to me Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is)
PRAY: To be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We should never take the Presence of the Holy Spirit for granted! The Scripture speaks about "where" He is! "Freedom" has many expressions! Freedom in Christ has a deep meaning of received Grace, it is internal before being external. If we are truly filled with the Holy Spirit, we should enjoy such freedom. Let us seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit!
Thursday, August 24, 2023
True Fellowship!
'True Fellowship.'
Leviticus 3:6.
a) The Sacrifice of a Peace Offering.
b) It is:
1-Of the flock.
2-Male or female.
3-Without blemish.
(This QT reminds me of the necessity for purity in order to have True Fellowship)
PRAY: To have True Fellowship with God and people.
'After Ehud's Death.'
Judges 4:1.
a) After Ehud's death,
b) The Israelites again
c) Did evil
d) In the Lord's sight.
(This Second one reveals to me what happened After Ehud's Death)
PRAY: Not to do evil in the Lord's sight.
It is necessary for us to pray to have True Fellowship with God and people. If we do not have this fellowship, a vital part of the reality of Christianity is missing. A part of Abundant Life is Fellowship Life.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
No Longer Infants!
'No Longer Infants.'
Ephesians 4:14.
a) Then we shall no longer be infants,
b) Carried by the waves
c) And blown about by every shifting wind
d) Of the teaching of deceitful people,
e) Who lead others into error
f) By the tricks they invent.
(This QT reminds me that we should be No Longer Infants)
PRAY: Not to be carried by the waves of error.
'A Witness To The Light.'
John 1:8.
a) John was not the Light.
b) He came only
c) As a witness to the Light.
(Through this Second one I desire to be A Witness To The Light)
PRAY: To be A Witness To The Light.
John clearly taught in His Gospel about Jesus Christ! Truly He is the Light Of The World. John called himself a witness of the Light. Surely every Believer is called to be a witness of the Light. We should live as witnesses of the Light! May God rain down His Blessings upon us!
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Philip's Encounter!
'Philip's Encounter.'
Acts 8:27-29.
a) Acts 8:27. The important Ethiopian who was going to Jerusalem to Worship in his chariot.
b) Acts 8:28. He was reading the Prophet Isaiah.
c) Acts 8:29. The Holy Spirit told Philip to go and join the chariot.
(This QT teaches me about Philip's Encounter)
PRAY: For our Bible Reading and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
a) Genesis 2:24. A man shall cleave to his wife.
b) Deuteronomy 4:4; 10:20; 11:22. Cleave to the Lord.
c) Deuteronomy 13:17. No cursed thing.
d) 2 Kings 5:27. Leprosy.
e) Job 19:20. Bones.
f) Job 29:10; Psalm 22:15; 137:6. The tongues of nobles to the roof of their mouths.
g) Psalm 44:25. A body to the ground.
h) Psalm 119:31. I cleave to the Lord's testimonies.
i) Psalm 141:7. Cleaving to a rock.
(This Second one reminds me about Cleaving)
PRAY: For healthy bones.
New life in Christ is part of the Inheritance of every True Believer. This life is powerful and changes those who have it. This is why the Gospel of Christ is something that every Church should prioritize. Give a Message from God's Word that is really Biblical.
Friday, June 30, 2023
A Burnt And Food Offering!
'A Burnt And Food Offering.'
Leviticus 3:5.
a) Then Aaron's sons are to burn it on the altar
b) On top of the burnt offering
c) That is lying on the burning wood;
d) It is a food offering,
e) An aroma pleasing to the Lord.
(This QT reveals A Burnt And Food Offering, pleasing to the Lord)
PRAY: For our Offerings to the Lord to be pleasing to Him.
'It Is Possible.'
Exodus 4:11.
a) So the Lord said to him:
b) "Who has made man's mouth?
c) "Or Who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing or the blind?
d) "Have not I, the Lord?
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Possible)
PRAY: For Faith to Believe the Words of God.
God makes all people! There is not one person who is not made by God! This fact should help us to have a stronger Faith in God. We need to continually believe in God and His Promises! It is God Who makes all things possible to the Believer. Believe in God!
Monday, May 22, 2023
A Goal For Every Believer!
'A Goal For Every Believer.'
Ephesians 4:13.
a) This will continue
b) Until we all come
c) To such unity in our Faith
d) And knowledge of God's Son
e) That we will be mature in the Lord,
f) Measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
(This QT reveals A Goal For Every Believer)
PRAY: To be mature in the Lord.
'Urged To Believe.'
John 1:7.
a) He came as a Witness
b) To testify about the Light,
c) So that all may believe through him.
(Through this Second One I am Urged To Believe)
PRAY: To be a True Believer.
To be mature in the Lord needs to be the aim of every True Believer. This maturity takes place as we follow meaningful "spiritual disciplines". Reading our Bibles well is important. We need to develop personal prayer. Having fellowship with other True Believers is so helpful, as is developing an evangelical habit.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Angelic Instruction!
'Angelic Instruction.'
Acts 8:26.
a) Now an Angel of the Lord said to Philip:
b) "Go South to the road - the desert road.
c) "That goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza."
(This QT reveals Angelic Instruction)
PRAY: To be obedient to God in every way.
'Sent From God.'
John 1:6.
a) There was a man
b) Sent from God,
c) Whose name was John.
(Through this Second one I see the importance of being Sent From God)
PRAY: To acknowledge those people who are Sent From God.
As God's People we need to be open to Angelic Istruction. There are several clear and Biblical modes of instruction! We are to Pray to be teachable Disciples of Christ. Being founded in the Word of God is an important part of the Believer's Life.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Take Them Away!
'Take Them Away!'
Leviticus 3:4.
a) And the two kidneys,
b) And the fat that is on them,
c) Which is by the flanks,
d) And the caul above the liver,
e) With the kidneys,
f) It shall he take away.
(This QT reminds me that sometimes there are Things To Take Away)
PRAY: To take away the things that we need to.
'Biblical Take Away.'
a) Psalm 119:22. Take away from me scorn and contempt.
b) Romans 11:27; 1 John 3:5. I take away their sins.
c) Proverbs 25:4. Take away the dross from the silver.
d) Proverbs 25:5. Take away the wicked from the Presence of the King.
e) Numbers 4:13. Take away the ashes from the Altar.
f) Exodus 33:23. The Lord will take away His Hand.
g) Hosea 2:9. The Lord will take back His grain and wine.
h) Daniel 11:31. Evil people take away the Burnt Offering.
i) Revelation 22:19. We must not take away from the Book of Revelation.
j) Isaiah 25:8. The reproach of God's People He will take away from all the Earth.
k) 1 Chronicles 21:8. David asked God to take away his sin.
l) John 11:39. Jesus told them to take away the stone.
m) Deuteronomy 7:15. The Lord shall take away all sickness.
n) Ezekiel 23:29. They will take away from you all the fruit of your labor.
(Through this Second one I find Biblical Take Away)
PRAY: Asking God to Take Away our sin.
It is good to obey the Lord even though sometimes His instructions are amazing. When we obey Him, we can witness His Omnipotent Hand at work! The Promises of God then become a reality to us! It is never a great burden for God's People to obey Him. Eventually they will see the result and fruit of this obedience in their lives.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Saints Restored And Put In Order!
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Ministry Of The Word!
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Take Them Away!
'Food Offered To The Lord!
Levticus 3:3.
a) Comes from the Sacrifice of the Peace Ofering.
b) Offer the fat covering the entrails,
c) And all the fat that is on the entrails.
(This QT reminds me that Sacrificial Offerings to the Lord are important)
PRAY: To offer Offerings to the Lord that are acceptable to Him.
'Burn Them On The Altar.'
Exodus 29:13.
a) And you shall take all the fat that covers the entrails,
b) And the long lobe of the liver,
c) And the two kidneys with the fat on them,
d) And burn them on the altar.
(This Second one teaches me to Burn Them On The Altar)
PRAY: To follow the Lord's Instructions.
We should Pray for and about our Offerings to the Lord. It is clear from the Old Testament that the Lord gave very clear instructions regarding these Offerings. We need to offer to the Offerings that are pleasing to Him. Let us consider our Offerings and our attitude to them!
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Gifts Christ Gave To The Church!
"Christ Gave Gifts To The Church!"
Ephesians 4:11.
a) Now these are the Gifts Christ gave to the Church:
b) The Apostles.
c) The Prophets.
d) The Evangelists,
e) And the Pastors and Teachers.
(This QT reminds me that Christ Gave Gifts To The Church)
PRAY: For good understanding as we read carefully through Ephesians.
'A Selfless Prayer.'
2 Corinthians 13:9.
a) In fact,
b) We rejoice when we are weak
c) But you are strong,
d) And our prayer
e) Is for your perfection.
(This Second one reveals A Selfless Prayer)
PRAY: Selfless prayers.
Selfless Prayers are very meaningful and selfless! Praying for other Believers to be strong are meaningful Prayers. The active Prayer Life of the True Believer is generous Prayer that really can bring changes. We need to pray selfless Prayers! From the early days of the Christianity until now Prayer is a very important part of the Christian Faith.
Friday, February 10, 2023
A Weak Response!
'A Weak Response.'
Acts 8:24.
a) And Simon answered:
b) "Pray for me to the Lord,
c) "That nothing of what you have said
d) "May come upon me."
(This QT reveals to me A Weak Response)
PRAY: For Faith to respond well to the Lord.
'Pharaoh Had Had Enough.'
Exodus 9:28.
a) "Plead with the Lord,
b) For there has been enough of God's thunder and hail.
c) I will let you go,
d) And you shall stay no longer."
(This QT reminds me that Pharaoh Had Had Enough)
PRAY: To be ready to intercede for others.
God can do His Works in our difficult situations. Pharaoh, the enemy of God's People had had enough! He had seen the Powerful Hand of God at work on behalf of God's People. He was going to let the People of God go free from their captivity! The Scriptures tell us that if God is for us - who can be against us! Let every True Believer trust in God!
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Getting Rid Of The Offal!
'Getting Rid Of The Offal.'
Leviticus 3:10.
a) The two kidneys,
b) The fat on them near the flanks,
c) And the covering of the liver,
d) Which he will remove with the kidneys.
(This QT reminds me of the Old Testament principle: Getting Rid Of The Offal.)
PRAY: Renouncing and rejecting valueless things from our lives.
'Precious Priests.'
Numbers 3:9-10.
a) The Levites were given to Aaron and his sons.
b) They were wholly given from among the Children of Israel.
c) They were to guard their priesthood.
d) If any outsider came near, they were to be put to death.
(This Second One reminds me about the Precious Priests)
PRAY for those people whom you esteem as Precious Priests.
An important Principle is taught here! If we are True Believers, we are to guard our priesthood. Our Prayer Life and our Lifestyle are very important factors in guarding our priesthood! Outsiders should never be appointed to serve the Church.
The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...