The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Noah Was Special!
'Noah Was Special.'
Genesis 6:8.
a) But Noah
b) Found favor
c) In the eyes of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that Noah Was Special)
PRAY: For God's Favor in our daily life.
'Bring Up This People?'
Exodus 33:12-20.
a) Exodus 33:12. Moses questioned God about his own ability, 'How could he lead all the people?'
b) Exodus 33:12. 'You need to tell me more.' Was Moses response.
c) Exodus 33:13. 'If I have found favor in your sight, show me Your Ways.'
d) Exodus 33:14. God said: 'My Presence shall go with you and I will give you rest.'
e) Exodus 33:15. Moses said: 'If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.'
f) Exodus 33:16. 'For how shall it be known that we have found favor in Your Sight? Is it not in Your going with us?'
g) Exodus 33:16. 'We are distinct from every other people on the face of the Earth.
h) Exodus 33:17. The Lord said to Moses: 'This very thing that you have spoken I will do.
i) Exodus 33:17. 'You have found favor in My Sight, and I know you by name.'
j) Exodus 33:18. Moses said: 'Please show me Your Glory.'
k) Exodus 33:19-20.
1} i) v19. And the Lord said to Moses: 'I will make all My Goodness pass before you.
ii) 'I will proclaim before you My Name, "The Lord".'
v19. iii) 'I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show Mercy to whom I will show Mercy.'
v20. 'But you cannot see My Face, for man shall not see My Face and live.'
(This Second one reveals how God wanted to give assurance to Moses so that he could: Bring Up This People!)
PRAY: For assurance from God to do His Will.
'You have found favor in My Sight, and I know you by name.' These words from the Lord must have given great assurance to the nervous and humble Moses. There are times when, even today, the Lord speaks such Words to His People. These Words come from Him especially when we are confronted by change in our lives through following His Will. We need to 'keep our eyes on Jesus' and follow Him always, not listening to the 'pull' of human voices, but listen first to God.
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