The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, May 31, 2019
Behind Your Veil!
'Behind Your Veil.'
Song of Solomon 4:3.
Behind your veil:
a) Your lips are like a crimson thread,
b) Your mouth is lovely,
c) Your cheeks are like halves of a pomegranite.
(This is very often what is Behind Your Veil)
PRAY: For ladies who live their lives Behind Their Veil.
'Yes, Everyone.'
Acts 2:21.
a) And it shall come to pass that
b) Everyone
c) Who calls on the Name of the Lord
d) Shall be Saved.
(Through this Second one: Yes, Everyone. I find that Salvation is possible for every living person who can call on the Name of the Lord)
PRAY: For everyone living in your vicinity to be saved: Yes, Everyone!
Reading the Song of Solomon in a modern version of the Bible can be very illuminating, especially about the human beings' life. I really encourage every True Believer to read through the Bible from Genesis to Malachi in the Old Testament, along with Matthew to Revelation in the New Testament. Reading both Old and New in the same chunk of time daily, can be so beneficial. (Alternatively Old in the Morning and New at night may help us.)
Thursday, May 30, 2019
John The Baptist - His Ministry!
'John The Baptist - His Ministry.'
John 1:8.
1) He was not the Light, (John 1:20.
a) But came to bear witness about
b) The Light.
2) Acts 13:25. As John was finishing his course he said:
a) "What do you suppose I am? I am not He.
b) "No, but behold,
c) "After me One is coming,
d) "The sandals of His Feet
e) "I am not worthy to untie."
(This QT tells me about John The Baptist - His Ministry)
PRAY: That when we Testify, we will not exaggerate.
'Signs And Wonders Before The Lord Comes.'
Acts 2:20.
a) The Sun shall be turned to darkness
b) And the moon to blood
c) Before the Day of the Lord comes,
d) The Great and Magnificent Day.
(This Second one reminds me about the Signs And Wonders Before The Lord Comes)
PRAY: For your Church and Family shall not miss or ignore the Signs And Wonders Before The Lord Comes.
The True Servant of the Lord walks and lives in humility, in the same way that John The Baptist walked and lived. Those Servants who precede the Coming of the Lord, whether it be the First or Second Coming, were, are, and will be marked by their personal holiness and humility. When a Servant of the Lord becomes prominent and proud, whether it be in Church or on TV program, we should be careful. Both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, then the Evangelists recorded in the Book of Acts, did not look for crowds to follow them or their names, they simply taught the Word of the Lord, helped and healed people, and followed Him.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Another Of God's Amazing Plans!
'Another Of God's Amazing Plans.'
Genesis 6:14.
a) Make yourself an ark of gopher/cypress wood. (Noah had to do it - no one would do it for him.) It means that we are responsible to obey God - no-one is able to obey God for us.
b) Make rooms in the ark. (It was a practical plan.)
c) Cover it inside and out with pitch.
(This QT teaches me Another Of God's Amazing Plans)
PRAY: To be sensitive to any plans God may have for you.
'Primarily For God's Servants.'
Acts 2:18.
a) Even on My male and female Servants.
b) In those days
c) I will pour out My Spirit,
d) And they shall prophesy.
(This Second one is a Promise Primarily For God's Servants)
PRAY: For God's Servant(s) in our Churches to experience the Out-Pouring of the Holy Spirit upon their lives.
Just like Noah, we are responsible to obey God in the things that He may specifically want us to do. This is not the 'general' obedience to His Word (which of course is important), this is a specific obedience - when God speaks to us personally and we need to obey Him.
Monday, May 27, 2019
God's Servants - Be Very Careful Please!
'God's Servants - Be Very Careful Please!'
Matthew 23:3-4.
a) Do whatever the Scribes and Pharisees teach you.
b) Do not do as they do,
c) For they do not practice what they teach.
d) They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear;
e) And lay them on the shoulders of others;
f) But they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them.
(Through this QT I call to God's Servants - Be Very Careful Please)
PRAY: For God's Servants who lead your Church.
'Male And Female Equally Receive The Holy Spirit.'
Acts 2:14-17.
a) Acts 2:14. The Proclamation and Message of Peter.
b) Acts 2:15. Refuting the accusation of drunkenness.
c) Acts 2:16-17. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me that Male And Female Equally Receive The Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To receive the out-poured Holy Spirit.
Leaders of Churches need to be very careful about the example that they set for their followers in the Church. If the incorrect example is set, it can really create a lot of confusion - even down to the following generation. There is an awesome and clear responsibility that spiritual leadership has.
The Truth About The Light!
'The Truth About The Light.'
John 1:7.
a) John came
b) To declare the Truth about the Light
c) So that everyone
d) Would become Believers
e) Through his Message.
(This QT introduces the way in which people become True Believers: The Truth About The Light)
PRAY: For The Truth About The Light To be told in our Churches.
'Refute The Enemy's Lies.'
Acts 2:15.
a) "These men are not drunk
b) "As you suppose,
c) "It is only nine in the morning."
(This Second one encourages me to Refute The Enemy's Lies)
PRAY: To Refute The Enemy's Lies when necessary.
The Light of God is the Light of God and there is no way that anyone can tell lies about it. If we walk with God it is very evident when a person's message in incorrect, we can discern. The Truth about the Light will always bear the Fruit of Salvation in the lives of the hearers, either bad fruit that withers and perishes, or good fruit that will, by some means, produce more fruit. Let us both live and converse in the Light of God.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
God Does Not Like Very Much Trouble!
'God Does Not Like Very Much Trouble.'
Genesis 6:13.
a) So God said to Noah:
b) "I am going to put an end to all people.
c) "They are the cause of very much trouble.
d) "See, I will destroy them as I destroy the Earth."
(This QT reminds me that God Does Not Like Very Much Trouble)
PRAY: For trouble-makers in our various communities to cease their troublemaking.
'Bold Preaching.'
Acts 2:14.
a) But Peter,
b) Standing with the eleven,
c) Raised his voice and addressed the crowd:
d) "Men of Judaea, and all who live in Jerusalem,
e) "Let this be known to you
f) "And listen to what I say."
(Because of this Second one we can pray for Bold Preaching in our Churches and Fellowships)
PRAY: For Bold Preaching to be in our Churches and Fellowships.
Trouble is something that God does not like. Those people who make trouble can cause so much distress. Making trouble does not really solve anything, whether it be in Nation, Church or Home. Troublemaking always leaves scars that can wound families, communities or Nations.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Teeth In Good Condition!
'Teeth In Good Condition.'
(A Dentist's Dream)
Song of Solomon 4:2.
a) Your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes.
b) Which have come up from the washing,
c) Every one of which bears twins.
d) And none is barren among them.
(This QT reveals Teeth In Good Condition)
PRAY: For and care for Teeth In Good Condition. (Both ours and our children's)
'Mocking What They Do Not Understand.'
Acts 2:13.
a) Others mocking said:
b) "They are full
c) "Of new wine."
(This Second one reveals a common mistake of humanity: Mocking What They Do Not Understand)
PRAY: For thoughtless mocking in your family and Church to cease.
I am Blessed to still have some teeth in good condition in my old age! God gave us teeth and He wants us to look after them as well as we can. This is why good parents care about the condition of their children's teeth. Teeth are like a fortress, like the one pictured above. Especially a fortress for our digestive system. Pray for those people in your Church that work in dentistry.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Sent From God!
'Sent From God.'
a) John 1:6. A man called John.
b) Genesis 3:23. Adam, out of the beautiful Garden of Eden.
c) Deuteronomy 9:23. The Jewish people of the Old Testament, but they refused to listen.
d) Judges 4:6. Barak, to fight.
e) Isaiah 48:16. Isaiah.
f) Zechariah 6:15. Zechariah.
g) John 8:64; Acts 3:26. Jesus Christ.
(This QT makes me ponder upon being Sent From God)
PRAY: For those people today of whom you can say: "They are Sent From God.
'Ponder And Think.'
Acts 2:5-12.
a) Acts 2:5. Dwelling in Jerusalem were devout Jews from every Nation under Heaven. (They were devout, God's People and international.)
b) Acts 2:6-7. The multitude of these people were confused because they heard these unlearned people speaking in International languages that they had never learned.
c) Acts 2:8-12. In these languages they were speaking about the Wonderful Works of God.
(This Second one makes me Ponder And Think)
PRAY: For your Church to serve the Nations in some way.
Barak is recorded in God's Word as a person who was sent from God to fight. When we think about those who were sent by God and we refer to the Scriptures, we can find a host of people who were sent by God for a host of different reasons. Keeping this Scriptural balance is very important. Some people think that, if a person has a very gentle, soft, and nice character, they must be sent from God, people who have a different character may not be sent from God. This is an incorrect assessment! God uses all types of people with various characters, who eat all kinds of food, it is not by their character or diet that we know them, according to the Bible it is by their fruit.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
God Saw And Sees The Earth!
'God Saw And Sees The Earth!'
Genesis 6:12.
a) And God saw that the Earth was corrupt,
b) For all flesh
c) Had corrupted its ways
d) Upon the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that God Saw And Sees The Earth)
PRAY: For repentance to come to the hearts of the unregenerate.
'Even The Visitors.'
Acts 2:10.
a) Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt,
b) And the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene,
c) And visitors from Rome.
(This Second one teaches me that Even The Visitors were filled with Holy Spirit)
PRAY: That our Church and those visitors who also attend shall be filled with Holy Spirit,
The record of the Book of Genesis is Biblically accurate. The Bible tells no lies. The corruption that is on the Earth today has is beginnings in the Book of Genesis. Even the Great Flood did not clean the Earth of corruption. The need for sin to be forgiven and cleansed away followed by the reception of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is an even more urgent Message to proclaim today.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Pure And Righteous Giving!
'Pure And Righteous Giving.'
Matthew 5:23-24.
a) If you are offering your gift at the altar,
b) And there remember that your brother or sister
c) Has something against you,
d) Leave your gift there in front of the altar.
e) First, go and be reconciled to them;
f) Then come and offer your gift.
(This QT reveals Pure And Righteous Giving)
PRAY: For your Church members to participate in Pure And Righteous Giving.
'A Harvest Of Righteousness.'
James 3:18.
a) Peacemakers who sow in Peace
b) Reap
c) A harvest of Righteousness.
(Through this Second one I desire to reap A Harvest Of Righteousness by being an active Peacemaker)
PRAY: To be a Peacemaker - you will be Blessed!
Giving as an act of Worship must be pure. There are many kinds of secondary giving to the Church and Mission by many people from different structures of society. I am sure that this is pleasing to God. There is, however, a special kind of Giving, this is only participated in by True Believers, this is Giving as part of Worship. This kind of Giving must be pure. Not all Giving is an act of Worship, some is simply giving, that is not the same.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Let The Light Shine!
'Let The Light Shine.'
John 1:5.
a) The Light shines in the darkness,
b) And the darkness
c) Has not overcome it.
(This QT echoes my call... Let The Light Shine)
PRAYER: For the Light of God to shine through us.
'Put It On.'
Ephesians 6:11.
a) Put on the whole armor of God
b) That you may be able to stand against
c) The wiles of the Devil.
(This Second one simply calls me to Put It On)
PRAYER: To stand in God having put on the whole armor of God.
An important Prayer for us to pray is for the Light of God to shine through us. If we are True Believers we should be endeavoring to live in the Light of God. It means that we are devoted to normal daily Prayer and Bible Reading. We need to let our Light shine. It may be possible for us to Worship in a 'healthy' and wholesome Church, where there is no gossip or racial discrimination, if so that is an appropriate place for us to be worshiping in. Even in our daily tasks, as in the picture above, our Light should be shining.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Nothing Is New!
'Nothing Is New.'
Genesis 6:11.
a) Now the Earth was corrupt
b) In God's Sight,
c) And the Earth was filled
d) With violence.
(This QT reminds me that on the Earth Nothing Is New)
PRAY: For social violence to abate and for Peace to come.
'What A Filling!'
Exodus 31:3-4.
a) I have filled Bezalel:
1-With the Spirit of God.
2-With ability.
3-With intelligence.
4-With all craftsmanship.
b) To design artistic designs.
c) To work in:
(This Second one reveals to me a special filling of the Spirit of God)
PRAY: For God's Purpose for our life.
When God fills us with the Spirit of God, it is always for a purpose. This is a pattern right throughout the Scriptures. God never fills us with the Holy Spirit just for an experience. There is always a purpose. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we need to pray and ask God why He has filled us with the Holy Spirit, what is His Purpose? If we are seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we should also be seeking God for His Purposes for us!
Monday, May 13, 2019
Prepared For Those People Who Love God!
'Prepared For Those People Who Love God.'
1 Corinthians 2:9.
a) But as it is written:
b) "Eye hath not seen,
c) "Nor ear heard,
d) "Neither hath entered into the heart of man,
e) "The things which God hath prepared
f) "For them that love Him."
(This QT assures me that there are things Prepared For Those People Who Love God)
PRAY: For the Faith and heart to love God.
a) Matthew 2:8&13. Can be carried.
b) Matthew 4:4. Proceed from the Mouth of God.
c) Matthew 8:8. That bring healing.
d) Matthew 8:16. Are powerful in the Ministry of Deliverance.
e) Matthew 13:19. Can apply to the Kingdom of God.
f) Matthew 13:22. The Word of God can sometimes be choked.
g) Luke 12:10. Should not be spoken against the Son of Man.
h) John 8:31. We are to abide in the Words of Jesus Christ.
i) Acts 4:29 & 31. The Words of God need to be spoken with boldness.
j) Acts 6:4. There is a Ministry of the Word.
k) Acts 13:15. There may be a Word of Exhortation.
l) Romans 10:17. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
m) 1 Corinthians 15:2. We should hold fast to the preached Word of God.
n) 2 Corinthians 5:19. There is a Word of Reconciliation.
(Through this Second one I recognize the Power of Words)
PRAY: That we will use our Words well
Words should not be spoken against the Son of Man. If we are around adults who are speaking against Jesus, we should avoid them. If we hear our children speaking against Jesus, we should correct them. If we witness words spoken on the television against Jesus - turn off the television!
Sunday, May 12, 2019
In Christ Is Life!
'In Christ Is Life.'
John 1:4.
a) In Christ was Life,
b) And that Life
c) Was the Light
d) Of all mankind.
(This QT reminds me that In Christ Is Life)
PRAY: For the Life that comes from knowing Christ.
'Christ Jesus - The Only Way To The Father.'
John 14:6.
a) Jesus said to him:
b) "I Am the Way,
c) "The Truth
d) "And the Life.
e) "No-one comes to the Father, except through Me.
(Through this Second one I find: Christ Jesus - The Only Way To The Father)
PRAY: To come to the Father through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the Light of all mankind. This is why there is urgency to preach the Gospel to all Nations during these times! The healthy Church should oversee and help raise support for all Missions, this is really a must. The Church that does not encourage or support Missions is surely an unhealthy Church.
Noah Had Three Sons!
'Noah Had Three Sons.'
Genesis 6:10.
a) Noah had three sons:
b) Shem.
c) Ham.
d) Japheth.
(This QT reminds me to read the Old Testament well)
PRAY: To God for understanding as you read the Old Testament.
'Created By God.'
Job 33:4.
a) The Spirit of God
b) Has made me;
c) The Breath of the Almighty
d) Gives me life.
(Through this Second one I know that we are Created By God)
PRAY: Giving thanks to God for who we are,
Ham, the son of Noah, was also in the Ark. He became the father of a good family and the land that he owned became famous in the Bible. His story encourages us that anyone who follows the Lord can have a testimony and record for His Glory. We should not reject the Love and Calling of God in and over our lives.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Finishing Well!
'Finishing Well.'
Acts 20:7.
a) On the first day of the week
b) We came together
c) To break bread.
d) Paul spoke to the people
e) And, because he intended to leave the next day,
f) Kept on talking until midnight.
(Through this QT I know that Apostle Paul wanted to be finishing well)
PRAY: That, as True Believers, we will all be Finishing Well, whatever we are doing.
'Trust The God Of Hope.'
Romans 15:13.
a) May the God of Hope
b) Fill you with all Joy and Peace
c) As you trust in Him,
d) So that you may overflow with Hope
e) By the Power of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one calls me to Trust The God Of Hope)
PRAY: To have Hope from the God of Hope.
It is always right for the True Believer to have Hope. Having Hope helps us to finish well in our Christian life, ministry and walk with the Lord. Hope is something that the enemy of our souls wants to subtly rob us of. We need to hold on to our Hope. A daily consistent Quiet Time and a Faithful Christian life really help us to hold on to our Hope.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Christ The Creator!
'Christ The Creator.'
John 1:3.
a) Through Christ
b) All things were made;
c) Without Him
d) Nothing was made
e) That has been made.
(This QT again points me to Christ The Creator)
PRAY: Our prayers in Faith, Believing in the Name of Christ the Creator.
'God Speaks To Us By His Son.'
Hebrews 1:2.
a) In these last days
b) God has spoken to us
c) By His Son,
d) Whom He has appointed Heir of all things,
e) And through Whom
f) He made the universe.
(This Second one reminds me that God Speaks To Us By His Son)
PRAY: To the Father, in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ)
We should not neglect our Prayer life if we are True Believers. We Pray our Prayers in Faith, believing in the Name of Christ our Creator. The Bible tells us that Christ is the Creator of all things and also the Heir of all things. This means that all things are under the control of Christ. Let us pray confidently in Christ's Name. The picture show us a quiet place where we can Pray, we should all have a quiet and personal Prayer place, wherever we may be.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Noah And His Family!
'Noah And His Family.'
Genesis 6:9.
a) This is the history of Noah's family.
b) He was a good man all his life,
c) And he always followed God.
(This QT makes me happy to read the introduction to the life of Noah And His Family)
PRAY: For the fathers in your Church to always follow God.
'Men Who Live Under A Curse.'
2 Peter 2:14.
a) Every time they look at a woman,
b) They want her.
c) They are always sinning this way.
d) And they lead weaker people into the trap of sin.
e) They have taught themselves well to be greedy.
f) They are under a curse.
(Through this Second one I find Men Who Live Under A Curse)
PRAY: That no man in your Church or Family would Live Under A Curse.
There are many families that are suffering today because the head of the family is living under a curse! Living with an unresolved sin problem can easily lead to the next step, it may bring a curse. The powerful ministry of the Word of God, Prayer, and if necessary, Deliverance, can lead to freedom from living under a curse.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Fear Not!'
'Fear Not.'
Isaiah 41:10.
a) Fear not,
b) For I am with you;
c) Be not dismayed,
d) For I am your God;
e) I will strengthen you,
f) I will help you,
g) I will uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand.
(Through this QT I am exhorted to Fear Not)
PRAY: To reject ungodly fear from our lives.
'Creator Christ.'
John 1:3.
a) Through Christ all things were made;
b) Without Him
c) Nothing was made
d) That has been made.
(This Second one reminds me of Creator Christ)
PRAY: To more appreciate and Worship Creator Christ.
This exhortation is given to all True Believers: Fear Not! How easy it is to become afraid of people that we do not need to be afraid of. This can happen anywhere and about anything. It especially may come when we sense danger, or have to meet new Authority figures in our life for the first time. God will strengthen us in such situations and He will give us Wisdom.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
In The Beginning!
'In The Beginning.'
John 1:1-2.
a) In the beginning was the Word,
b) And the Word was with God,
c) And the Word was God.
d) He was in the beginning with God.
(This QT reminds me what was In The Beginning)
PRAY: To Believe and Understand In The Beginning.
'The Alpha And Omega.'
Revelation 1:8.
a) "I am the Alpha and Omega,"
b) Says the Lord God.
c) "Who is
d) "And Who was,
e) "And Who is to come,
f) "The Almighty."
(Through this Second one I thank God for He is The Alpha And Omega.)
PRAY: With Thanksgiving to The Alpha And Omega.
We should always remember that the Lord is also The Alpha And Omega. This means that He is totally consistent, He never changes. He is the 'Ever Faithful One.' He is so because He says He is so. We have no reason to doubt this Truth. The Alpha And Omega means the Beginning and the End. We serve, worship and love The Alpha And Omega.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Noah Was Special!
'Noah Was Special.'
Genesis 6:8.
a) But Noah
b) Found favor
c) In the eyes of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that Noah Was Special)
PRAY: For God's Favor in our daily life.
'Bring Up This People?'
Exodus 33:12-20.
a) Exodus 33:12. Moses questioned God about his own ability, 'How could he lead all the people?'
b) Exodus 33:12. 'You need to tell me more.' Was Moses response.
c) Exodus 33:13. 'If I have found favor in your sight, show me Your Ways.'
d) Exodus 33:14. God said: 'My Presence shall go with you and I will give you rest.'
e) Exodus 33:15. Moses said: 'If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.'
f) Exodus 33:16. 'For how shall it be known that we have found favor in Your Sight? Is it not in Your going with us?'
g) Exodus 33:16. 'We are distinct from every other people on the face of the Earth.
h) Exodus 33:17. The Lord said to Moses: 'This very thing that you have spoken I will do.
i) Exodus 33:17. 'You have found favor in My Sight, and I know you by name.'
j) Exodus 33:18. Moses said: 'Please show me Your Glory.'
k) Exodus 33:19-20.
1} i) v19. And the Lord said to Moses: 'I will make all My Goodness pass before you.
ii) 'I will proclaim before you My Name, "The Lord".'
v19. iii) 'I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show Mercy to whom I will show Mercy.'
v20. 'But you cannot see My Face, for man shall not see My Face and live.'
(This Second one reveals how God wanted to give assurance to Moses so that he could: Bring Up This People!)
PRAY: For assurance from God to do His Will.
'You have found favor in My Sight, and I know you by name.' These words from the Lord must have given great assurance to the nervous and humble Moses. There are times when, even today, the Lord speaks such Words to His People. These Words come from Him especially when we are confronted by change in our lives through following His Will. We need to 'keep our eyes on Jesus' and follow Him always, not listening to the 'pull' of human voices, but listen first to God.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Commence Prayer Correctly!
'Commence Prayer Correctly.'
Matthew 6:9.
a) This, then, is how you should pray:
b) "Our Father in Heaven,
c) "Hallowed be Your Name."
(This QT reminds me to Commence Prayer Correctly)
PRAYER: To follow the Bible instructions about Prayer well.
'Compassion And Mercy.'
Acts 16:18.
a) She kept this up for many days.
b) Finally Paul became so annoyed
c) That he turned around and said to the spirit,
d) "In the Name of Jesus Christ
e) "I command you to come out of her."
f) And it came out that very hour.
(Through this Second one I see Compassion And Mercy)
PRAY: For your Church to have Compassion And Mercy.
There are all kinds of "Prayer Movements" and books written on the subject of Prayer and that is really commendable. I hope that these books can be translated into many modern languages. One thing about Prayer that is very important is that we follow the Bible instructions about Prayer well, especially through the Teachings of the Lord Jesus.
The Human Face!
'The Human Face. (1)'
a) Isaiah 3:9. The look on their faces gives them away.
b) Ecclesiastes 8:1. A man' Wisdom makes his face shine.
c) Song of Solomon 2:14. Some people have a lovely face.
d) Isaiah 16:4. We need shelter from the face of the spoiler.
e) Isaiah 27:6. Israel shall fill the face of the earth with fruit.
f) Isaiah 50:7. ...I have set My Face like a flint,...
g) Jeremiah 2:27. God's People set their backs to Him and not their face.
h) Jeremiah 22:25. Sometimes creates fear.
i) Jeremiah 32:4. Speak with him face to face.
j) Jeremiah 32:33. We should turn our face to God and not our back.
k) Ezekiel 1:28. We fall on our face to hear the Voice of the Lord.
l) Ezekiel 3:8. God can make our face strong against our enemies.
m) Ezekiel 28:21. '...set your face against Sidon and prophesy against her.
n) Ezekiel 29:2. '...set your face against Pharaoh King of Egypt.
o) Ezekiel 35:2. '...set your face against Mount Seir.
p) Ezekiel 38:18. God says: 'My fury I will show in My face.
q) Daniel 2:46. King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face.
r) Daniel 3:19. King Nebuchadnezzar was full of fury and his facial expression changed.
s) Daniel 8:17. I was afraid and fell on my face.
t) Daniel 8:18. I was in a deep sleep with my face to the ground.
u) Daniel 9:3. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications.
v) Daniel 9:8. Oh Lord, to us belongs shame of face because we have sinned against You.
w) Daniel 10:9. Yet I heard the sound of His Words, and while I heard the sound of His Words I was in a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the ground.
x) Daniel 10:15. When he had spoken such words to me, I turned my face toward the ground and became speechless.
y) 2 Corinthians 3.18. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
z) Galatians 2:11. Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed.
(This QT tells me some things about The Human Face)
PRAY: For our face to be right before God.
'The Human Face (2).'
a) 1 Thessalonians 2:17. But we, brethren, having been taken away from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored more eagerly to see your face with great desire.
b) 1 Thessalonians 3:10. Night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your Faith.
c) 2 John 1:12; 3 John 1:14. Having many things to write to you, i did not with to do so with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you and speak face to face, that our Joy may be full.
(Through this Second one I see the necessity of face to face communication)
PRAY: For good face-to-face communications with other people as and when necessary.
It is always right to pray that we do away with a face of pretense and have a face that is right before God. A face of pretense is actually a lying face, I am sure that God is not pleased about that! If we have the habit of putting on a face of pretense, we need to pray and repent of it, then we can have a good and honest face.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Action Based On Regret!
'Action Based On Regret!'
Genesis 6:7.
a) So the Lord said:
b) "I will wipe from the Face of the Earth
c) "The human race I have created -
d) "And with them -
i) The animals.
ii) The birds.
iii) The creatures that move along the ground.
e) For I regret that I have made them.
(This QT teaches me about God's Action Based On Regret)
PRAY: To take any necessary correct Actions that may be Based On Regret.
'I Will Heal And Restore.'
Jeremiah 30:17.
a) "But I will restore you
b) "To health,
c) "And heal your wounds,"
d) Declares the Lord.
(Through this Second one I have confidence in the Lord Who says: "I will Heal and Restore."
PRAY: For health and restoration according to the Lord's Promise.
There are clearly some actions that God takes which are based on His Regret. This is a Truth which can also model our lives in healthy ways. Really, actions based on regret are repentance. This is a word which God uses about Himself. There are surely times in our lives when we need to repent and take actions according to God's Word and Will for us, rather than just struggling with our own ways.
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The Christian Life!
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