The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, February 28, 2019
God Is Our Witness!
'God Is Our Witness.'
Job 16:19.
a) Even now,
b) Look!
c) My Witness is in Heaven.
d) And the One Who testifies for me
e) Is above.
(This QT reminds me that God Is Our Witness)
PRAY: For confidence in God today.
'Genuine And Authentic Gospel Ministry.'
1 Thessalonians 1:5.
a) The Good News we brought
b) Came to you not only with Words
c) But also with Power,
d) And with the Holy Spirit,
e) And with complete certainty.
f) In the same way,
g) You know what kind of people
h) We were while we were with you
i) And the good things
j) We did for you.
(Through this Second one I find Genuine And Authentic Gospel Ministry)
PRAY: For Genuine And Authentic Gospel Ministry in your Church.
The One Who testifies for us is Above. One of the many reasons that we can trust in God is that He is our Witness and He Testifies on our behalf. There are some matters in life that we just need to leave with Him. As we read our Bibles and Pray we understand the things that we are to leave with Him. Having Faith does not mean that we are to be like human activists, firstly we are to Trust in God and Pray.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
A Costly Misconception!
'A Costly Misconception.'
Mark 12:5-6.
a) So the man sent another,
b) Whom the tenants killed.
c) The man sent many others.
d) The tenants beat some of them and killed others
e) The man had one person left to send,
f) His son, whom he loved
g) He sent him last of all,
h) Saying, 'They will respect my son".
(This QT reveals A Costly Misconception)
PRAY: To be alert and understanding in every situation of life.
'Without A True Knowledge Of God.'
Romans 1:28.
a) And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God,
b) God gave them over to a depraved mind
c) To do what should not be done, the things that are improper.
(This Second one teaches me what happens to people Without A True Knowledge Of God)
PRAY: For the family members and neighbors who are Without A True Knowledge Of God.
The tenant farmers (tenants) were really evil people. Their actions proved that they were dishonest, greedy and sinful. If we are in the situation that we have tenants in, or on, our property, we really need to pray for the right, good and honest tenants to be there. Bad tenants can create many problems.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Let Her Be Redeemed!
'Let Her Be Redeemed.'
Exodus 21:7-8.
a) When a man sells his daughter as a slave,
b) She shall not go out as the male slaves do.
c) If she does not please her master,
d) Who has designated her for himself,
e) Then he shall let her be redeemed.
f) He shall have no right to sell her to foreign people,
g) Since he has broken faith with her.
(This QT reveals the Righteousness and Compassion of God's Instructions - Let Her Be Redeemed)
PRAY: For female slaves across the World to be treated well and fairly by their owners.
'God Brought Us Into Being.'
James 1:18.
a) By His Own Will
b) He brought us into being
c) Through the Word of Truth,
d) So that we should have first place
e) Among all His creatures.
(Through this Second one I understand that God Brought Us Into Being)
PRAY: That we will be faithful to The Word Of Truth.
God is compassionate and understanding of the Creation that He has made. For the female slave of the master in Bible times, God allowed her to be redeemed if she did not please her owner/master/boss. In many Nations across the World, this kind of situation still exists. We should Pray for the Salvation of slaves.
Monday, February 25, 2019
The Sun And The Moon!
'The Sun And The Moon.'
Genesis 1:17-18.
a) God set the Sun and the Moon in the expanse of the heavens
b) To give light on the Earth.
c) To rule over the day and over the night,
d) And to separate the light from the darkness.
e) And God saw that it was good.
(Through this QT I know that both The Sun And The Moon in place were something that God saw was good)
PRAY: That we will affirm what God has set, that it is good.
'Those People Born Of The Spirit.'
John 3:8.
a) The wind blows where it wishes,
b) And you hear its sound,
c) But you do not hear where it comes from,
d) Or where it goes.
e) So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.
(This Second one reveals to me something about Those People Born Of The Spirit)
PRAY: To be Born Of The Spirit.
God gives Light upon the Earth. We should be able to give thanksgiving to God for all that He has done and all that He does now. We, both physically and spiritually do not have to live in darkness because God gives Light. One time, I visited Alaska, I could experience physically what it is like to live in darkness. To live perpetually in darkness is a difficult and emotionally draining expeience.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
An Innocent Person Mistreated!
'An Innocent Person Mistreated.'
Mark 12:4.
a) Again he sent to them another servant,
b) And they struck him on the head
c) And treated him shamefully.
(This QT shows to me An Innocent Person Mistreated)
PRAY: For people being mistreated in your Nation today.
'Love Is From God.'
1 John 4:7.
a) Beloved, let us love one another,
b) For love is from God,
c) And whoever loves
d) Has been born of God
e) And knows God.
(Through this Second one I know that Love Is From God)
PRAY: To see more of the evidence of Love in our Church.
Love is from God. He is the Initiator of Love because the Bible tells us that God so Loved the World that He gave His only Son to come here and to Redeem us. This is why the Bible frequently, with words, magnifies the Love of God. It is Satan, not God, who comes to steal, rob and destroy. We can overcome Satan through the Blood of the Lamb - God's only Son - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
For God, For Master And For Family!
'For God, For Master And For Family.'
Exodus 21:4-6.
a) Exodus 21:4. If his master gives him a wife while he was a slave and they had sons or daughters, then only the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master.
b) Exodus 21:5. But the slave may declare: "I love my master, my wife and my children. I don't want to go free."
c) Exodus 21:6. If the slave does this, his master must present him before God. Then his master must take him to the door or doorpost and publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave will serve his master for life.
(This QT teaches me about serving: For God, For Master And For Family)
PRAY: For ourselves that, if possible, we will be good servants for God, for master and for family.
'Hope Does Not Put Us To Shame.'
Romans 5:5.
a) This confident Hope of Salvation
b) Does not put us to shame
c) Because God's Love has been poured
d) Into our hearts
e) Through the Holy Spirit
f) Who has been given to us.
(This Second one helps me to understand that Hope Does Not Put Us To Shame)
PRAY: To have a confident Hope of Salvation.
Becoming a servant for life was a very meaningful thing in the days of the Bible, it meant that the servant served their master for life. It is actually, also, an excellent type of the place of the True Believer who serves God. This serving God, in whatever form the service takes, is truly a lifetime thing.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Hide God's Word In Our Heart!
'Hide God's Word In Our Heart.'
Psalm 119:11.
a) I have hidden Your word
b) In my heart,
c) That I might not sin against You.
(This QT encourages me to Hide God's Word In My Heart)
PRAY: For God's Word to help us to overcome sin.
'No Sliding.'
Psalm 37:31.
a) The Law of God
b) Is in his heart;
c) None of his steps
d) Shall slide.
(This Second one is a good counsel from God: No Sliding)
PRAY: For God's Word to dwell deeply in our heart.
The Law of God is something that every True Believer should treasure. Reading God's Law helps us to understand and obey Him more. In the New Covenant we are not under the Law, but the Law reveals to us God's Heart and Principles. I am not a legalist, I simply love and want to understand more of God's Ways.
The Risk Involved In Renting It Out!
'The Risk Involved In Renting It Out.'
Mark 12:1-3.
a) Mark 12:1. The Parable of the Vineyard.
b) Mark 12:1. The man planted a vineyard,
c) Mark 12:1. He prepared everything well.
d) Mark 12:1. He leased it out to tenant farmers,
e) Mark 12:1. Then he went away to a far country.
f) Mark 12:2. When the season for harvest came,
g) Mark 12:2. He sent a messenger to the tenant farmers
h) Mark 12:2. To collect some of the harvested fruit from those tenant farmers. (This was his share of the harvest.)
i) Mark 12:3. The tenant farmers:
1-Took the messenger.
2-Beat him up.
3-Sent him away empty-handed.
(Through this QT I find The Risk Involved In Renting It Out)
PRAY: For Wisdom in our business dealings.
'The Source Of The New Birth.'
1 Peter 1:23.
a) Since you have been Born Again,
b) Not of perishable seed
c) But of imperishable,
d) Through the Living and Abiding Word of God.
(This Second one reveals to me The Source Of The New Birth)
PRAY: For the Message of 'The New Birth' to be clearly presented in our Churches.
Harvests always have seasons, whether we consider fruit or crops, they have seasons. It is the same with spiritual 'harvests' when many folks come into the Churches and experience New Life in Jesus Christ. In fact there are some Churches that actually call this ingathering of folk 'harvest time'. We can be praying, as a Church, for this to happen.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Freedom For The Slave Family!
'Freedom For The Slave Family.'
Exodus 21:3.
a) If he (the slave) comes in single,
b) He shall go out single;
c) If he comes in married,
d) Then his wife shall go out with him.
(This QT again reveals God's Heart: Freedom For The Slave Family)
PRAY: For the salvation of slaves and their families in nations where slavery is still practiced.
'Born Again.'
John 3:7.
a) Do not marvel
b) That I said to you:
c) "You must be born again."
(This Second one is our Lord's Teaching: you must be born again)
PRAY: For clear Gospel teaching and preaching in our Churches.
In the days of the Old Testament slaves were often treated as a part of the family. If it was time for the family to move, under the instruction of the Lord, then the normal way was that the slaves moved with them. If the slave was already married when they became a slave, their spouse joined them in slavery, if the slave was single, they were to remain single throughout their time of slavery. This practice of treating the slaves as belonging to the family is still continued in some Nations today.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
We Should All Do This!
'We Should All Do This.'
Proverbs 7:1.
a) My son
b) Pay close attention
c) And don't forget
d) What I tell you to do.
(This QT reminds me that We Should All Do This)
PRAY: To pay close attention when we need to and not be distracted.
'No Form And No Light.'
Jeremiah 4:23.
a) I looked at the Earth
b) And it was formless and empty;
c) And at the Heavens,
d) And their light was gone.
(Through this Second one I understand that there was a time when there was No Form And No Light)
PRAY: For a clear understanding of the Holy Bible.
The Faith 'eyes' of a prophet are very accurate and astute. These 'eyes' see where most other eyes do not see. As the Church, the Body of Christ, we need to respect and to listen to those are recognized as prophets. Surely, these people are few in number but the Church today really needs them.
An Answer Coming From Fear!
'An Answer Coming From Fear.'
Mark 11:33.
a) Answering Jesus they said:
b) "We do not know."
c) And Jesus said to them:
d) "Nor will I tell you
e) "By what authority I do these things."
(This QT proves to me that An Answer Coming From Fear gets us nowhere)
PRAYER: To be free from fear in our fellowship with others and in our responses to the Lord.
'A Real Necessity.'
John 3:3.
a) Jesus replied:
b) "Very truly I tell you
c) "No one can see the Kingdom of God
d) "Unless they are born again."
(This Second one reveals to me A Real Necessity)
PRAYER: To be Born Again.
An answer coming from fear gets us nowhere. When we give this kind of answer, we may really miss out on God's best plan for our lives. There are many people in the Churches and in the World system today that are hindered by fear. There is an answer to this problem: God's Perfect Love removes all fear.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
A Time To Be Free!
'A Time To Be Free.'
Exodus 21:2.
a) If you buy a Hebrew servant,
b) He is to serve you for six years.
c) But in the seventh year,
d) He shall go free
e) Without paying anything.
(This QT teaches me that in the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, God's desire is that there be A Time To Be Free)
PRAY: For your Church members to understand that through the Gospel there is A Time To Be Free for all True Believers.
'According To His Mercy.'
Titus 3:5.
a) Not by works of righteousness which we have done,
b) But according to His Mercy
c) He Saved us,
d) By the washing of regeneration,
e) And renewing of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reminds me that According To His Mercy the Lord Saved me)
PRAY: Thanking God for the Gift of Salvation, given by the Lord, According To His Mercy.
Even in the days of the Old Testament, God's Heart and Desire was to give Freedom to people. This Old Testament Freedom was a type and picture of the Freedom that we have in Jesus Christ today. The picture at the top of this QT is of a plane, some people think that getting into a plane and flying away is going to give them "freedom", it may give temporary pleasure, but it will not give Freedom. Our Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us and rose again so that we can live in true Eternal Freedom!
Monday, February 18, 2019
The New Self!
'The New Self.'
Colossians 3:10.
a) And have been clothed with the new man
b) That is being renewed in knowledge
c) According to the Image
d) Of the One
e) Who created it.
(Through this QT I thank God for The New Self)
PRAYER: For God's continued process to take place in your life.
'A Way For Transformation Of Self.'
Romans 12:2.
a) Do not be conformed to this world,
b) But be transformed
c) By the renewing of your mind.
d) Then you will be able to discern
e) What is the good, pleasing, and perfect
f) Will of God.
(This Second one reveals to me A Way For Transformation Of Self)
PRAYER: To be renewed in your mind.
When we are actively being clothed with the New Man that is made available to us in Jesus Christ, a process from God takes place in our life, we are being renewed. This renewal is very specific, we are being made more like Jesus. The Scriptures tell us that this is the Will of God for every True Believer.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
The Leaders' Fear Of People!
'The Leaders' Fear Of People.'
Mark 11:32.
a) "But we can't say (to Jesus)
b) "That John's Baptism was from someone else."
c) These leaders were afraid of the people,
d) Because the people believed that John was a Prophet.
(This QT reveals The Leaders' Fear Of People)
PRAY: For our Church and Fellowship Leaders to be free from the Fear Of People.
'The Only Thing That Matters.'
Galatians 6:15.
a) It doesn't matter
b) If anyone is circumcised or not.
c) The only thing that matters
d) Is this New Life
e) We have from God.
(This Second one teaches me The Only Thing That Matters)
PRAY: That we will concentrate on The Only Thing That Matters.
The Gospels were written and translated in such a way that the vast majority of people could, and can, understand them. This standard of understanding remains until today. For those people who are new to Bible Reading, many people suggest reading Mark's Gospel first and then Psalms as a personal Bible Reading Plan.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
God's Word Presented Clearly!
'God's Word Presented Clearly.'
Exodus 21:1.
a) These are
b) The Regulations
c) You must present
d) To Israel.
(This QT shows the Lord's Heart: God's Word Presented Clearly)
PRAY: That in our Churches and Fellowships we will have God's Word Presented Clearly.
'A New Person.'
2 Corinthians 5:17.
a) This means
b) That anyone who belongs to Christ
c) Has become a new person.
d) The old life has gone;
e) A new life has begun!
(This Second one reminds me that if anyone belongs to Christ, they have become A New Person)
PRAY: For the Truths of God's Word to be preached in our Churches and Fellowships.
The Lord gave regulations to His Old Testament people because they had no idea how to lead the kind of life that was pleasing to Him. Today, in these days of the New Testament, God gives us His Word which teaches us how to follow and obey Him. We should regularly be thanking God for His Word.
Friday, February 15, 2019
David's Prayer At A Difficult Time!
'David's Prayer At A Difficult Time.'
Psalm 25:16.
a) Turn to me
b) And be gracious to me,
c) For I am lonely and afflicted.
(This QT reveals David's Prayer At A Difficult Time)
PRAY: For those people you know that are having a difficult time.
'The Lord's Promises To Rescue Those Who Turn From Sin.'
Isaiah 59:20.
a) The Lord has promised to rescue
b) The City of Zion
c) And Jacob's descendants
d) Who turn from their sin.
(Through this Second one I find The Lord's Promises To Those Who Turn From Sin)
PRAY: For people in your environment to turn from sin if they need to.
It is not always possible for us to physically or conversationally help people who are having a difficult time, even though we may want to help them practically. Even though we may not be able to help them in those ways, we can help them by and through interceding for them. We still believe in the power of pure Prayer.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
The Religious People's Discussion!
'The Religious People's Discussion.'
Mark 11:31.
a) They discussed this among themselves.
b) They said:
c) "If we say 'from Heaven',
d) "He will ask
e) " 'Then why did you not believe him.' "
(This QT reveals The Religious People's Discussion)
PRAY: That our Fellowship Discussions will be helpful.
'Jesus Recognized.'
Matthew 22:18.
a) Jesus recognized their evil plan
b) So He asked:
c) "Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?"
(This Second one gives me confidence in Jesus Christ because Jesus Recognized)
PRAY: To have confidence in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ our Lord recognizes all of our plans. Some of these plans have actually been given to us by Himself. Whether they are good plans given by the Lord, our own plans, or some kind of evil plan that has been suggested to us, the Lord knows them all. It is really good and reasonable for us not just to 'go ahead' without consulting Him.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Do Not Use Steps!
'Do Not Use Steps.'
Exodus 20:26.
a) And you must not go up by steps
b) To My Altar
c) So that your nakedness is not exposed.
(This QT exhorts me to have careful modesty in God's House... Do Not Use Steps.)
PRAYER: For modesty to be maintained in your Church.
'Fear God In The Assembly.'
Psalm 89:7.
a) God is greatly to be feared
b) In the Assembly of the Saints,
c) And to be had in reverence
d) Of all them that are about Him.
(Through this Second one I am reminded to Fear God In The Assembly)
PRAYER: For Grace to enable us to Fear God In The Assembly.
There may be times when we are tempted to use "short cuts" in the Worship Services of our Churches. It may seem to be efficient, but are those "short cuts" taking away from God's Glory in some way? We really need to treasure the Presence of God in our Churches, rather then just be efficient or economize.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
They Learned To Ask The Lord!
'They Learned To Ask The Lord.'
Judges 1:1.
a) After the death of Joshua,
b) The Israelites asked the Lord:
c) "Who of us
d) "Is to go up first
e) "To fight against the Canaanites?"
(This QT reveals that They Learned To Ask The Lord)
PRAYER: Ask the Lord when we need to)
'The Authority Of Eleazar The Priest.'
Numbers 27:21.
a) And he shall stand before Eleazar, the Priest,
b) Whom he shall consult in the judgment of Urim before the Lord
c) At his word they shall go out,
d) And a his word they shall come in,
e) Both he and all the sons of Israel with him,
f) Even all the congregation.
(Through this Second one I find The Authority Of Eleazar The Priest)
PRAYER: For the pure authority of our Spiritual Leaders.
Even the Israelites of the Old Testament, when they were in good spiritual condition, had learned to ask and trust the Lord. This is am important lesson for us today! We need to ask and trust the Lord when it is necessary.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Jesus' Pointed Question!
'Jesus' Pointed Question.'
Mark 11:30.
a) Did John's authority to baptise come from Heaven?
b) Or was it merely human?
c) Answer Me!
(This QT reveals Jesus' Pointed Question)
PRAY: To understand the questions from and of Jesus.
'Greater - So Much Greater.'
Mark 1:7.
a) John announced:
b) "Someone is coming soon Who is greater than I am -
c) "So much greater
d) "That I am not even worthy
e) "To stoop down like a slave
f) "And untie the straps of His sandals."
(Through this Second one I can identify that Jesus Christ is Greater - So Much Greater)
PRAY: To fully realize Who Jesus Christ is.
Jesus Christ our Lord truly is so much greater than anyone else who has walked upon the face of this Earth. He was, He is and He ever shall be the Greatest One. John the Baptist had this understanding of Jesus Christ. John, who penned the Book of Revelation, had the same understanding. We should never belittle Jesus Christ, or be "over-familiar" with Him. He is, and always will be our Lord and Saviour and the Creator of the Universe.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
God's Altar!
'God's Altar.'
Exodus 20:25.
a) If you make me an altar of stone.
b) You shall not build it with hewn stones,
c) For if you wield your tool on it
d) You profane it.
(This QT reveals God's Plan for His Altar)
PRAY: For our personal and corporate Worship.
'David's Confidence In God.'
Acts 2:25.
a) For David says concerning God:
b) "I saw the Lord
c) "Always before me,
d) "For He is at my right hand
e) "That I may not be shaken."
(Through this Second one I admire David's Confidence In God)
PRAY: For personal Confidence In God.
We cannot manipulate an encounter with the Lord. All such encounters come solely from His Initiative. What we can do is to seek Him in Prayer. God is always Faithful and as we seek Him, surely we will find Him. May God be so real to all those people who read this.
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Our Hope!
'Our Hope.'
Hebrews 6:19.
a) We have this Hope
b) As an anchor for the soul,
c) Firm and secure.
d) It enters the Inner Sanctuary
e) Behind the curtain.
(This QT encourages me about Our Hope)
PRAYER: To hold on to Our Hope.
'When God's Hand Is At Work.'
Exodus 1:20-21.
a) So God was kind to the midwives
b) And the people increased
c) And became even more numerous,
d) And because the midwives feared God,
e) He gave them families of their own.
(This Second one teaches me what happens When God's Hand Is At Work)
PRAYER: For the Kindness of God to be manifested.
When the people of the Lord increase, we can be sure that the Lord is pleased with them and is Blessing them. This is evidenced today all over the World. There are many testimonies, both written and told, of the Blessings that occur when the Lord is pleased with His People. Let us aim to please Him with our lives and words.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Jesus' Brilliant Reply To His Accusers!
'Jesus' Brilliant Reply To His Accusers.'
Mark 11:29.
a) "I will ask you one question;
b) "Answer Me,
c) "And I will tell you
d) "By what Authority I do these things."
(This QT reveals Jesus' Brilliant Reply To His Accusers)
PRAY: That we will have the correct response to our accusers.
'Jesus Christ - The Perfect Servant.'
Isaiah 52:13.
a) Behold,
b) My Servant shall act wisely;
c) He shall be high and lifted up,
d) And shall be exalted.
(Through this Second one I find: Jesus Christ - The Perfect Servant)
PRAY: That Servants of the Lord will learn from Jesus Christ - The Perfect Servant.
We are exhorted several times in the Scripture to "Behold the Lord"! This is a very beneficial spiritual exercise. Too many times we think that we "know it all" and we miss, because of our pride, the very things that the Lord wants to say to us. It is very clear that we do not "know it all".
I Will Come Down To Bless You!
'I Will Come Down To Bless You.'
Exodus 20:24.
a) Build an altar out of Earth,
b) And offer on it your sacrifices of:
c) Wherever I choose to be Worshipped,
d) I will come down to Bless you.
(This QT teaches me something of God's Heart: I Will Come Down To Bless You)
PRAY: For your life to be ready to receive God's Blessing
'John Came.'
John 1:7.
a) To tell people
b) About the Light.
c) To lead all people
d) To have Faith.
(This Second one teaches me why John Came)
PRAY: For Boldness to tell people about the Light.
Telling people about our Faith story is really a part of our daily Christian walk, especially if we live and walk among people! The fact that God gives us a social life, rather than a lonely life, is a proof of His Desire for us to be Living Witnesses of the Lord. This means that He leads us and we do not manufacture or manipulate a way. We simply live as a Daily Witness of the Lord!
Monday, February 4, 2019
In Close Fellowship With God!
'In Close Fellowship With God.'
Genesis 5:24.
a) Enoch was walking in close fellowship with God.
b) Then,
c) One day he disappeared,
d) Because God took Him.
(This QT challenges me to be In Close Fellowship With God)
PRAY: To have Close Fellowship With God.
'Whoever Finds Wisdom.'
Proverbs 8:35.
a) For whoever finds Wisdom
b) Finds Life
c) And receives Favor
d) From the Lord.
(Through this Second one I read about Whoever Finds Wisdom)
PRAY: To find Wisdom.
Wisdom is not something that just 'comes' naturally. Wisdom is something is to be found. Wisdom can be found as a Spiritual Gift Wisdom can be gained through education. Wisdom can be passed on to their children by wise parents. The Bible encourages us to "get" Wisdom.
Who Gave You This Authority?
'Who Gave You This Authority?'
Mark 11:28.
a) They asked:
b) "What kind of Authority do You have
c) "For doing these things?"
(This QT reveals to me how the religious leaders questioned the Authority of Jesus Christ)
PRAY: To wholeheartedly accept the Authority of The Lord Jesus Christ.
'We Treated Them Well!'
1 Samuel 25:7.
a) "I have heard that you are now shearing sheep,
b) "As you know, your shepherds were with us in the wilderness.
c) "We didn't mistreat them.
d) "Moreover,
e) "The whole time they were at Carmel,
f) "Nothing of theirs went missing."
(This Second one reveals a good testimony: We Treated Them Well!)
PRAY: That we will not mistreat other people.
We should never mistreat, or take advantage of another person's labour force, however large or small that force may be! Another person's labour force belongs to them and not to us. It sometimes embarrasses me when I see a person taking advantage of another person's labour force, this wrongful 'taking advantage of' should not happen!
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...