'God Spoke From Heaven.'
Exodus 20:22.
a) The Lord said to Moses:
b) "Thus you shall say to the people of Israel:
c) " 'You have seen for yourselves
d) " 'That I have talked with you
e) " 'From Heaven.'"
(This QT tells me that God Spoke From Heaven)
PRAY: That we would be sensitive to God's speaking to us, however He does it.
'The Lord Is A Teacher.'
Psalm 119:102.
a) I have not departed
b) From Your Laws,
c) For You Yourself
d) Have taught me.
(This Second one shows me that The Lord Is A Teacher)
King David made a decision that he would not depart from God's Laws. He made some mistakes and sometimes failed. (All people have sinned and come short of God's Glory.) Despite these few failures, David followed God's Will in the best way that he could. It is a lesson for us ... We should follow God's Will in the best way that we can.
The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Jesus Was Used To The Crowds!
'Jesus Was Used To The Crowds.'
Matthew 8:1.
a) When Jesus came down from the mountain (after His Teaching time).
b) Large Crowds followed Him.
c) Matthew 4:25. These crowds came from various places. (They already had heard news about Him)
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Was Used To The Crowds)
PRAY: For crowds again to come to Jesus.
'An Amazing Dinner Time.'
Matthew 9:10.
a) While Jesus was having dinner
b) At Matthew's house,
c) Many tax collectors and sinners
d) Came and ate
e) With Him and His Disciples.
(This Second one shows me An Amazing Dinner Time)
THANK GOD: For the Presence of the Lord at our meal times.
Jesus in the house! He was always happy to visit homes and I am sure today that He loves to be present in our homes by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes Believers have a picture in their homes which says: 'Jesus is the Head of this home.' That is a very clear Message to all who may visit the home. It is also a good testimony.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Mark 11:26.
a) But if you do not forgive,
b) Neither will your Father Who is in Heaven.
c) Forgive your trespasses.
(This QT reminds me of the importance to Forgive when necessary.)
PRAY: To forgive others in Prayer where necessary.
'Aaron, Please Do This.'
Leviticus 22:1-2.
a) The Lord spoke to Moses:
b) "Tell Aaron and his sons to deal respectfully with the Holy Offerings of the Israelites
c) "That they have consecrated to Me,
d) "So that they do not profane My Holy Name;
e) "I am the Lord."
(This Second one reveals to me the Lord's heart: Aaron, Please Do This)
PRAY: For an obedient heart to the Lord.
The Churches and Ministries should deal respectfully with the Offerings of God's People. Primarily these offerings are made to God and we should not forget that. When tithes and offerings are put to questionable and unscriptural use havoc may be caused within the Church. The financial department of the Church needs to be pure and well cared for. It is not for Ministers or others to interfere,
Mark 11:26.
a) But if you do not forgive,
b) Neither will your Father Who is in Heaven.
c) Forgive your trespasses.
(This QT reminds me of the importance to Forgive when necessary.)
PRAY: To forgive others in Prayer where necessary.
'Aaron, Please Do This.'
Leviticus 22:1-2.
a) The Lord spoke to Moses:
b) "Tell Aaron and his sons to deal respectfully with the Holy Offerings of the Israelites
c) "That they have consecrated to Me,
d) "So that they do not profane My Holy Name;
e) "I am the Lord."
(This Second one reveals to me the Lord's heart: Aaron, Please Do This)
PRAY: For an obedient heart to the Lord.
The Churches and Ministries should deal respectfully with the Offerings of God's People. Primarily these offerings are made to God and we should not forget that. When tithes and offerings are put to questionable and unscriptural use havoc may be caused within the Church. The financial department of the Church needs to be pure and well cared for. It is not for Ministers or others to interfere,
Not So Simple!
Not So Simple!
a) Mark 11:29. Jesus said to them: "I will ask you one question and you answer Me, then I will tell you by what Authority I do these things.
b) 1 Samuel 17:29. It was just a harmless question.
c) 2 Chronicles 31:9. Hezekiah questioned the Priests and Levites about the heaps.
d) Job 40:10. You question the Almighty.
e) Jeremiah 38:27. They stopped questioning Jeremiah.
f) Matthew 21:24. Jesus asked a question.
g) Matthew 22:23. The Sadducees asked Jesus a question.
h) Matthew 22:41. Jesus asked the Pharisees a question.
i) Matthew 22:46; Luke 20:40. No one was able to say a word to Him in answer, nor from that day on did anyone dare to question Him again.
j) Luke 23:9. And he questioned Him at some length, but Jesus made no reply.
k) John 8:7. They persisted in questioning Him.
l) John 18:21. Why question Me?
m) 1 Timothy 6:4. Avoid people that have a morbid interest in controversial questions.
(This QT teaches me what is Not So Simple)
PRAY: For wisdom when to answer questions and when not to answer them.
'It Is God Who Causes The Growth.'
1 Corinthians 3:7.
a) So neither he who plants is anything
b) Nor he who waters,
c) But only God
d) Who makes it grow and become greater.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is God Who Causes The Growth)
PRAY: For our Churches to grow healthily.
Pride is the recipe for the downfall of any Servant of God. God tells us in His Word that He hates pride. When pride is manifested in the Church it will either break the Church or cause the Church to decrease in numbers. Pride surely negates the Promises of God, causing emptiness in lives and in Churches. We need to repent of and reject all pride.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The People Remained At A Distance!
Exodus 20:21.
a) The people remained at a distance
b) While Moses approached
c) The thick darkness
d) Where God was.
(This QT reminds me that The People Remained At A Distance)
PRAY: That we will come close to God and not remain at a distance.
'An Appropriate Final Word.'
Ephesians 6:10.
a) Finally,
b) Be strong in the Lord
c) And in the strength
d) Of His Might.
(This Second one is An Appropriate Final Word)
PRAY: To be strong in the Lord.
Whenever Apostle Paul begins his summary with the word: 'Finally' that was going to be an important comment. It was the comment that he wanted to sink deep into the hearts of the people that he was writing to. So, whenever we come across this word in Paul's letters, we need to pay attention to what he is writing about.
When We Are Praying!
'When We Are Praying.'
Mark 11:25.
a) But when you are praying,
b) First forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against,
c) So that your Father in Heaven
d) Will forgive your sins too.
(This QT reminds me of something important When I Am Praying)
PRAY: To forgive anyone we are holding a grudge against.
'The Proud And Religious Pharisee's Prayer.'
Luke 18:11.
a) The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer:
b) "I thank you, God,
c) "That I am not a sinner like everyone else.
d) "For I don't cheat, I don't sin and I don't commit adultery.
e) "I am certainly not like that tax collector."
(This Second one reminds me about The Proud And Religious Pharisee's Prayer)
PRAY: Not to be like The Proud And Religious Pharisee.
It is always good to begin our regular Prayers with Thanksgiving. This is a pattern that we find in the Psalms and in the Prayer life of the Lord Jesus. Thanksgiving helps us to focus correctly to the Lord in our devotional Prayers. The Bible also enjoins us to Pray with Thanksgiving in both the Old and New Testaments.
Monday, January 28, 2019
The Authority Of Jesus Christ!
'The Authority Of Jesus Christ.'
a) Matthew 7:29; Mark 1:22. He taught with Authority.
b) Matthew 9:6; Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24. He has Authority to forgive sins.
c) Matthew 9:8. Caused people to Glorify God.
d) Matthew 21:23; Luke 20:2 & 8. Was questioned.
e) Matthew 28:18. Was total Authority.
f) Mark 1:27; Luke 4:36. Commanded evil spirits.
g) Mark 11:28. Was evident.
h) John 17:2. Is over all flesh.
i) 2 Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 2:26. He shared it with His Servants.
(This QT shows me The Authority Of Jesus Christ)
PRAY: That we will always submit to The Authority Of Jesus Christ.
'Apostle's Heart.'
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) Apostle Paul wrote these things being absent,
b) Lest, being present, he should use sharpness,
c) According to the Authority which the Lord had given to him
d) For edification and not for destruction.
(Through this Second one we find the Apostle's Heart)
PRAY: For the Servants of the Lord to have the right condition of heart before Him.
The influence of a good leader in the Body of Christ is felt, not only when this leader is present, but also when they are absent. We should pray for our leaders in our Churches and ministries to be effective and anointed by the Holy Spirit. The World-wide Church needs leaders that are going to pilot the Church through the daily 'waters of life'.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
The Purpose Of Our Test From God!
'The Purpose Of Our Test From God.'
Exodus 20:20.
a) Moses said to the people:
b) "Do not be afraid.
c) "God has come to test you,
d) "So that the Fear of God will be with you
e) "To keep you from sinning."
(This QT reveals The Purpose Of Our Test From God)
PRAY: To accept the tests that God gives to us.
'Have Discretion And Understanding.'
Proverbs 2:11.
a) Discretion
b) Will protect you,
c) And Understanding
d) Will guard you.
(Through this Second one I want to Have Discretion And Understanding)
PRAY: To Have Discretion And Understanding.
There are several different ways, mentioned in the Bible, through which God protects us. This is a very wonderful aspect of being a Believer in Him! We are made aware, many times, either during the time of God's Special Protection, that He is protecting us, or it may be after the time. But we can thank God that He protects us in, and according to, His Will.
The Word - The Creator!
'The Word - The Creator.'
John 1:3.
a) Psalm 33:6. All things were made by the Word,
b) Without the Word,
c) Nothing was made.
(This QT reminds me that Christ is The Word - The Creator)
PRAY: Giving Thanks to God for His Creation.
'John Was Very Happy!'
(What Made John Very Happy?)
1 John 1:3.
a) I was very happy
b) When some Believers came
c) And told us
d) That you are living according to the Truth.
(Through this Second one I realise that when True Believers live according to the Truth, that should make their genuine Leaders very happy!)
PRAY: That our Church and Fellowship members will Live According To The Truth.
Believers have Joy when they can bring Good News. This 'Good News' may be the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or other Biblical subjects. This Good News always is a Blessing and has Power to bring freedom into people's lives! Other 'good news' may be current news of known Servants of the Lord who are serving on the Mission field in some capacity.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Authority Problem!
'Authority Problem.'
Mark 11:27-28.
a) Jesus and His Disciples arrived again in Jerusalem.
b) As Jesus was walking in the Temple courts
c) There came to Him:
1-The Chief Priests.
2-The Teachers of the Law.
3-The Elders.
d) They asked Him: "By what authority are you doing these things? Who gave you authority to do this?
(This QT reveals to me an Authority Problem among the religious leaders)
PRAY: For your spiritual leaders to please God with their ministry.
'Healed And Saved.'
Jeremiah 17:14.
a) Heal me, O Lord,
b) And I will be healed.
c) Save me,
d) And I will be Saved.
e) For You are the One I praise.
(This Second one reveals the joy of being Healed And Saved)
PRAY: For your family and friends to be Healed And Saved - where appropriate!
May the major focus of our giving Praise and Thanksgiving be to the Lord! Of course we should give praise and thanks to people where and when that is necessary, and we should do that sincerely and joyfully. Our major focus of Praise and Thanksgiving, however, needs to be to the Lord!
Friday, January 25, 2019
The Fear Of God - Not The Fear Of Man!
'The Fear Of God - Not The Fear Of Man.'
Exodus 20:20.
a) Moses said to the people:
b) "Do not fear,
c) "For God has come to test you,
d) " That the Fear of Him may be before you
e) "So that you do not sin."
(This QT urges me to have The Fear Of God - Not The Fear nf Man)
PRAY: To have the Fear of God.
'Christ's Words Keep Us Right!'
John 16:1.
a) "I have told you all these things
b) "So that
c) "You will not fall away."
(This Second one reminds me that Christ's Words Keep Me Right)
PRAY: For an obedient will to follow Christ's Words.
The Words that Jesus Christ spoke to His Disciples whilst He was with them on the Earth were always so helpful for them. The same Words are also very helpful for us! (We, as Believers, cannot do without them!) We should not neglect our Bible Reading, it is the major way in which God speaks to us.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Speak To Us Yourself!
'Speak To Us Yourself.'
Exodus 20:19.
a) The people said to Moses:
b) "Speak to us yourself
c) "And we will listen.
d) "But do not have God speak to us
e) "Or we will die."
(This QT reveal the Fear of God in the hearts of His People: Speak To Us Yourself.)
PRAYER: To have the Fear of God in our heart.
Genesis 32:30.
a) Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:
b) "For", he said,
c) "I have seen God Face-to-face,
d) "and my life is preserved."
(Through this Second one I understand the meaning of the place-name Peniel)
PRAY: To experience our own "Peniel" in some way.
"Peniel" is indeed a meaningful name. It is the name of the Church where I received the Lord as my personal Savior. Far more important than that, Peniel is the name of the place where Jacob encountered God in a special way. When God grants us a "Peniel" experience our life will surely be changed for the better. This experience purely and uniquely comes by the Grace of God.
Monday, January 21, 2019
a) 2 Chronicles 20:3. At a time of alarm.
b) Ezra 8:21. To humble one's self before the Lord.
c) Esther 4:16. Can be mutual.
d) Isaiah 58:4. Should be done peacefully if our voice is to be heard by the Lord.
e) Jonah 3:5. Is for True Believers.
f) Matthew 6:16-17. Secretly.
g) Mark 2:19. There are certain times that it is not correct to fast.
h) Luke 5:33. Is not compulsory.
i) Luke 18:12. Has nothing to do with self righteousness.
j) Revelation 3:3. May be associated with repentance.
(This QT reminds me that Fasting is sometimes necessary)
PRAY: To be led by the Lord as to our Prayer and Fasting.
'Return To The Lord And Be Delivered.'
1 Samuel 7:3.
a) And Samuel said to all the House of Israel:
b) "If you are returning to the Lord with all your heart,
c) "Then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you
d) "And direct your heart to the Lord and serve Him only,
e) "And He will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.
(This Second one holds a Promise: Return To The Lord And Be Delivered)
PRAY: About returning to the Lord if necessary.
When we return to the Lord it should be with all our heart. There is no such thing as a half-hearted relationship with God! There should not have to be any persuading people to come to God. Whether coming to God, or coming back to Him, it should a whole-hearted decision on our part.
Friday, January 18, 2019
The Necessity Of Forgiving Others!
'The Necessity Of Forgiving Others!'
Mark 11:26.
a) But if you do not forgive,
b) Neither will your Father Who is in Heaven
c) Forgive your transgressions.
(This QT reminds me of The Necessity Of Forgiving Others)
PRAY: To forgive any people whom we need to forgive.
'The One Who Grieves The Church.'
2 Corinthians 2:5-8.
a) 2 Corinthians 2:5. They cause pain to all the Church.
b) 2 Corinthians 2:6. They should not have to continually suffer because of what they have done.
c) 2 Corinthians 2:7. Forgive the person and comfort them, lest they be overcome with much sorrow.
d) 2 Corinthians 2:8. The Church should reaffirm their love for this person.
(Through this Second one I see how to handle The One Who Grieves The Church)
PRAY: For a good solution to those people who are causing pain to the Church.
What has been done to harm the Church by someone of the Church, is something that needs to be resolved within the Church itself, if that is at all possible. In such incidences, to go outside the Church reveals the weakness and inability of the Church to solve its own problems. If it is a legal matter, the first thing that needs to be done is to seek reconciliation before entering a Court case.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Actual Fear Of God!
'The Actual Fear Of God.'
Exodus 20:18.
a) When the people:
1-Saw the thunder and lightning.
2-Heard the trumpet.
3-Saw the mountain in smoke.
b) They trembled with fear.
c) They stayed at a distance.
(This QT reveals to me The Actual Fear Of God)
PRAY: That your heart will be sensitive to God.
'God Is Always With His People.'
Psalm 139:7-8.
a) Where can I go from Your Spirit?
b) Where can I flee from Your Presence?
c) If I go up to the heavens, You are there.
d) If I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
(This Second one reminds me that God Is Always With His People)
THANK GOD: That He is always with us.
God is always with us through the Presence of His Holy Spirit. God dwells within the True Believer by His Holy Spirit. When Jesus said that He would never leave us or forsake us that Promise is now fulfilled by the Holy Spirit. This has nothing to do with our feelings, it is a Biblical fact. We should trust Immanuel (God with us).
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Come Close To God!
'Come Close To God.'
Psalm 16:11.
a) You make known to me the path of life.
b) In Your Presence there is fullness of Joy.
c) At Your Right Hand there are pleasures for evermore.
(This QT encourages me to Come Close To God)
PRAY: For your personal relationship with God.
'From Presence To Presence.'
a) Leviticus 22:3. The Presence of the Lord is uniquely Holy.
b) Numbers 20:6. From the presence of the people to the Presence of the Lord.
c) Deuteronomy 4:27. The Presence of the Lord delivered God's people from Egypt.
d) 2 Chronicles 20:9. Prayer in God's Presence brings deliverance.
e) Jonah 1:10. The men knew that Jonah had fled from the Presence of the Lord.
f) Luke 1:19. Angel Gabriel came from the Presence of the Lord to the presence of the people.
(This Second one encourages me to move from presence to Presence)
Take time to Pray in the Presence of the Lord.
How shameful for Jonah, he had fled from the Presence of the Lord. This also became public knowledge! Here is another powerful lesson to learn from the Word of God! We should not flee from the Presence of the Lord because the Truth is that He is with His People as they follow Him.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Forgive Others Then Pray Effectively!
'Forgive Others Then Pray Effectively.'
Mark 11:25.
a) Whenever you stand Praying,
b) If you have anything against anyone,
c) Forgive that person, (Matthew 6:14; Luke 6:37; Ephesians 4:32)
d) That your Father in Heaven
e) May also forgive your trespasses.
(This QT reminds me to Forgive Others Then Pray Effectively)
PRAY: To forgive others when we need to.
'Careful Dr. Luke Makes Us Certain.'
Luke 1:1-4.
a) Luke 1:1. Many people set out to write about Christ in His Time.
b) Luke 1:2. The source of these writings were eyewitness reports from the early Disciples.
c) Luke 1:3. Dr. Luke also carefully investigated these matters.
d) Luke 1:4. Dr. Luke's account makes us certain of the Truth.
(Through this Second one I see that Careful Dr. Luke Makes Us Certain)
PRAY: To read the Gospels carefully and Pray through them.
It is so wonderful to ponder of the fact that, when we read the Gospels and the Book of Acts, we can totally trust them. They were written 'hands on' by the Apostles. Of course, we can trust the entire Bible - both Old and New Testaments - as God's Word. Let us never lose our thoughts to other things when we are reading God's Word.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Coveting Is Wrong!
'Coveting Is Wrong.'
Exodus 20:17.
a) You shall not covet:
1-Your neighbor's house.
2-Your neighbor's wife.
3-Your neighbor's servant.
4-Your neighbor's animals.
5-Anything that belongs to your neighbor.
(This QT reminds me that Coveting Is Wrong)
PRAY: To be always free from coveting.
'The Message Of Christ To John Baptist.'
Matthew 11:5-6.
a) The blind see.
b) The lame walk.
c) The lepers are cleansed.
d) The deaf hear.
e) The dead are raised up.
f) The poor have the Gospel preached to them.
g) Blessed is the person who is not offended because of Me.
(This QT reminds me of The Message Of Christ To John The Baptist)
PRAY: For the Ministry of Christ to be restored to the Churches.
I have actually witnessed, in a Gospel meeting in the United Kingdom, an actual miracle of a young boy's deafness being healed, in a very compassionate way, by the Lord, as a Christian Minister prayed for him. It was many years ago, but it made a deep impression on me. So, yes, it is possible for the Lord to make the deaf to hear.
The Importance Of Reconciliation!
'The Importance Of Reconciliation.'
Matthew 5:23-24.
a) If you are offering your gift at the altar
b) And there remember that your brother has something against you,
c) Leave your gift there, before the altar and go.
d) First be reconciled to your brother,
e) And then come and offer your gift.
(This QT reveals to me The Importance Of Reconciliation)
PRAY: For Reconciliation where necessary and possible.
'If You Hear God's Voice.'
Hebrews 3:7-8a.
a) The Holy Spirit says:
b) "Today,
c) "If you hear His Voice,
d) "Do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion,
e) "During the time of testing in the wilderness."
(Through this Second one I know how to respond If I Hear God's Voice)
PRAY: To be sensitive to God's Voice.
Our giving needs to be from pure hearts, motives and environments. We should recollect the Old Testament Laws regarding the carefulness of making offerings and giving to God! When giving to God is not done properly, it means very little. When it is done Biblically and well, it means so much.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Don't Believe It!
'Don't Believe It!'
Matthew 24:23.
a) Then, if anyone tells you:
b) "Look, here is the Messiah!" or "There He is!"
c) Don't Believe it.
(This Clearly reveals the Words of Jesus about false "christs": Don't Believe It!)
PRAY: For clear discernment of God's Truth.
'They Only Want Attention!'
Matthew 23:5.
a) For all their works they do to be seen of men:
b) They make broad their phylacteries.
c) They enlarge the borders of their garments.
(Through this Second one I find that They Only Want Attention)
PRAY: For the Churches to discern the people who Only Want Attention.
It is something that still, sometimes and sadly, can be seen today. People who do things only to be seen by others. This craving for attention usually is a 'hangover' from a dysfunctional childhood. It is good to intercede for such people to get a revelation of God's Grace and Power
to heal and restore our lives. Childish behaviour spoils fellowship!
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
God Does Not Like False Witnesses!
a) Exodus 20:16; Proverbs 6:19.. God tells us not
to bear false witness against a neighbour.
b) Exodus 23:1. They are falsehood.
c) Psalm 27:12. They may become violent.
d) Proverbs 14:5. A false witness is a liar.
e) Proverbs 25:18. A false witness is a vicious
f) Matthew 15:19. They have a heart problem.
g) Ezekiel 36:26. A new heart can be given by
h) Ephesians 4:25. We are to put away falsehood
and speak the Truth.
(This QT reminds me that God Does
Not Like False Witnesses)
PRAY: To live in the Truth always.
‘Be Truthful’
a) Proverbs 12:17. You will give honest evidence.
b) Proverbs 14:5. Truthful people are faithful
c) Proverbs 14:25. You will save lives.
Second one reminds me to Be Truthful)
PRAY: To be and to remain
is indeed true that false witnesses may become violent, especially if their
lies have been discovered by another person close to them. The home is a very
important place for all people, wealthy or poor. A false witness father or mother can break up the home. Desertion or violence may become a further
Monday, January 7, 2019
God's Grace Emboldens Ministry!
'God's Grace Emboldens Ministry.'
Romans 15:15.
a) Yet I have written to you quite boldly on some points
b) To remind you of them again,
c) Because of the Grace God gave me.
(This QT reminds me that God's Grace Emboldens Ministry)
PRAY: For God's Grace to embolden your Ministers.
'Heirs And Owners Are Not Always To Blame.'
Luke 20:14.
a) But when the tenant farmers saw him,
b) They discussed it among themselves and said,
c) "This is the heir.
d) "Let's kill him,
e) "So that the inheritance will be ours."
(This Second one teaches me that Heirs And Owners Are Not Always To Blame)
PRAY: For God's Blessing upon Heirs and Owners in your Church.
Wealthy heirs are so often 'targets' for greedy and dishonest people. The specific goal of these people is to extract money from these wealthy heirs. The reality should be that the Churches should be places where all people are protected. The fact, however, is that some Churches and Ministries actually make wealthy heirs a 'target' for their own greed. This should not be so and these 'targeted' wealthy people would do well to move to other Churches and Ministries where they are safe from being targeted.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
The High Value Of Good Counselors!
'The High Value Of Good Counselors.'
Proverbs 15:22.
a) Where there is no counsel,
b) Purposes are disappointed.
c) But in the multitude of counselors
d) They are established.
(This QT reminds me of The High Value Of Good Counselors)
PRAY: For Good Counselors to be available for our Christian Communities.
'God's Friendship Felt.'
Job 29:4.
a) When I was in my prime,
b) God's friendship
c) Was felt in my home.
(Through this Second one I know that it is possible to have God's Friendship Felt in our homes)
PRAY: For God's Friendship to be real in our homes.
The word 'friendship' here may also be translated as 'counsel'. This is a very special attribute of God, He is our Friend but also our Counselor. We can know Him as our Friend, there is even a song about that, but we can know Him as our Counselor too. When we have a meaningful relationship with Him in Prayer and Bible reading, this reality of the Friendship and Counsel of God is very supportive to, and for, our daily life.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...