The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
A Further Sign!
'A Further Sign.'
Acts 2:3.
a) Then, what looked like flames,
b) Or tongues of fire, appeared
c) And settled on each of them.
(This QT reminds me of A Further Sign of the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
PRAY: To be filled with the Holy Spirit - He is already given!
'They Will Come Back.'
Isaiah 49:18.
a) "Look around you and see,
b) "For all your children will come back to you.
c) "As surely as I live,"
d) Says the Lord.
e) "They will be like jewels
f) "Or bridal ornaments
g) "For you to display."
(This QT says to the parents of wandering children that They Will Come Back)
PRAY: For errant and wandering children to come back to their parents in some way.
There is another amazing miracle that took place here. These tongues of fire, that were a part of the initial sign of the Holy Spirit being given, settled on each of the waiting Believers. God's desire is that all who are purely desiring and waiting for the the infilling of the Holy Spirit will not be disappointed.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Just As God Said It Would Be!
'Just As God Said It Would Be.'
Genesis 7:10.
a) And after the seven days
b) The flood waters
c) Came on the Earth.
(This QT shows me that it was Just As God Said It Would Be)
PRAY: To trust what God says.
'Incredible Forgetfulness.'
Jeremiah 2:32.
a) Does a young woman
b) Forget her jewelry?
c) A bride her wedding ornaments?
d) Yet My people have forgotten Me
e) Days without number.
(Through this Second one I find Incredible Forgetfulness)
PRAY: Not to forget the Lord in any way.
We should trust what God says. When God really speaks, it comes to pass. If it does not come to pass, we can realize that God has not spoken! God brings many things to pass through what He says. In the UK there are many Churches that do not even listen to what God says; eventually those Churches will cease to be functioning as Christ's Church!
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Lord's Faithful Love!
'The Lord's Faithful Love.'
Psalm 63:3.
a) My lips Praise You
b) Because Your Faithful Love
c) Is better than Life itself.
(This QT makes me give Thanks for The Lord's Faithful Love)
PRAY: To give thanks to the Lord for His Faithful Love.
'Fine Linen.'
Revelation 19:8.
a) Fine linen,
b) Bright and clean
c) Has been given her to wear.
d) 'Fine linen' means the righteous deeds of God's People.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by the meaning of Fine Linen here)
PRAY: To be ready to wear Fine Linen in Eternity!
Our regular Prayers need to contain some gratefulness expressed to the Lord! If we Pray without gratefulness, our Prayer life tends to dry up or cease. The Prayers of David may be able to help us overcome any negative emotions that may hinder our Prayers. Give thanks to the Lord for His Faithful Love for the city, town or village where we live.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
God Made Them Pay Attention!
'God Made Them Pay Attention.'
Acts 2:2.
a) Suddenly a sound
b) Like the blowing of a violent wind
c) Came from Heaven
d) And filled the whole house
e) Where they were sitting.
(This QT shows me that God Made Them Pay Attention)
PRAY: That your Church will pay attention to what God is saying today.
'Help Me And Deliver Me.'
Psalm 109:21.
a) But You,
b) Sovereign Lord,
c) Help me for Your Name's sake;
d) Out of the goodness of Your Love,
e) Deliver me.
(Through this Second one I find an urgent Prayer: Help Me And Deliver Me)
PRAY: To the Lord for Help and Deliverance when we need to.
God has different ways of making people pay attention! This time it was the blowing of a violent wind, another time it was by withholding rain and another time it came by raining down birds for food! We cannot know what God is going to do, but it He needs our attention, He will surely do something. May we gratefully eat the food that God provides for us today!
Saturday, July 20, 2019
An Orderly Salvation!
'An Orderly Salvation.'
Genesis 7:8-9.
a) Pairs of clean and unclean animals,
b) Of birds
c) And of all creatures that move along the ground,
d) Male and female,
e) Came to Noah and entered the Ark,
f) As God had commanded Noah.
(This QT teaches me about An Orderly Salvation)
PRAY: For good order to be in our lives and families.
'Answer Me Lord.'
Psalm 69:16.
a) Answer me,
b) Oh Lord,
c) For Your stedfast love is good;
d) According to Your abundant mercy,
e) Turn to me.
(Through this Second one I find a simple and powerful Prayer: Answer Me Lord)
PRAY: Simple and meaningful Prayers.
Some of the most unpleasant creatures to look at are creatures that move along the ground, only a few people like them, yet God included them in Noah's Ark! To me, this is really a part of the Salvation picture. God does not restrict Himself to Loving and Saving 'nice' people - He loves the World and all people in it. The Ark is a picture of both Salvation and New Life, if we are True Believers, we can thank God for both (Salvation and New Life).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Paul's Ministry In Thessalonica!
'Paul's Ministry In Thessalonica.'
Acts 17:1-3.
a) Acts 17:1. Paul came to Thessalonica where there was a Synagogue of the Jews.
b) Acts 17:2. It was Paul's custom to go into the synagogue if he could, wherever he went.
c) Acts 17:2. For three Sabbath days Paul reasoned with them from the Scriptures.
d) Acts 17:3. Paul was explaining and proving that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead,
e) Acts 17:3. And saying: "This Jesus Whom I proclaim to you is the Christ."
(This QT teaches me something about Paul's Ministry In Thessalonica)
PRAY: For Missionaries and Churches in South East Europe.
Colossians 1:7.
a) He taught well.
b) He was a Beloved fellow servant.
c) He was a Minister (servant) of Christ.
(This Second one encourages me - Epaphras)
PRAY: For more Servants of the Lord like Epaphras to be called by the Lord.
It would be a great Blessing for the Churches, if, like in the Bible New Testament,they have Ministers who reasoned from and explained the Word of God, strengthening the Believers. Then the Believers themselves can be serving the Lord in various ways. In such environments there can be good fellowship and Fellowship Lunches.
The Lord Prepared Them!
'The Lord Prepared Them.'
Acts 2:1.
a) When the Day of Pentecost came,
b) The Believers
c) Were all together
d) In one place.
(This QT shows me that The Lord Prepared Them)
PRAY: To be sensitive to the Lord's leading by the Holy Spirit when we gather together as Believers.
'The Light That Shines In Our Hearts.'
2 Corinthians 4:6.
a) For God, Who said,
b) "Let there be light in the darkness,"
c) Has made this light
d) Shine in our hearts,
e) So we could know the Glory of God
f) That is seen in the Face of Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I Thank God for The Light That Shines In Our Hearts)
PRAY: For the Light to shine in your heart.
There had been many celebrations of the Day of Pentecost in the former years, it was a celebrated feast. This Day of Pentecost was special though, there was a fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the gathered Believers. Now that the Holy Spirit has already been given, let us expect Him to be poured out upon us, even as we gather this weekend to Worship God. The plate in the picture is beautiful; may our Churches be like beautiful plates, and the Lord fill us with good things.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Into The Place Of Safety!
'Into The Place Of Safety.'
Genesis 7:7
a) Noah
b) And his sons
c) And his wife
d) And his sons' wives with him
e) Went into the ark
f) To escape the waters of the flood.
(Through this QT I see that Noah took his family Into The Place Of Safety)
PRAY: For our family to keep safe and to always have enough as in the picture.
'Pray For Them To See.'
2 Corinthians 4:4.
a) The god of this age
b) Has blinded the mind of unbelievers,
c) So that they cannot see the Light of the Gospel
d) That displays the Glory of Christ
e) Who is the Image of God.
(This Second one motivates us to Pray For Them To See)
PRAY: For unbelievers to see the Light of the Gospel.
God provided the place of safety in the Ark which He told Noah to build. Step-by-step we can see Noah's obedience here. He built the Ark and then took his family into the safety of it before the floods came. There are some good examples in Noah's life from which we can learn.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Not Shaken From Their Purpose!
'Not Shaken From Their Purpose.'
Acts 16:40.
a) After Paul and Silas came out of the prison,
b) They went to Lydia's house
c) To see the brothers and encourage them.
d) Then they left the city.
(Through this QT I find that Paul and Silas were Not Shaken From Their Purpose)
PRAY: For Grace and Strength to continue in our God-given Purpose.
'Jesus Christ Desires Good Things For Us.'
John 17:24.
a) "Father, I desire that they also,
b) "Whom You have given Me,
c) "May be with Me where I am,
d) "To see My Glory
e) "Which You have given Me
f) "Because You loved Me
g) "Before the foundation of the World."
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Christ Desires Good Things For Us) THIS IS DELIBERATELY REPEATED!
PRAY: To always follow and be with Jesus Christ - by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Paul and Silas continued with their apostolic ministry even though they had just come out of a time in prison due to persecution. Even today, in some parts of the World, this story can be repeated. In many countries there are people in jail for simply preaching the Gospel. We should pray for them, the persecuted Church. Pray that, if and when they come out of the prison, they will be strengthened to continue to serve the Lord wherever He may lead them.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
A Generous Desire Of Christ!
'A Generous Desire Of Christ.'
John 17:24.
a) Father,
b) I desire that they also,
c) Whom You have given Me,
d) May be with Me where I am,
e) To see My Glory which You have given Me
f) Because You loved Me
g) Before the foundation of the World.
(This QT reveals A Generous Desire Of Christ)
PRAY: For Assurance of Eternal Life.
'Pray For Their Minds.'
2 Corinthians 4:4.
a) The god who rules this World
b) Has blinded the mind of unbelievers.
c) They cannot see the Light,
d) Which is the Good News about our Glorious Christ,
e) Who shows what God is like.
(Through this Second one I know that it is important to Pray For Their Minds)
PRAY: For the minds of the unbelievers.
Christ Jesus does everything He does for God's Children with generosity! God wants the best way for His Children always! This is why He sent Christ to this Earth to demonstrate the Father's Love to us. God is a Generous God and He wants His People to experience the Fulness of His Love and Grace and to share this Gospel with others in various ways.
Monday, July 15, 2019
God Records Details!
'God Records Details.'
Genesis 7:6.
a) Noah was six hundred years old
b) When the flood of waters
c) Came upon the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that God Records Details)
PRAY: Trusting and Asking God about the details of our lives.
'It Is God's Glory That Unites Us.'
John 17:22.
a) The Glory that You have given Me
b) I have given to them,
c) That they may be one,
d) Even as we are one.
(This Second one shows me that It Is God's Glory That Unites Us)
PRAY: For real one-ness in our Church and family.
We can and should ask God about the details in our lives. In the Gospels, one of the Teachings of the Lord Jesus was that one of the reasons that we do not have is that we do not ask. This should remind and challenge us in the area of personal Prayer. Trust and ask God about the details of our lives.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
A Huge Error!
'A Huge Error.'
Acts 16:38-39.
a) The guards reported these words to the magistrates
b) And they were afraid when they learned that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens.
c) So they came and apologised to them.
d) And they took them out.
e) And asked them to leave the city.
(This QT teaches me that the imprisonment of Paul and Silas was a Huge Error)
PRAY: For any Huge Errors made by authorities wherever we may live to be rectified.
'The Contemplation That Produces Transformation.'
2 Corinthians 3:18.
a) And we all
b) Who with unveiled faces
c) Contemplate the Lord's Glory,
d) Are being transformed into His Image
e) With ever-increasing Glory
f) Which comes from the Lord,
g) Who is the Spirit.
(This Second one shows me The Contemplation That Produces Transformation)
PRAY: For the Lord to help us Contemplate the Lord's Glory in our Church Worship and also personal times with Him.
No matter where we live, there are times when governing authorities make mistakes and incorrect decisions. As Believers, that fact should stimulate us to pray for those authorities. We do not see any examples of politically motivated demonstrations in God's Word but we find many examples of people who prayed when the situation that they faced was difficult.
Sometimes we also make mistakes by spreading contagious sicknesses when we go to Church, work or study with them (as per the picture). As Believers it is responsible not to spread contagious sickness or disease.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Who Are You?
'Who Are You?'
John 1:22.
a) So they said to him:
b) "Who are you?
c) "We need to give an answer to those who sent us.
d) "What do you say about yourself?"
(This QT reveals an important question put to John Baptist)
PRAY: That we will always have wise and honest answers when we are answering questions about ourselves.
'A Great Gift From God.'
Daniel 1:17.
a) As for these four youths,
b) God gave them learning and skill
c) In all literature and wisdom,
d) And Daniel had understanding
e) In all visions and dreams.
(This Second one can encourage all young people facing or taking examinations)
PRAY: For learning and skill from God when necessary.
How would we respond if someone asked us the question: "Who are you?" Maybe some of us would answer the question by giving our name. Others may respond by giving their job title, yet others may respond by telling of their ministry in Church. Really, it all depends on the environmental situation. This means that, as Believers in the Lord, we should not be calculative but we should be wisely honest! This is especially important if we are living or serving in a region that is hostile to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Noah's Perfect Obedience!
'Noah's Perfect Obedience.'
Genesis 7:5.
a) And Noah did all
b) That the Lord
c) Had commanded him.
(This QT reveal's Noah's Perfect Obedience)
PRAY: That we will always obey the Lord's Command to us.
'Keep Trusting God In Difficult Times.'
Daniel 1:2.
a) The Lord gave into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar
b) Jehoiakim King of Judah,
c) With some of the vessels of the House of God.
d) So Nebuchadnezzar took them back to the land of Babylonia
e) And placed them in the treasure house of his god.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Keep Trusting God In Difficult Times)
PRAY: For Faith to keep trusting God.
Many things that Noah did are a good example for us. Above it tells us that Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him to do at that time. Although we can read that Noah was not perfect, he really tried to obey God in all things. This is an encouragement for us. God provided for everyone and everything during the time Noah was in the ark. As we attempt to obey the Lord, He will provide for us.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Apostle Paul's Frank Protest!
'Apostle Paul's Frank Protest.'
Acts 16:37.
a) But Paul replied:
b) "They have publicly beaten us without a trial
c) "And put us in prison -
d) "And we are Roman Citizens.
e) "So now they want us to leave secretly?
f) "Certainly not!
g) "Let them come themselves to release us."
(This QT reveals Apostle Paul's Frank Protest)
PRAY: For boldness when we may need to make a Frank Protest.
'Being Led By The Lord.'
Psalm 25:5.
a) Lead me in Your Truth
b) And Teach me,
c) For You are the God of my Salvation;
d) On You I wait
e) All the day.
(Through this Second one I want to continually experience Being Led By The Lord)
PRAY: To be led by the Lord.
Unjust justice is something that can emotionally damage those people who have been subjected to it. Unjust justice is something that usually kept hidden because no-one wants to talk about it because of fear of reprisal. It is something that people still have to face in many parts of the world. Only prayer and prayerful action can eradicate it among the Nations.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
They Did Not Know!
'They Did Not Know.'
John 1:21.
a) And they asked him,
b) "What then?
c) "Are you Elijah?"
d) He said: "I am not."
e) "Are you the Prophet?"
f) And he answered: "No."
(Through this QT I see that They Did Not Know.)
PRAY: That we read the Bible well.
'Rescued And Transferred.'
Colossians 1:13.
a) (Christ) has rescued us
b) From the domain of darkness
c) And transferred us
d) Into the Kingdom
e) Of the Son He loves.
(This Second one makes me grateful that I am Rescued And Transferred)
GIVE THANKS: To God for what He has done for us.
We need to have a clear understanding of Who God is. The way in which we can do this is through reading our Bible and gathering together in fellowship wherever this is practical. May God help us to live good and fruitful Christian lives.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
God Can Make Huge Rain!
'God Can Make Huge Rain.'
Genesis 7:4.
a) For in seven days
b) I will send rain on the Earth
c) Forty days and Forty nights,
d) And every living thing that I have made
e) I will blot out from the face of the ground.
(This QT convinces me that God Can Make Huge Rain!)
PRAY: Any necessary Prayer for the weather where you live.
'Get Rid Of Our Log.'
Matthew 7:4-5.
a) How can you say to your brother:
b) "Let me take the speck out of your eye",
c) When there is a log in your own eye?
d) You hypocrite,
e) First take the log out of your own eye.
f) And then you will see clearly
g) To take the speck out of your brother's eye.
(Through this Second one I know that I must Get Rid Of My Log)
PRAY: To be free from any log in our eye.
We can see that God is really in control of the weather, so that is something that we can unselfishly pray about. We should not just take our weather for granted, prayer can change things if that prayer is in God's Will.
Go In Peace!
'Go In Peace.'
a) Acts 16:36. Spoken by the jailer to Apostle Paul.
b) Judges 18:6. Spoken by the Priest.
c) 1 Samuel 1:17. Spoken by Eli.
d) 1 Samuel 20:42. Spoken by Jonathan to David.
e) 2 Kings 5:19. Spoken by Elisha to Naaman.
f) Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50: 8:48. Spoken by Jesus to a lady that He healed.
g) James 2:16. Say it and be compassionate with it.
(This QT reminds me that when I go, it is good to Go In Peace)
PRAY: To always Go In Peace.
'It Is Never Easy To Grow As A Believer.'
John 15:2.
a) He removes every branch in Me that bears no fruit.
b) Every branch that bears fruit
c) He prunes to make it bear more fruit.
(Through this Second one I understand that It Is Never Easy To Grow As A Believer)
PRAY: For God's Grace and Help so that we can Grow As Believers
We should pay close attention to the Words spoken by Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. One of the ways in which we can do this is to apply them to our lives when they are relevant. The Words spoken by Jesus Christ are life-giving Words.
Monday, July 8, 2019
A Good Answer!
'A Good Answer.'
John 1:19-20.
a) This is the Testimony of John,
b) When the priests sent Levites from Jerusalem
c) To ask him:
d) "Who are you?"
e) He confessed
f) And did not deny
g) He openly declared:
h) "I am not the Christ."
(This QT gives A Good Answer)
PRAY: That we will always be giving A Good Answer.
'Negative-Minded Religious Bigots.'
John 5:10.
a) So the Jews said to the man who had been healed:
b) "This is the Sabbath!
c) "It is unlawful for you
d) "To carry your mat."
(This Second one reveals Negative-Minded Religious Bigots)
PRAY: For our Churches to be free from Negative-Minded Religious Bigots.
John the Baptist was a very honest and frank person. He never claimed any applause for himself, but he always sought to Glorify the Lord. John was fearless in his exposition of the Word of God and spoke the Truth accurately. Church Ministers can take and follow the example of John and they will do well if they do.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
God Considers The Birds!
'God Considers The Birds.'
Genesis 7:3.
a) Also of the birds in the air
b) Take seven couples -
c) In order to preserve their species
d) Throughout the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that God Considers The Birds)
PRAY: For the preservation of God's Creation.
'The Power Of Personal Righteousness.'
Ezekiel 14:14.
a) Even if:
were there,
b) Their righteousness would save no-one but themselves,
c) Says the Sovereign Lord.
(This Second one teaches me The Power Of Personal Righteousness)
PRAY: For your Personal Righteousness.
Those people who have a desire for Personal Righteousness understand that this is something that comes for the individual True Believer as a Gift from God through the Redemptive work of Christ on the Cross. This is a part of a good and intimate relationship with God. Our desire for God will surely draw us into a relationship with Him.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Remaining Legal Structures!
'Remaining Legal Structures.'
Acts 16:35.
a) Legal Authorities.
b) Police.
c) Jailer.
(This QT teaches me that the Biblical civil Legal Structures remain until today)
PRAY: To respect and follow the Remaining Legal Structures.
'Sometimes Wanting Is Not Right.'
Acts 15:37.
a) Barnabas wanted
b) To take John Mark
c) With them.
(This Second one reminds me that Sometimes Wanting Is Not Right)
PRAY: To follow what God wants and not just what we want.
Praying for the legal structures that we may be in subjection to is very wise. The Bible encourages us to Pray for these people, whoever they are and wherever we may be. God has put these legal structures in place and we should submit to them. Praying for the legal authorities can actually change us, change the environment and even change them in some way.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Nobody Has Ever Seen God!
'Nobody Has Ever Seen God.'
John 1:18.
a) Nobody has ever seen God.
b) The only begotten God,
c) Who is intimately close to the Father -
d) He has brought Him to Light.
(This QT Biblically reminds me that Nobody Has Ever Seen God)
PRAY: To walk with God by Faith.
'Daily Life Of The New Testament Church.'
Acts 2:46.
a) Day by day
b) They were all together
c) Attending the Temple.
d) They broke bread in their various houses
e) And ate their food with glad and sincere hearts.
(This Second one shows me something about the Daily Life Of The New Testament Church)
PRAY: For the Daily Life of your Church.
When the Principles of action in the local Churches are Bible-centered, then the Holy Spirit will work in the Churches. Gimmicks to try to make the Church grow will not be successful in a lasting way. In many modern-day Churches, the way ahead needs to be based on back to the Bible.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
A Ratio Of Seven To Two!
'A Ratio Of Seven To Two.'
Genesis 7:2.
a) Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal,
b) A male and its mate,
c) And one pair of every kind of unclean animal,
d) A male and its mate.
(This QT teaches me a ratio from God: A Ratio Of Seven To Two)
PRAY: That in our personal lives, we will always follow God's Instructions.
'Building And Worship.'
Genesis 8:20.
a) And Noah built an altar unto the Lord,
b) And took of every clean beast,
c) And of every clean fowl,
d) And offered burned offerings on the altar.
(Through this Second one, I find Noah's worshipful mind: Building And Worship)
PRAY: To be Obedient to the Lord, like Noah.
God's instructions to Noah were very clear and specific. Usually, when He has something to say to us, it is not in riddles, it is clear and specific. If we are True Believers, He will surely speak to us directly. We should have a clear and meaningful, personal relationship with Him.
Compassion And Hospitality!
'Compassion And Hospitality.'
Acts 16:33-34.
a) At the same hour of the night
b) He took them and washed their wounds;
c) Then he and his entire family
d) Were baptized without delay.
e) He brought them up into the house
f) And set food before them;
g) And he and his entire household
h) Rejoiced that he had become a Believer in God.
(In this QT I find a lovely response to baptism: Compassion And Hospitality)
PRAYER: For Compassion and Hospitality to be in our hearts and Churches.
'A Radical Expression Of Christianity.
(In today's situations in many Nations this expression is no longer needed, but I know that there are still some "corners of the World" where it is appropriate. International "Mercy Ministry" is still necessary in various places.)
Acts 2:45.
a) The Early Church
b) Sold their possessions and substance,
c) And distributed them to all
d) According as anyone might have need.
(This Second one reveals to me A Radical Expression Of Christianity)
PRAYER: For any "Mercy Ministry" involvement of your Church.
One of the really practical ways to practice evangelism and real fellowship in the Church is through Compassion and Hospitality. Any Church, anywhere that Preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and practices evangelism and real fellowship will be Blessed by God. May Compassion and Hospitality be priorities in our Outreach.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Law, Grace And Truth!
'Law, Grace And Truth.'
John 1:17.
a) For the Law was given by Moses,
b) But Grace and Truth
c) Came by Jesus Christ.
(This QT reveals to me the sources of Law, Grace And Truth)
PRAYER: That we will understand God's Law Grace And Truth.
'Early Church Togetherness.'
Acts 2:44.
a) All who believed
b) Were together
c) And had all things
d) In common.
(This Second one shows me the Early Church Togetherness)
PRAYER: That certain things about Early Church Togetherness will encourage our thoughts and actions towards Unity in our local Churches.
It is vitally important for God's Word to be taught as best as possible to our local Churches. As well as having well-equipped Pastors and Bible Teachers, there needs to be other facilities for reading and watching the Teaching of God's Word. Local Church Pastors should not feel 'threatened' by Bible Teaching Ministers, rather they can invite them into their Churches and have them serve alongside, and under the supervision of, the Local Churches.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
A Reward For Righteousness!
'A Reward For Righteousness.'
Genesis 7:1.
a) Then the Lord said to Noah:
b) "Go into the ark,
c) "You and your whole family,
d) "Because I have found you righteous
e) "In this generation."
(This QT reveals to me A Reward For Righteousness)
PRAYER: That the Lord will find us Righteous.
'Filled With Awe.'
Acts 2:43.
a) Everyone was filled with awe
b) At the many wonders and signs
c) Performed by the Apostles.
(Through this Second one I can see that everyone was Filled With Awe)
PRAY: For Wonders, Signs and a Holy Awe to fill the Church again today.
The major reason that Noah was instructed by God to go into the ark was that he was Righteous. If Noah was not taken into the ark, it would have been the end of all created beings, including mankind. This was exceptional, Noah was an exceptional person. Today, it is the Blood of Jesus Christ that makes us Righteous, we should never forget this fact. We are alive today, and seen as pure in God's Sight only because of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...