The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
A Test For Philip!
'A Test For Philip.'
John 6:4-13
a) John 6:4. It was time for a Feast - the Jewish Passover.
b) John 6:5. Jesus saw the huge crown and asked Philip where He could buy bread to feed all the people.
c) John 6:6. Jesus knew what He was going to do but He was testing Philip.
d) John 6:7. Philip responded with a natural answer and not a 'faith' answer.
e) John 6:8-9. Andrew found a little boy who had just five loaves and two fish.
f) John 6:9. Then Andrew could not see how this could feed a multitude.
g) John 6:10. Jesus asked the people to sit down. There were 5,000 men, (probably many of them with their families).
f) John 6:11. Jesus:
1-Took the Loaves.
2-Gave thanks for them.
3-Distributed them to those people who were seated.
4-Did the same with the fish.
g) John 6:11. Everyone had as much as they wanted.
h) John 6:12. When the people had finished Jesus asked the Disciples to gather up what was left over. Nothing was to be wasted.
i) John 6:13. There were twelve baskets full of food that was leftover.
(This QT reveals a test for Philip and a miracle of Provision)
PRAYER: For understanding of what the Lord wants to do and is doing in our lives.
'Praising And Remembering.'
Psalm 103:2.
a) Praise the Lord,
b) O my soul!
c) May I never forget
d) The good things He does for me.
(This Second one reminds me to keep Praising And Remembering)
PRAYER: That we will continue to focus on Praising And Remembering.
God loves our families! Maybe we are the only 'active' Christian in our families, or the majority of our family members are really non-believers. This does not mean that God does not love them. He loves them very much and He surely wants to meet with them and Save them. In the same way that Jesus fed the multitude, He is also able to Save our families. It is good to pray with Faith and Love regularly for the Salvation of our non-believing family members.
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