The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Worship As A Response!
'Worship As A Response!'
Genesis 12:7.
a) The Lord appeared to Abraham and said:
b) "To your offspring I will give this land."
c) So Abraham built an altar there to the Lord
d) Who appeared to him.
(This QT teaches me about Worship As A Response)
PRAY: That we will always respond properly to the Promises of God and also Worship As A Response to Him.
'Stay In This Land.'
Genesis 26:3.
a) Stay in this land for a while,
b) And I will be with you and will bless you.
c) For to you and to your descendants I will give all these lands
d) And I will confirm the oath that I swore to your father Abraham.
(Through this Second one I really want to Stay In This Land)
PRAY: That we will stay where God tells us to stay.
Praise is not the only response to God, Worship can also be a part of our response to God. There are many aspects of Worship that we can read about in the Bible. We should always respond to Him in a humble, obedient and enthusiastic way. Let us examine the ways in which we respond to God.
Monday, January 29, 2018
A Wholesome Change Of Mind!
'A Wholesome Change Of Mind.'
John 6:18-21.
a) John 6:18. A strong gale was blowing and the waters of the lake grew rough.
b) John 6:19. The Disciples had rowed three or four miles. (It is a long way on a rough sea!)
c) John 6:19. Suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water towards the boat.
d) John 6:19. They were terrified.
e) John 6:20. Jesus called out to them: "It is I, do not be afraid."
f) John 6:21. THEN they were eager to let Jesus come into the boat.
g) John 6:21. (A Miracle!) Immediately they arrived at their destination.
(This QT reveals A Wholesome Change Of Mind)
PRAYER: That we will always be ready to have A Wholesome Change Of Mind.
'The Lord Is With Us In Difficult Times.'
Isaiah 43:1-2.
a) This is what the Lord says:
b) (He Who Created us and formed us)
c) "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
d) "I have summoned you by name;
e) "You are Mine.
f) "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
g) "And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
h) "When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
i) "The flames will not set you ablaze."
(Through this Second one I know The Lord Is With Us In Difficult Times)
PRAYER: To thank God that The Lord Is With Us In Difficult Times.
Suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water towards the boat. The reason that the disciples were terrified was that they did not recognise Jesus and they mistook Him for a ghost. When we do not recognise Jesus in our unusual environments it is easy for us to be afraid. Two things here are very clear for us: firstly, we will sometimes face difficult situations; secondly, we can be assured of the Presence of Jesus with us to help us.
Two Angels And A Good Man!
'Two Angels And A Good Man.'
Genesis 19:1.
a) Two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening,
b) Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city.
c) When Lot saw the angels,
d) He got up to meet them
e) And bowed down with his face to the ground.
(Through this QT, Two Angels And A Good Man, I know that there are good people, even in terrible places)
PRAYER: For the City or Town where we live.
'A Hospitality Principle.'
Hebrews 13:2.
a) Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,
b) For by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels
c) Without knowing it.
(This Second one reveals A Hospitality Principle)
PRAYER: That every Christian Church will have A Hospitality Principle.
Lot was a good man who had a position of authority in a very evil city. Lot was "on duty" when the angels arrived at Sodom, he welcomed them in an appropriate way. It is important that we pray for the people in positions of authority in our cities, they have heavy responsibilities and they sometimes face many trials and temptations.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
A Son Given For Us!
'A Son Given For Us.'
Isaiah 9:6-7.
a) A Child is born to us.
b) A Son is given to us.
c) The Government will rest on His Shoulders.
d) And He will be called:
1-Wonderful Counsellor.
2-Mighty God.
3-Everlasting Father.
4-Prince of Peace.
e) His Government and its Peace will never end.
f) He will rule with fairness and justice
g) From the Throne of His ancestor David for all Eternity.
h) The Passionate Commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make this happen.
(This QT makes me rejoice that there is A Son Given For Us)
PRAYER: For people in need of counsel to seek the Lord Jesus first: the Wonderful Counsellor.
'Sons Who Honored Their Father.'
Genesis 9:23.
a) Then Shem and Japheth took a cloak
b) And placed it over both of their shoulders,
c) And walking backwards,
d) They covered their father's nakedness.
e) Their faces were turned away,
f) And they did not see their father naked.
(Through this Second one I find Sons Who Honored Their Father)
PRAYER: That children be taught to honor their earthly father.
Our God is a Mighty God, this is a line of a favourite Christian song. It is not only a song but it is a Biblical Song, it also has a good tune and is an enjoyable song to sing. It good for the Churches to have songs of varied type and speed, a good selection, so that the congregation and visitors to the Church Services can join in and appreciate singing Praises to God.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
A Difficult Night!
'A Difficult Night.'
John 6:16-18.
a) John 6:16. It was evening, the Disciples went down to the sea to get into the boat and go fishing.
b) John 6:17. They went over the sea and it was already dark.
c) John 6:17. Jesus had not yet come to them.
d) John 6:18. The sea arose because a great wind was blowing.
(This QT reveals A Difficult Night in the lives of the Disciples)
PRAYER: For those people whom we know who are facing great difficulties.
'Light Into The Darkness.
Matthew 4:13-16.
a) Matthew 4:13. Jesus left Nazareth and went to Capernaum-by-the-sea.
b) Matthew 4:14. This was the fulfillment of Isaiah's Prophecy.
c) Matthew 4:15-16. Jesus brought great light to the people.
(This Second one reveals that Jesus brought Light Into The Darkness)
PRAYER: For the Light from Jesus to fill our lives and to shine out to other people, wherever we may be.
God controls all of nature, nothing, even earthquakes, storms or volcanoes is out of His control. This is why, at times of turmoil and natural disaster it is right and wise to turn to God and not to turn away from Him.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
The Lord Left!
'The Lord Left!'
Genesis 18:33.
a) When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham,
b) He left,
c) And Abraham returned home.
(This QT reminds me of a time when The Lord Left)
PRAYER: To believe the New Testament Promise that the Lord will never leave us.
'Yearning For God's Blessing.'
Genesis 32:26.
a) And the Angel said:
b) "Let Me go, for it is daybreak."
c) But Jacob replied:
d) "I will not let you go except You bless me."
(This Second one reveals Jacob: Yearning For God's Blessing)
PRAYER: Wholeheartedly for God's Blessing on your Life, Family, Friends, Church, Ministry, Studies and Work)
The Lord has Promised never to leave His People, even in their most difficult times. This Promise is totally true. The problem is not the Lord's Promise! His Promises stand. The problem is our Believing them! When God says something in His Word that ministers to us, or in some other way speaks to us, we need to Believe what He says.
Peace And Fullness!
'Peace And Fullness.'
Psalm 147:14.
a) The Lord sends peace across your Nation
b) And satisfies your hunger
c) With the finest wheat.
(This QT reveals the Lord's gifts of Peace And Fullness)
PRAYER: For the Lord to send Peace And Fullness across your Nation)
'Keep The Word.'
Deuteronomy 29:9.
a) Carefully follow
b) The Terms of this Covenant,
c) So that you may prosper
d) In everything you do.
(Through this Second one I am exhorted to Keep The Word)
PRAYER: For the Lord to help us to Carefully Keep The Word.
Praying for our Nation is something that is mentioned several times in the Word of God. This is never meant to be a 'political' prayer, it is supposed to be a Biblical Prayer. When we pray for our Nation, whether individually, in a prayer meeting, or as a Church, it will surely bring more of God's Presence into our Nation, I am sure that the Nations of the World need more of God's Presence.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Jesus Did Not Want It!
'Jesus Did Not Want It.'
John 6:15.
a) Jesus perceived
b) That they were about to come and take Him by force
c) To make Him king
d) He departed by Himself
e) To a mountain alone.
(This QT teaches me that Jesus Did Not Want It)
PRAYER: That we will be careful to live in Humility, as Jesus did.
'The Blessing Of Increase.'
Psalm 115:14.
a) May the Lord give you increase
b) More and more,
c) You
d) And your children.
(This Second one reveals The Blessing Of Increase)
PRAYER: Thank God for The Blessing Of Increase.
There were certain times in the Gospels that we can read of Jesus going alone to a mountain. He knew that He would be rested from the crowds if He went to the mountain. He could also commune with the Heavenly Father there. The mountain was His quiet place. All of us regularly need a quiet place experience.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Persistence In Prayer!
'Persistence In Prayer.'
Genesis 18:29-32.
a) Step by step in his Prayer
b) Abraham, "the friend of God",
c) Bargained with God in Prayer.
d) Step by step God's Answers encouraged Abraham to Pray more.
(This QT reveals Persistence In Prayer)
PRAYER: With Persistence that flows from a good personal relationship with the Lord.
'The Fear Of The Lord Is The Key.'
Psalm 115:13.
a) The Lord will Bless those people
b) Who Fear Him, (Psalm 112:1)
c) Both the small
d) And the great.
(Through this Second one I see that The Fear Of The Lord Is The Key)
PRAYER: To have The Fear Of The Lord.
One of the essences of Prayer is that it is to be continued in. Prayer is not meant to be something we do only in emergencies. Prayer should be a cultivated and maturing habit for all True Believers. We should be developing our Prayer life until we go to Heaven.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Belonging To Christ And Having The Holy Spirit!
'Belonging To Christ And Having The Holy Spirit.'
Romans 8:9.
a) You are not controlled by the flesh
b) But by the Holy Spirit
c) If indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.
d) Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,
e) This person does not belong to Him.
(Through this QT I am convinced that the two go together: Belonging To Christ And Having The Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit daily.
'He Will Bless Us.'
Psalm 115:12.
a) The Lord remembers us
b) And will Bless us.
c) He will Bless His People Israel
d) He will Bless the family of Aaron.
(Though this Second one I find a clear statement of Faith: He Will Bless Us)
PRAYER: For the Lord to Remember us and Bless us.
There are several statements in the Scripture which can help us discern whether a person belongs to the Lord or not. This QT tells us that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ that person does not belong to Him. The evidence of having the Spirit of Christ is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit that is produced in the True Believer's life.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
A Miracle Convinced Them!
'A Miracle Convinced Them.'
John 6:14.
a) After the people saw the sign that Jesus performed,
b) They began to say;
c) "Surely this is the Prophet
d) "That is come into the World."
(This QT shows me that A Miracle Convinced Them)
PRAYER: For restoration of Jesus' miracles to the Church)
'The Lord Remembers His People.'
Psalm 115:12.
a) The Lord remembers us.
b) The Lord has been mindful of us:
c) He will Bless us;
d) He will Bless the House of Israel;
e) He will Bless the House of Aaron.
(This Second one reveals that The Lord Remembers His People)
PRAYER: Thanksgiving that the Lord remembers us)
A miracle convinced them: this statement is still effective today. When people can see the Lord's miracles then they will be convinced that He is Lord! From various reports received from different parts of the World it is clear that the Lord is still doing His miraculous works today. We should not try to sensationally 'make' these miracles happen, if we do that, we abuse the Precious Name of Jesus. We should, however, believe that His miracles amongst us, initiated by Himself, can happen.
Friday, January 19, 2018
True Intercession Requires Humility!
'True Intercession Requires Humility And Faith.
Genesis 18:27-28.
a) And Abraham answered the Lord and said:
b) "I have taken upon me to speak to the Lord
c) "Which am but dust and ashes"
d) "Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous
e) "Wilt Thou destroy the city for the lack of five?"
f) The Lord replied: "If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it."
(This QT reminds me that True Intercession Requires Humility And Faith)
PRAYER: To pray True Intercession with a humble heart.
'The Bible's Assessment Of Idolatry.'
Psalm 115:1-11.
a) Psalm 115:1. We should give Glory to the Lord because of His Mercy and Truth.
b) Psalm 115:2. The unbelievers may question the existence of God.
c) Psalm 115:3. Our God is in Heaven and He does whatever He pleases.
d) Psalm 115:4-7. The existence of idols.
e) Psalm 115:8. The bondages associated with idolatry.
f) Psalm 115:9-11. We are to trust in the Lord, He is our Help and our Shield.
(Through this Second one I understand The Bible's Assessment Of Idolatry)
PRAYER: For unbelievers around us to repent and experience the reality of the Lord's Presence in their lives.
The Lord said to Abraham "If I find...". This means that the Lord looks down from Heaven. He did this in both Old and New Testament days, and His Word assures us that He continues to look down from Heaven today. All True Believers need to remember this.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Come Near To God!
'Come Near To God.'
Hebrews 10:22.
a) Let us come near to God with a sincere heart.
b) Let us come near boldly because of our Faith.
c) Our hearts have been sprinkled.
d) Our minds have been cleansed from a sense of guilt.
e) Our bodies have been washed with pure water.
(This QT encourages me to Come Near To God)
PRAYER: For our desire and willingness to Come Near To God.
'Our Living God.'
Psalm 115:1-3.
a) Psalm 115:1. We should give Glory to the Lord;
Because of His:
b) Psalm 115:2. Why do the Nations ask: "Where is their God?"
c) Psalm 115:3. Our God is in Heaven.
d) Psalm 115:3. He does anything He wants to do.
(Through this Second one I desire to give Glory to our Living God)
PRAYER: That we will give Glory to our Living God.
We can, and should, Come near to God with a sincere heart. We know the necessity of a pure heart in order to come near to God, but that pure heart also needs to be sincere. This is pointing out to us about our desires, motives, and actions. It is difficult to remain in God's Presence if our heart is not sincere. Whether we live far away from our Church, or nearby, we need to prepare our heart to go to Church if we can go there. In our daily life also, we need to live with a heart that is pure and sincere.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
A Test For Philip!
'A Test For Philip.'
John 6:4-13
a) John 6:4. It was time for a Feast - the Jewish Passover.
b) John 6:5. Jesus saw the huge crown and asked Philip where He could buy bread to feed all the people.
c) John 6:6. Jesus knew what He was going to do but He was testing Philip.
d) John 6:7. Philip responded with a natural answer and not a 'faith' answer.
e) John 6:8-9. Andrew found a little boy who had just five loaves and two fish.
f) John 6:9. Then Andrew could not see how this could feed a multitude.
g) John 6:10. Jesus asked the people to sit down. There were 5,000 men, (probably many of them with their families).
f) John 6:11. Jesus:
1-Took the Loaves.
2-Gave thanks for them.
3-Distributed them to those people who were seated.
4-Did the same with the fish.
g) John 6:11. Everyone had as much as they wanted.
h) John 6:12. When the people had finished Jesus asked the Disciples to gather up what was left over. Nothing was to be wasted.
i) John 6:13. There were twelve baskets full of food that was leftover.
(This QT reveals a test for Philip and a miracle of Provision)
PRAYER: For understanding of what the Lord wants to do and is doing in our lives.
'Praising And Remembering.'
Psalm 103:2.
a) Praise the Lord,
b) O my soul!
c) May I never forget
d) The good things He does for me.
(This Second one reminds me to keep Praising And Remembering)
PRAYER: That we will continue to focus on Praising And Remembering.
God loves our families! Maybe we are the only 'active' Christian in our families, or the majority of our family members are really non-believers. This does not mean that God does not love them. He loves them very much and He surely wants to meet with them and Save them. In the same way that Jesus fed the multitude, He is also able to Save our families. It is good to pray with Faith and Love regularly for the Salvation of our non-believing family members.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Just Fifty Godly People!
'Just Fifty Godly People.'
Genesis 18:24-26.
a) Genesis 18:24-25. Abraham's intercession:
1-"What if there are fifty godly people in the city?
2-"Will you really wipe it out?
3-"And not spare the place for fifty godly people who are in it?
4-"Far be it from You to do such a thing -
5-"To kill the godly with the wicked,
6-"Treating the godly and the wicked alike!
7-"Far be it from You!
8-"Will not the Judge of the whole Earth do right?"
b) Genesis 18:26. So the Lord replied: "If I find in the City of Sodom fifty Godly people, I will spare the whole place for their sake."
(This QT teaches me the effect of Just Fifty God People resident in a city)
PRAYER: For more Godly people to be in our towns and cities.
'Join Me In Prayer.'
Romans 15:30.
a) Now I urge you, brothers and sisters,
b) Through our Lord Jesus Christ
c) And through the love of the (Holy) Spirit,
d) To join fervently with me
e) In Prayer to God on my behalf.
(The Simple Call of this Second One is Join Me In Prayer)
PRAYER: That we will be always ready to pray for and with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is very clear that God will not kill the godly people with the wicked people. When godly people lead godly lives and endeavor to live in the Will of God, then, often God works miracles on behalf of those people. There is a purpose in the life and death of every True Believer.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Jesus Knows Who Is Really Clean!
'Jesus Knows Who Is Really Clean.'
John 13:10-11.
a) Jesus answered:
b) "A person who has had a bath
c) "needs to wash only his feet.
d) "The rest of his body is clean.
e) "And you are clean.
f) "But not all of you are."
(This QT makes me realise that Jesus Knows Who Is Really Clean)
PRAYER: To be truly clean in front of God.
'The Love Of Christ And The Fulness Of God.'
Ephesians 3:18-19.
a) May you have the power
b) With all God's People
c) To understand Christ's Love.
d) May you know how wide and long and high and deep it is.
e) And may you know His Love
f) Although it cannot be known completely.
g) Then you will be filled
h) With everything God has for you.
(Through this Second one I desire to know The Love Of Christ And The Fulness Of God)
PRAYER: To know more of the Love of Christ.
So often, during His time of walking upon this Earth, Jesus had the answer for the people who questioned Him. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. This means that He still has and is the Answer and this answer is normally found in the Word of God. Our Bible Reading and Bible Study should be really helping us discover this fact.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
A Necessity For All Disciples Of Jesus!
'A Necessity For All Disciples Of Jesus.'
John 6:3.
a) Jesus went up on the mountain
b) And there
b) He sat down
c) With His Disciples.
(Through this QT I see A Necessity For All Disciples Of Jesus)
PRAYER: For your 'personal time' with Jesus to be meaningful.
'God So Loved.'
John 3:16.
a) For God so loved the World
b) That He gave His Only Son,
c) So that everyone who believes in Him
d) Will not die but will have Eternal Life.
(This Second one reminds me that God So Loved the World and its inhabitants)
PRAYER: For more people in this World to know and experience the fact that God loves them.
Jesus made the time to sit with His Disciples. They fellowshipped together with Jesus, sometimes ate together with Him and listened to His Teaching. Three things that could and should be a part of our 'Christian Life' today: i) Fellowship together with Jesus in some way, or ways. ii) Eating together with other disciples at appropriate times. iii) Listening to, and reading, the Teaching of Jesus.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Abraham - The Praying Father!
'Abraham - The Praying Father.'
Genesis 18:23.
a) Abraham approached the Lord
b) And asked:
c) "Are You really going to
d) "Sweep away the innocent
e) "With the guilty?"
(This QT reveals to me Abraham - The Praying Father)
PRAYER: For the fathers in our Churches to be men of Prayer.
'Grace Revealed.'
Titus 2:11.
a) The Grace of God
b) Has been revealed,
c) Bringing Salvation
d) To all people.
(Through this Second One I Thank God for Grace Revealed)
PRAYER: For our families, friends and colleagues to experience Grace Revealed.
Those people who die, lost in their sins are described here as being 'swept away'. This is an unnecessary fate. The manifested Love of God, revealed to us through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ means that we do not have to suffer that fate. The offer of Salvation, through Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is still open to all who will put their trust in Him.
Friday, January 12, 2018
Be Clean Before Worship!'
'Be Clean Before Worship.'
Exodus 30:17-21.
a) Exodus 30:17. This was the Word of the Lord to Moses.
b) Exodus 30:18. Moses was to make a totally bronze basin of bronze for washing,
c) Exodus 30:18. It was to be between the tent of meeting and the altar
d) Exodus 30:18. Water must be in it.
e) Exodus 30:19. Aaron and his sons must wash their hands and feet from it;
f) Exodus 30:20. They had to wash before they entered the place of Worship, if they did not wash, they would die.
g) Exodus 30:21. This was to be a perpetual statute for the priests throughout the generations.
(This QT reveals something very important: Be Clean Before Worship)
PRAYER: That we, and our Church, will be well-prepared for Worship Service in every way.
'The Great Kindness Of The Most High God.'
Luke 6:35.
a) Love your enemies,
b) And do good,
c) And lend,
d) Expecting nothing in return;
e) And your reward will be great,
f) And you will be sons of the Most High;
g) For He is kind to people that are:
(This Second one teaches me about The Great Kindness Of The Most High God)
PRAYER: That we can follow the example of kindness given by the Most High God.
It was a "must" Aaron and his sons needed to be clean before they entered into the place of Worship. Here is a very good pattern for us. Some people have the incorrect idea that if they attend the Worship Service, then they will be clean. This is totally opposed to God's Way, God wants us to be clean before we enter the Worship Service.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Attracted By His Miracles!
'Attracted By His Miracles.'
John 6:2.
a) A large crowd was following Jesus
b) Because they had seen the signs and miracles
c) Which He continually performed
d) On those people
e) Who were sick.
(This QT shows me that many people were Attracted By His Miracles)
PRAYER: For His miracles to be manifested in our Churches today.
'The Gift From God.'
2 Corinthians 9:15.
a) Now thanks be to God
b) For His indescribable Gift,
c) Which is precious beyond words.
(This Second one, The Gift From God, reminds me always to Thank God for His Gifts)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Gifts that He has given to us.
As long as there is life on this Earth, there will always be people who are sick. When we look at the ministry of Jesus Christ on this Earth, we see that there were many times that He healed sick people. There were times that He healed more than at other times. There is no 'rule or law' about the healing Grace that comes from Jesus Christ. Today, both the Church and the Evangelist/Missionary need to consider the sick people and how best to help and heal them.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Just The Lord And Abraham!
'Just The Lord And Abraham.'
Genesis 18:22.
a) The other two men went on towards Sodom.
b) But the Lord
c) Remained with Abraham a while.
(This QT shows to me Just The Lord And Abraham together)
PRAYER: For the Lord to give us time to spend with Him alone together.
'Motivated By The Grace Of God.'
1 Corinthians 15:10.
a) By the Grace of God I am what I am:
b) And His Grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain;
c) But I laboured more abundantly than they all:
d) Yet not I,
e) But the Grace of God which was with me.
(Through this Second one I understand that Apostle Paul was Motivated By The Grace Of God)
PRAYER: To be motivated by the Grace of God.
A sincere True Believer will have a consistent desire to spend regular times with the Lord alone. If we do not have this 'personal' kind of relationship with God then our spiritual life really suffers. Time alone with God should not be a 'discipline' in life, it should be a desired joy. Initially, if we are taught about this in a good way, we shall enjoy our personal times with the Lord regularly.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
O Lord, Answer My Prayer!
'O Lord, Answer My Prayer.'
Psalm 69:13.
a) But as for me,
b) May Prayer is to you O Lord,
c) For a favourable time.
d) O God, out of the Greatness of Your Mercy,
e) Answer me with the Faithfulness of Your Salvation.
(This QT simply causes me to call on God to Answer My Prayer)
PRAYER: Simply come to the Lord and Pray, remembering His Mercy and Salvation.
'They Knew The Word But Not The Times.'
Acts 1:6.
a) When the Apostles came together,
b) They asked Him:
c) "Lord, is this the time
d) "When You are going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?"
(This Second one reminds me that They Knew The Word But Not The Times)
PRAYER: That we will both know and understand the Word of God.
This Prayer from the Psalms is a good example for us as we consider our own regular Prayer times. We can and should focus on the Greatness of God's Mercy and the Faithfulness of His Salvation as we begin our Prayer times. When we have this focus we will also have the awe of God and the realisation of who He is and His readiness to answer the Prayers of His Beloved People.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Jesus Crossed Over The Sea!
'Jesus Crossed Over The Sea.'
John 6:1.
a) After these things
b) Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee,
c) Which is the Sea of Tiberias.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus was always moving in the Will of God)
PRAYER: When we need to travel, or move, in the Will of God, that we will obey Him.
'The Real Meaning Of God's Choice.'
2 Thessalonians 2:13.
a) But we must always thank God for you Brothers, loved by the Lord,
b) Because, from the Beginning,
c) God has chosen you for Salvation
d) Through Sanctification by the (Holy) Spirit
e) And through belief in the Truth.
(Through this Second one I find The Real Meaning Of God's Choice)
PRAYER: Thank the Lord for His Love for us.
For some of us this is easier than others! There may be times when we need, or want, to travel somewhere. Even more basic, there may be times when God is calling us to move to a new place, city or country! When God speaks to us, we should obey Him and travel or move carefully in His Will.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Lord Came Down To See!
'The Lord Came Down To See.'
Genesis 18:21.
a) The Lord went down to see
b) If Sodom had done entirely according to its outcry,
c) Which came to Him.
d) Them He would know
e) Whether it was true or not.
(This QT teaches me that The Lord Came Down To See)
PRAYER: For our daily lives to be pleasing to the Lord.
'A Lack Of Maturity.'
Hebrews 5:12.
a) For you should now be teaching others.
b) You have need again for someone to teach you
c) The elementary principles
d) Of the Oracles of God,
e) And you have come to need milk
f) And not solid food.
(This Second one reveals A Lack Of Maturity)
PRAYER: For our Spiritual growth.
The Lord is the Only One Who knows what is True and what is not True! It is important for His People to live in the Truth and to speak the Truth. Our daily lives can only be pleasing to the Lord when we live in the Truth and speak the Truth.
Saturday, January 6, 2018
The Power Of Christ's Death!
'The Power Of Christ's Death.'
Hebrews 2:14.
a) Since then, the children have a common physical nature as human beings,
b) He also became a human being,
c) So that, by going through death as a man
d) He might destroy Him Who had the power of death,
e) That is, the Devil.
(This QT tells me of The Power Of Christ's Death)
PRAYER: Thank God that Jesus Christ has destroyed the Devil and his power through His Death on the Cross.
'Excellent Advice For New Believers.'
(And for all True Believers)
1 Peter 2:2.
a) As new-born babes,
b) Desire the sincere milk of the Word (Hebrews 5:12-13),
c) That you may grow thereby.
(This Second one contains Excellent Advice For New Believers)
PRAYER: For New Believers to grow in the Lord through reading, and listening to, the Word of God.
The Power of Jesus Christ's Death and Resurrection is amazing, because at the Cross He destroyed him who had the power of death, the Devil. The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord, we need to know Him personally as our Lord and Saviour.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Believe Old And New Testaments!
'Believe Old And New Testaments.'
John 5:47.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ:
b) "But if you do not believe what Moses wrote,
c) "How can you believe what I say?"
(Through this QT I know that we should Believe Old And New Testaments)
PRAY: For our personal Bible Reading and Understanding.
'Immature Church.'
1 Corinthians 3:1.
a) Brothers and Sisters,
b) I could not talk to you as spiritual people,
c) But only as to worldly people,
d) Dominated by the human nature,
e) Mere infants in the New Life in Christ.
(This Second one reveals an Immature Church)
(PRAY: For the consistent growth in maturity of the Churches)
Our personal 'spiritual life and growth in faith' is important. We need to be able to read the Scriptures regularly and to pray. Personal prayer after reading the Bible is helpful because we can pray with the Scriptures that we have just read. Let the Word of God stimulate and lead our prayers. This personal 'spiritual life' will really help us to grow in our faith life.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...