The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Ax Lies Ready!
'The Ax Lies Ready.'
Luke 3:9.
a) The words of John Baptist.
b) Even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
c) Every tree that does not produce good fruit
d) Will be cut down
e) And thrown into the fire.
(This QT reminds me that The Ax Lies Ready was a theme of John Baptist, not the Lord Jesus Christ)
PRAY: For Graceful and not threatening messages to be in our Churches.
'How It Should Be In Church Fellowship.'
Jeremiah 31:34.
a) No longer will they teach their neighbour,
b) Or say to one another,
c) "Know the Lord",
d) Because they will all know Me,
e) From the least of them to the greatest,"
f) Declares the Lord.
g) "For I will forgive their wickedness
h) "And remember their sins no more."
(This Second one reminds me of How It Should Be In Church Fellowship)
PRAY: For the Fellowship times in your Church.
We need to regard well the Word of the Scripture, whether Old or New Testament. For regular Church Members, the Bible Study is, and should be, an important part of Church activity. For all of us, reading and studying the Bible at home can be very useful too and also produce good fruit in our lives.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Very Old!
'Very Old.'
a) Genesis 18:11; 24:1. Abraham and Sarah were very old.
b) Genesis 35:29. Isaac died when he was very old.
c) Joshua 13:1; 23:1&2. Joshua was very old.
d) 2 Samuel 2:22. Eli was very old.
e) 2 Samuel 19:32. Barzillai was very old.
f) 1 Kings 1:1. King David was very old.
g) 1 Kings 14:4. Ahijah was very old.
h) Luke 1:36. John and Elizabeth were very old.
i) Luke 2:36. Anna was very old.
(This QT teaches me that God recorded when people were Very Old)
PRAY: For the very old people in your Church and local community.
'Especially For The Humble People.'
Proverbs 3:34.
a) God mocks those who mock,
b) But He gives Grace
c) To the Humble People.
(Through this Second one I know that God gives Grace Especially For The Humble People)
PRAY: For the Church, that the members will realise that God gives Grace Especially For The Humble People.
Many people whose lives are recorded in the Bible lived until they were very old. The Lord records the lives of both the living and the dead, however old or young they may be or may have been. It is correct that, in these days, the people who are very old should be well looked after by whoever appropriately can look after them well.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
It Is Good To Learn!
'It Is Good To Learn.'
a) Deuteronomy 4:10; 14:23; 17:19. To fear the Lord always.
b) Deuteronomy 5:1. The Word of God.
c) Psalm 119:7. The Lord's Righteous Judgments.
d) Psalm 119:71. The Lord's Statutes.
e) Psalm 119:73. The Lord's Commandments.
f) Isaiah 1:17. To do well.
g) Matthew 11:29. From the Lord Jesus.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Good To Learn)
PRAYER: That we will be a teachable people.
'True Believers Are Productive.'
Titus 3:14.
a) Our people must learn
b) To devote themselves to doing what is good,
c) In order to provide for urgent needs
d) And not live unproductive lives.
(This Second one teaches me that True Believers Are Productive)
PRAYER: To live a productive life.
Doing well is something that we need to learn. This not only is in regard to our intellectual education, it has to do with our life. I am sure that God wants His People to be doing well. If we learn to do well in life, then we become a "living testimony" for our Lord. Doing well is something that every True Believer is called to.
Monday, November 27, 2017
A Pure Christian Life!
'A Pure Christian Life.'
Luke 3:8.
a) Bearing fruits in keeping with repentance.
b) Not claiming religious heritage.
c) Realising the great ability of God.
(This QT calls me to be living A Pure Christian Life)
PRAYER: For Grace to live A Pure Christian Life.
a) Isaiah 1:16. Is first personal.
b) Isaiah 1:17. Means caring for other people.
c) Isaiah 1:18. Comes through a personal encounter with God.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Repentance)
PRAYER: To repent when necessary.
It is important for us not to take living the Christian Life "for granted". One of the weaknesses of established Christians is that we tend to watch and judge other people easily. This is sin! Every True Believer needs to walk humbly with God and not be watching, or comparing themselves with others.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Great News For Abraham And Sarah!
'Great News For Abraham And Sarah.'
Genesis 18:9-10.
a) The two men (Angels)
b) Asked Abraham: "Where is your wife Sarah?"
c) "There in the tent." Abraham replied.
d) One of the Angels said: "I will return to you about this time next year,
e) "And Sarah will then have a son."
f) Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent, just behind Abraham.
(Through this QT we find Great News For Abraham And Sarah)
PRAYER: For this Good News to come to childless couples who want a child.
'A Visit That Made Hearts Pleasant.'
Genesis 45:16.
a) The news reached Pharaoh's house:
b) "Joseph's brothers have come."
c) Pharaoh and his officials were pleased.
(This Second one shows me A Visit That Made Hearts Pleasant)
PRAYER: That we will be sensitive to the timing when we visit other people personally.
This Promise, whether given to Sarah, or anyone, is one of the Greatest Promises of God. The Promise of bearing, and giving birth to, a son. We sometimes regard family life as something almost mechanical, especially when God is not considered in family life and fellowship. For the family that Believes in the Living God, all the parts of life that are shared together are so precious.
Friday, November 24, 2017
a) Exodus 15:1. The Lord has won a Glorious Victory.
b) Exodus 15:11. The Lord is Glorious because of His Holiness.
c) Deuteronomy 28:58. The Lord has a Glorious and Awe-inspiring Name.
d) Nehemiah 9:5. From everlasting to everlasting Your (the Lord's) Glorious Name is praised and lifted high above all praise.
e) Psalm 66:2. Make His Praise Glorious.
f) Psalm 72:19. Thanks be to His Glorious Name forever.
g) Haggai 2:9. This new house will be more Glorious than the former.
h) Matthew 19:28; 25:31. When the Son of Man sits one His Glorious Throne in the World to come,...
i) Romans 6:4. The Glorious Power of the Father.
j) Romans 8:21. ...the Glorious Freedom that the Children of God will have.
(This QT teaches me that the Kingdom of God is Glorious)
PRAYER: That our Praises to God will be sincere and that we will lift His Praises high above all other praise.
'The Lord Used His People.'
Judges 4:23-24.
a) On that day
b) The Lord humiliated King Jabin of Canaan before the Israelites. Israel's power continued to overwhelm King Jabin of Canaan
c) Until they did away with him.
(Through this Second one I see how The Lord Used His People)
PRAYER: That we will be ready to be used by the Lord.
Here is a Word for all those people involved in Worship and Praise Ministry: we must never forget to make His Praise Glorious! The whole purpose of Worship and Praise is to Glorify the Lord. When Worship and Praise just becomes like entertainment it loses its purpose.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
A Frank Message Introduction!
A Frank Message Introduction!
Luke 3:7.
a) Then John Baptist
b) Said to the crowds
c) That came out to be Baptised by him,
d) "You children of vipers!
e) "Who warned you to flee
f) "From the wrath to come?"
(This QT reveals A Frank Message Introduction)
PRAYER: For Servants of the Lord to be bold to bring A Frank Message when they need to.
'Humbled, Overpowered And Defeated.'
Judges 4:23-24.
a) So God humbled King Jabin of Canaan
b) Before the Children of Israel that day.
c) The Children of Israel grew more and more powerful
d) Over King Jabin of Canaan,
e) Until he was no more.
(This Second one teaches me that King Jabin was Humbled, Overpowered And Defeated)
PRAYER: For God to Humble, Overpower and Defeat those people who would oppose Him and His People.
Luke the Disciple of Jesus was also a physician. To be a physician, one has to have a lasting sense of compassion and a will to do what is correct, even when tired. Even until today, some of the best lay leaders in Churches are Doctors. Medical doctors make good leaders, they care about people as well as caring for the Church. We should be praying for more Christian Medical Doctors.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
A Polite Host!
'A Polite Host.
Genesis 18:8.
a) Abraham took:
3-Prepared Beef.
b) He set the meal before the men.
c) He stood under the tree while they ate.
(This QT shows me A Polite Host)
PRAYER: That we will serve other people well.
'A Sabbath Principle.'
Leviticus 23:3.
a) Work six days,
b) The seventh day is a Sabbath.
c) A day of total and complete rest.
d) A sacred Assembly.
e) You shall not do any work on that day.
f) It is the Sabbath of the Lord, wherever you may be.
(Through this Second one I find A Sabbath Principle)
PRAYER: Committing ourselves to the Sabbath Principle.
Abraham set the meal before the men. He did not eat with them, he was culturally very polite. This is a great lesson to learn for all men and women of polite! To be polite, simply by itself, can be a powerful Testimony for the Lord in this impolite World!
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Heartfelt Praise To God!
'Heartfelt Praise To God.'
Psalm 111:1.
a) Praise the Lord.
b) I will Praise the Lord with my whole heart,
c) In the Assembly of the upright people,
d) And in the Congregation.
(Through this QT I am exhorted to offer Heartfelt Praise To God)
PRAYER: For our wholehearted Praise to God.
'Respect The Boundary.'
Genesis 31:51-53.
a) Genesis 31:51. "This heap of stones" Laban continued, which are between me and you,
b) Genesis 31:52. "Is a witness that I will not cross this line to attack you,
c) Genesis 31:52. "And you will not cross the line to attack me.
d) Genesis 31:53. "I call upon the God of Abraham and Nahor, and of their father, to destroy either one of us who does cross the line."
e) Genesis 31:53. So Jacob took oath before the Mighty God of his father, Isaac, to respect the boundary line.
(Through this Second one I know that it is very good to Respect The Boundary, whatever kind of boundary line it is)
PRAYER: For Grace from God so that we can Respect The Boundary of other people.
Giving Heartfelt Praise to God is something that it is very good to do. We will not get "caught up" with other people's stories and gossip if we are people that give Heartfelt Praise to God. Praise is such an important part of the Christian's life. "Praise and Worship", "Praise and Thanksgiving", "Praise and Prayer" are good examples of this. We need to learn to focus on Praise to God and the good things that accompany it
Monday, November 20, 2017
Jesus Christ Reveals God's Salvation Gift!
'Jesus Christ Reveals God's Salvation Gift.'
Luke 3:5-6.
a) Every valley shall be filled in,
b) Every mountain and hill shall be brought low,
c) And the crooked ways shall be made straight,
d) And the rough ways shall be made smooth;
e) And all flesh shall see the Salvation of God.
(Through this QT it is clear that Jesus Christ Reveals God's Salvation Gift)
PRAYER: For those people who do not yet know or understand that Jesus Christ Reveals God's Salvation Gift.
'It Is Sin.'
a) Deuteronomy 24:15. To withhold your worker's wages or salary.
b) 1 Chronicles 21:17. To calculate, rather than to Trust the Lord, when we need to be Trusting Him.
c) Matthew 27:4. To betray innocent blood.
d) Romans 7:17. Within us that causes us to sin.
e) James 4:17. When we know how to do good but we do not do it.
(This Second one helps me to realise when It Is Sin)
PRAYER: To speedily repent when we know that It Is Sin that we have committed.
This is a Prophecy that is taking place in modern generations: All Flesh Shall See The Salvation Of God. Never before in history has there been such a global manifestation of Gospel preaching, through all kinds of means of communication. There are also still missionaries today who live in quite difficult circumstances traditionally preaching and demonstrating the Gospel.
A Hospitable Husband!
'A Hospitable Husband.'
Genesis 18:6.
a) Abraham hastened into the tent to his wife Sarah.
b) Abraham said to her:
c) "Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal,
d) "kneed it
e) "and make cakes."
(This QT reveals A Hospitable Husband)
PRAYER: For our family to be a hospitable family, including the husband and father.
'Personal Faith And Prayer.'
Psalm 138:8.
a) The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;
b) Thy Mercy,
c) Oh Lord,
d) Endures forever;
e) Forsake not the works of Thine Own Hands.
(This Second one reminds me of the need for Personal Faith And Prayer)
PRAYER: To continue with Personal Faith And Prayer.
Sarah was very willing to help her husband Abraham most of the time. She obviously had a caring and hospitable heart. When husband and wife have an agreeing co-operation, they can live a happily married life. Sometimes the expectations and demanding situations are there, yet, because of love, the marriage stands strong.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Peace In The Body Of Christ!
'Peace In The Body Of Christ!
Colossians 3:15.
a) Let the Peace of God
b) Rule in your hearts,
c) To which you were called in one Body,
d) And be thankful.
(This QT calls us to Peace In The Body Of Christ)
PRAYER: For Peace In The Body Of Christ.
'Prayer And Thanksgiving.'
Colossians 4:2.
a) Devote yourselves to Prayer
b) Continue steadfastly in Prayer,
c) Be alert in Prayer.
d) Be thankful when you Pray.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the importance of Prayer And Thanksgiving)
PRAYER: For new steadfastness in Prayer And Thanksgiving.
This QT reminds me that one of the ways to maintain Peace in the Body of Christ is to allow that same Peace first to rule in our heart and for our basic attitude to be thankfulness. This is part of our calling as Believers in Jesus Christ.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Isaiah's Message From The Desert!
'Isaiah's Message From The Desert!
Luke 3:4.
a) This was written of John the Baptist,
b) But it came from the Prophet Isaiah.
c) Somebody is shouting in the desert:
d) "Get the road ready for the Lord!
e) "Make a straight path for Him to travel on."
(This QT reveals to me Isaiah's Message From The Desert)
PRAYER: For God's Message to be in our churches.
'Simple But Profound.'
Leviticus 6:1.
a) The Lord spoke,
b) The Lord gave the following regulations,
c) To Moses.
(This Second one is something Simple But Profound)
PRAYER: For our churches to value the Simple but Profound Word of God highly.
The Lord likes a straight path to travel on. We have the power and ability to make our lives less complicated than they are. So often, we fail to do this, and then our life becomes unnecessarily difficult. When we live in the proper way we also can make a straight path for the Lord to work in our lives. Let us live in the proper way.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Good Progress!
'Good Progress.'
Genesis 18:3-5.
a) Genesis 18:3. Stay for a while.
b) Genesis 18:4. Rest and wash.
c) Genesis 18:5. Eat and go.
(This QT teaches me about moving on with Good Progess)
PRAYER: That we will always make Good Progress.
'The Ministry Of Jesus Christ.'
Luke 4:18-21.
a) Luke 4:18. The Holy Spirit empowering and anointing Jesus' Ministry.
b) Luke 4:19. The Message of the Lord's Favour.
c) Luke 4:20. Jesus had read from Isaiah and gave the Scroll back to the Temple Minister.
d) Luke 4:21. Jesus explained to the people that Isaiah's Prophecy was concerning Him.
(Through this Second one we have a clear explanation of The Ministry Of Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: That we will always serve The Message of the Lord's Favour.
Prayer to make good progress in the Will of God is a very sensible prayer to pray. We need to be sensitive to, and sensible about, how we follow God and His Will. We do need to consider our life and ministry in front of God, to attempt to obey Him in all that we do.
Jesus Made It Very Clear!
'Jesus Made It Very Clear.'
Matthew 12:40.
a) Jonah was in the belly of the great fish
b) For three days and three nights.
c) So the Son of Man
d) Will be in the heart of the Earth
e) For three days and three nights.
(This QT reveals to me that Jesus Made It Very Clear)
PRAYER: That we will keep our trust in Jesus Christ.
'To Repent Is Important.'
Matthew 12:41.
a) The people of Nineveh
b) Will stand up at the Judgment
c) And condemn the people living today,
d) Because they repented at the preaching of Jonah
e) But look --
f) Something greater than Jonah is here.
(This Second one teaches me that To Repent Is Important)
PRAYER: To repent when we need to.
Jesus clearly knew and taught about His Death, Burial and Resurrection. He publicly spoke about these facts, even though most of the people did not understand Him. Sometimes the Lord says to us things that we do not understand, but, as we keep them in mind, eventually they become clear and we understand. We should keep trusting what the Lord says.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
John Baptist's Ministry!
'John Baptist's Ministry.'
Luke 3:3.
a) John went to the region all around the Jordan, it means he went from place to place, even the desert.
b) John preached a Baptism of repentance.
c) For the remission of sins.
(This QT reveals to me something of John Baptist's Ministry)
PRAYER: For the Ministry of preaching in our Churches.
'Jesus' Ministry.'
Matthew 8:17.
a) Jesus fulfilled the Prophecies about Him in the Old Testament.
b) Specifically the Prophecy of Isaiah here. (Isaiah 53:4.)
c) Jesus Himself took our infirmities
d) And bare our sicknesses.
(Through this Second one we find some of Jesus' Ministry)
PRAYER: Pray for Jesus' Ministry to be restored to His Church.
Surely the Ministry of John the Baptist can be a good example, model and challenge to pioneer ministry and Church - planting ministry. Not his clothes or diet, but his enthusiasm, commitment and message. All over the World today there is a need for "John the Baptist Ministry". This is all a part of the Great Commission ... "Go, and make Disciples".
Truly Great Men Are Polite!
'Truly Great Men Are Polite!'
Genesis 18:2.
a) Abraham looked up
b) Suddenly he saw three men standing near him.
c) When he saw them,
d) He ran to meet them
e) And he bowed himself toward the ground.
(This QT teaches me that Truly Great Men Are Polite)
PRAY: That we will, at all times, be polite.
a) 2 Samuel 22:36; Psalm 18:35. The Lord God has Gentleness.
b) 2 Corinthians 10:1. Christ has Gentleness.
c) Galatians 5:22. One of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Gentleness.
(This Second one gives me a desire for Gentleness in my life)
PRAY: For Gentleness.
Abraham was the father of Faith, one of the great men of God. Yet, when he saw the strangers, he went running to meet them and bowed himself toward the ground. At that moment, he did not know who these men were, he was just being his normal, polite self. The Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives can easily be grieved by our impoliteness. Real men and women of God will be evidenced by politeness.
Monday, November 13, 2017
God Spoke The Words!
'God Spoke The Words!'
a) Exodus 20:1. God spoke all these words,
b) Genesis 8:15; 9:8. To Noah.
c) Genesis 35:15. To Jacob at Bathel.
d) Exodus 6:2. To Moses.
e) Acts 7:6. In a certain way.
(This QT confirms to me that God Spoke The Words)
PRAYER: That we would listen carefully to what GOD says to us.
'Moses - A Devout Servant Of The Lord!'
Exodus 24:4.
a) Moses wrote down all the Words of the Lord.
b) Moses rose early in the morning.
c) Moses built an altat at the foot of the mountain.
d) Moses built 12 pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
(Through this Second one I find Moses - A Devout Servant Of The Lord.)
PRAYER: That, like Moses, we would be devout Servants of the Lord.
It was God that spoke the Words! When God speaks, it is always correct, sometimes people speak and say that it is God speaking, but it is not. This just a "religious spirit" or a "false prophecy", it is not God speaking at all. When God speaks it is always "spot on" and accurate.
The Most Important Was A Simple Prophet!
'The Most Important Was A Simple Prophet.'
Luke 3:1-2.
a) Mentioned here are:
1-Tiberius Caesar,
2- Pontius Pilate.
3-The Herod.
b) These were mostly politically important people.
c) The most important person mentioned is John the Baptist, a very simple wilderness dweller.
(This QT teaches me that The Most Important Was A Simple Prophet)
PRAY: That we will not forget to esteem ordinary people when it is appropriate.
'A Beautiful Transformation.'
2 Corinthians 3:18.
a) But we all,
b) With unveiled face,
c) Beholding, as in a mirror
d) The Glory of the Lord,
e) Are transformed into the same image
f) From Glory to Glory,
g) Even as from the Lord, the Spirit.
(This Second one reveals A Beautiful Transformation that takes place for every True Believer)
PRAY: Thank God for our Beautiful Transformation.
The meaning of the name Philip means lover of horses. This is a very interesting name which surely must be associated with kindness and traveling! These two factors were very much associated with the Ministry of the Early Church, the leaders were often travelling, and seemed, from reading of the Scriptures, to be kind people. May the leaders of our Churches today be able to travel (when necessary), serve and be kind.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
An Amazing Appearance!
'An Amazing Appearance.'
Genesis 18:1.
a) The Lord appeared to Abraham
b) By the oaks of Mamre,
s) As Abraham sat at the door of his tent
d) In the heat of the day.
(This QT reminds me of the amazing relationship between God and Abraham, An Amazing Experience)
PRAY: For our relationship with God to be real and alive.
'God's Seal On Our Hearts'
2 Corinthians 1:22.
a) God has put His Seal on us
b) And given us His Spirit
c) In our hearts as a Guarantee.
(Through this Second one I Thank God for His Seal On Our Hearts)
PRAY: Thank God for the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
Without the same Word of God and fulness of the Holy Spirit that we can have in these days, Abraham had a most wonderful relationship with God. Not only can we have a relationship with God but He has given us His Word (the Bible) and the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us and strengthen us in our Christian Faith and Life.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The Victory At Calvary!
'The Victory At Calvary.'
John 12:31.
a) Now is the Judgment of this World.
b) Now shall the Prince of this World
c) Be cast out.
(This QT reveals to me The Victory At Calvary)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Victories that you have had Through Calvary.
'The Result Of Coming To Christ.'
1 Corinthians 6:11.
a) We are:
b) In the Name of the Lord Jesus.
c) By the Spirit of our God.
(This Second one reminds me of the Blessings that comes my way as The Result Of {my} Coming To Christ)
PRAYER: That our family and friends can also benefit from The Result Of Coming To Christ
We should remember to thank God for the Victories that He has given to us through Calvary. Jesus has done it all, what we need to do is to enter in to what He has done through Faith. We can all have this Faith through the Word of God, listening to it, reading it and praying with it.
Friday, November 10, 2017
From Boy To Young Man!
'From Boy To Young Man.'
Luke 2:52.
a) Jesus increased in Wisdom.
b) Jesus grew in stature and years.
c) Jesus increased in favour with God.
d) Jesus increased in favour with man.
(This QT reveals to me the life of Jesus as He grew up humanly: From Boy To Young Man)
PRAYER: For children in your family and Church to grow up well.
'The Holy Spirit Lives In Us.'
a) Romans 8:16; 1 John 4:13. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
b) 2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5. God has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
c) Ephesians 1:13. We are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
d) 1 John 3:24. Whoever keeps His Commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit Whom He has given us.
(This Second one assures me that The Holy Spirit Lives In True Believers)
PRAYER: For Grace and Strength to obey God
Christian parents can be comforted by the fact that Jesus Christ grew up humanly from Boy to Young Man. He understands very well about physically growing up. Sometimes, in these days, the parents feel isolated from their children because the "culture" of growing children seems so different from parental expectation. In this situation the prayers and love of the parents really helps. (As well as all the other parental responsibilities)
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
All Abraham's Men And Boys!
'All Abraham's Men And Boys'
Genesis 17:24-27.
a) Genesis 17:24. Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised.
b) Genesis 17:25. Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
c) Genesis 17:26. They were quick to obey God.
d) Genesis 17:27. All the men in Abraham's household, whether born or bought were circumcised.
(This QT teaches me that All Abraham's Men And Boys were obedient to God and Abraham to be circumcised)
PRAYER: To obey God in the things that He tells us to do.
'An Important Matter.'
Romans 8:13.
a) If you live according to the flesh,
b) You will die,
c) But, if by the Holy Spirit
d) You put to death the deeds of the body,
e) You shall live.
(This Second one raises An Important Matter)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit and to apply that fulness to our life.
All Abraham's men and boys were obedient to God, all, except the babies and very young children, knew what they were doing and the meaning of what they were doing. Whatever ordinance or ceremony that takes place in our church should include the presence of the children. When they get home, the parents can explain to them what was happening and why it happened. Apart from 'sermon time', it is good for the children to be with their parents in the sanctuary.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Jesus' Good Example For Children!
'Jesus' Good Example For Children.'
Luke 2:51.
a) Jesus went with His parents. (Here as a 12-13 year old boy)
b) He was subject to them.
c) His mother kept all the sayings (about Him) in her heart.
(This QT shows Jesus' Good Example For Children)
PRAYER: For the Children in your family and Church.
'Hope In God Does Not Disappoint Us.'
Romans 5:5.
a) Hope does not disappoint us,
b) Because God's Love
c) Has been poured out into our hearts
d) Through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
(This Second one teaches me that Hope In God Does Not Disappoint Us)
PRAYER: To put our Hope In God.
Prayer for the Children of the Church is important and it should be seen to be important. Parents and Sunday School Teachers can pray for their children (or the children that they are responsible for) on a regular basis. Both in the absence, and in the presence, of the children. This kind of prayer can positively influence the children.
Monday, November 6, 2017
What Do You Think About This?
'What Do You Think About This?'
Matthew 21:28-30.
a) Matthew 21:28. Jesus asked the religious leaders in the Temple:
b) Matthew 21:28. There was a man who had two sons, he said to the first son: "go and work in the vineyard today."
c) Matthew 21:29. This son said to the father: "No, I will not."
d) Matthew 21:29. But afterwards he repented and went.
e) Matthew 21:30. Then the father went to the second son.
f) Matthew 21:30. He said to the second son the same thing: "go and work in the vineyard today."
g) Matthew 21:30. The second son said: "I will go."
h) Matthew 21:30. But he did not go.
(This QT causes me to ask the question: What Do You Think About This?)
PRAYER: For the will to do what the Lord asks us to do.
'A Good Time For The Church.'
Acts 9:31.
a) The Churches enjoyed a time of peace and growth,
b) Throughout the regions of:-
c) The Churches were living with the Fear of the Lord.
d) The Churches were living in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
e) The numbers of worshippers greatly increased.
(Through this Second one I can see: A Good Time For The Church)
PRAYER: For the Churches in your locality.
Afterwards the first son repented and went. Going out to work in the vineyard in the heat of the day was surely not an easy thing to do. Outside work in the field in Bible days was never easy. I am sure that no one relished the idea of working in the field. This first son knew that it was right to obey his father, so he went. The second son told a lie to his father and did not go. Even in the same family, sons can grow up with different characters and mentalities
Sunday, November 5, 2017
A Father Who Quickly Obeyed God!
'A Father Who Quickly Obeyed God.'
Genesis 17:23.
a) Then Abraham took:-
1-Ishmael his son,
2-All of his house-born servants,
3-Any other male in his house.
b) He circumcised them all.
c) On the same day that God had spoken to Him.
(This QT reveals A Father Who Quickly Obeyed God)
PRAYER: For the fathers in your family to obey God.
'The Helper - The Holy Spirit.'
John 14:26.
a) However, the Holy Spirit,
b) Whom the Father will send in My Name,
c) Will teach you everything.
d) He will remind you of everything that I said to you.
(This Second one reminds me of my need of The Helper - The Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: To be filled with The Helper - The Holy Spirit.
Abraham obeyed God in all the things that God asked of him. Some of those things were difficult. Here God asked Him to circumcise every male in his house and Abraham was quick to obey God. In fact, he obeyed God on the day that God spoke to Him. This must have been one of the reasons that God chose Abraham, he tried to obey God in all of his ways.
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The Christian Life!
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