The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Only Eat Your Fill!
'Only Eat Your Fill.'
Deuteronomy 23:24.
a) When you come into your neighbour's vineyard,
b) You may eat your fill of grapes,
c) As many as you please,
d) But you shall not put any in your vessel.
(This QT reminds me: Only Eat Your Fill)
PRAYER: To be free from greed.
'The Righteous For The Unrighteous.'
1 Peter 3:18.
a) For Christ, the Messiah Himself
b) Died for our sins once for all,
c) The:-
1-Righteous for the unrighteous.
2-Just for the unjust.
3-Innocent for the guilty.
d) That He might bring us to God.
e) In His human body He was put to death,
f) But He was made alive in the Spirit.
(This Second one is a picture of God's Love and Grace: The Righteous For The Unrighteous)
PRAYER: Thank God that Christ died for our sins.
The Bible is God's Truth, it is a Revelation of His Understanding of, and Love for, Humankind. If we want to know how to live, we can read the Bible. If we want to find the Way of Salvation, we find it in the Bible. There are so many 'Life Principles' recorded in God's Word, these are God's Counsel for us.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
An Amazing Promise!
'An Amazing Promise.'
Genesis 17:21.
a) God said:
b) "But My Covenent will be confirmed and established through Isaac,
c) "Who will be born to you and Sarah about this time next year."
(This QT reveals An Amazing Promise)
PRAYER: That we will trust God for His Promises)
'The Reality Of God's Word.'
Hebrews 4:12.
a) The Word of God is living and active,
b) Sharper than any two-edged sword,
c) Piercing to the division of soul and spirit,
d) Of joints and of marrow,
e) And discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
(This Second one reminds me of The Reality Of God's Word)
PRAYER: That we can well receive the Word of God.
When God gives us a Promise, it surely is amazing. There is a hymn that is about "Standing on the Promises of God". This is how it is meant to be with God's Promises. When God gives us a Promise it is something that is safe, tested, secure and not imagined. By Faith we can surely stand on the Promises of God.
A Mother Full Of Stress!
'A Mother Full Of Stress.'
Luke 2:48.
a) When Joseph and Mary saw Jesus, their son, in the Temple,
b) They were amazed.
c) Mary said to Him:
2-"Why have You treated us like this?
3-"Your father and I have been anxiously looking for you."
d) They had been distressed and tormented.
(This QT reveals to me A Mother Full Of Stress)
PRAYER: For the parents of the children in your Church and in your residential area; that they will do well in nurturing their children.
'Openly Designated The Son Of God.'
Romans 1:4.
a) As to His Divine Nature.
b) According to the Spirit of Holiness.
c) Jesus was openly designated the Son of God in Power.
d) In a manner that was:-
e) By His Resurrection from the dead.
f) Even Jesus Christ:
1-Our Lord.
2-The Messiah.
3-The Anointed One.
4-The King.
(In this Second one I find our Lord Jesus Christ; Openly Designated The Son Of God)
PRAYER: That new attendees in our Churches will come to know The Lord Jesus Christ: Openly Designated The Son Of God. Pray that they will really know Who Jesus is.
All parents are hurt by their children sometimes, or have a misunderstanding with them. This was the case especially with Mary. In the passage her 'mother's love' comes out. "We have been anxiously looking for You. Why have You done this." She had not yet understood Who Jesus really was. Most problems between parents and children come initially because of communication problems, misunderstanding or lack of patience.
Friday, October 27, 2017
A Sabbath For The Land!
'A Sabbath For The Land.'
Exodus 23:11.
a) In the seventh year you must leave the land unplowed.
b) In the seventh year you must leave the land unused.
c) In that way the poor among your people will have food to eat.
d) Wild animals may eat what the poor people leave.
e) You must do the same with your vineyards
f) You must do the same with your olive groves.
(This QT explains A Sabbath For The Land)
PRAYER: For the Lord's compassion to be shown to the poor people who live in our locality.
a) Deuteronomy 4:6. God's People should have it and show it.
b) 1 Kings 4:29. God gave it to Solomon.
c) Job 12:20. Elders should have it.
d) Isaiah 29:14. God can hide it from the people.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:10. There is a Holy Spirit Gift of 'Discerning of spirits'.
(This Second one reminds me of the need of Discernment in the Church)
PRAYER: For Discernment to be in the Church.
It must have been a difficult time for the farmers every seven years - but eventually, if they obeyed the Lord, He would Bless them. I can imagine the frustration amongst the family members of the farmers when the seventh year came. Some were obedient to the Lord without complaint I am sure. Equally, I am sure that for some it was hard to sacrifice the seventh year.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Ishmael Would Not Be Forgotten!
'Ishmael Would Not Be Forgotten.'
a) Genesis 16:11. The Angel of the Lord said to Hagar that she was pregnant and that she would bear a son. His name should be called Ishmael because the Lord had listened to hagar's affliction.
b) Genesis 16:15-16. And Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram called the name of his son, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael. Abram was 86 years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to him.
c) Genesis 17:20. God said to Abraham: "As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation."
(This QT reminds me that Ishmael Would Not Be Forgotten)
'Jesus' First Message.'
Mark 1:15.
a) "The time is fulfilled,
b) "And the Kingdom of God is at hand;
c) "Repent
d) "And Believe in the Gospel."
(This Second one shows me Jesus' First Message)
We should not forget that Hagar bore Ishmael to Abraham (Ibrahim). The Children of Ishmael are those people of the Muslim Faith today. Surely we should be praying for our Muslim friends and neighbours to come to know the Lord personally and individually.
An Amazing Boy!
'An Amazing Boy.'
Luke 2:47.
a) Jesus' understanding
b) And His answers
c) Stunned everyone who heard Him. (In the Temple)
(This QT reveals to me that Jesus Christ growing up was An Amazing Boy)
PRAY: For your Family and Church children to do well in their studies and in their spiritual life.
'The Manifested Kingdom Of God.'
Matthew 12:28.
a) Jesus said:
b) "If it is by the Spirit of God
c) "That I cast out demons, (or force out demons,)
d) "Then the Kingdom of God
e) "Has come to you."
(Through this Second one I see The Manifested Kingdom Of God)
PRAY: For the Manifested Kingdom of God to be seen in your Church and City.
Prayer for the children of the Church is effective. I have been in several Churches where the children are especially prayed for at exam time. The result of that prayer has often been success for the children, they have done well. Of course they and their parents are happy and blessed, but also God is glorified.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Do Not Be Greedy!
'Do Not Be Greedy!'
Deuteronomy 22:9.
a) Never plant anything between the rows in your vineyard.
b) Otherwise,
c) You will have to give everything that grows there to the Holy Place.
d) This includes the crop you have planted
e) And the grapes from your vineyard.
(This QT strongly reminds me: Do Not Be Greedy)
PRAYER: To ask God to reveal to us, and then to renounce, any greed in our lives.
'Creation And Renewal.'
Psalm 104:30.
a) When You (God) send forth Your Spirit,
b) They are created;
b) You renew
c) The face of the Earth.
(Through this Second one I praise God Who is the Source of Creation And Renewal)
PRAYER: For personal renewal from God.
How difficult it must have been for the greedy farmer to see all the crops and grapes that he had grown having to be given involuntarily to the Holy Place. I imagine today's farmers in such a situation, they would be very upset if all of their income had to be given to the Church! Sometimes our "good ideas" about making more money are not God-given, they come from greed, and then they will eventually fail in some way.
Monday, October 23, 2017
God Said 'No' To Unbelief.'
'God Said "No" To Unbelief.'
Genesis 17:19.
a) After Abraham's response in unbelief.
b) God said "no" to him.
c) Abraham's wife, Sarah, was going to have a son.
d) God said: "His name shall be called Isaac.
e) I will establish My Covenant with him as an Everlasting Covenant, for his offspring after him."
(Through this QT I see that God Said "No" To Unbelief)
PRAYER: To be rid of any unbelief in our life.
a) Genesis 18:10. Sarah was listening at the tent door.
b) Genesis 27:5. Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to Esau.
c) 2 Samuel 20:17. Joab listened to the woman.
d) 1 Kings 8:28. Pray to God to listen to our cry and prayer.
e) Proverbs 25:12. A listening ear to a wise reprover is like a gold ring or ornament.
f) 2 Timothy 4:4. We are not to turn away from Listening to the Truth.
(This Second one urges me to listen well and to have a discerning mind)
PRAYER: For the Lord to help us to listen well.
Abraham could not respond to God in faith, so he responded in unbelief. God actually, in His Mercy, rebuked Abraham for this negative response and would not receive it. Isaac was going to be conceived and born and God was going to establish His Everlasting Covenant with him.
A Spiritually Mature Boy!
'A Spiritually Mature Boy.'
Luke 2:46.
a) After three days of searching,
b) Joseph and Mary found Jesus.
c) Jesus was in the Temple:-
1-Sitting among the teachers.
2-Listening to the teachers.
3-Asking them questions.
(This QT reveals Jesus as a spiritually mature boy)
PRAYER: For the spiritual life of your children and the children in your Church.
'Majestic And Powerful.'
Job 26:13.
a) By His Breath (the Lord) garnished the heavens.
b) The heavens were made fair.
c) By His Hand (the Lord)
d) Pierced the swiftly fleeing serpent.
(This Second one reminds me that the Lord is Majestic And Powerful)
PRAYER: To understand just how Majestic And Powerful the Lord is.
What a wonderful example Jesus sets here for us. He was only around 12 years old and yet He went into the Temple on His way home. Even as a Boy, Jesus was hungry for Spiritual Life. He loved the Scriptures, He loved to hear the Temple Teachers, He revealed that it is possible for boys His age to have Spiritual Life.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
An International Businessman!
'An International Businessman.'
Matthew 21:33.
a) He was a land owner.
b) He planted a vineyard.
c) He built a wall around it.
d) He dug a pit for pressing out the grape juice.
e) He built a look-out tower.
f) He leased the vineyard to tenant farmers.
g) He moved to another country.
(This QT teaches me that God understands about International Businessmen)
PRAY: For any International Businessmen or Businesswomen in your family or Church, that God will give them a good testimony in both character and business.
'The Holy Spirit In The Beginning.'
Genesis 1:2.
a) The Earth was formless.
b) The Earth was empty.
c) Darkness covered the deep waters.
d) The Spirit of God was:
e) Over the surface of the waters.
(Through this Second one I find The Holy Spirit In The Beginning)
PRAY: For the Holy Spirit's work in your life, family, church, city and nation.
To be a businessman or business woman is not an easy task. This is especially so for those people involved in international business. In many countries international business people face all kinds of difficulties and opponents. If the business person becomes successful and wealthy many people will become jealous of them and even sometimes try to make them fail. They really need a lot of prayer and encouragement.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Abraham's Mistake - He Limited God!
'Abraham's Mistake - He Limited God.'
Genesis 17:18.
a) Abraham said to God:
b) "May Ishmael live
c) "Under Your Special Blessing."
(Through this QT I find Abraham's Mistake - He Limited God)
PRAYER: That we will not limit God by our lack of belief.
'The Controlling Love Of Christ.'
2 Corinthians 5:14.
a) For the Love of Christ compels us,
b) Having concluded this,
c) That Christ died for all,
d) Therefore all have died.
(This Second one helps me understand The Controlling Love Of Christ)
PRAYER: To make the correct conclusions.
It is necessary for us to learn not to limit God. One of the reasons that we miss out on what God may have for us is that we limit Him. Actually lack of belief really does limit God. When we have lack of belief, Faith becomes like mere human effort, and that was, and is, never God's intention. We should not limit God.
A Lesson In Looking!
'A Lesson In Looking!'
Luke 2:45.
a) When Joseph and Mary could not find Jesus in the throng of journeying people.
b) They went back
c) To Jerusalem,
d) To search for Him there.
(This QT simply provides A Lesson In Looking)
PRAYER: When searching for someone or something, do not panic or be irrational, go back over the past steps first and Pray for the Lord to help.
'Normally Work Eventually Produces Fruit.'
Isaiah 5:2.
a) The farmer dug all around his land.
b) He removed the stones from the land.
c) He planted it with the choicest vine.
d) He built a watch tower in the middle of it.
e) He made a winepress.
f) He expected it to produce good grapes,
g) But it grew bitter and wild grapes.
(Through this Second one I understand that Normally Work Eventually Produces Fruit)
PRAYER: For good result from our work.
Sometimes, when we are looking for something important that we have lost, or we are looking in urgency for something, we panic. Panic does not help us at all! The best thing to do is first pray and ask the Lord to help us find it. Secondly, a good way to start looking is to re-trace our steps and also look in the last place that we remember having the item.
Friday, October 20, 2017
When God Wants To Speak!
'When God Wants To Speak!'
Numbers 22:24.
a) He sometimes speaks through Angels.
b) He wants us to realize that it is He Who speaks.
c) He brings us into situations where we have to listen and hear.
(This QT teaches me what happens When God Wants To Speak)
PRAY: That we will listen when God wants to speak to us.
'Revelations From God.'
1 Corinthians 2:10.
a) They are revealed to whom God wants to reveal them.
b) God's Spirit searches out everything.
c) God's Spirit shows us God's deep secrets.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Revelations From God)
PRAY: For Revelations from God to us, if and when He wants to give them.
God is a Living God and He surely wants to speak to us. When God speaks to us, He has clearly defined ways of speaking that are according to His Word. God never operates in a spurious manner. Firstly, and foremost, God speaks to us as we read His Word, the Bible. God also speaks to us through the preached message of His Word that we hear in our local Church. These are the major ways in which He speaks to us. Yes, there are other ways and means that God uses but we should not neglect the first and foremost ways.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
The Unbelief Of A Faithful Person!
'The Unbelief Of A Faithful Person.'
Genesis 17:17.
a) Abraham was the "father of Faith".
b) Yet he fell on his face and laughed
c) He said in his heart:
d) Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old?
e) And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?
(This QT reveals The Unbelief Of A Faithful Person)
PRAYER: To be free from unbelief.
'We Cannot Run Away From God.'
Psalm 139:7.
a) Where can I go?
b) From Your Spirit.
c) Where can I flee?
d) From Your Presence.
(This Second one reminds me that We Cannot Run Away From God)
PRAYER: To love being in the Presence of God more.
Abraham not only questioned God about His Promise for himself, he also questioned God about His Promise for his wife. If we read about the incident with merely natural concepts, we may eventually agree with Abraham! This was a big challenge for the "father of Faith" but he failed. When God directly gives us a Promise of some kind, we should trust Him.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
They Assumed Incorrectly!
'They Assumed Incorrectly.'
Luke 2:44.
a) Jesus' parents assumed that He was amongst the other travellers.
b) That evening Jesus did not show up to His parents.
c) They started looking for Him amongst their relatives, acquaintences and friends.
(This QT reveals to me that They Assumed Incorrectly)
PRAYER: That we will not assume anything incorrectly.
'Everything Is Possible.'
Mark 14:36.
a) Jesus cried out "Abba Father
b) "Everything is possible for You.
c) "Please take this suffering away from Me.
d) "Yet I want Your will to be done,
e) "Not mine."
(This Second one reminds me that with God Everything Is Possible)
PRAYER: To Believe and Proclaim that Everything Is Possible.
We should not assume anything incorrectly. When we start to assume things it also means that we start to judge. No merely human understanding could 'fathom', or understand the ways of Jesus Christ. He was often misunderstood and often judged by others and yet He did all things 'right' and all things well .
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
A Serving Shepherd!
'A Serving Shepherd.'
1 Corinthians 9:7.
a) Should not have to serve at his or her own expense.
b) Should eat the fruit of the vineyard that he or she plants.
c) Should drink the milk of the flock that he or she feeds.
(Through this QT I read how God sees A Serving Shepherd)
PRAYER: For our serving Shepherds.
'Our Conscience Cleansed.'
Hebrews 9:14.
a) Think how much more the Blood of Christ
b) Will purify our conscience from sinful deeds
c) So that we can Worship the Living God.
d) For by the power of the Eternal Spirit,
e) Christ offered Himself to God
f) As a Perfect Sacrifice for our sins.
(This Second one brings us great relief: Our Conscience Cleansed)
PRAYER: For our conscience to be clean.
To Pray for our serving Shepherds is an important Prayer for every True Believer to Pray. The Shepherd may be the immediate 'Head' of the natural family. The Shepherd may be the Senior Pastor of a large Church! Whoever is taking a "shepherd role" in our lives, in whatever way, needs our Prayers.
Monday, October 16, 2017
A Mother Of Nations And Kings!
'A Mother Of Nations And Kings.'
Genesis 17:16.
a) God said to Abraham of Sarah that He would Bless her.
b) God was going to give Abraham a son by her.
c) God would Bless her to become a "Mother of Nations".
d) Kings of peoples would come from her.
(By this QT I find Sarah - A Mother Of Nations And Kings)
PRAYER: For the mothers in your Church and Family to be Blessed by God.
'A Real Intercessor.'
Deuteronomy 9:25.
a) Thus I prostrated myself before the Lord.
b) Forty days and forty nights I kept prostrating myself.
c) Because the Lord had said that He would destroy you.
(This Second one reveals to me A Real Intercessor)
PRAYER: For real Intercessors to be raised up for the Churches and Nations.
Sarah was a Mother of Nations and Kings. Because of the miraculous circumstances of the birth of her baby, we can see that God really had a special plan for Sarah. She was to be a "Mother of Nations". God will always keep His Word to His Servants, even if it means miraculus circumstances. Human efforts fluctuate, we heard that in Church yesterday, but God never fluctuates! He always keeps His Word!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
When Jesus Lingered!
'When Jesus Lingered.'
Luke 2:43.
a) It was at the end of a religious festival in Jerusalem.
b) Joseph and Mary were returning home.
c) Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem.
d) His parents did not know it.
(This QT reveals to me When Jesus Lingered)
PRAYER: For God's Will to be done in our lives in His Perfect Time.
'When God Does Not Remember.'
Hebrews 10:15-17.
a) Hebrews 10:15-17. This is what the Holy Spirit testifies to us:
1-"This is the Covenant that the Lord has made with us,
2-"I will put My Laws into their hearts,
3-"In their minds I will write My Laws
4-"Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
b) Jeremiah 31:33. The Prophecy partially fulfilled.
c) Jeremiah 31:34. The Prophecy completely fulfilled.
(This Second one teaches me about the time When God Does Not Remember)
PRAYER: To Thank God for the times when He does not remember our sins and lawless deeds.
Luke was a polite and friendly doctor, along with Apostle Paul, he thought of, and greeted, the Churches. Paul regarded him as a faithful co-labourer. It seemed that, when he was writing his Gospel, that he had a clear understanding of what he wrote. This QT inspires me to pray for faithful doctors who serve the Lord.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
The Lord Blessed Them!
'The Lord Blessed Them.'
Psalm 107:38.
a) The Lord Blessed them.
b) Their numbers greatly increased.
c) The Lord did not let their herds diminish.
(This QT shows me more of the Grace of God: The Lord Blessed Them)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Blessing given to us and others.
'A New Covenant.'
Jeremiah 31:31-34.
a) Jeremiah 31:31. It was to be a Covenant made by the Lord.
b) Jeremiah 31:31. It was to be with the people of Israel and Judah.
c) Jeremiah 31:32. It was not like the old Covenant that the Lord made with the people of Israel.
d) Jeremiah 31:32. Even though God loved Israel so much, they broke His Covenant.
e) Jeremiah 31:32. The Lord was like a husband to them.
f) Jeremiah 31:33-34. This powerful New Covenant:
1-God's Law in their minds.
2-God's Law written on their hearts.
3-God giving them assurance that He is their God and that they are His People.
4-Everybody will know the Lord, and not have to be taught how to.
5-God will forgive their wickedness.
6-God will remember their sins no more.
(Through this Second one I understand more about God's Covenant Love: A New Covenant)
PRAYER: For God to help us to understand what it means to live under A New Covenant.
When God tells His People about a New Covenant He is very clear about it in His Word. It is not strange or mystical but it is easily understood. God wants to have a good relationship with them in this New Covenant. As we receive Christ as our Saviour and Lord we enter the New Covenant and we become partakers of the Grace and Promises of God.
Friday, October 13, 2017
God Esteemed Abraham's Wife!
'God Esteemed Abraham's Wife.'
Genesis 17:15.
a) God said to Abraham:
b) "As for Sarai your wife,
c) "You are no longer to call her Sarai,
d) "Her name will be Sarah."
e) Sarah means: 'Princess'.
(Through this QT I can see that God Esteemed Abraham's Wife)
PRAYER: For God's Blessing on the wives in your family and Church)
'The People Began To Leave.'
Acts 28:25.
a) The people disagreed among themselves.
b) They began to leave after Paul had made his final statement:
c) "The Holy Spirit spoke the Truth to your ancestors
d) "When He said through Isaiah the Prophet:
e) 'Go to this people and say:
f) 'You will be ever hearing
g) 'But never understanding;
h) 'You will be ever seeing
i) 'But never perceiving'."
(This Second one shows me when The People Began To Leave)
PRAYER: For the pastors and preachers to please God first in their ministries.
God told Abraham to give his wife a new name. This new name gave her esteem in the sight of God and people. Sarah experienced a new life as well as having a new name, she also experienced God's Miracle. When we read about Abraham and Sarah in the Bible, surely our own practical Faith will be enhanced.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
A Pure Religious Habit!
'A Pure Religious Habit.'
Luke 2:42.
a) When Jesus was 12 years old,
b) His parents went up as usual
c) To the Feast of the Passover at Jerusalem.
(This QT teaches me of A Pure Religious Habit)
PRAYER: That as Believers we will maintain the pure religious habits that are good for us.
'The Greatest Ever Calling.'
Isaiah 6:8.
a) Isaiah heard the Voice of the Lord.
b) The Lord said: "Whom will I send? Who will go for us?"
c) Then Isaiah said: "Here I am, send me.
(Through this Second one I find: The Greatest Ever Calling)
PRAYER: That we will respond in whatever way the Lord wants to The Greatest Ever Calling.
It is right to maintain the pure religious habits that are good for us. I remember the wise advice given by a pastor years ago. This he gave to every new Believer. Just four words: "Read, Pray, Come, Tell." These are pure religious habits that are relevant today. Read our Bible, Pray to the Lord, Come to fellowship (whether live or by media for those people who live in difficult circumstances), Tell other people about the Lord when the opportunity arises.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
God's Evident Blessing On The Crops!
'God's Evident Blessing On The Crops.'
Psalm 107:37.
a) They sow their fields.
b) They plant their vineyards.
c) They obtain a fruitful harvest.
(This QT teaches me what it is when God's Evident Blessing Is On The Crops)
PRAYER: For farmers in your nation to turn to God, to be Blessed by God and be grateful to Him.
'They Tested God And Tried His Patience.'
Hebrews 3:9.
a) The Ancestors of God's People
b) Tested God,
c) Tried God's Patience.
d) Even though they saw God's Miracles for forty years.
(Through this Second one I desire to avoid the sin of God's Old Testament People: They Tested God And Tried His Patience)
PRAYER: That we will not test God and try His Patience.
Crops are very basically important, when a farmer's harvest is damaged the Nation is affected, there can be a food shortage of a certain kind. We should be praying, not only for the Salvation of the farmers, but also for their success.
Monday, October 9, 2017
A Child That Breaks God's Covenant!
'A Child That Breaks God's Covenant.'
Genesis 17:14.
a) This was a Jewish male child.
b) This child was uncircumcised.
c) This child was going to be cut off from God's People as he grows up.
d) He broke God's Covenant.
(This QT reveals A Child That Breaks God's Covenant)
PRAYER: For your own children and for Church children to follow the Lord.
'Keep Clean.'
Leviticus 7:21.
a) The person who touches any unclean thing:
1-Human uncleanness.
2-Unclean animal.
3-Any unclean thing.
b) The person who eats the flesh of the peace offering that belongs to the Lord.
c) That person shall be cut off from his people.
(This Second one encourages me to keep clean)
PRAYER: To keep clean before the Lord.
Even children could break God's Covenant, especially through the ignorance of their parents, deliberate or otherwise! The Bible teaches parents to bring up their children to follow the Lord. The old idea that we let them decide when they grow old enough to decide for themselves is totally unBiblical! The Bible tells parents to bring up their children to follow the Lord.
Faithful Parents!
'Faithful Parents.'
Luke 2:41.
a) Every year
b) Jesus' parents
c) Went to Jerusalem
d) For the Passover Feast.
(This QT shows to me Faithful Parents)
PRAYER: For the parents in your family and Church to be Faithful.
'Massah Meribah.'
Exodus 17:7.
a) The name means testing and quarreling.
b) It was the place where the Israelis tested and doubted God.
c) It was the place where the Israelis quarreled with Moses.
d) That is why Moses gave the name.
e) It was the place where God gave His people water from the rock.
(This Second one reminds me of the Grace and Generosity of God)
PRAYER: To always be grateful to God.
It is good to know and see the faithful parents in our Church and residential locality. Faithful parents are a Blessing and Testimony to their Church and Community. When people see or visit faithful parents it gives those people a blessing and peace that they may not be receiving in their own family.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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