The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Luke 2:25.
a) Joseph and Mary were fulfilling their duties as the parents of their first-born Son in the Temple.
b) There they met Simeon.
c) Simeon was:-
3-Anticipating the liberation of Israel from its troubles.
d) The Holy Spirit was upon him.
(Through this QT I respect Simeon)
PRAY: For Righteous and Devout Elders for and in the Churches.
'The Holy Spirit - Our Helper.'
John 14:16.
a) Jesus said:
b) "I will ask the Father
c) "To send you another Helper,
d) "The Spirit of Truth,
e) "Who will remain constantly with you."
(This Second one causes me to pray for The Holy Spirit - Our Helper to fill my life)
PRAYER: To be filled with The Holy Spirit - Our Helper.
Joseph and Mary set us a very good example for today! They were fulfilling their duties as parents. They were Jewish parents who wanted to dedicate their Son to the Lord in the Temple. When parents have the desire to do this, surely God will Bless them and their family. He will fulfill His Will as those parents bring up their child/children in a Godly way. Dedication is the first step, but it is not some kind of spiritual 'insurance policy' - the parents have their parental duties to fulfill.
The Christian Life!
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