The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Praise, Thanksgiving And Evangelism!
'Praise, Thanksgiving And Evangelism.'
Luke 2:38.
a) At that time
b) When Anna the prophetess arrived at the scene of Christ's Birth,
c) She immediately did three things:-
1-She gave Thanks to the Lord.
2-She Praised the Lord.
3-She began to tell the people around about the Lord.
(This QT teaches me about the response of Praise, Thanksgiving and Evangelism)
PRAYER: For our Churches to be moved by the Holy Spirit so as to participate in Praise, Thanksgiving and Evangelism.
'A Place Of No Agreement.'
2 Corinthians 6:16.
a) What agreement has the Temple of God with idols?
b) We are the temple of the Living God.
c) God has said:
1-"I will live with them.
2-"I will make My dwelling among them.
3-"I will walk among them.
4-"I will be their God.
5-"They will be My People."
(Through this Second one I find A Place Of No Agreement)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of our relatives who are not yet Believers in Jesus.
Anna gave Thanks to the Lord and Praised Him before she began to evangelize. These are not two different 'ministries', they are simply responses to Jesus! If we have genuinely encountered Jesus, and know Him as our personal Lord and Saviour, there is within us a Holy Desire, the desire to give Him Thanksgiving and Praise along with the desire to evangelize.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Special Suppers!
'Special Suppers.'
Exodus 34:22.
a) Have the special supper of weeks
b) At the first ingathering of grain.
c) Have the special supper of gathering time
d) At the end of the year.
(This QT teaches me that it is good to have Special Suppers)
PRAYER: For the proper times to have good Fellowship Special Meals.
'The Temple Of The Living God.'
2 Corinthians 6:16.
a) What agreement has the Temple of God with idols?
b) For you are the Temple of the Living God.
c) God has said:
1-I will live in them.
2-I will walk among them.
3-I will be their God.
4-They shall be My People.
(This Second one gives me understanding about The Temple Of The Living God)
PRAYER: To thank God that we are a Temple Of The Living God.
A healthy Church, in whatever environment, will really enjoy having Special Suppers, or Special Meals, together. The Special Supper or Meal is a place where real fellowship can take place and the Church can be built up socially. The Worship Service, Prayer Meeting or Bible study are not fellowship meetings, they are what their title explains, Worship, Prayer or Bible. The Fellowship Meal is what it says, a special meal where fellowship takes place.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
God's Promises Are Forever!
'God's Promises Are Forever.'
a) Genesis 17:7; Psalm 105:10. An established and everlasting Covenant between God and Abraham.
b) Genesis 26:24. To Isaac.
c) Exodus 6:4. To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
d) Psalm 105:8. He remembers His Covenant forever.
e) Galatians 3:17. The giving of the Law did not nullify the Promise.
(Through this QT I rejoice because God's Promises Are Forever)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Promises.
'You Are Not Your Own.'
1 Corinthians 6:19.
a) Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit?
b) The Holy Spirit is within you.
c) You have the Holy Spirit from God.
d) You do not belong to yourself.
(This Second one reminds me that I Am Not My Own)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Holy Spirit Who lives in us.
The giving of the Law did not nullify the Promise of God. This teaches me that the Promise that God gave to Abraham was even stronger than the Law which He gave to all of His People. If the Promises of God were so strong in the Old Covenant, how much more should the Promises that He gives us, His New Covenant People, be in this New Covenant which was made through the Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Anna The Prophetess!
'Anna The Prophetess.'
Luke 2:36-37.
a) Anna was a Prophetess,
b) The daughter of Penuel,
c) From the tribe of Asher.
d) She served She was very old and a widow.
e) She never left the Temple.
f) She served God with fasting and prayer night and day.
(This QT makes me deeply respect Anna The Prophetess)
PRAYER: That the Lord will call others today to be like Anna.
'Where Can We Go?'
Psalm 139:7.
a) Where can we go from the Holy Spirit?
b) To where can we flee
c) From God's Presence?
(Through this Second one I echo the question; Where Can I Go?)
PRAYER: That we will always be led by the Holy Spirit and not go on in our own way.
Anna never left the Temple, she was a very special old lady who was obedient to God, I call her: "Holy Woman of God". It may be that we need to Pray for more like Anna to be raised up for the Churches today. There may be a few like Anna in South Korea and some other countries, but we need more! More modern-day Annas all over the World. Even elderly ladies who are house or home-bound can be like Anna too.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
What A Blessing!
'What A Blessing!'
Numbers 6:24-26.
a) Numbers 6:24. The Lord Bless you and Keep you.
b) Numbers 6:25. The Lord make His Face to shine upon you.
c) Numbers 6:25. The Lord be gracious to you.
d) Numbers 6:26. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you.
e) Numbers 6:26. The Lord give you Peace.
(Through this QT I exclaim: What A Blessing!)
PRAYER: Pray Blessing on other people, choose the specific people.
Being Clean Is Important.'
Numbers 19:11-12.
a) Whoever touches the body of any dead person
b) Shall be unclean seven days.
c) He shall cleanse himself with water on the third and seventh days,
d) So he shall be clean.
e) If he does not cleanse himself on the third and the seventh days,
f) He will not become clean.
(This Second one reminds me that being clean is important - in every way!)
Peace is a Blessing from God. If we live with no peace in our lives and environments it means that our lives will be very difficult. To live without Peace in our home can be like living in a "hell on Earth". One of the Promises that Jesus gave, and still gives, to His Followers is Peace. Let Believe for that Promise and also adjust our lives towards it.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Many Nations And Kings!
'Many Nations And Kings.'
Genesis 17:6.
a) I will multiply you (Abraham) exceedingly,
b) So that Gentiles and Nations will come from you.
c) Kings will be your offspring.
(This QT teaches me that Many Nations And Kings came from Abraham)
PRAYER: For the Kingdom of God to be established in the Nations. THEN choose a Nation and pray for it specifically.
'The Purpose And Power Of The Blood Of Christ.'
Hebrews 9:14.
a) The Blood of Christ,
b) Who, through the Eternal Spirit,
c) Being without sin.
d) Offered Himself, without spot, to God,
e) Purge your conscience from the works of death,
f) To serve the Living God.
(Through this Second one I find The Purpose And Power Of The Blood Of Christ)
PRAYER: For full understanding of The Purpose And Power Of The Blood Of Christ.
It is surely God's Will for His Kingdom to be established in the Nations. This should be one of our priority prayers. Sometimes we can see this Prayer actually being answered when more people come to Christ and where God-glorifying Churches are being planted. The Lord taught us to pray basically: "Thy Kingdom come..." and this prayer is being answered sometimes before our own eyes, or in our own Nation or locality.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Pain And Wonderment!
'Pain And Wonderment.'
Luke 2:35.
a) Simeon's continued Message to Mary.
b) Jesus Christ was to expose the secret thoughts of many hearts.
c) (He is the same, and still does this today.)
d) Your own (Mary's) soul will be pierced by a sword.
(This QT reminds me that The Lord Jesus Christ still causes both Pain And Wonderment)
PRAYER: For the Lord to both know and expose our hearts to ourselves first.
'Because All Power And Authority Are Given To Jesus Christ'
Matthew 28:19-20.
a) We are to go to the Nations.
b) We are to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
c) We are to ensure that these new disciples are Baptised properly.
d) We are to Teach them to observe all that the Lord has commanded us.
e) If we do this, the Lord promises to be with us always.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the proper response to the Power and Authority of Jesus Christ, Because All Power And Authority Are Given To Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: That we will respond in a good way to the Power and Authority of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the same, "yesterday, today, and forever". If we believe this Biblical Truth, it means that He still exposes the secret thoughts of people's hearts, (that includes our hearts also). If we are living in God's Will with our body, soul and spirit, this Truth is very comforting for us - Jesus Christ is Unchangeable!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
It Has Got To Happen!
'It Has Got To Happen.'
John 12:24.
a) Most certainly I tell you.
b) Unless a grain of wheat
c) Falls into the earth
d) And dies,
e) It remains by itself, alone.
f) But, if it dies, it bears much fruit.
(This QT teaches me that It Has Got To Happen)
PRAYER: That we will die to everything that would hinder us from being fruitful. Ask God: "What hinders me from being fruitful?"
'When God Reveals The Heart.'
1 Corinthians 14:25.
a) The secrets of the person's heart will be revealed.
b) The person will fall down on the ground,
c) Face down,
d) The person will Worship God
e) Declaring: "God is certainly among you."
(This Second one reveals what happens When God Reveals The Heart)
PRAYER: For God to reveal our heart's condition to us)
Just simply 'being alone' all the time means that our life will be meaningless and produce nothing. It is God's Will that every True Believer is fruitfulness! The only way to fruitfulness is death first, death to all that is our disobedience, our strong will, our manipulation of situations because of our insecurity, and all such things. If we die to these things, our life will be both meaningful and fruitful
Friday, September 22, 2017
A New Name And A New Fatherhood!
Genesis 17:5.
a) Your name will no longer be Abram, (the father is exalted)
b) Your name will be Abraham, (father of a multitude)
c) For I will make you the father of many Nations. (Galatians 3:7)
(Through this QT I know that God can give a new start to those whom He calls: A New Name And A New Fatherhood)
PRAY: For those people whom you know who need a new start in life.
'Time To Share When Necessary.'
2 Corinthians 8:14.
a) Your abundance at the present time
b) Should supply their need,
c) So their abundance should supply your need.
d) That there may be fairness.
(This Second one teaches me that there is a Time To Share When Necessary)
PRAY: For God's Heart regarding sharing.
God reveals His Fatherhood through the life of Abraham. Not only did God give to Abraham a new name, He gave him a new fatherhood. A childless husband can become the father of many Nations. This is a miracle of giant proportions! Only God can do something like this! God reveals His Character in many ways through different people, in the Bible, as well as in life situations today.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Jesus' Effect On People!
'Jesus' Effect On People.'
Luke 2:34.
a) Causing many people to fall.
b) Giving Joy to other people.
c) A Sign from God.
d) Many people will oppose Him and speak against Him.
(This QT shows me Jesus' Effect On People)
PRAYER: That many people will "take down their walls" and turn to Jesus.
'A Simple And Powerful Commission.'
Matthew 28:19.
a) Go
b) Make Disciples of all Nations,
c) To all peoples everywhere
d) Baptise them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reveals A Simple And Powerful Commission)
PRAYER: That many True Believers will obey A Simple And Powerful Commission)
If the Gospel of Jesus is truly and accurately preached or presented it will always have an effect on people. This effect will never come from a manipulative preacher, it will only come from the Work of the Holy Spirit. The job of the preacher is not to try to intimidate or give false promises to people, it is simply to clearly preach the Gospel of Jesus in such a way that people can understand it and respond to it.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Trust In God's Word!
'Trust In God's Word.'
Jeremiah 23:28.
a) The prophet who has a dream, let him tell his dream.
b) He who has God's Word, let him speak that Word faithfully.
c) What does grain have to do with straw?
d) This is what the Lord says and asks.
(This QT calls us to Trust In God's Word)
PRAYER: To listen to what the Lord says to us.
'Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit.'
Ephesians 4:30.
a) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.
b) We are sealed by the Holy Spirit
c) For the Day of Redemption.
(This Second one clearly tells me: Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: That you will not grieve the Holy Spirit.
We are to trust in God's Word at all times. Even when it seems our life is not going in the way we want or expect, we are to trust in God's Word. God's Word and His Promises are True and He will fulfill them in the way that He desires. We should not tell God what to do, or how to do it, rather, we are to trust in His Promises.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
A God Who Makes Big Promises!
'A God Who Makes Big Promises.'
Genesis 17:4.
a) As for Me,
b) My Covenant Promise is still with you,
c) You will become the father of many Nations.
(This QT reveals that God is a God Who Makes Big Promises)
PRAYER: To Believe the Promises of God.
'God Knows All Things.'
Acts 5:3.
a) God revealed to Peter
b) That Satan had filled the heart of Ananias with the wrong idea - a sinful one.
c) The wrong idea was that Ananias could deceive the Holy Spirit.
d) The deception was involved with stealing money.
(This Second one reminds me that God Knows All Things)
PRAYER: Thank God that He knows all things.
It is not always easy to believe the Promises of God! We read of some of the Bible Characters that struggled to initially believe when God gave a Promise to them. I do not think that their struggle was something sinful, rather, it was natural! For the vast majority, after their struggle, they believed what God Promised. If God has given us a Promise, we should keep believing it.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Amazed Parents!
'Amazed Parents.'
Luke 2:33.
a) Joseph and Mary
b) Marveled
c) At what Simeon had said
d) About Jesus.
(This QT reveals Amazed Parents to me)
PRAYER: For you and your children's spiritual life and future plan.
'The Correct Focus.'
Acts 13:2.
a) They worshipped the Lord.
b) They also fasted.
c) The Holy Spirit spoke:
1-Set apart for Me
2-Barnabas and Saul
3-For the Work
4-To which I have called them.
(This Second one teaches me The Correct Focus for Church and Ministry Leaders)
PRAYER: For our Church and Ministry Leaders to have the correct focus.
It is so lovely to read about the response of Joseph and Mary to the Words that were spoken about their baby Jesus. They marveled and were amazed! All along, since God chose them to be the "earthly parents" of the baby, child and growing adult Jesus, they must have been amazed at their calling and experience. This was a unique situation, there was no 'model' for them! They were simply faithful to their task as parents during His growing years.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
An Agricultural Illustration!
'An Agricultural Illustration.'
Matthew 3:12.
a) The Lord Jesus:
b) Will have a winnowing fork in His Hand;
c) Will clear His threshing floor
d) Will gather His wheat into the barn;
e) But He will burn up the chaff
f) With unquenchable fire.
(This QT teaches me about the practicality of Jesus' Teaching: An Agricultural Illustration)
PRAYER: For preachers to be easily understood as they use practical illustrations.
'Understanding The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit.'
1 Corinthians 12:11.
a) These Gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit.
b) They are given by Him as portions.
c) They are given to True Believers individually
d) They are given according to His Will.
(This Second one helps me to be Understanding The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: For understanding about, and desire for, the Gifts Of The Holy Spirit.
There is a sombre note about the results of preaching the Gospel. Because of these Words of the Lord we should clearly preach the Gospel, especially in Church and Evangelism environments. The Gospel needs to be preached in such a way that the hearers will understand it. If we are preaching to True Believers, there is edification for them, but if we are preaching when or where unbelievers are present, they should be able to clearly understand a clear message that can bring them God's Gift of Salvation if they respond to it.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Ready To Listen To God!
'Ready To Listen To God.'
Genesis 17:3.
a) Then Abram
b) Bowed down to the ground
c) Before God.
d) Then, God said to him,
(This QT teaches me that Abram was Ready To Listen To God)
PRAYER: To be able and ready to Listen To God.
'The Helper God.'
John 14:26.
a) The Helper will teach you everything.
b) The Helper will cause you to remember all that I told you.
c) This Helper is the Holy Spirit,
d) The Father will send the Holy Spirit to us
e) In the Name of Jesus Christ.
(This Second one reveals to me the Holy Spirit as the Helper God)
PRAYER: For the help of the Helper God every day.
Abram was ready to listen to God, this was one of the keys to his Faith and ability to be sensitive to God. We need to be able, like Abram, to simply take reverential time before God and listen to Him. This is especially needed when we are making life decisions. If we are God's Children, He has promised to lead us, fate should not lead us, the Holy Spirit should!
Friday, September 15, 2017
Simeon's Revelation Of Jesus Christ!
Luke 2:31-32.
a) This Revelation was for all peoples.
b) This Revelation was a Light to bring revelation to the Gentiles.
c) This Revelation was the Glory of God's People, Israel.
(This QT teaches me of Simeon's Revelation Of Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: For the people around us to have the Revelation of their need of Jesus Christ.
'An Important Prayer Of Jesus.'
John 14:16.
a) And I (Jesus Christ), will Pray to the Father,
b) And He shall give you another Comforter,
c) That He may be with you forever.
(Through this Second one I find An Important Prayer Of Jesus)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Holy Spirit, Who remains with us forever.
Simeon had a revelation of Jesus Christ. The Way to God is a mysterious and miraculous Way. Jesus said that He is The Way, this means that to come to God we have to come through Jesus Christ. When we pray, we need to pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. When we give thanks to God, we do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. It is a necessary part of the Christian Faith to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Keep Awake And Alert - Spiritually!
'Keep Awake And Alert- Spiritually.'
Matthew 13:25.
a) While the workers were sleeping,
b) His enemy came
c) The enemy:
1-Sowed weeds
2-Among the wheat,
3-Then went away.
(This QT calls me to Keep Awake And Alert - Spiritually)
PRAYER: Ask God for the strength to keep awake and alert spiritually.
'Our Call To The Nations.'
Matthew 28:19-20.
a) Go and make disciples
b) Of all Nations,
c) Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
d) Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,
e) And, behold, I am with you, even until the end of the age.
(Through this Second one I remember My Call To The Nations)
PRAYER: Ask God for Wisdom and Discernment to know your clear part in Our Call To The Nations
It was while the workers were sleeping that the enemy came and did evil works. This little story that Jesus told has a profound and powerful meaning, even for today. In the UK many of our Churches are sleeping, they do not want to be disturbed and they do not want to wake up. They are like a depressed person! If the Church does not wake up it will die. We should be praying, everywhere - not just in UK, where I live at this time - for our Church to be spiritually awake and alert.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Simple Obedience Eventually Brings Blessing!
'Simple Obedience To The Lord Eventually Brings Blessing.'
Genesis 17:1-2.
a) When Abram was age 99, the Lord appeared to him again.
b) The Lord said: "I am God All Powerful,
c) "If you obey Me and always do right,
d) "I will keep My solemn Promise to you
e) "And give you more descendants than can be counted."
(This QT reminds me that Simple Obedience To The Lord Eventually Brings Blessing)
PRAYER: Ask the Lord to help us to obey Him.
'We Must Not Grieve The Holy Spirit.'
Ephesians 4:30.
a) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, (Isaiah 63:10; Hebrews 10:29)
b) It is the Holy Spirit that seals us
c) Unto the Day of Redemption.
(This Second one is clear: We Must Not Grieve the Holy Spirit)
PRAYER: For the Lord to help us not to grieve the Holy Spirit.
God's Promises are usually amazing, almost unbelievable and possibly abnormal, they are given to us to encourage our Faith as well as to meet our needs. It is possible for us, like Abram, to have our lives completely changed through believing and receiving the Promises of God. We cannot simply imagine the Promises of God, He clearly gives us His Promises and we respond in Faith and positive anticipation.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing!
'Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing.'
Luke 2:27-30.
a) Luke 2:27. Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit.
b) Luke 2:27. Simeon served in the Temple.
c) Luke 2:27. Joseph and Mary brought Jesus into the Temple to perform the rites for Him.
d) Luke 2:28. Simeon took the Baby Jesus into his arms and Praised and Thanked God.
e) Luke 2:29. This was Simeon's last priestly act, he was ready to go to the Lord after it.
f) Luke 2:29. Simeon knew that this was the Lord's Promise.
g) Luke 2:30. With his own eyes Simeon had seen God's Salvation. (Jesus)
(This QT teaches me about Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing)
PRAYER: To be led by the Holy Spirit.
'True Shepherds Guard The Flock.'
Acts 2:28.
a) True shepherds guard themselves first.
b) True shepherds guard the whole flock over which God has appointed them.
c) True Shepherds, for the Lord's Church:
1-Tend it.
2-Feed it.
3-Guide it.
d) God obtained this Church with the death of His Own Son.
(This Second one reminds me that True Shepherds Guard The Flock)
PRAYER: For True Shepherds to do what God wants them to do.
We should not forget to Thank God. Sometimes, because of our over-excitement, or our sin of taking God for granted, we forget to Praise and Thank God, we take Him for granted, even when He has been so good to us. After some time we wonder why we have become so spiritually dry. Very often this spiritual dryness comes from taking God for granted.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Concerned For Our Well Being!
'Concerned For Our Well Being.'
Psalm 147:14.
a) The Lord grants Peace within our borders.
b) The Lord fills us.
c) With the finest of the wheat.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord is Concerned For Our Well Being)
PRAYER: And Thank God that He is Concerned For Our Well Being.
'The Hidden Person Of One Who Should Lead The Church.'
Acts 15:28.
a) It seemed (first) to be good to the Holy Spirit,
b) And to us - the Apostles,
c) To lay upon you no greater burden
d) Than necessary things.
(Through this Second one I really discover the Hidden Person Of The One Who Should Lead The Church)
PRAYER: For the leaders of your Church to follow The One Who Should Lead The Church.
Thanking God - giving Thanksgiving - should be a part of every True Believer's personal devotion to God. The personal time of Prayer and Bible Reading needs to be accompanied with Thanksgiving. A Believer who does not give Thanks to God is surely a miserable being. Even in the most difficult times, there is always something to Thank God for.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
We Should Not Forget!
'We Should Not Forget.'
Genesis 16:15.
a) Hagar gave Abram a son.
b) Abram named him Ishmael.
c) Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael was born.
(This QT reminds me to pray for all descendants of Abram)
PRAYER: For all the descendants of Abram.
'Be Good Ground.'
Luke 8:8.
a) Other seed fell on good ground (fertile soil).
b) This seed grew and produced a crop one hundred times more than that which was planted.
c) Jesus called the people to be fertile soil for the Word of God.
(Through this Second one I want to Be Good Ground)
We should pray as we are led by the Holy Spirit to pray, not just pray from our feelings because our feelings are sometimes not in line with God's Word and Spirit. Jesus even taught His Disciples to pray for their enemies! God has taught us how to pray in His Word.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Simeon Understood From The Lord!
'Simeon Understood From The Lord.'
Luke 2:26.
a) It was Divinely revealed and communicated to Him.
b) He received an answer from the Lord.
c) It was Divinely told him.
d) He was not going to die until he had seen Messiah.
(This QT teaches me that Simeon Understood From The Lord)
PRAYER: That we will understand from the Lord the things that He wants us to understand.
'Taking Time To Be With God.'
Acts 13:2.
a) The Christian Leaders were Worshipping the Lord and Fasting.
b) The Holy Spirit spoke to them.
c) They were to dedicate Barnabas and Paul
d) For the Work to which the Lord has called them.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Church Leaders to be Taking Time To Be With God)
PRAYER: For the Leaders of our Churches to take time to be with God.
Simeon understood from the Lord that he would not see death until he had seen Messiah. He was already an old man and yet he believed this promise of God. Of course, God kept His Word. When God speaks to us, we need to keep that Word in our heart and Believe it. If God is speaking to us, it will surely eventually be fulfilled, no matter what the present circumstances may be.
Friday, September 8, 2017
a) Luke 16:8. The unjust steward because he acted wisely.
b) Proverbs 12:8. According to insight and sound judgment.
c) Acts 15:40. Paul and Silas, by the brothers, to the Grace of God.
(This QT reveals to me the Blessing of being Commended)
PRAYER: That our life will be commendable before the Lord.
'Truly Led By The Lord.'
Acts 10:19-20.
a) Apostle Paul was thoughtfully considering the vision that the Lord had given to him.
b) The Holy Spirit then spoke to him:
c) "Simon, three men are looking for you.
d) "Get up and go downstairs.
e) "Go with them, without hesitating or doubting,
f) "Because I have sent them Myself."
(Through this Second one I desire to be Truly Led By The Lord)
PRAYER: For the Lord's Leading in our lives.
The True Believer desires to be Truly Led By The Lord. This is the Promise of the Lord, Who is our Shepherd! When we read the Book of Acts in the New Testament, we see that the Servants of the Lord and the Churches were truly led by the Lord. There was clear direction in their lives. One of the Joys that I have had in formerly serving the Lord actively in Asia was endeavouring to be led by the Lord and to being sensitive to that leading.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Genesis 16:14.
a) This is where Hagar encountered God.
b) It was a well.
c) The meaning is "the well of Him Who lives and sees me".
d) It was between Kadesh and Bered.
(Through this QT, Beerlahairoi, I know that God lives and sees us)
PRAYER: For those people, like Hagar, who need to encounter God in a special way today.
'The Comforter - Counsellor.'
John 14:26.
a) The Comforter - Counsellor. (Who is the Holy Spirit)
b) The Father will send Him in the Name of Jesus.
c) He will teach us all things.
d) He will bring to our remembrance all that God has said to us.
(This Second one makes me highly esteem the Comforter - Counsellor)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Comforter - Counsellor.
I know that God lives and sees us. This gives me encouragement to come to God, not only in the easy times but in the difficult times too. God has promised to be with us in every situation, all the time. We can always know that God is there and God does care, not because we always 'feel' Him, but because He says so.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Luke 2:25.
a) Joseph and Mary were fulfilling their duties as the parents of their first-born Son in the Temple.
b) There they met Simeon.
c) Simeon was:-
3-Anticipating the liberation of Israel from its troubles.
d) The Holy Spirit was upon him.
(Through this QT I respect Simeon)
PRAY: For Righteous and Devout Elders for and in the Churches.
'The Holy Spirit - Our Helper.'
John 14:16.
a) Jesus said:
b) "I will ask the Father
c) "To send you another Helper,
d) "The Spirit of Truth,
e) "Who will remain constantly with you."
(This Second one causes me to pray for The Holy Spirit - Our Helper to fill my life)
PRAYER: To be filled with The Holy Spirit - Our Helper.
Joseph and Mary set us a very good example for today! They were fulfilling their duties as parents. They were Jewish parents who wanted to dedicate their Son to the Lord in the Temple. When parents have the desire to do this, surely God will Bless them and their family. He will fulfill His Will as those parents bring up their child/children in a Godly way. Dedication is the first step, but it is not some kind of spiritual 'insurance policy' - the parents have their parental duties to fulfill.
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The Christian Life!
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