The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
King Asa's Good Ways!
'King Asa's Good Ways.'
2 Chronicles 14:7.
a) He was a restorer of cities.
b) He sought the Lord - so the Lord gave him the land.
c) The Lord gave Asa and the people rest on every side.
d) The Lord's people built and prospered.
(This QT reminds me about King Asa's Good Ways)
'We Really Need The Lord.'
Psalm 127:1.
a) Unless the Lord builds the house.
b) They labour in vain who build it.
c) Unless the Lord guards the City.
d) The watchman stays awake in vain.
(This Second one clearly informs me that I Really Need The Lord)
It always benefits me, and I am sure it can benefit and Bless every reader of this QT when I consider the Good Ways of Bible Characters. When we consider these folks and their good ways we can learn many good lessons for our own lives, families and churches! Because of King Asa's Good Ways there was restoration - rebuilding and prosperity. Let us learn and restore, rebuild and prosper.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
The Lord Our God Has Done It!
a) Jeremiah 8:14. Condemns people to die.
b) Jeremiah 51:10. Brings about a Great Deliverance for us.
c) Deuteronomy 1:41. Tells us when to fight.
d) Deuteronomy 5:24. Can show us His Great Glory.
e) Judges 11:24. Can drive out our enemies before us.
f) Deuteronomy 4:7. Is near to us.
g) 2 Chronicles 14:7. Can make us secure as we follow Him.
h) 2 Chronicles 32:8. Is with us to help us.
i) Ezra 9:8. He:-
1-Gives us Mercy.
2-Gives us a secure position.
3-Enlightens our eyes.
4-Gives us relief in times of servitude.
j) Jeremiah 26:16. Gives people Authority to speak.
k) Daniel 9:14. Is Just in all that He has done.
(This QT teaches me that the Lord Our God Has Done It)
'Jesus Christ - Declared To Be The Son Of God.'
Romans 1:4.
a) Jesus Christ - Declared To Be The Son Of God in Power. (2 Corinthians 13:4)
b) According to the Spirit of Holiness.
c) By His Resurrection from the dead. (Ephesians 1:19-20)
d) He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
(This Second one reveals Jesus Christ - Declared to be the Son of God)
The Lord our God can show us His Great Glory. This is still a possibility in these modern days. I am convinced that the Lord wants to show His Church His Great Glory, but sometimes it seems that the Church is either too "set in their ways", or too distant from the reality of a relationship with God, so it is not possible for them to see His Great Glory.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Peter's Dubious Question!
'Peter's Dubious Questions.'
John 21:20-21.
a) Peter turned around and saw 'the Disciple that Jesus loved' following Jesus and himself.
b) This was also the Disciple that had deep love for Jesus.
c) This Disciple previously had wanted to know who would betray Jesus.
d) Peter wanted to know if this was the betrayer.
(This QT helps me to learn from Peter's Dubious Questions. It is far better to simply Trust Jesus)
'Visions Of Heaven?'
John 3:13.
a) Jesus said that no-one has ascended into Heaven.
b) Except He Who descended from Heaven.
c) This is The Son of Man (The Lord Jesus Christ)
(This Second one makes me strongly doubt people who claim to have had Visions Of Heaven)
I do not want to lose my simple Trust of Jesus Christ my Lord. This Trust relationship with Him is most precious to me. I have never been tempted to question the Lord or His Ways. This is because His Ways are past finding out. It is always far better to simply Trust Jesus. Sometimes, the result of trusting Jesus does not turn out as we expect but this should stimulate us to Trust Him more. Trusting Jesus does not guarantee us 'freedom from pain' but it is the safest and best thing for us to do.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Our Holy God!
'Our Holy God.'
a) Exodus 3:5-6. Is on Holy Ground.
b) 1 Samuel 2:2. No one is Holy like Him.
c) Psalm 99:2-3. He is Holy.
d) Isaiah 6:3. The whole Earth is full of His Glory.
e) Revelation 4:8. Is forever.
(This QT causes me to be in awe of Our Holy God)
'An Authentic But Unusual Calling.'
Isaiah 6:6-10.
a) Isaiah 6:6. This Calling had an unusual beginning.
b) Isaiah 6:7. To obey this calling Isaiah needed to be pure.
c) Isaiah 6:8. This calling came directly and clearly from the Lord.
d) Isaiah 6:9-10. The people could not and would not respond to Isaiah's Message from the Lord.
(This Second one describes An Authentic But Unusual Calling)
This QT causes me to be in awe of my Holy God. It took longer to go through these Scriptures today. Those of us who understand what it means to be "Called by God" also understand the Fear of the Lord. If Pastors do not have the assurance of being "Called by God" to do what they are doing, how can they lead the flock closer to God? I am convinced that when God "calls" someone, then the Fear of the Lord will also be in the "Called person's" life. The Holy Calling and the Fear of the Lord go together.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
A Result Of Their Sin!
'A Result Of Their Sin.'
Jeremiah 8:13.
(Sin always has consequences)
a) "I will snatch them away" declares the Lord.
b) There will be no grapes on the vine.
c) And no figs on the fig tree.
d) And the leaf will wither.
e) And what I have given them will pass away.
(This QT reveals to me A Result Of Their Sin)
'Jesus And The Father.'
a) John 10:30. Are One.
b) John 17:11. Pray for True Believers to be one.
c) John 17:22. Share God's Glory.
d) John 5:19. Work perfectly together.
e) John 14:9. Whoever has seen Christ has seen the Father.
(This Second one Teaches me more about Jesus And The Father)
Where we live it has just passed from Autumn (Fall) Season into the early part of the Winter. The scenery is very beautiful, but not quite as beautiful as rural Massachusetts north of Boston! I can see the Creative Hand of God all around us here. The Autumn also makes us realise how much we depend on God, because nothing will appear fresh from now until after the Winter. We all depend on what has already been harvested and kept. Surely God is Master of the Seasons.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Follow Jesus!
'Follow Jesus.'
John 21:19.
a) Jesus wanted to make things very clear to Peter.
b) Jesus spoke about Peter's death.
c) Peter would Glorify God in his death.
d) Then Jesus said to Peter: "Follow Me".
(This QT challenges me to Follow Jesus)
'A Revelation From Jesus Christ.'
Revelation 1:1.
a) God gave Jesus this Revelation to tell to us. (John 17:7-8; 14:10)
b) This was about things which were "soon to take place". (This reminds us to read Revelation in balance, it is not all about our future)
c) This Revelation was made known through an Angel God sent.
d) To God's Servant John.
(This Second one reveals A Revelation From Jesus Christ)
There are many times and ways, when and in which I have been challenged to follow Jesus or to continue to follow Him. Truly, I have learned the same lesson as the Psalmist, who said: "I delight to do Your will Oh God." Let us follow Jesus and continue to follow Him.
Jesus' Plan For Peter!
'Jesus' Plan For Peter.'
John 21:19.
a) Jesus wanted Peter to know.
b) With what kind of death he would Glorify God.
c) After telling Peter this.
d) Jesus simply said to Peter: "Follow Me".
(This QT teaches me a part of Jesus' Plan For Peter)
'From God To Christ To John.'
Revelation 1:1.
a) This is a Revelation from Jesus Christ.
b) God gave it to Him.
c) Jesus Christ was to show this to God's Servants the things that were going to come to pass.
d) He made it known by sending His Angel to His Servant John.
(This Second one teaches me the source of the Revelation From God To Christ To John)
I love the Word of God! There are so many parts and sections that are life-giving and helpful. The entirety of the Word of God is surely His Counsel for us. We need to give priority in our Churches and Fellowships to the Word of God, reading it and studying it.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Who Touched Me?
'Who Touched Me?'
Mark 5:30.
a) Jesus realised.
b) At once.
c) That healing power had gone out from Him.
d) He then turned around in the crowd.
e) He asked: Who touched my clothes?
(This QT teaches me more about the healing Grace of Jesus: Who Touched Me?)
'Jesus - Our Judge.'
John 5:22.
a) The Father judges no one.
b) He has given to the Son.
c) Absolute authority to judge.
(This Second one reminds me about Jesus - Our Judge)
Jesus realised, and clearly knew, that amongst this large crowd of people that had gathered pressing around Him, someone had reached out to touch Him in Faith. In response to that Faith healing power flowed out from Him to that person. We need that same simple Faith in Jesus.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
When God's People Committed Abomination!
'When God's People Committed Abomination.'
Jeremiah 8:12.
a) They were not ashamed.
b) They never blushed.
c) They will fall among the fallen.
d) They shall be brought down.
e) When the Lord punishes them.
(This QT teaches me about the time When God's People Committed Abomination)
'The Martyrs In Glory.'
Revelation 6:9-11.
a) Revelation 6:9. They had been slain for the Word of God.
b) Revelation 6:9. They had been slain for the witness they had borne.
c) Revelation 6:10. They cried out with a loud voice:
1-Oh Sovereign Lord.
2-Holy and True.
3-How long before You will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the Earth?
d) Revelation 6:11. They were each given a white robe.
e) Revelation 6:11. They were told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete.
f) Revelation 6:11. These were killed in the same way in which the original martyrs had been killed.
(This Second one makes me thankful, in several ways, for The Martyrs In Glory)
In Jeremiah's days, when God's People committed abomination they were not ashamed. They obviously should have been ashamed, but their hearts had become too hardened. This was not only a problem in Jeremiah's days but it has also become a problem in our days as well. Some pastors are afraid of preaching and teaching about compromise for fear of losing some of their congregation.
Especially For Peter!
'Especially For Peter.'
John 21:18.
a) Jesus was specifically speaking to Peter.
b) "When you were young."
c) "You were able to do as you liked."
d) "You dressed yourself."
e) "You went wherever you wanted to go."
f) "When you are old."
g) "You will stretch out your hands."
h) "Others will dress you."
i) "Others will take you where you don't want to go."
(This QT considers Jesus'Words Especially For Peter)
'God And His Children.'
Hebrews 12:23.
a) You have come to the Assembly of God's first-born children.
b) Their names are written in Heaven.
c) You have come to God Himself.
d) He is the Judge over all things.
e) You have come to the spirits of the Righteous Ones in Heaven.
f) Who have now been made perfect.
(Through this Second one I am sincerely thankful for God and His Children)
When you are old! Jesus spoke these words to Peter and He started by speaking about Peter's old age times. It was obvious that God had a plan for Peter to live a long life and God knew that Peter was going to be physically weak in his old age. Truly, I know when I read this that God knows, and cares about, our lives until the end, when we go to Heaven if we are True Believers.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Colossians 2:10.
a) We are complete.
b) Through our union with Christ.
c) He is the Head.
d) Of all principalities and powers.
(This QT gives me the Assurance of being Complete in Christ)
'Safe At The School.'
Acts 19:10.
a) In Ephesus Apostle Paul taught safely for at least two years.
b) Many Jews and Greeks.
c) Who dwelt in Asia Province.
d) Heard the Word of the Lord Jesus. (The Message about the Lord)
(This Second one reminds me that Apostle Paul was Safe At The School to continue his Teaching Ministry)
There are three important words in Colossians 2:10: complete; union; the Head. This Scripture helps us to understand that we are complete in Christ. It describes our being in Christ as a union, we are united to and with our Head. It gives tremendous assurance - Christ is the Head of all principalities and powers. Yes, we are complete in Christ.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
But There Is No Peace!
'There Is No Peace.'
Jeremiah 8:11.
a) They have healed the wound of My People lightly.
b) Saying: "Peace, Peace."
c) When there is no peace.
(Through this QT I can tell when There Is No Peace)
'The Dead Will Live.'
John 5:25.
a) The Lord speaks this Truth.
b) The hour is coming.
c) This is the hour.
d) When the dead people.
e) Will hear the Voice of the Son of God.
f) Those who hear.
g) Will live.
(This Second one reminds me of the Lord's Promise: The Dead Will Live)
The dead people will live! Every person needs to know this and understand it. Our life now, on this Earth is not the only existence that we have. As Believers in Jesus Christ we have the Promise of Eternal Life. This means that, after our existence now, on this present Earth, there is still a life to live in Eternity. We will only know and understand all that this means when we get to Eternity, but we can be assured of an Eternity together with the Lord if we know now the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Don't Be Hurt!
'Don't Be Hurt.'
John 21:17.
a) This was the third time that Jesus asked Simon Peter about his Love for Him.
b) Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him three times.
c) Peter replied to Jesus: "Lord, You know all things. You know that I love you.
d) Jesus simply told Peter to feed His (the Lord's) sheep.
(This QT encourages me to encourage others: Don't Be Hurt)
'Process For Harvest.'
Psalm 126:6.
a) Those who go out weeping.
b) Carrying seed to sow.
c) Will return with songs of Joy.
d) Carrying sheaves with them.
(This Second one teaches me a part of the Process For Harvest)
This is a very simple, and yet truly wonderful statement that any person may make to the Lord: "I love You"! This is how it should be for every True Believer. Being a real Christian means that we have a love relationship with the Lord.
Friday, November 18, 2016
a) Job 10:15. May drown us.
b) Job 36:8. May bind us.
c) Job 36:21. Should not make us turn to evil.
d) Psalm 25:18. We can pray to the Lord about it.
e) Psalm 31:7. The Lord sees it.
f) Psalm 31:10. May cause our strength to fail.
g) Psalm 107:17. May come as a result of our iniquity.
h) Psalm 107:41. God can lift us out of it.
i) Psalm 119:92. May cause people to perish.
j) Isaiah 48:10. There is a furnace of it.
k) Lamentation 3:33. God does not willingly bring it on anyone.
l) Romans 12:12. We should be patient in it.
(Through this QT I know that the Lord understands my Affliction)
a) Luke 8:15. Makes us fruitful.
b) Romans 12:12. In tribulation.
c) Hebrews 6:15. Can cause us to inherit the Promise.
(This Second one teaches me about Persevering)
Affliction may cause our strength to fail. When we see another person suffering from affliction we should have compassion on them. This is, and should be our first and major response. We are not to judge them or to "play God" to them, rather we need to accept them as they are, love them and pray for them.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Greedy People Are Frauds!
'Greedy People Are Frauds.'
Jeremiah 8:10.
a) God will give their wives to other people.
b) God will give their farms to strangers.
c) From the least to the greatest their lives are ruled by greed.
d) Even God's Prophets and Priests are like that.
e) Everyone deals falsely.
(This QT reminds me that Greedy People Are Frauds)
'Glory To God.'
Romans 11:36.
a) For of Him (God),
b) And through Him.
c) And to Him.
d) Are all things.
e) To Whom be Glory forever. Amen.
(This Second one has me proclaim: Glory To God)
Amongst greedy people everyone deals falsely. A greedy person cannot be trusted because their greed makes them damage other people. In the situation that Jeremiah was writing about he even included the Lord's Prophets and Priests. Greedy people spoil the Body of Christ. Greedy people will also be lonely because they cannot have meaningful and trusting relationships.
The Lord's Sheep!
'The Lord's Sheep!'
a) John 21: 16. Need to be fed.
b) Isaiah 49:9. The Lord calls them "My Sheep".
c) Ezekiel 34:5. Get scattered when they have no shepherd.
d) Ezekiel 34:11-12. The Lord searches for and finds His Sheep.
e) Ezekiel 34:15. The Lord will tend His Sheep and give them a place to lie down.
f) John 10:27. The Lord's Sheep listen to His Voice.
g) John 21:17. Need to be fed.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord's Sheep listen to His Voice)
'The Lord's Tangible Blessing.'
Genesis 24:35.
a) The Lord's tangible Blessing is great.
b) The Lord's tangible Blessing can make a person wealthy.
c) In this case, the Lord's tangible Blessing included:-
7-Male servants.
8-Female servants.
(This Second one reveals to me The Lord's Tangible Blessing)
The Lord will tend His Sheep and give them a place to lie down. We learn so much about Bible-times shepherds simply by reading the Bible. We frequently confess positively that "the Lord is our Shepherd", this means that we are His sheep. We need to trust the Good Shepherd and His caring for our lives. The Lord being our Shepherd is most important, His "under-shepherds" are important but not nearly as important as the Lord Himself!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Jesus Knows My Thoughts!
'Jesus Knows My Thoughts.'
Matthew 9:4.
a) Jesus knew their thoughts.
b) Jesus knows our thoughts too. (Matthew 12:25: Knowing their thoughts, Jesus told them; every kingdom divided against itself is headed for destruction, and no city or house divided against itself shall stand. John 2:24-25: Jesus, however, would not entrust Himself to them, since He knew them all and because He did not need anyone to testify to testify about man; for He Himself knew what was in man)
c) Jesus knows when we think evil in our hearts.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Knows My Thoughts)
'Our Life Giving God.'
John 5:21.
a) The Father raises the dead.
b) The Father gives them Life. (Deuteronomy 32:39: See now that I alone am He; there is no God but Me. I bring death and I give Life; I wound and I heal. No-one can rescue anyone from My Hand. Romans 4:17: Abraham believed in God Who gives Life to the dead)
c) The Son also.
d) Gives Life. John 6:33: For the Bread of God is the One Who comes down from Heaven and gives Life to the World.
e) To anyone He wants to. (Romans 8:11: And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your mortal bodies to life through His Spirit who lives in you)
(This Second one gives me Joy: Our Life Giving God)
Division always brings destruction. Something or someone dies after a division because there is a source of Life. This can refer to a marriage, a friendship, a business colleague or a Church. Especially, after a painful division, it is difficult for a Church to heal, it can honestly take generations to heal a painful division that may have only taken thirty minutes to decide and take.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Are They Wise?
'Are They Wise?'
Jeremiah 8:9.
a) The "wise" teachers will fail.
b) Fall into the trap of their own foolishness.
c) They have rejected the Word of the Lord.
d) Are they so wise after all?
(Through this QT I ask the question: Are They Wise?)
'The Saviour Of The World.'
1 John 4:14.
a) We have seen.
b) We testify.
c) That the Father has sent the Son.
d) As Saviour of the World.
(This Second one calls me to exalt The Saviour Of The World)
Whoever the person is, if they reject the Word of the Lord, I would ask the question: Are They Wise? When the Word of the Lord is rejected it is the beginning of a downward spiral. The Word of the Lord is so powerful, through it the Lord brings healing, reconciliation, correction and help to many people. We should not reject the Word of the Lord.
To Be A Shepherd!
'To Be A Shepherd.'
John 21:15.
a) To be a Shepherd of God's flock.
b) Means that:
c) We love the Lord more than anyone or any thing.
d) Then we are ready to love the sheep.
(This QT is simple but important: To Be A Shepherd)
'Having Life.'
John 5:26.
a) The Father has Life in Himself.
b) The Father has granted the Son,
c) Also:
d) To have Life in Himself.
(This Second one makes me realise that God is Having Life)
To be a Shepherd of God's flock a person needs to be qualified according to God's word. There is no room in God's Kingdom for a hireling shepherd. God's Sheep are very precious to Him, He will select the Shepherds of His sheep carefully. God will allow hireling shepherds to be exposed, then they can be replaced.
Monday, November 14, 2016
God's Will!
Ephesians 1:9.
a) Has been made known to us.
b) Is a mystery.
c) Is according to His Purpose.
d) Has been set forth in Christ.
(Through this QT I understand more about God's Will)
'Very Important People.'
Psalm 82:6-7.
a) Asaph was singing and writing about very important people.
b) He called them "gods".
c) He called them "sons of the Most High".
d) He said that, like men, they would die.
e) He said that any prince, they would fall.
(This Second one calls Very Important People to come to God)
God wants His People to understand His Will part by part. Each time that we understand it means that we are understanding more. Most of us will never understand the whole, but part by part God reveals it to us through His Word and by His Spirit. God never reveals all of His Plans for us as a whole, but always part by part.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
It Was Not God's Word!
'It Was Not God's Word!'
Jeremiah 8:8.
a) How can God's People say?
b) We are wise.
c) For we have the Word of the Lord.
d) When the Truth is:
e) That the lying pen of the scribes.
f) Has handled it falsely.
(This QT helps me to understand that It Was Not God's Word)
'A Discerning But Weak Leader.'
Matthew 27:18.
a) Pilate knew.
b) It was motivated by self-interest and envy.
c) When they handed Jesus over to them.
d) They delivered Jesus up as if He was a criminal.
(This Second one reveals to me A Discerning But Weak Leader)
The lying pen of the scribes in the Old Testament days influenced the people strongly, especially God's People. God's People thought that they had ever-increasing Wisdom as they read what was written by the scribes. The problem was the misplaced trust of these people: They were reading and believing lies.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
They Needed Convincing!
'They Needed Convincing.'
John 21:14.
a) This was the third time.
b) That Jesus appeared to His Disciples.
c) Since He had been raised from the dead.
(This Qt makes me realise that They Needed Convincing)
'Manipulative People.'
John 19:12.
a) Pilate tried to release Jesus.
b) But the Jewish Leaders manipulated him.
c) They used the name of Caesar.
(This Second one reveals to me horrible Manipulative People)
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This Qt teaches me more about the ways of manipulative people. Sometimes there may be people who are jealous of us. These people use all kinds of words and actions to pull us down and to exalt themselves. When leaders or employers manipulate the people that they are responsible for, it can cause much pain and distress.
Friday, November 11, 2016
God Says And Does!
'God Says And Does!'
Isaiah 46:10.
a) God declares the End from the Beginning.
b) God declares from ancient times things not yet done.
c) God says that His Counsel shall stand.
d) God will accomplish all His Purpose.
(This QT tells me that God Says And Does)
'What The Jews Wanted.'
John 19:7.
a) The Jews answered Pilate and those people in authority with Him.
b) "We have a Law regarding Blasphemy."
c) "According to that Law."
d) "Jesus ought to die."
e) "Because He made Himself the Son of God."
(This Second one reminds me of What The Jews Wanted)
We have a Living God! When we confess that God loves us that is something real and understandable. When we talk about the fact that we are "saved" or "born again" through Jesus Christ this is real, we have assurance that our sins are forgiven through the Cross. When we talk about an Eternity in Heaven, this is the clear promise of Jesus Christ. Truly we have a Living God Who cares about our lives.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Just Decrees Of The Lord!
'The Just Decrees Of The Lord.'
Jeremiah 8:7.
a) The stork in the sky knows her seasons.
b) Aware of their migration are:-
c) The Lord's people do not know.
d) The Requirements and Just Decrees Of The Lord.
(This QT teaches me the necessity for The Just Decrees Of The Lord)
'Offended Religious People.'
John 5:17-18.
a) Jesus responded to the religious Jews.
b) My Father is working until now and I am working.
c) The Jews tried all the more to kill Jesus.
d) The 'offences' of Jesus:-
1-Breaking the Sabbath.
2-Calling God His Own Father.
3-Making Himself equal with God.
(This Second one records the response of Jesus to Offended Religious People)
Ignorance was never an excuse for God's People and this fact remains until today. The Lord expects His People to know His Requirements and Just Decrees. The way in which we are going to learn these is by taking a participating interest in them just as they are in the Word of God.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The Servant Jesus!
'The Servant Jesus.'
John 21:13.
a) Jesus came.
b) Jesus took the bread.
c) Jesus gave it to them.
d) Jesus did the same with the fish.
(This QT reveals another aspect of The Servant Jesus)
'God Speaks To Us By His Son.'
Hebrews 1:2.
a) In these Last Days.
b) God has spoken to us.
c) By His Son.
d) God has appointed His Son.
e) Heir of all things.
f) Through His Son.
g) God made the Universe.
(This Second one teaches me that God Speaks To Us By His Son)
The Servant Jesus has been sent to us by Father God to give us the example of a True Servant. Just in the Scripture here alone: Jesus came to the Disciples (He took the initiative), Jesus took the bread (not for Himself - but for His Disciples), Jesus gave the bread and the fish to His Disciples (He served them first).
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
The Lord's Declaration!
'The Lord's Declaration.'
Isaiah 45:23.
a) I have sworn by My Own Name.
b) I have spoken the Truth.
c) I will never go back on My Word.
d) Every knee will bend to Me.
e) Every tongue will confess allegiance to Me.
(This QT teaches me The Lord's Declaration)
'A Part Of King David's Christlikeness.'
Psalm 89:27.
a) I will make Him.
b) My Firstborn Son.
c) The mightiest King on Earth.
(This Second one reveals A Part Of King David's Christlikeness)
Every tongue will confess allegiance to the Lord Jesus. This is a part of Isaiah's Prophecy regarding the Lord Jesus Christ. We live in days when many folk are disappointed in their National Leaders. There is 'rumbling discontent' amongst the people. As True Believers our responsibility firstly is to Pray. To Pray for God's Will to be done in the political arenas of His World.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Going In The Wrong Direction!
'Going In The Wrong Direction.'
Jeremiah 8:6.
a) I listen to their conversations.
b) I do not hear a word of truth.
c) Is anyone sorry for doing wrong?
d) No man relents of his evil.
e) No man says: "What have I done?"
f) Every man turns to his own (sinful) course.
g) Like a horse plunging headlong into battle.
(This QT reveals what it's like when people are Going In The Wrong Direction)
'He Is The One.'
John 1:30.
a) The Lamb of God is the One that John Baptist was talking about:
b) A Man is coming after me.
c) Who is far greater than I am.
d) He existed long before me.
(This Second one reminds me that He (Jesus) Is The One)
No man says: 'What have I done?' It seems that when God's People go in the wrong direction with their lives that they encounter badness even though they are looking for goodness. No matter what it is, if we turn to a sinful course with our lives, we encounter badness and evil. This is not a 'trial of our faith', it is what happens when we choose a sinful course.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
The Lord's Silent Guests!
'The Lord's Silent Guests.'
John 21:12.
a) The Lord called the Disciples to come and eat breakfast.
b) None of the Disciples dared to ask Jesus: "Who are You?"
c) They knew it was the Lord.
(This QT teaches me about The Lord's Silent Guests, they knew it was the Lord)
'John Testified About Jesus.'
John 1:15.
a) John testified about Jesus when he shouted to the crowds.
b) John said: "This is the One I was talking about."
c) "When I said Someone is coming after me."
d) "He is far Greater than I am."
e) "He existed long before me."
(This Second one shows me when John Testified About Jesus)
Here is one of the clearest Testimonies regarding the Lord Jesus Christ that is included in the Scriptures. The Testimony is directly concerning the Lord and was spoken (indeed shouted) by John the Baptist. We find from this Testimony that Jesus Christ is the One - He is unique. Jesus Christ is far greater than John the Baptist. We also find that He existed long before John the Baptist was born.
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The Christian Life!
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