The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, September 30, 2016
True Believers Worship The Lord!
'True Believers Worship The Lord!'
John 9:38.
a) The man responded with Words of Faith in Jesus.
b) He Believed in Jesus.
c) He Worshipped Jesus.
(This QT teaches me that True Believers Worship The Lord)
'The Disciples' Response To The Ascension.'
Luke 24:52.
a) They Worshipped Jesus.
b) They returned to Jerusalem. (Awaiting what came next)
c) They were filled with great Joy.
(This Second one shows me The Disciples' Response To The Ascension)
The Ascension of Jesus was one of the most amazing miracles that these Disciples ever saw. It was like something "totally out of this World". There are three important parts that we read here about the Disciples' response: 1-They Worshipped the Lord. 2-They returned to Jerusalem to await what was going to happen next. 3-They were filled with great Joy.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
A Wrong Decision!
'A Wrong Decision.'
Jeremiah 7:24.
a) God's People did not obey Him.
b) God's People did not incline their ear to Him.
c) God's People followed the counsel of their own hearts.
d) God's People followed the dictates of their evil hearts.
e) God's People went backward and not forward.
(This QT teaches me what ensues from A Wrong Decision)
'A Changed Heart.'
Proverbs 12:25.
a) Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression.
b) Anxiety in the heart of man weighs it down.
c) A good word makes the heart glad.
d) A good word cheers up the heart.
(This Second one gives me desire for A Changed Heart)
God's People went backward and not forward! This is a common problem amongst God's People and in God's Church. God is calling us to go forward, whether as individuals, teams, families or entire Churches. These are days in which God has facilitated the possibility for the Churches to go forward, we need to follow this Call.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
In Addition!
'In Addition.'
John 20:30.
a) The Disciples saw Jesus.
b) Do many other miraculous signs.
c) Which are not written in the Bible.
(This QT excites me: In Addition)
'Keep Your Heart Right.'
Jeremiah 17:5.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) Cursed are those people who put their trust in mere humans.
c) Who rely on human strength.
d) And turn their hearts away from the Lord.
(Through this Second one I want to Keep My Heart Right)
How very important it is for us to keep our heart right. There are so many reasons in today's World that would cause us to lose our heart or to embitter our heart. This is one of the reasons that the Lord calls us to Keep Our Heart Right.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
A Glorious Transformation!
'A Glorious Transformation!'
Philippians 3:21.
a) Christ will transform our lowly body.
b) That it may be conformed.
c) To His Glorious Body.
d) According to the Power that enables Him.
e) To bring everything under His control.
(This QT reveals A Glorious Transformation)
'The Angels Worship.'
Hebrews 1:6.
a) When God brings His First-Born into the World.
b) He says:
c) Let all the Angels of God.
d) Worship Him.
(Through this Second one I can see The Angels Worship)
The Lord is eventually going to complete the Work of bringing everything under His Control. At this present time we still have lowly and weak bodies. It is Christ, and only Christ, who can transform our lowly and weak bodies to His Glorious Body. This is a Miracle - A Glorious Transformation - the Scriptures tell us that we, True Believers, will be changed.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
All Will Be Well!
'All Will Be Well.'
Jeremiah 7:23.
a) This is what God told His People.
b) Obey Me.
c) I will be your God.
d) You will be my people.
e) Do every thing as I say.
f) All will be well.
(This QT reminds me of God's Plan: All Will Be Well)
'A Practical Solution.'
Genesis 47:23.
a) Joseph said to the people.
b) Look, today I have bought you and your land for Pharaoh.
c) I will provide you with seed.
d) So you can plant the fields.
(This Second one Teaches me A Practical Solution)
God told His Beloved People to do everything that He said to them. As a result of doing this God said to them that everything would be well. I know that God has not changed - He is still speaking to His People today. God wants us (His People) to do everything that He says to us! God's Will and God's Way is always perfect. Let us follow Him and learn more of His Ways.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
A Special Blessing!
'A Special Blessing.'
John 20:29.
a) These are the Words of the Lord Jesus.
b) You Believe.
c) Because you have seen Me.
d) Blessed are those who Believe.
e) Without seeing Me.
(This QT reveals A Special Blessing)
'The Time Is Coming.'
John 5:28-29.
a) Don't be so surprised.
b) Indeed, the Time is coming.
c) When all the dead people.
d) In their graves.
e) Will hear the Voice of God's Son.
f) They will rise again.
g) Those who have done good.
h) Will rise to experience Eternal Life.
i) Those who continue in evil.
j) Will rise to experience Judgment.
(This Second one reminds me that The Time Is Coming)
I am among those people, as the vast majority of True Believers who on the Earth today are, that have never seen the Lord. I have heard His Word, I have Believed His Word and I know that, exclusively, He alone is the Living God, but, I have never seen Him. I think that my situation is in accordance with His Word. We Believe in the Lord, but, as yet, we have not seen Him.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Good And Humble People!
'Good And Humble People.'
Romans 15:14.
a) Other people are confident in them.
b) They are full of goodness.
c) They are filled with all knowledge.
d) They are able also to admonish one another.
(This QT reveals to me Good And Humble People)
'Be Fruitful.'
John 15:4-5.
a) We need to abide in the Lord.
b) The Lord desires to abide in us.
c) A branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine.
d) We cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Lord Jesus Christ.
e) The Lord is the Vine.
f) We are the branches.
g) If we abide in Christ.
h) And if Christ abides in us.
i) We bear much fruit.
j) Without Christ we can do nothing.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Fruitful)
Good and humble people can have a great influence just by being where they are. If our family is well trained, then surely the family members will be good and humble. This kind of family has a shining testimony. If Christian Ministers are good and humble, it makes the situation much easier for people to trust them and trust the Church. In every sphere of life we need to have good and humble people.
Monday, September 19, 2016
God Did Not Say!
'God Did Not Say.'
Jeremiah 7:21-22.
a) This is what the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel says:
b) Add your burnt offerings to your other sacrifices.
c) Eat meat.
d) When I brought your ancestors out of Egypt.
e) I did not speak with them.
f) I did not command them.
g) Concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices.
(This QT teaches me what God Did Not Say)
'They Have Eternal Life.'
John 5:25.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ our Lord:
b) I assure you.
c) An hour is coming.
d) And is now here.
e) When the dead people will hear the Voice of the Son of God.
f) Those who hear will live.
(This Second one reminds me that They Have Eternal Life)
God clearly knows what He says and what He does not say to people. Here He is saying that when He brought the Jewish Ancestors out of Egypt He did not speak with them about burnt offerings and sacrifices. We need to focus on the important things that God says in His Word and to us, by His Word and His Spirit today. It is the Holy Spirit that makes the Word of God alive to us today.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Thomas' Understanding Of Jesus!
'Thomas' Understanding Of Jesus.'
John 20:28.
a) This understanding came after Jesus revealed His wounds to Thomas.
b) Thomas then said these words to Jesus:
c) My Lord.
d) My God.
(This QT encourages me: Thomas' Understanding Of Jesus)
'Life Giving God.'
John 5:21.
a) The Father raises the dead.
b) And gives Life to them.
c) The Son gives Life.
d) To whom He will.
(This Second one reminds me that we have a Life Giving God)
One of the many purposes that God has for us in and from His Word is encouragement. There are so many reasons that people get discouraged and frustrated. Discouragement and frustration are not Gifts from God! When we look at the lives of the Disciples of Jesus in the Bible there are so many different examples of Jesus encouraging them.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
The God Of Hope!
'The God Of Hope.'
Romans 15:13.
a) May the God of Hope.
b) Fill you with all Joy and Peace.
c) Because you trust in Him.
d) Then you will overflow with confident Hope.
e) Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
(This QT makes me grateful to The God Of Hope)
'He Was Miraculously Healed.'
Acts 4:10.
a) Apostle Peter spoke this Message when on trial for the Name of Jesus.
b) Peter wanted to clearly state to all who heard him.
c) Peter wanted to clearly state to all the people of Israel.
d) The man was healed.
e) By the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
f) Crucified by the Jews.
g) But God raised Him from the dead.
h) This man stood before Peter's trial.
i) In a healed condition.
(This Second one teaches me that He Was Miraculously Healed)
There are many ways in which the Power of the Holy Spirit can affect our lives. The Holy Spirit in Scripture is often depicted as 'flowing' or 'overflowing'. One of the effects of the Holy Spirit upon the True Believer is that the Holy Spirit can cause us to overflow with confident Hope.
Friday, September 16, 2016
All Were Affected!
'All Were Affected.'
Jeremiah 7:20.
a) These were the Words of the Lord Himself:
b) My Anger and My Wrath.
c) Will be poured out on this place.
d) On:-
3-Trees of the field.
4-Crops of the land.
e) It will burn and not be quenched.
(This QT teaches me that All Were Affected by God's Judgment on the land)
'We Should Not Be Surprised.'
Acts 3:12.
a) The Jewish worshippers, going to and from the Temple were surprised at God's Miracle.
b) Peter challenged them:
c) "Why does this surprise you?"
d) "Why do you stare at us?"
e) "It is not our own power or godliness that made this man walk".
(This Second one reminds me that We Should Not Be Surprised when God does a Miracle)
God has done a very wonderful thing in His Creation of human beings. There are clear Words in His Word about the Wonders of His Creation. The Bible is full of God's Promised Blessings for His People, Blessings that come our way because of His Love and Grace. There are times that we may not understand what God says or does but we should continue to Trust Him and continue to Believe His Word.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
John 20:27.
a) Jesus was speaking to "doubting" Thomas.
b) Jesus told Thomas to do certain things:
1-Put your finger here.
2-Examine My Hands.
3-Reach your hand here.
4-Put it into My Side.
c) Do not continue in your unbelief.
d) But Believe.
(This QT encourages me to Believe)
'The Wonderful Son Of God.'
Hebrews 1:3.
a) The Son reflects the Glory of God.
b) The Son bears the very stamp of God's Nature.
c) The Son upholds the Universe by the Word of His Power.
d) The Son has accomplished cleansing for sins.
e) The Son is now sat down at the Right Hand of the Majesty on High.
(Through this Second one I extol The Wonderful Son Of God)
This is very amazing. Jesus told Thomas to put his hand into the wound area of His Body, He did this to prove to Thomas Who He Was. I can understand this action. My own maternal grandfather had a war wound that went long and deep into his leg. When I was a child he asked me to put my hand into this wound and then he told me a true war story.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Right With God!
'Right With God.'
Romans 5:1.
a) We have been made right with God.
b) Because of our Faith.
c) We have been Justified by Faith.
d) We have Peace with God.
e) Through, and because of, our Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT gives me a grateful heart: Right With God)
'The Mystery Came About.'
Ephesians 3:9.
a) God told Apostle Paul.
b) To make clear to everyone.
c) How the Mystery came about.
d) In times past.
e) It was kept hidden in the Mind of God.
f) Who Created all things through Jesus Christ.
(This Second one teaches me that The Mystery Came About)
Through, and because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have Peace with God. Peace with God is different from the Peace of God. The Peace of God guards our heart and our mind through Jesus Christ. Peace with God is referring to our conscience, which is made clear and clean when we know that Christ has dealt with our sins.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Not Me But Themselves!
'Not Me But Themselves.'
Jeremiah 7:19.
a) The idolaters were not really provoking the Lord.
b) This was the Lord's declaration.
c) The reality was.
d) That they were being provoked.
e) To their own shame.
(This QT clearly reveals the declaration of the Lord: Not Me But Themselves)
'The Selfless Suffering Of Christ.'
Hebrews 2:10.
a) It was fitting for Him. (Our Father God)
b) All things are for Father God.
c) All things are through Father God.
d) In bringing many sons to Glory.
e) To make the:-
1-Source of their Salvation.
2-Pioneer of their Salvation.
3-Leader of their Salvation.
f) Perfect through sufferings.
(This Second one reminds me of The Selfless Suffering Of Christ)
The reality was, and is, that idolaters do not provoke the Lord to shame. The idolaters simply bring the shame on themselves. There are different times and seasons of the year when millions of people ignorantly, and yet willfully, commit the sin of idolatry. Of course God does not hate these people, He loves them and desires that they would come out of their spiritual blindness and come to Him through Jesus Christ.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Jesus Does Not Need Doors!
'Jesus Does Not Need Doors.'
John 20:26.
a) This happened after Jesus' Resurrection.
b) All the Disciples (including Thomas).
c) Were inside a house.
d) The doors were locked.
e) Jesus came and stood among them.
f) He spoke these meaningful greetings:
g) Peace be with you.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Does Not Need Doors)
'Miracles Of The Lord's Compassion.'
Isaiah 54:10.
a) The Mountains may depart.
b) The Hills be removed.
c) The Lord's steadfast Love shall not depart from you.
d) The Lord's Covenant of Peace shall not be removed.
e) Says the Lord Who has Compassion and Mercy upon you.
(This Second one tells me of Miracles Of The Lord's Compassion)
Jesus came and stood among them! This is now the Resurrected Jesus! He did not appear as a "spirit" - this was Jesus in the flesh, proving again the Miracle of the Resurrection. This occurred before the Miracle of the Ascension, when Jesus returned to His Father in Heaven. The Resurrected Jesus spoke to His Disciples Words that were both significant and important, for them then, and for us now. It is good for us to ponder on the Amazing Words and Acts of the Resurrected Jesus.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Jesus' Selection Process!
'Jesus' Selection Process.'
Mark 3:13-14.
a) Jesus went up on to the mountainside.
b) Jesus called to Himself those people whom He wanted.
c) These called people came to Him.
d) Jesus appointed twelve that they might be with Him.
e) He then sent them out to Preach.
(This QT reveals Jesus' Selection Process)
'A Wonderful Sign.'
Exodus 3:12.
a) God answered Moses that He would be with him.
b) God promised Moses a sign.
c) God told Moses that He would lead God's People.
d) Moses would bring them out of Egypt.
e) They would Worship at this very same place, the same mountain.
(This Second one promises A Wonderful Sign)
Jesus sent His Disciples out to preach. There were a few significant things about these Preacher - Disciples. Jesus first called them to Himself. He wanted to spend time with them on the mountainside. He appointed twelve of them to be with Him, in His Ministry Team. These twelve He also sent out to Preach.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
We Should See Too!
'We Should See Too.'
Jeremiah 7:17-18.
a) God sees.
b) Do we see also?
c) This was happening in all the streets of Jerusalem.
d) This was happening in all the towns of Judah.
e) God was angry.
f) Everywhere:-
1-Children were gathering the wood.
2-Fathers built sacrificial fires.
3-Mothers were kneading dough and making cakes.
g) All this was to offer to the "queen of heaven".
h) They pour out drink offerings to other gods.
i) They were provoking the Living God.
(This QT reminds me that I need to see as God sees, and pray: We Should See Too)
'An Abundance Of Living Water.'
Zechariah 14:8.
a) On that day.
b) Life-giving waters.
c) Will flow out from Jerusalem.
d) Half towards the Red Sea.
e) Half towards the Mediterranean Sea.
f) Flowing continuously.
g) In both summer and winter.
(This Second one gives me thirst for An Abundance Of Living Water {The Holy Spirit})
Everywhere in God's Holy Land, amongst God's Holy People, entire families had given themselves to the worship of idols. This idolatry was very blatant and a complete "turning away" from the Lord. These people needed to stop what they were doing and turn back to the Lord. We need to ask ourselves and our Churches if this Message is also relevant for us today.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Belief vs. Evidence!
Belief vs. Evidence.
John 20:25.
a) The other Disciples.
b) Kept telling Thomas.
c) That they had seen the Lord.
d) Thomas said to them.
e) That if he did not see.
f) The marks of the nails in His Hands.
g) And put his hand in Jesus' side.
h) He would never believe.
(This QT reveals to me the difference between Belief vs. Evidence)
'Willing To Follow.'
Matthew 8:23.
a) As Jesus got into the boat.
b) His Disciples.
c) Followed Him.
(This Second one calls me to be Willing To Follow Jesus)
To Thomas the modern-day phrase was relevant. He was, in today's terms, a non-believing 'Believer'. Sadly, today, the Western Church is full of such people. There are exceptions, but, on the whole, the Church is a non-believing Church. The Biblical reason for this is that the people do not get enough of God's Holy Word. We can all have Faith and more Faith, because Faith comes as we hear the Word of God.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
The Eyes Of The Lord!
'The Eyes Of The Lord.'
a) Psalm 34:15; 1 Peter 3:12. Watch over those people who do right.
b) Zechariah 4:10. Search around the whole World.
c) Luke 1:15. Estimate people.
d) 2 Kings 19:16; Isaiah 37:17. Can respond to Prayer.
e) Jeremiah 7:30. Can see sin.
(This QT has me in awe of The Eyes Of The Lord)
'All Authority.'
Matthew 28:18.
a) Jesus came to tell this to His Disciples.
b) All Authority.
c) In Heaven.
d) And on Earth.
e) Has been given to Him.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Jesus has All Authority)
We have and we Worship the Living God! He has eyes that see all things all over the World and the Universe. The capacities of the Lord are beyond our imagination! When we consider the Eyes of the Lord, it is hard to imagine that they see all over this World at the same time. Because He sees, it really helps us to Pray. He not only knows but He also sees.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
When God Said 'No'!
'When God Said "No".'
Jeremiah 7:16.
a) God told Jeremiah.
b) To pray no more for these people.
c) Do not:-
1-Weep for them.
2-Pray for them.
3-Lift up a cry for them.
4-Make intercession for them.
d) God said: "I will not listen to you."
(This QT reminds me of a time When God Said "No")
'A New Citizenship.'
Philippians 3:20.
a) We are Citizens of Heaven.
b) Heaven is where the Lord Jesus Christ lives now.
c) We are eagerly waiting.
d) For Him to return as our Saviour.
(This Second one tells me that I have A New Citizenship)
There have been very few times in my life when God said to me "do not pray for them". I am not going into the reasons why He said that, they were quite obvious and I obeyed what I sensed that God was saying. There are times when we are to "leave them with the Lord" and let Him do what He wants to do. It is even recorded in the Bible that God said: "Do not Pray for them".
There Was A Reason!
'There Was A Reason.'
John 20:24.
a) Thomas the Disciple of Jesus.
b) Is sometimes named as "doubting" Thomas.
c) It is an unfair name.
d) Because Thomas was not with the other Disciples when Jesus appeared.
(This QT teaches me that There Was A Reason for Thomas' doubt)
'Power To Bring Relief To People.'
Matthew 10:1.
a) Jesus called His Twelve Disciples to Him.
b) Jesus gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out.
c) Jesus gave them power to heal all kinds of sickness.
d) Jesus gave them power to heal all kinds of disease.
(This Second one encourages me: Jesus gave to His Disciples: Power To Bring Relief To People)
Jesus appeared! Here was the proof of His Resurrection. Jesus appeared! We can trust all the Promises that God has given to us through Jesus Christ because He rose from the dead. Jesus appeared - now He lives forevermore.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Three Great Statements!
'Three Great Statements.'
Genesis 15:1.
a) Here are Three Great Statements.
b) They are Promises that God gave to Abraham.
c) God gave them to Abraham in a Vision.
d) The Statement/Promises are:-
1-Do not be afraid.
2-I will protect you.
3-Your reward shall be very great.
(This QT reveals to me Three Great Statements)
'The Lord Goes Ahead.'
Deuteronomy 31:6.
a) So, be strong and courageous.
b) Do not fear, or be in dread of them.
c) For it is the Lord your God Who goes with you.
d) He will not leave you.
e) He will not forsake you.
(This Second one makes me grateful that The Lord Goes Ahead)
There are so many times in the Bible that God says to His People: "Do Not Be Afraid." It means that there are many potential situations that could make us afraid. Most of us do not know each other's fears but God knows them all and He wants to Comfort and Protect us: Do Not Be Afraid.
Monday, September 5, 2016
Because They Did Not Listen!
'Because They Did Not Listen.'
Jeremiah 7:14-15.
a) The people were trusting what God had done, rather than what He was doing.
b) God had been so good and generous to His People.
c) But He was going to cast His People out of His Sight. 1 Kings 9:7.
d) Because they did not listen to Him. (2 Kings 17:23)
(This QT is a lesson for me: Because They Did Not Listen)
'Pride Of Religious Buildings Is A Sin.'
Matthew 24:1-2.
a) The Disciples wanted to show to Jesus the buildings of the Temple.
b) The Jewish people of their day had so much pride in their Temple Building.
c) Jesus told the Disciples to take a 'good look' at those buildings.
d) Those buildings were all doing to be demolished.
(This Second one reminds me that Pride Of Religious Buildings Is A Sin)
We need to continually be sensitive to God, God's Word and God's Will. This means, in its most simple form, that we need take time to read God's Word and apply it to our lives. God is a good Father, for the True Believer to be sensitive to Him is wise. Reading His Word is an essential part of the True Believer's life. God's Word is still alive and current. It is relevant for us today.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
To Forgive: Yes Or No!
'To Forgive: Yes Or No.'
John 20:23.
a) If you forgive someone's sins.
b) They are forgiven.
c) If you do not forgive someone's sins.
d) They are not forgiven.
(This QT presents me with a question: To Forgive: Yes Or No)
'Holding The Keys.'
Matthew 16:19.
a) Jesus will give us the keys.
b) Of the Kingdom of Heaven.
c) Whatever we forbid on Earth.
d) Will be forbidden in Heaven.
e) Whatever we permit on Earth.
f) Will be permitted in Heaven.
(This Second one reminds me that I am Holding The Keys)
All of us will face the times when we have to answer the question: To Forgive: Yes or No? Usually when we have to answer this question it concerns some kind of serious matter. I do not like people who push other people into forgiveness - this usually leaves the 'forgiver' person in confusion and even condemnation. If we are to forgive someone who has hurt us, we need to do it from our heart and with our will. There should be no pushing or manipulating in this matter.
To The People Of Israel!
'To The People Of Israel.'
Acts 10:36.
a) We know the Message. (The Good News)
b) God sent. (This Message was really from God)
c) To the people of Israel. (Consistent with the Scripture - "To the Jew first")
d) Announcing the Good News of Peace.
e) Through Jesus Christ.
f) Who is Lord of all.
(This QT reminds me of the Great Commission To The People Of Israel)
'The Great Creator.'
Colossians 1:16.
a) By Christ all things were created:-
3-In Heaven.
4-On Earth.
b) All things were created through Him.
c) All things were created for Him.
(This Second has me in awe of The Great Creator)
The Truth of the Gospel can only be taught and preached through Jesus Christ. There is no other Gospel than the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Any other "gospel", whatever the content may be, is not the Truth of the Gospel. It is only the Truth of the Gospel that has power to change people's lives and give them New Life. We have to believe the Truth of the Gospel as recorded in the Scriptures.
Friday, September 2, 2016
You Would Not Listen!
'You Would Not Listen.'
Jeremiah 7:13.
a) God's People were doing the wrong things.
b) So God made a Declaration.
c) He had spoken to His People time and time again.
d) God's People would not listen to Him.
e) God called to His People.
f) But they would not answer.
(This QT calls me to pay attention to the Lord: You Would Not Listen)
'The Lord - The Creator.'
John 1:3.
a) All things were Created through Him.
b) Apart from Him,
c) Not one thing was Created that has been Created.
(This Second one reveals The Lord - The Creator)
God called to His People. This is something that God does from time to time. He calls to His People for a special and specific purpose. The difficulty came for His People because they would not heed His Call. This has been the case during the process of many Revivals. God's People were so Blessed by what He was doing that they forgot to listen to Him. I strongly believe that God wants us to listen to Him, to heed His Call, whatever the situation of our Church.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Receiving The Holy Spirit!
'Receiving The Holy Spirit.'
a) John 20:22. The Holy Spirit is a Gift to us from Jesus Christ.
b) John 14:17; 15:26. He is the Spirit of Truth Whom the World system's people cannot receive.
c) John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is a Teacher.
d) 1 Corinthians 2:12. The Holy Spirit reveals to us the things that God has freely given to us.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:11. The Holy Spirit distributes His Gifts to His Church.
f) Romans 8:26. The Holy Spirit helps us with Intercession.
g) Luke 12:12. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher.
h) Acts 5:32. The Holy Spirit is given to those people who obey God.
i) Acts 15:28. The Holy Spirit has a Will.
j) Acts 16:6. The Holy Spirit guides Mission.
k) Hebrews 2:4. The Holy Spirit gives His Gifts to those people who preach the Gospel.
l) Hebrews 3:7. The Holy Spirit speaks to the Church.
(This QT encourages me to be Receiving The Holy Spirit)
'The Lord's Sheep.'
John 10:27-28.
a) Hear His Voice.
b) Are known to Him.
c) Follow Him.
d) Have Eternal Life.
e) Are safe in the Lord's Hands.
(This Second one Teaches me about The Lord's Sheep)
The Holy Spirit is a Gift to us from Jesus Christ. We should never forget this fact. This is one of the reasons that we are exhorted by Him to Pray and ask God for the Holy Spirit. The Presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives should never be taken for granted. We should live in such a way as to please the Holy Spirit and not to grieve Him.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...