The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
God Will Visit Them!
'God Will Visit Them.'
Jeremiah 5:8-9.
a) Lust was making the people wild with desire.
b) Men commit adultery with married women.
c) The Lord will confront these people.
d) The Lord will punish these people.
e) The Lord will take revenge on these people.
g) The Lord will avenge Himself on such people.
(This QT teaches me that God Will Visit Them)
'To Travel And Minister Is Not Always Easy.'
1 Corinthians 4:11-13.
a) 1 Corinthians 4:11. Some people endure hardship as they travel:-
3-Poorly dressed.
b) 1 Corinthians 4:12-13. Some people seem to have no reward for their hard work:-
1-They are insulted but respond with a Blessing.
2-They are harassed but put up with it.
3-They suffer from their reputation being attacked, yet they put up with it.
4-They continue to encourage other people, even though they are treated like the scum of the Earth.
5-They often feel like:-
6-It continues day-by-day.
(This QT reveals to me that To Travel And Minister Is Not Always Easy)
Some people endure hardship in their travelling ministry, even until today. This happens especially in the life of the itinerant minister. It happens mainly when this person serves amongst the poor people, but it can also happen in the middle class and wealthy peoples' environments. We should be caring for genuine travelling ministers and expose those who are not genuine.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Just Carry On!
'Just Carry On.'
Revelation 22:11.
a) Daniel 12:10. Let the person continue who is doing:-
b) Let the person continue who is:-
c) Let the person continue who is:-
1-Doing right.
d) Let whoever is Holy continue to be Holy.
(This QT reveals the Lord saying: "Just Carry On")
'We Should Avoid Self-Pity.'
2 Corinthians 11:23-27.
a) 2 Corinthians 11:23. We should remember Apostle Paul.
1-He worked so hard for the Gospel.
2-He was imprisoned many times for the Gospel.
3-He was beaten so many times.
4-He faced death many times.
b) 2 Corinthians 11:24. He received 39 lashes from the Jews five times.
c) 2 Corinthians 11:25. Apostle Paul was:-
1-Beaten with rods three times.
2-Stoned once.
3-Shipwrecked three times.
4-Left on the open sea for a day and a night.
d) 2 Corinthians 11:26. He had been on many journeys.
e) 2 Corinthians 11:26. He faced dangers from:-
3-His own people.
5-The City.
6-The desert.
7-The sea.
8-False brothers and sisters.
f) 2 Corinthians 11:27. Apostle Paul's regular experience:-
1-Hard work.
2-Heavy labour.
3-Many sleepless nights.
4-Hunger. (Often with no food)
6-Cold weather. (Without enough clothes)
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Avoid Self-Pity)
Apostle Paul was left on the open sea for a day and a night. That must have been a terrifying experience for him. In these days relatively few people actually travel by sea. It is mostly by air, quick and safe. I have, a few times, travelled by ship and long distance ferry and the experience was not bad. For Apostle Paul there were some really difficult experiences. We should pray for those people who work and travel on the sea.
The Only Way!
'The Only Way.'
John 14:6.
a) These are the Words of Jesus.
b) I am:-
1-The Way.
2-The Truth.
3-The Life.
c) No one comes to the Father.
d) Except through me.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus is The Only Way)
'Apostle Paul's Sufferings.'
Colossians 1:24.
a) Apostle Paul was suffering for the Colossian Church.
b) Apostle Paul was being Christ-like in every way. (Including suffering)
c) Apostle Paul was doing this for the Church, which is Christ's Body.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Apostle Paul's Sufferings)
Jesus Christ is the Life. He not only gives us Life, He is the Life. We live in Him! Outside of Christ people only exist, they have to find and do something to give themselves an identity. It is so different if we are in Christ. The Bible tells us that we are complete in Christ, that True Believers have New Life in Him and that He gives us Hope as well as being our Hope.
Monday, March 28, 2016
How Can I Pardon You?
'How Can I Pardon You?'
Jeremiah 5:7.
a) God's People offended Him.
b) God's People hurt Him to the point where He said how could He pardon them.
c) God's People's children had forsaken Him.
d) God's People's children had sworn by gods that are not gods.
e) God could have satisfied His People.
f) God had already fed His People to the full.
g) God's People committed adultery.
h) God's People went off to the house of prostitution.
(This QT gives me the understanding of God's Heart here: How Can I Pardon You?)
'Pure Thinking And A Pure Heart.'
Proverbs 3:1-4.
a) Proverbs 3:1. We should not forget the Teaching of our fathers and teachers.
b) Proverbs 3:1. We should keep these Teachings in our hearts.
c) Proverbs 3:2. These Teachings from the Lord can bring to us:-
1-Long Life.
d) Proverbs 3:3. Do not let these things forsake us:-
2-Steadfast Love.
e) Proverbs 3:3. We are to bind them on our necks and write them on the tablets of our hearts.
f) Proverbs 3:4. Then, in the sight of God and people we will find:-
3-Good success.
(This Second one calls me to have Pure Thinking And A Pure Heart)
Fathers are supposed to Teach their children well. There are two sources of education for every child. Firstly, the family home is where the child should learn how to live properly, instructed well by their parents. Secondly, the school should also be a place of learning, sometimes supplemented by academies or extra part-time learning facilities.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Keep It Open!
'Keep It Open.'
Revelation 22:10.
a) John was told not to seal up the Words of the Book of Revelation.
b) The reason for this was.
c) The time for the fulfillment of these Words.
d) Was near.
(This QT reminds me to read well the Word of God: Keep It Open)
'Receive The Love Of The Truth.'
2 Thessalonians 2:10.
a) There is unrighteous deception.
b) Amongst those people who perish.
c) Because they did not receive the Love of the Truth.
d) That they might be saved.
(This Second one urges me to Receive The Love Of The Truth)
It is necessary for the True Believer to read well the Word of God. The Word of God is our spiritual food. If we do not read the Word of God it means that we are 'out of touch' with the Will of God for our lives because God reveals His Will through His Word to us. If we read the Word of God well, we will not be deceived.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Lead Us And Deliver Us!
'Lead Us And Deliver Us.'
Matthew 6:13.
a) Do not lead us into temptation.
b) Deliver us and rescue us from the evil one.
c) Belonging to the Lord forever are:-
1-The Kingdom.
2-The Power.
3-The Glory.
(This QT stimulates my Prayer: Lead Me And Deliver Me)
'Which Whoever Am I?'
John 3:36.
a) The person (whoever) who Believes in the Son of God.
b) Has Everlasting Life.
c) The person (whoever) who does not Believe in the Son of God.
d) Shall not see Life.
e) This person must endure the Wrath of God.
(This Second one causes me to question - Which Whoever Am I?)
The Power belongs to the Lord forever. It takes quite some time to look at all the dictionary definitions of "power". Even in the Scripture the word comes from several sources and has several meanings. When we Pray that to the Lord belongs 'all Power', it means that we surrender our own "power" and we submit to His Power and Authority.
Friday, March 25, 2016
When Christian Leaders Rebel!
'When Christian Leaders Rebel.'
Jeremiah 5:6.
a) A lion from the forest will attack them.
b) A wolf from the deserts will destroy them.
c) A leopard will lurk near their towns.
d) Those people who leave the city will be torn in pieces.
e) Their transgressions are many.
f) Their backslidings have increased.
(This QT reveals what may happen When Christian Leaders Rebel)
'Have Faith.'
Hebrews 11:6.
a) Without Faith it is impossible to please God.
b) The person who wants to come to God.
c) Must Believe that He is.
d) And that He is a Rewarder of those people.
e) Who diligently seek Him.
(This Second one encourages me to Have Faith)
When Christian leaders rebel usually God allows their rebellion to become obvious to many people. The reason that He does this is that He wants to protect His People. Rebellious Christian leaders are so often exposed quickly by the Lord. He wants to protect His Glory and His Name, God is a Jealous God. It is really tragic to see once-anointed rebellious Christian Leaders trying to live as if they are still living under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Misguided Worship!
'Misguided Worship.'
Revelation 22:8-9.
a) John heard and saw the Revelation.
b) When he heard and saw them.
c) He fell down at the feet of the Angel who showed them to him.
d) The Angel told John not to do that.
e) The Angel called himself a "fellow-servant" together with:-
2-John's brothers the prophets.
3-Those people who keep the Words of the Book of Revelation.
f) The Angel told John to Worship God.
(This QT keeps me from Misguided Worship)
'We Are Not Responsible For The Result.'
Mark 16:15-16.
a) Jesus told His Disciples, and also tells us today.
b) Go into all the World.
c) Proclaim the Gospel to all Creation.
d) Whoever Believes and is Baptised.
e) Will be Saved.
f) Whoever does not Believe.
g) Will be condemned.
(This Second one Teaches me that I Am Not Responsible For The Result)
God's Angels set us great examples of humility and obedience. We can read so much about Angels in God's Word, they are indeed amazing beings. God's Angels are perfectly obedient to Him. They are His Messengers, they are often disguised when they manifest themselves, disguised as men. I believe that there are Angels and I thank God for them.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
His Power!
'His Power.'
Ephesians 3:20.
a) Now.
b) To Him.
c) Who is able to do.
d) Immeasurably more.
e) Than all we:-
f) According to His Power.
g) That is at work.
h) Within us.
(This QT draws me to think of His Power)
'The Message We Declare.'
Acts 20:21.
a) This Message needs to be heard by all humanity.
b) We need to declare it.
c) They need to turn to God in repentance.
d) They need to have Faith in our Lord Jesus.
(This Second one reveals The Message I Declare)
As human beings we are creative people. God has made us that way. We are made in "the Image of God", and a part of that is creativity. God wants us to use the imagination that He has given to us for His Glory. One of the modes of therapy for people who suffer from various kinds of aging illness is creating. Using our creativity that God has given to us can actually help us.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
To Whom Can We Turn?
'To Whom Can We Turn?'
Jeremiah 5:5.
a) I will go to the great men and leaders.
b) I will speak to them.
c) They know they way of the Lord.
d) They know the Judgment of their God.
e) But all of them have broken the yoke.
f) That the Lord had put on them.
g) They have torn off the ropes.
h) That the Lord ties them up with.
(This QT is a challenging question: To Whom Can I Turn?)
'The Early Message Of Christ.'
Mark 1:15.
a) This was His Message.
b) The time has come.
c) The Kingdom of God is at hand.
d) Repent.
e) Believe the Gospel.
(This Second one reveals to me The Early Message Of Christ)
The Lord had put some restraint on the National and Religious Leaders in the days of Jeremiah. This was a Manifestation of both His Holiness and His Mercy. These Leaders, however, broke themselves free from the yoke that the Lord had put on them. Spiritually it was obvious that these Leaders were unfit to lead. They knew it too! The most difficult of Church Leaders to relate to are those who are unfit to lead.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Keep The Words!
'Keep The Words.'
Revelation 22:7.
a) Jesus is coming quickly - speedily.
b) Blessed is the person.
c) Who keeps the Words.
d) Of the Book of Revelation.
(Through this QT I want to Keep The Words)
'The Active Compassion Of Jesus.'
John 9:35.
a) Jesus heard that this healed man, who was blind, was rejected by the Jewish priests.
b) The priests and the Jewish rabble cast him out.
c) Jesus went to find him.
d) When He found him.
e) Jesus asked him: "Do you believe in the Son of Man (Son of God)?
(This Second one reveals to me The Active Compassion Of Jesus)
I desire to keep the Words of God in all possible contextual ways. Primarily, I want to keep the Words of God as taught by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, this means that we can safely heed His Teachings and make them the Foundation of our Faith. Any other "foundation" for our Faith can be faulty, but, if we make the Teachings of Jesus our foundation then we can grow very well.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
By The Power Of God!
'By The Power Of God.'
2 Corinthians 13:4.
a) Jesus Christ made Himself weak when He died on the Cross.
b) But He lives now by God's Power.
c) We also are weak in Him.
d) But we shall live with Him.
e) By the Power of God.
f) For and towards you.
(Through this QT I know that I need to live By The Power Of God)
'Believe In The Lord Jesus.'
Acts 16:31.
a) These were the Words of Paul and Silas after God sent the earthquake.
b) The keeper of the prisoners.
c) Wanted to know what to do.
d) He was so fearful.
e) Because all the prisoners could escape.
f) Whatever our situation.
g) Here is what we need to do.
h) Believe in the Lord Jesus.
i) And keep on Believing.
(This Second one encourages me to Believe In The Lord Jesus)
By the Power of God we can live and do His Will. I know that in my own strength and ability I am now weak. I need the Power of God and not my own vain human effort. The Longer I live, the more I realise, that I need the Power of God. I would suggest that we all need the Power of God to live by.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Why Are They Poor?
'Why Are They Poor?'
Jeremiah 5:4.
a) These were God's People.
b) They should not have been living in poverty.
c) There were reasons that their lives were hard.
d) The reasons:-
1-They were foolish.
2-They did not know the Way of the Lord. (They had not bothered to learn)
3-They did not know the Judgment of their God.
4-They did not know the ordinance of their God.
5-They did not know the Just and Righteous Law of God.
(This QT answers my question: Why Are They Poor?)
'They Need A Doctor.'
Matthew 9:12.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ our Lord.
b) He first of all listened before He spoke. We need to learn to do this too, listen before we speak.
c) These people have no need of a physician:-
1-The strong.
2-The well.
3-The healthy.
d) Those people who are weak and sick need a physician.
(This Second one clearly show me that They Need A Doctor)
The city that I live in at the moment is a very lovely coastal city in Scotland. There are many interesting and beautiful places in and around the city. There are also some districts and parishes within the city boundaries that are filled with extremely poor and bound people, nearly all of them are local. Most of these people have no real education and many of them do not have enough proper food to eat. There are charities that help to feed them. Most of them lead a very non-Christian lifestyle, they do not know and they do not want to know, the Lord. It is good to help feed and clothe the people in Jesus Name. It is also necessary for them to hear the Good News of the Gospel.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Words That We Can Trust!
'Words That We Can Trust.'
Revelation 22:6.
a) These Words are:-
b) The Lord, Who is the God of the spirits of the Prophets.
c) Sent His Angel.
d) To make clear to His Servants.
e) The things which will soon come to pass.
(This QT teaches me Words That I Can Trust)
'Called Back To The Lord.'
Isaiah 54:6.
a) The Lord has made us come back to Him.
b) Like a wife.
c) Who has been sent away.
d) In grief of spirit.
e) She was a young wife.
f) Sinfully cut off by her husband.
(Through this Second one I understand more about being Called Back To The Lord)
The Lord is the God of the spirits of the Prophets. True Prophets of God always Honour Him and never take any Glory for themselves. True Prophets do not make up their own "prophecies". True Prophets only bring the Word of the Lord. Remember that the Bible says that the Gift of Prophecy is for edification, exhortation and comfort.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Kept By The Power Of God!
'Kept By The Power Of God.'
1 Peter 1:5.
a) We are kept by the Power of God.
b) Through Faith.
c) For Salvation.
d) That is ready to be revealed.
e) At the end of time.
(This QT reminds me that I am Kept By The Power Of God)
'The Lord Knows.'
Psalm 139:3-4.
a) The Lord watches over us while we travel.
b) The Lord watches over us while we rest.
c) The Lord is acquainted with all of our ways.
d) Even before there is a word on our tongues.
e) The Lord knows all about it.
(This Second one assures me that The Lord Knows)
At the end of time as it is on this Earth our Salvation will be revealed. Until that time people all over the Earth are being "saved by Faith". Salvation is somewhat of a mystery because it has to do with the realm of Faith and Faith is mysterious. We cannot really express what it is to have and exercise Faith, even though we know that it is real.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
They Are So Hard Hearted!
'They Are So Hard Hearted.'
Jeremiah 5:3.
a) The Lord's Eyes are on the Truth.
b) The Lord has stricken them.
c) But they have not grieved.
d) The Lord has consumed them.
e) But they refused to receive correction.
f) They have made their faces harder than rock.
g) They have refused to return and repent.
(This QT teaches me that They Are So Hard Hearted)
'The Word Of God.'
Hebrews 4:12.
a) Is Living.
b) Is Powerful.
c) Is sharper than any two edged sword.
d) Pierces even to the division of soul and spirit.
e) Pierces even to the division of joints and marrow.
f) Is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(This Second one refuels my awe of The Word Of God)
They refused to receive correction. This is a terrible indictment to make against any people - that they refused to receive correction. I think that the final end of such people must be very awful. Whether it is an individual, a Church, or a whole Nation, when correction comes, we need to receive it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
The Lord God Gives Them Light!
'The Lord God Gives Them Light.'
Revelation 22:5.
a) In Heaven.
b) Night shall be no more.
c) They need no lamp.
d) They need no light of the sun.
e) The Lord God gives them light.
f) And they shall reign forever and ever.
(This QT teaches me that in Eternity The Lord God Gives Them Light)
'A Genuine Plea For Mercy.'
Luke 18:13.
a) The tax collector stood far away from the Holy Places and People in the Temple.
b) He knew that he was a sinner.
c) He would not even lift his eyes to Heaven when he prayed.
d) When he prayed he beat his breast.
e) He prayed for God's Mercy.
f) Because he knew that he was a sinner.
(This Second one shows me A Genuine Plea For Mercy)
In Heaven, the Lord God gives those people who are present there Light. There will be no need for any natural or artificial lights. All is lit forever by the Lord God. This is very wonderful, the way in which we will eternally exist is totally different. There will be no light switches to turn on and off. The Lord God gives us Light there.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Our Teacher God!
'Our Teacher God.'
Job 36:22.
a) Do you have any idea how powerful God is?
b) Behold! God is exalted by His Power.
c) God is exalted in His Power.
d) Who teaches like Him?
(Through this QT I Honour My Teacher God)
'The First Effect Of Our Sin.'
Psalm 51:4.
a) Firstly, and foremost, our sin is against God.
b) We have done evil in His Sight.
c) God is always found Just when He speaks.
d) God is always Blameless when He Judges.
e) 2 Samuel 12:13. Our sin can have a devastating effect on other people.
f) 1 Corinthians 8:12. When we sin against other people we can also wound their conscience. This means that we sin against Christ.
(This Second one Teaches me The First Effect Of My Sin)
We need to Honour our Teacher God! I really do not like to see pride in the lives and words of the Servants of the Lord. When God gives a Ministry, especially a preaching and teaching Ministry, to His Servant it means that God trusts this Servant with the Ministry. Every and each one of the Servants of the Lord needs to walk humbly with Him.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
They Swear Falsely!
'They Swear Falsely.'
Jeremiah 5:2.
a) Though they say.
b) As the Lord lives.
c) Even they are under oath.
d) They swear falsely.
e) They lie.
(This QT gives me Holy caution: They Swear Falsely)
'A Pleasant Place No More.'
Jeremiah 12:10.
a) Many:-
b) Have ravaged the Lord's Vineyard.
c) They have trampled down the Lord's Vines.
d) They have turned the Vineyard's Beauty.
e) Into a desolate wilderness.
(Through this Second one I am sad, so often the Church is A Pleasant Place No More)
There are some people who use the Name of the Lord, and also call on the Name of the Lord, but they lie. There is no way that a True Believer can live by telling lies. That means that they are not "true" at all if they tell lies. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Truth, and as True Believers we need to tell the Truth.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
We Are Going To See Him!
'We Are Going To See Him.'
Revelation 22:4.
a) We shall see His Face.
b) His Name.
c) Shall be on our foreheads.
(Through this QT there is deep Joy: I Am Going To See Him)
'Come And See.'
John 4:29.
a) Come and see.
b) A Man.
c) Who has told me.
d) Everything that I ever did.
e) Could this be the Christ?
(This is my Message to all humanity: Come And See)
We will never see if we do not come first. To be able to experience the Lord in our lives, and all the Wonderful things that He has for us, we have to come first. Some people have a completely wrong concept. They are waiting for the Lord to come to them. This is not going to happen because He has already called us to come to Him.
Friday, March 11, 2016
It Is The Power Of God!
'It Is The Power Of God.'
1 Corinthians 1:18.
a) The Preaching of the Cross.
b) Is foolishness.
c) To those people.
d) Who are perishing.
e) But to us who are being Saved.
f) It is the Power of God.
(This QT convinces me that It Is The Power Of God that Saves)
'Made Alive.'
Colossians 2:13.
a) This is for us.
b) We were dead in our trespasses.
c) We were dead in the uncircumcision of our flesh.
d) God has made us alive.
e) Together with Christ.
f) Having forgiven us all trespasses.
(Through this Second one I am grateful for being Made Alive)
I like this Bible phrase "us who are being Saved". This includes a very important understanding about our Salvation. That is the fact that God has not finished with me yet. I have been "Saved", I am being "Saved', and I will be "Saved". As I walk with the Lord there is some kind of process from God, the end result of which is that I will be "Saved". I should always welcome God's Process in my life.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
His Strength!
'His Strength.' (The Lord's Strength)
a) Psalm 65:6. Establishes mountains.
b) Psalm 68:35. He gives to His People.
c) Psalm 20:6. Is Saving Strength.
(This QT has me in awe of His Strength)
'It Is Time To Wake Up.'
Ephesians 5:14.
a) Wake up sleeper.
b) Rise from the dead.
c) Christ will give you Light.
(Through this Second one I know that It Is Time To Wake Up)
If we are True Believers and we are aware of our weakness (whatever kind of weakness it is) we can be sure that the Lord wants to give us His Strength instead of our weakness. The was one of the repeating Messages of Apostle Paul, that the Lord will give us His Strength. Jesus Christ made Himself weak for us that we may receive His Strength.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
It Is Hard To Find!
'It Is Hard To Find.'
Jeremiah 5:1.
a) Run to and fro.
b) Through the streets of Jerusalem.
c) See now.
d) Know.
e) Seek in her open places.
f) If you can find a man.
g) If there is anyone.
h) Who executes Judgment.
i) Who seeks the Truth.
j) Then
k) I will pardon Jerusalem.
(This QT affirms to me that It Is Hard To Find an honest person in the City)
'Do Not Be Sleepy.'
1 Thessalonians 5:6.
a) Let us not sleep.
b) As others do.
c) But let us watch.
d) And be sober.
(This Second one warns me spiritually: Do Not Be Sleepy)
Seek in the open places of the City a worthy and upright man. Jeremiah had to run around the place to find one. He could not find one. There were so many priests and people dressed in religious clothes but Jeremiah could not find anyone honest. Sadly, the situation is the same today. There are some very pure and honest people who wear religious garments, but there are also many who bring disgrace on the Lord's Church.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...