The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Why Run Away?
'Why Run Away?'
Jeremiah 4:29.
a) The whole city shall flee.
b) From the noise of the horsemen and bowmen.
c) They shall go into thickets.
d) They shall climb on the rocks.
e) Every city shall be forsaken.
f) No one will live in them.
(This QT calls for my question: Why Run Away?)
'All Will Be Fulfilled.'
Matthew 5:18.
a) These words were spoken by Jesus with assurance.
b) Until Heaven and Earth pass away.
c) The Law will not lose a letter or even the smallest part of a letter.
d) Until all is fulfilled.
(Through this Second one I Believe that All Will Be Fulfilled)
Every City shall be forsaken. This is a very amazing prophecy. Even in the days of Bible History for whole cities to be forsaken is a very awesome and fearful thing. City dwellers are usually secure folk, imagining nothing bad can happen to them because they live in the City. This QT teaches otherwise.
A Glorious And Pure Place!
'A Glorious And Pure Place.'
Revelation 21:26-27.
a) The Heavenly City is the place where all the Nations will bring all of their Glory and Honour.
b) Nothing evil will be able to enter the Heavenly City.
c) No one who practices shameful idolatry shall be able to enter the Heavenly City.
d) No one who practices dishonesty shall be able to enter the Heavenly City.
e) Only those people whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they can enter the Heavenly City.
(This QT teaches me that the Heavenly City is A Glorious And Pure Place)
'It's Human Nature Is Not An Excuse.'
Ephesians 2:3.
a) All of us used to live the wrong way.
b) We followed the passionate desires of our human nature.
c) We followed the inclinations of our human nature.
d) By our very nature we were subject to God's Anger.
e) We were just like everyone else.
(This Second one reveals that It's Human Nature Is Not An Excuse)
The Heavenly City. If we we actually take the time and make the effort we will find that our Holy Bible has so much to tell us about the Heavenly City. The descriptions are so amazing, the Word picture is so beautiful, and this is our final destination if we are True Believers in Jesus Christ)
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Living In A Difficult Environment!
‘Living In A Difficult Environment.’
2 Corinthians 6:8.
Living amid honour.
Living amid dishonour.
Living through evil report.
Living through good report.
Living through being branded as a deceiver.
Living vindicated as being truthful.
(This QT makes me
realise what it is to be Living In A Difficult Environment)
'Assurance Of Eternal Life.'
John 14:1-3.
a) John 14:1. We should not let our heart be troubled or afraid.
b) John 14:1. We Believe in God, we should also Believe in Jesus Christ.
c) John 14:2. In Father God's House there are many dwelling places.
d) John 14:2. If it were not so Jesus Christ would have told us.
e) John 14:2. Jesus Christ has gone to prepare a place for us.
f) John 14:3. If Jesus Christ has gone to prepare a place for us.
g) John 14:3. He will come again.
h) John 14:3. He will receive us to Himself.
i) John 14:3. That where He is.
j) John 14:3. We may be also.
(Through this Second one I thank God for Assurance Of Eternal Life)
When people say things about us that harm us and are not true, those things that have been said can do immense damage to us. There are some people who delight in destroying the lives and ministries of other people by such behaviour. Apostle Paul suffered this kind of maltreatment. He learned how to come through it in Victory with the Lord, we need to learn the same lessons, it will save us from bitterness.
When God Judges The Earth!
'When God Judges The Earth.'
Jeremiah 4:28.
a) The Earth will mourn.
b) The Heavens will be black.
c) When God speaks.
d) He also purposes.
e) God has not repented.
f) God has not turned back from what He said.
(This QT shows me the reality of When God Judges The Earth)
'Come And See.'
John 1:46.
a) Nathanael was doubting. He was a religious doubter.
b) He asked if any good thing could come out of Nazareth.
c) Philip invited Nathanael to: "Come and see".
(This Second one teaches me an answer for doubt: Come And See)
One thing that will always help matters of Life and Faith is to 'go and see' or to 'come and see'. God is always consistent in His Word, Thoughts and Actions. We can always Trust God, whatever the situation of our lives. Faith is not a matter of "the blind leading the blind", often God will say to us "go and see" or "come and see". Faith is never presumptuous.
Friday, February 26, 2016
A Place Full Of Light!
'A Place Full Of Light.'
Revelation 21:24-25.
a) The Nations shall walk by its light.
b) The kings of the Earth will bring their Glory and Splendour into it.
c) Its gates will never be shut by day.
d) Night will not exist there.
(This QT gives me assurance that I will go to A Place Full Of Light)
'The Whole World Accountable To God.'
Romans 3:19.
a) We know that.
b) Whatever God's Law says.
c) It says to the ones under it.
d) In order that every mouth may be stopped and shut.
e) And the whole World.
f) May be held accountable to God.
(This Second one makes me think of The Whole World Accountable To God)
I have the Assurance, because of the Truth and Promise of God's Word, that in due time, I will go to A Place Full Of Light. This Place that I am going to will be my Eternal Home. Every True Believer has this Blessed and Eternal Hope. The Reality of Eternity for the True Believer is Glorious.
The Lord's Right Hand!
'The Lord's Right Hand.'
Exodus 15:6.
a) This verse is part of a very ancient song, maybe the oldest ever recorded.
b) The Lord's Right Hand is Glorious in Power.
c) The Lord's Right Hand is Majestic in Power.
d) The Lord's Right Hand shatters the enemy.
e) The Lord's Right Hand dashes in pieces the enemy.
(This QT teaches me more about The Lord's Right Hand)
'Come Out From Under The Curse.'
Galatians 3:10.
a) Romans 3:9. We are all under sin until we are Born Again.
b) Galatians 3:13. Christ Redeems us from the curse of the law.
c) Deuteronomy 27:26. We need to be committed to the Word of God.
(This Second one calls us to Come Out From Under The Curse)
The Lord's Right Hand dashes in pieces the enemy. This is a very final and complete Victory! Sometimes I meet Christians who are seemingly always "enemy minded". This is a tragedy for them because they miss out on God's Plan for their lives in so many ways. If we are faithful in Prayer and in being the Lord's Disciples, we can live in Victory over the enemy.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
God Makes Clear Decisions!
'God Makes Clear Decisions.'
Jeremiah 4:27.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) The whole land will be ruined.
c) Though I will not destroy it completely.
(This QT reminds me that God Makes Clear Decisions)
'God's Laws' Job.'
Romans 3:20.
a) No one.
b) Will be declared Righteous.
c) In God's Sight.
d) By the Works of the Law.
e) Rather.
f) Through the Law.
g) We become conscious of our sin.
(Through this Second one I find God's Laws' Job)
All True Believers have differing ideas about the Law of God. Whatever ideas, thoughts, or opinions we may have, only the Word of God has the Truth about itself. There is plenty in the Word of God that makes it incredibly interesting and challenging. The Law of God reveals His Perfection, His Standard and His Desire for His People. We should not read it just as 'something written only for Jewish people'. It surely is for all of us who are True Believers.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
No Need For The Sun Or Moon There!
'No Need For The Sun Or Moon There.'
Revelation 21:23.
a) The City does not need the sun to shine on it.
b) The City does not need the moon.
c) The Glory of God.
d) Is the City's Light.
e) The City's Lamp.
f) Is the Lamb.
(This QT tells me that There Is No Need For The Sun Or Moon There)
'In Peace And Holiness.'
Hebrews 12:14.
a) Pursue the goal of Peace.
b) Make every effort to live in Peace.
c) With everyone.
d) Pursue the goal of Holiness as well.
e) Without Holiness no one will see the Lord.
(By this Second one I desire to live In Peace And Holiness)
The City's Lamp is the Lamb. When, by God's Grace, we enter Eternity we will find this, that the City's Lamp is the Lamb. Jesus, the Lamb of God, is Eternal. He is also known as God the Son and also the Son of God. Further, He is known as the Lamb of God. Whatever Title Jesus may be given, He is always God, and we should always treat Him as such. We have God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
God's Hand And Arm!
'God's Hand And Arm.'
Psalm 89:13.
a) God's Arm is Mighty and Endowed with Power.
b) God's Hand is strong.
c) God's Right Hand is exalted.
(This QT reveals to me God's Hand And Arm)
'This Is Impossible.'
Hebrews 10:4.
a) It is impossible for the blood of bulls.
b) It is impossible for the blood of goats.
c) The blood of bulls and goats is powerless.
d) To take away sins.
(This Second one Teaches me that This Is Impossible)
So often we hear the words in Charismatic Churches and 'Faith' Churches that "All things are possible." We are told to "only Believe." This is actually not a full and complete understanding of the Scriptures. Here is a New Testament Scripture in Hebrews that tells us that 'This Is Impossible.' What we really need to do is to study the Scriptures well. To always consider the 'big picture' of what we are studying or reading, and not just 'pull' verses from the Scriptures that seem suitable for us .
Monday, February 22, 2016
I Looked!
'I Looked.'
Jeremiah 4:23-26.
a) Jeremiah 4:23. I looked on the Earth and it was formless and void.
b) Jeremiah 4:23. I looked to the Heavens and they had no light.
c) Jeremiah 4:24. I looked on the mountains, and behold they were quaking and all the hills moved to and fro.
d) Jeremiah 4:25. I looked, and behold there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens had fled.
e) Jeremiah 4:26. I looked, and behold, the fruitful land was a wilderness.
f) Jeremiah 4:26. All its cities were pulled down before the Lord.
g) Jeremiah 4:26. Before His fierce anger.
(This QT reveals to me how Jeremiah saw... I Looked)
'Christ Rejected.'
John 1:11.
a) Jesus came to His Own People.
b) Those people who were His Own.
c) Did not receive Him.
(This Second one gives rejected people Hope - Christ Rejected)
The mountains were quaking and all the hills moved to and fro. This must have been a very awesome and powerful experience for Jeremiah and any other folks there around. When there is a strong earthquake we can only think of God, and how much we need His help. It is amazing how quickly we forget God when the earthquake goes away.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
No Temple In The City!
'No Temple In The City.'
Revelation 21:22.
a) There is no temple in the Heavenly City.
b) The Lord God Almighty.
c) And the Lamb.
d) Are the Temple of it.
(This QT shows me that there is No Temple In The City)
'Made Like His Brethren.'
Hebrews 2:17-18.
a) Jesus had to be made like His brothers in every respect.
b) Jesus became a Merciful and Faithful High Priest.
c) In the Service of God.
d) He made reconciliation and propitiation.
e) For the sins of the people.
f) Jesus suffered and was tempted.
g) He can now help those people who are being tempted.
(This Second one comforts me: Made Like His Brethren)
There is no need for a temple in the Heavenly City because God Himself is the Temple. The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of the Heavenly City. We cannot fully understand or imagine the Heavenly City now. We will only know when, by God's Grace, we go there. Let us simply now live for the Glory of God.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Good Ministry Produces Good Fruit!
'Good Ministry Produces Good Fruit.'
Matthew 7:15-27.
a) Matthew 7:15. Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets disguised as sheep, but they are wolves.
b) Matthew 7:16. We know ministers by their fruits.
c) Matthew 7:17. A good tree brings forth good fruit.
d) Matthew 7:17. A bad tree brings forth bad fruit.
e) Matthew 7:18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
f) Matthew 7:18. A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.
g) Matthew 7:19. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.
h) Matthew 7:20. We will know and recognise people by their fruits.
i) Matthew 7:21. Not everyone who calls Jesus as Lord will enter Heaven.
j) Matthew 7:21. The person who does the Will of the Heavenly Father will enter Heaven.
k) Matthew 7:22. On the Day for entering Heaven many people will say to Jesus:-
1-Lord we have Prophesied in Your Name.
2-We have driven out demons in Your Name.
3-We have performed many miracles in Your Name.
l) Matthew 7:23. Jesus will declare to these people:-
1-I never knew you.
2-Depart from Me.
3-You evildoers.
m) Matthew 7:24. Everyone who hears these Words of Jesus and puts them into practise.
n) Matthew 7:24. Is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
o) Matthew 7:25. And the:-
1-Rain fell.
2-Floods came.
3-Winds blew and beat upon that house.
p) Matthew 7:25. The house did not fall because it was built on the rock.
q) Matthew 7:26. Everyone who hears these Words of Jesus but does not put them into practise.
r) Matthew 7:26. Is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
s) Matthew 7:27. And the:-
1-Rain descended.
2-Floods came.
3-Winds blew.
t) Matthew 7:27. The winds beat against the house.
u) Matthew 7:27. The house fell with a great crash.
(This QT reminds me that Good Ministry Produces Good Fruit)
'All The Fullness.'
Colossians 2:9.
a) For in Christ.
b) Dwells all the Fullness.
c) Of the Godhead.
d) Bodily.
(This Second one causes me to Thank God for All The Fullness in Christ)
Rain is most definitely the Gift of God. He intends rain to fulfil His Plans and Purposes. Rain withheld or rain in extra abundance can also reveal the Judgement of God. He responds to Prayer both for Rain and lack of it. So, rather than just complain when the rain starts, we need to think about what are the Plans and Purposes of God in that rain.
Friday, February 19, 2016
When God's People Are Foolish!
'When God's People Are Foolish!
Jeremiah 4:22.
a) They do not know Him.
b) They are stupid children.
c) They have no understanding.
d) They are wise and skilled to do evil.
e) To do good they have no knowledge.
(This QT reveals to me about When God's People Are Foolish)
'God Has Not Given To Us And He Has Given To Us.'
2 Timothy 1:7.
a) God has not given to us the spirit of fear.
b) God has given to us the Spirit of Power.
c) God has given to us the Spirit of Love.
d) God has given to us the Spirit of a Sound Mind.
e) God has given to us the Spirit of Self Discipline.
(This Second one reveals what God Has Not Given To Us And God Has Given To Us)
When God's People have no knowledge to do good, indeed they are foolish. True Believers are not Saved by good works, that is very clear but what should spring forth from our lives are Good Works. There are so many folks, the whole world over, who need New Hope or a Helping Hand, and we might just be the person or people to help them in their difficult times.
The Amazing Eternal City!
'The Amazing Eternal City.'
Revelation 21:21.
a) The twelve gates were twelve pearls.
b) Each gate made of a single pearl.
c) The Great Street of the City.
d) Was pure gold.
e) Transparent as glass.
(This QT gives me a partial picture of The Amazing Eternal City)
'Do Not Rely On Keeping The Law.'
Galatians 3:10.
a) Everyone who relies on keeping the works of the Law.
b) Is under a curse.
c) It is written:
d) Cursed and condemned to destruction.
e) Is everyone who does not abide.
f) By all things written in the Book of the Law.
g) And do them.
(Through this Second one I affirm this Truth: Do Not Rely On Keeping The Law)
The Great Street of the City is transparent as glass. In His Ways God is sometimes mysterious but always transparent. His desire of us is that we are transparent too. It should never be something shameful for us to say that we need prayer, or we need help, or we need a rest. God is perfect in transparency, we are not. For me, naturally, it is not easy to say that I need prayer or help. I have always tried to endure and win! But, as I grow older I learn that I need to be transparent.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Great Power!
'Great Power.'
a) Ephesians 1:19. God's exceedingly great Power for us who Believe.
b) 2 Thessalonians 2:9. Satan sometimes uses great power.
c) 2 Peter 2:11; Revelation 18:1. Angels have great power.
d) Revelation 11:17; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Job 23:6. The Lord God Almighty has great power.
e) Revelation 18:10. Babylon City had great power.
f) Genesis 18:18. Abraham was to become a Great and Powerful Nation.
g) Genesis 45:13. Joseph had great power in Egypt.
h) Exodus 14:31; 32:11; Deuteronomy 4:37. The Lord used Great Power against the Egyptians.
i) Numbers 14:17; Deuteronomy 3:24. Lord, show us Your Great Power.
j) Deuteronomy 6:21; 9:26 & 29. The Lord uses great power to set people free.
k) Deuteronomy 11:2. It is possible to see the Lord use His Great Power.
l) Joshua 17:17. Joshua saw people of Great Power.
m) 2 Kings 17:36. The Lord brought His People out of Egypt with Great Power.
n) 2 Chronicles 26:13. God's People could wage war with Great Power.
o) Nehemiah 1:10. God redeems His People with Great Power.
p) Job 12:19. God can remove people who have Great Power.
q) Psalm 37:35. Sometimes wicked people have Great Power.
(This QT teaches me more about Great Power)
'We Need A Renewed Mind.'
Romans 8:7-8.
a) The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God.
b) It does not submit to God's Law.
c) It cannot submit to God's Law.
d) Those people who are in the realm of the flesh.
e) Cannot please God.
(This Second one reminds me that I Need A Renewed Mind)
God is clearly a God Who makes choices For and Against. When He has made His Decision He then acts upon it. When He has decided what to do - He does it. God is not controlled by our intercession, the purpose of intercessory prayer is not to control God, but, rather to Pray in the Will of God.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Hear The Sound!
'Hear The Sound.'
a) Jeremiah 4:21. Hear the sound of the trumpet.
b) Exodus 32:18. Hear the sound of singing.
c) 2 Samuel 5:24; 1 Chronicles 14:15. Hear the sound of marching in the tops of the trees.
d) 2 Samuel 15:10; Jeremiah 4:21; 42:14. Hear the sound of the ram's horn.
e) 2 Kings 7:6. Hear the sound of:-
3-A great army.
f) Jeremiah 25:36. Hear the sound of the shepherd's cry.
g) Daniel 3:5 & 15. Hear the sound of:-
7-Every kind of music.
h) Acts 22:14. Hear the sound of God's Voice.
(This QT calls me to pay attention: Hear The Sound)
'Decent Christianity.'
1 Corinthians 14:40.
a) Everything in Church meetings.
b) Should be done decently.
c) And in order.
(This Second one makes me yearn for Decent Christianity)
Horses in the Bible often remind us of a strength that does not come from God. It is a physical, hard and unemotional strength. Horses usually manifest their strength in selfish ways, using it until they get what they want. When a horse manifests its strength, that strength can be physically wounding to human beings.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Compassionate, Powerful And Righteous!
'Compassionate, Powerful And Righteous.'
Nahum 1:3.
a) The Lord is slow to anger.
b) The Lord is great in power.
c) The Lord will not leave the guilty person unpunished.
d) The Lord's Way is in the whirlwind.
e) The Lord's Way is in the storm.
f) The clouds are the dust beneath the Lord's Feet.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord is Compassionate, Powerful And Righteous)
'Law Does Not Save Us.'
Romans 3:19-20.
a) We know that.
b) Whatever Moses' Law says.
c) It says to those people who are under the Law.
d) So that every mouth may be silenced.
e) So that the Whole World be held accountable to God.
f) Therefore no one will be declared Righteous in God's sight.
g) By the works of the Law.
h) Rather, through the Law.
i) We become conscious of our sin.
(By this Second one I am convinced that Law Does Not Save Me)
The Lord's Way is in the storm. One of the grand local sights, here in Aberdeen, is going to the beach on a stormy day! To watch the foaming sea and the ships sometimes being tossed around by the waves, is an awesome sight. Only the Lord can create such storms and then have His Way in them.
Monday, February 15, 2016
A Beautiful Foundation!
'A Beautiful Foundation.'
Revelation 21:19-20.
a) The foundation of the walls of the Heavenly City.
b) Was ornamented by all kinds of precious stones.
c) These stones were seen to be - and remain until now:-
3-Chalcedony (White Agate).
(This QT reminds me that the Heavenly City has A Beautiful Foundation)
'Salvation Is God Given.'
John 6:44.
a) No one is able to come to Christ.
b) By themselves.
c) John 6:65. The Heavenly Father will:-
1-Attract them.
2-Draw them.
3-Give them the desire to come to Christ.
d) Then Christ will Raise this person from the dead. (John 12:32)
e) On the Last Day.
(From this Second one I am assured that Salvation Is God Given)
The Word meaning for Jasper is Supreme Nurturer. It gives us a beautiful picture of God Himself, Who is our Supreme Nurturer. Whatever stage we are at in our Christian Life and Walk with the Lord, we will always need Him to be our Supreme Nurturer, our Life Giver. Another meaning, in ancient Persian, is "Treasurer", it was the name given to one of the Three Wise Men who came from the East to visit the Baby Jesus and His parents.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Devastated And Unprotected!
'Devastated And Unprotected.'
Jeremiah 4:20.
a) Disaster upon disaster is proclaimed.
b) The whole land lies in ruins.
c) In an instant my tents are destroyed.
d) My shelter is destroyed in a moment.
(This QT reminds me how awful the experience is of being Devastated And Unprotected)
'To Experience The Kingdom Of God.'
John 3:3.
a) This came out in one of Jesus' public Q & A sessions.
b) Jesus emphasised the Truth that He was speaking.
c) Unless a person is born again.
d) They cannot see the Kingdom of God.
(This Second one reveals how To Experience The Kingdom Of God)
There are times that we may feel devastated and unprotected. This especially happens to people who 'risk' loving and caring for other people, especially people close to us. If we have not 'risked' in this way then we will not have this experience. As True Believers, I maintain a part of our calling is to 'risk' loving and caring.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
The Authority Of Apostle Paul!
'The Authority Of Apostle Paul!'
2 Corinthians 10:8.
a) His boasting was of the Lord.
b) The Lord gave to Apostle Paul:-
c) For the building up of the Corinthian Church.
d) He had no thought of breaking down the Church.
e) He was not ashamed of the strong words that he used to help the Corinthian Church.
(This QT reveals to me The Authority Of Apostle Paul)
'The Gentle Heart Of Apostle Paul.'
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) Apostle Paul was very wise in his communications with the Corinthian Church.
b) When Paul came back to Corinth he wanted to be gentle and not severe.
c) The Lord has given him Authority.
d) He desired to build up the Church.
e) Not to pull them down.
(Through this Second one I find The Gentle Heart Of Apostle Paul)
Apostle Paul had no thought of pulling down the Church. His goal was to build up the Church at Corinth, and to help them be a healthy Church. We need to remember that most of the letters of Paul were written to "area" Churches, rather than "local" Churches. An area Church is the Church in a specific area that is made up of a number of local Churches. (It may be many or few!)
Gold As Clear As Glass!
'Gold As Clear As Glass.'
Revelation 21:18.
a) The walls of the City are built of jasper.
b) The City was pure gold.
c) Transparent like clear crystal.
d) Or, gold as clear as glass.
(This QT reminds me about Heaven: Gold As Clear As Glass)
'Can I Change?'
Jeremiah 13:23.
a) Can people change the colour of their skin?
b) Can a leopard change its spots?
c) Can we do good?
d) We are accustomed to evil.
e) We are trained to do evil.
f) Can we learn to do what is correct?
(This Second one challenges me: Can I Change?)
I do look forward, because of God's Grace, to an Eternity that He has promised me in Heaven. That is one of my big desires, a Heavenly desire. Of course, there are other meaningful desires that I have for other people, but here is my biggest desire for myself, an Eternity in Heaven. Only God can change me, purify me and prepare me for Heaven.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
The Deep Pain Of Jeremiah!
'The Deep Pain Of Jeremiah.'
Jeremiah 4:19.
a) Jeremiah's bowels were in pain.
b) Jeremiah's heart was in pain.
c) His heart was making a noise inside him.
d) Jeremiah could not hold his peace.
e) The reason for this was that his soul had heard.
f) The sound of a trumpet.
g) The alarm of war.
(This QT describes The Deep Pain Of Jeremiah)
All Souls Belong To God.'
Ezekiel 18:4.
a) We are to behold.
b) That all souls belong to God.
c) The soul of the father belongs to God.
d) The soul of the son belongs to God.
e) The souls that sins.
f) It shall die.
(This Second one reminds me that All Souls Belong To God)
For many of us, there are certain sounds or alarms that, when we hear them we know that the reason for them is not a good reason. It may be an accident at sea. It may be a jailbreak from the local prison. Or, as here in Jeremiah, it may be the alarm for war. Whenever we hear an alarm we need to act in a responsible way.
God's Greatness!
'God's Greatness.'
a) Psalm 79:11. Of God's Power.
b) Psalm 106:45. Of God's Lovingkindness.
c) Psalm 145:3. Of God is unsearchable.
d) Psalm 145:6. Is to be declared.
e) Isaiah 63:1. Of the Might of the Lord Jesus.
f) Isaiah 63:7. Of the Lord's Goodness.
g) Ezekiel 38:23. He will demonstrate.
h) Luke 9:43. Amazes people.
i) Ephesians 1:19. The surpassing greatness of God's Power in us.
j) 2 Peter 1:16. The True Greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Through this QT I am reminded of God's Greatness)
'A Kind And Compassionate Father.'
Exodus 18:2.
a) Jethro, Moses' Father-in-Law.
b) Took Moses' wife, Zipporah.
c) After he had sent her away.
d) From Egypt.
(This Second one reveals to me A Kind And Compassionate Father)
We can think about, ponder upon, or meditate of the Lord's Goodness. That is a mental exercise that would benefit every one of us. Many of us, in our domestic, Church, or working lives have many negative things that we could be thinking about but God encourages us to think about His Goodness. That will surely turn our hearts to Praise and Thank Him.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...