The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Pastors And Shepherds After God's Heart!
'Pastors And Shepherds After God's Heart.'
Jeremiah 3:15.
a) These people are a gift from God.
b) They will feed His People.
c) With:-
(This QT helps me to appreciate Pastors And Shepherds After God's Heart)
'Incomplete Disciples.'
Acts 19:1-5.
a) Acts 19:1. Apostle Paul continued his missionary through the inland and highland area.
b) Acts 19:1. Paul arrived at Ephesus.
c) Acts 19:1. Paul found some Believers in Ephesus.
d) Acts 19:2. Paul directly asked these Believers if they had received the Holy Spirit when they believed.
e) Acts 19:2. They replied to Paul that they had never even heard about there being any Holy Spirit.
f) Acts 19:3. Paul then asked them about their Water Baptism.
g) Acts 19:3. They had been Baptised with John's Baptism.
h) Acts 19:4. Paul then explained to them about Baptism.
i) Acts 19:4. John's Baptism:-
1-Was a Baptism of repentance.
2-Those Baptised needed later to Believe in Jesus Christ.
3-John explained what it meant to Believe in Jesus Christ.
j) Acts 19:5. When the Ephesian Believers heard this they were Baptised again.
k) Acts 19:5. They were Baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
(This Second one explains to me how Apostle Paul helped the Incomplete Disciples)
In this World, all around the Churches, there are some Incomplete Disciples. It is always not their fault that they are Incomplete Disciples. It could be that after their initial reception of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour that there was no-one to teach them. It could be that their Bible Teachers were ill equipped. There are many reasons for this problem. Teaching Missionaries and Bible Teachers need to help Incomplete Disciples to become complete.
The Christian Life!
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