The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, November 30, 2015
It Is Time To Return To The Lord!
'It Is Time To Return To The Lord!'
Jeremiah 3:22.
a) It is the Time.
b) For the faithless sons and daughters.
c) To come to the Lord.
d) The Lord will heal our faithlessness.
e) We need to come to Him.
f) For He is the Lord our God.
(This QT reveals to me that It Is Time To Return To The Lord)
'We Have Been Anointed By The Holy One.'
a) 1 John 2:20. We all have been anointed by the Holy One if we are True Believers.
b) 1 John 2:27. This anointing teaches us.
c) 1 John 4:13. The Holy Spirit gives us assurance that we abide in Him.
d) Psalm 23:5. The Lord anoints our head with oil in the presence of our enemies.
e) Psalm 45:7. Because we love Righteousness and hate wickedness, our God has anointed us with the Oil of Gladness beyond our companions.
f) Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon us. The Lord has anointed us to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent us to bind up the broken hearted people and to proclaim liberty to the captives.
(Through this Second one I have confidence that I Have Been Anointed By The Holy One)
We need to come to the Lord. There are some Believers who live passive lives with passive Faith. This is not God's Way. Faith is really an active and action word. Faith without works, the Bible tells us, is dead. The first way in which we can exercise our Faith is by coming to the Lord, responding to Him and asking Him what He would have us do.
The Angel's Call To The Birds!
'The Angel's Call To The Birds.'
Revelation 19:17-18.
a) The Angel was standing in the sun.
b) He cried with a loud voice.
c) He was crying to the birds that were flying high overhead.
d) He called the birds to come and gather together in the supper of the great God.
e) These birds were going to eat the flesh of:-
2-Mighty men.
4-Riders of horses.
5-All men.
6-Free men.
7-Bond men.
8-Small men.
9-Great men.
(This QT teaches me about The Angel's Call To The Birds in Heaven)
'They Do Not Understand.'
1 Corinthians 2:14.
a) The natural person.
b) Does not accept the things of the Spirit of God.
c) The things of the Spirit of God.
d) Are foolishness to the natural person.
e) The natural person cannot know or understand them.
f) The things of the Spirit of God.
g) Are spiritually discerned.
(This Second one clearly shows to me that They Do Not Understand)
It seems that the birds in Heaven were mostly going to eat the flesh of human beings. It must have been a terrifying part of John's Vision. They also, however ate horses. In most countries horse meat may be a normal part of the meat diet. I can think of several countries like that. This must be an amazing experience to see what happens when the Angel calls to the Birds in Heaven.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Christ Is Eternal!
'Christ Is Eternal.'
a) Revelation 1:8. The Lord God is the Alpha and Omega.
b) Revelation 1:8. It is what He says of Himself.
c) Revelation 1:8. He is the One Who:-
3-Is to come.
d) Revelation 1:8. He is the Almighty.
e) Revelation 1:11. The Alpha and Omega gives Instructions to His People.
f) Revelation 2:8. He gave the Message about Himself to the Church.
g) Revelation 21:6. After it is done He reveals Himself.
h) Revelation 22:13. He proclaims it about Himself.
i) Isaiah 44:6. Beside Him there is no God.
j) Isaiah 48:12. He also wanted Israel to know this about Himself.
k) Revelation 1:4. The Lord:-
3-Is to come.
(This QT reminds me that Christ Is Eternal)
'A Complete Understanding.'
Proverbs 28:5.
a) Evil people.
b) Do not understand Justice.
c) Those people who seek the Lord.
d) Understand it completely.
(This Second one reveals A Complete Understanding)
The Alpha and Omega gives Instructions to His People. As long as His People are alive on this Earth, He will give them instructions. In His Identity as the Alpha and Omega we can find the Lord's Instructions both for us personally and for the Churches.
They Forgot The Way Of The Lord!
'They Forgot The Way Of The Lord.'
Jeremiah 3:21.
a) There was a voice on the bare heights.
b) The weeping of Israel's sons.
c) The pleading of Israel's sons.
d) Israel's sons had perverted their way.
e) Israel's sons had forgotten the Lord their God.
(This QT challenges me: They Forgot The Way Of The Lord)
Proverbs 8:12 & 1:4.
a) Dwells with Prudence.
b) Finds Knowledge.
c) Finds Discretion.
d) Proverbs 8:5. Simple ones need to learn Prudence.
e) Daniel 2:14. Daniel spoke with Prudence.
(Through this Second one I desire more Godly Wisdom)
Israel's sons had forgotten the Lord their God. This was a clear historical fact, and it was a shameful thing to do. Today, amongst the families of True Believers again it can be said of some of them that they have forgotten the Lord their God. It is possible that they may have some kind of activity in Church but they have neglected their personal Faith Life, they have forgotten the Lord their God.
King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords!
'King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords.'
Revelation 19:16.
a) On the robes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) In His Heavenly attire.
c) Also on His Thigh.
d) He has a Name written.
e) King of kings and Lord of lords.
(This QT reminds me that the Lord Jesus is King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords)
'An Intelligent And Wise Person.'
Proverbs 18:15.
a) An intelligent heart acquires Knowledge.
b) They are ready to get Knowledge because they are smart.
c) The ear of the wise person.
d) Seeks Knowledge.
(This Second one reveals to me An Intelligent And Wise Person)
The Lord Jesus Christ is surely King of kings and Lord of lords. This is His Place, His Position and His Name. I am sometimes offended by the way in which some Believers belittle the Name of the Lord. Whether talking about the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit, we should never familiarise Him. His Name is the Greatest Name and an exclusive all-powerful Name.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Because We Are Believing In Jesus Christ!
'Because We Are Believing In Jesus Christ.'
a) John 6:29. We are doing the Work of God.
b) Micah 6:8. We are doing what is good and what the Lord requires of us.
c) Matthew 5:48. We are endeavouring to be perfect.
d) Romans 4:5. We are Believing on Him Who Justifies the ungodly and our Faith is counted for Righteousness.
(This QT tells of my response Because I Am Believing In Jesus Christ)
'A Wonderful Welcome.'
Mark 9:37.
a) If we welcome one little child.
b) In the Name of the Lord.
c) We welcome the Lord Himself.
d) If we welcome the Lord.
e) We do not only welcome Him.
f) We also welcome the Father.
(This Second one teaches me about A Wonderful Welcome)
Believing in Jesus Christ is really the door to a brand new life. We know that the Bible tells us that if we are in Christ then we are a new Creation. This takes it a step further, the kind of life we live because we are Believing in Jesus Christ. As a New Creation in Christ our priorities are different, we do not have world system values but we have the values of the Kingdom of God.
Friday, November 27, 2015
An Unfaithful Wife!
'An Unfaithful Wife.'
Jeremiah 3:20.
a) God saw His People, Judah and Israel, like a treacherous and unfaithful wife.
b) Simply put, they were not faithful to the Lord.
c) This was the Lord's Speech, His Declaration.
(This must have been so grieving to the Lord: An Unfaithful Wife)
'Trust And Confidence In The Lord.'
Psalm 27:3.
a) Even if an army should encamp against us.
b) Our heart shall not fear.
c) Even though enemies attack us.
d) Yet we will still trust God.
(This Second one encourages me to put Trust And Confidence In The Lord)
It was so grievous to the Lord for Him to see His People as if they were an unfaithful wife. In the days of the Bible, an unfaithful wife was put to death if she was found guilty. In many of the Middle East and Third World Nations this is still the same today. Through this QT I know that God calls His People to Faithfulness in every way.
The Eternal Lord Jesus Christ!
'The Eternal Lord Jesus Christ.'
Revelation 19:15.
a) Has a Sharp Sword coming from His Mouth.
b) With this Sword He will strike down the Nations.
c) He will rule the Nations with a rod of iron.
d) He will tread the wine press of the fury of the Wrath of God the Almighty.
(This QT Teaches me the reality of The Eternal Lord Jesus Christ)
'Being In Him.'
1 John 2:5-6.
a) Whoever keeps the Words of Christ.
b) In that person truly the Love of God is perfected.
c) By this we may know that we are in Christ.
d) Whoever says that they abide in Christ.
e) Ought to walk and live in the same way that He Walked and Lived.
(This Second one shows me the meaning of Being In Him)
God is the Almighty! We should never forget this fact. His is the Almighty God and He does what He wants to do. When we pray, we should not be telling Him to do but, rather, asking Him what we should do. God is the Almighty. Praise Him.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Perceive And Behave!'
'Perceive And Behave.'
John 6:15.
a) Jesus Christ gives us a good example of good perceiving and behaving.
b) He perceived that the people wanted to come and take Him by force.
c) They wanted to make Him King.
d) So Jesus went to the mountain to hide.
e) By Himself.
(This QT gives a great example of Perceive And Behave)
'Positive Persuasion.'
Romans 8:38-39.
a) Apostle Paul was persuaded and sure.
b) That these things:-
6-Things present.
7-Things to come.
10-Any other creature in all Creation.
11-Spiritual rulers.
c) Shall be able to separate us from the Love of God.
d) Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Through this Second one I understand more about Positive Persuasion)
There were times that Jesus just simply wanted to get away and be by Himself. This was not some kind of weakness or failure. This was normal life. Almost daily there was goodness flowing from Him to the people. His Followers, the watchers, the strangers, He reached out to them all. His desire to be alone with the Father in a secret place was very understandable. Those of us involved in Spiritual Ministry today have Jesus as our example.
A Loving Relationship In A Beautiful Land!
'A Loving Relationship In A Beautiful Land.'
Jeremiah 3:19.
a) God wanted to set and settle His People as if they were His Own Children.
b) God would give His People a pleasant land.
c) It was a heritage most beautiful of all Nations.
d) God's People would call Him: "My Father".
e) God's People would not turn from following Him.
(This QT reveals to me A Loving Relationship In A Beautiful Land)
'He Did Not Know Who Healed Him.'
John 5:13.
a) The man who was healed.
b) Did not know Who it was Who healed him.
c) Jesus had gone away from the scene unnoticed.
d) Jesus did not want to be with the large crowd of people.
(This Second one amazes me: He Did Not Know Who Healed Him)
God's People would not turn from following Him. This is the great longing and desire of God for His People, that they would not turn away from Him. In many Nations today, this is what is happening, God's People are turning away from Him. It has been happening in Europe for a long time, also in the Americas. Now, even in Asia, in Korea and in other Asian Nations, God's People are turning away. Much Prayer and Love is needed if people are to be Restored in relationship with their God.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Pure Armies Of Heaven!
'The Pure Armies Of Heaven.'
Revelation 19:14.
a) They are arrayed in fine linen.
b) This linen is white and pure.
c) They follow the Lord.
d) On white horses.
(This QT has me in awe of The Pure Armies of Heaven)
'Chosen By God.'
1 Thessalonians 1:4.
a) Apostle Paul's assurance about this fact.
b) He was writing to all the brothers and sisters in the Thessalonian Church.
c) They were all loved by God.
d) They were all chosen by God.
(This Second one gives me complete assurance that I am Chosen By God)
There are certain things mentioned in the Bible that are so awesome. It is difficult to really understand them, not because they are complicated and difficult to understand, but because they are so awesome. The Pure Armies of Heaven are in that category - they are so awesome and amazing.
Monday, November 23, 2015
a) Isaiah 33:6; Job 24:23. The Lord will make times of security for us.
b) Isaiah 39:8. We can think about security in our lifetime.
c) Jeremiah 33:6. The Lord may reveal to us an abundance of security.
d) Amos 2:8; Genesis 38:17; Exodus 22:26. Clothes were taken as security for loans.
e) Micah 3:5. Lying prophets promise security but it is false.
f) Zephaniah 2:15. Self assured cities live in false security.
g) Zechariah 14:11. Zechariah shall dwell in security.
h) Acts 17:9. Money was taken as security.
i) 1 Thessalonians 5:3. Talking about security does not mean that we are secure.
j) 2 Kings 20:19. There can be Peace and Security in our life time.
k) Job 11:18. We can take our rest in security.
l) Job 17:3; Proverbs 6:1. Who can put up a security for us.
m) Job 18:14. A tent may offer us security.
n) Job 31:24; Proverbs 22:26. We should not call our gold our security.
o) Psalm 122:7. May security be within our towers.
p) Proverbs 11:15. We should not put up security for a stranger.
q) Proverbs 12:3. Sin cannot put up security.
r) Proverbs 17:18. A person who lacks sense enters an agreement and puts up security for his friend.
s) Proverbs 20:16. A person may use his garment for security.
t) Isaiah 17:3. Ephraim's security may cease.
(This QT teaches me about Security)
'Apostle Paul's Desire For The Colossian Church.'
Colossians 2:2.
a) He wanted them to be strengthened with love.
b) He wanted them to be joined together with love.
c) He wanted them to be encouraged in love.
d) He wanted them to have the full confidence that could be had by understanding.
e) He wanted them to know the secret Truth that God had made known, and that Truth was Christ Himself.
(This Second one shows me Apostle Paul's Desire For The Colossian Church)
What is our security? It is an important question. For every True Believer the Lord should be our Security. There may be other things that help us along life's journey but, without a doubt, the Lord should be our security.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
United They Gain The Inheritance!
'United They Gain The Inheritance!'
Jeremiah 3:18.
a) In those days.
b) The House of Judah.
c) Will join.
d) The house of Israel.
e) Together they shall come from the land of the North.
f) To the Land.
g) That the Lord gave the fathers for an inheritance.
(This QT gives me Joy and Peace: United They Gain The Inheritance)
'Righteousness, Its Effect And Result.'
Isaiah 32:17.
a) The Effect of Righteousness will be Peace.
b) The Result of Righteousness will be:-
c) For ever.
(This Second one Teaches me about Righteousness, Its Effect And Result)
Together they shall come from the land of the North. This Scripture tells of a time of joining and unity. This was very obviously going to be a special time for the people of Judah and Israel. At this time I am in South Korea. (Known in some environments as RoK). I believe that there are many people in the Southern and Northern parts of Korea who want to join together just as Judah and Israel did. Oh Lord! Please hear the Prayers of these people.
Heavenly Manifestation Of Our Lord!'
Revelation 19:12-13.
a) His eyes were like flames of fire.
b) On His Head were many diadems.
c) He has a Name written that no-one knows but Himself.
d) His was clothed in a robe dipped in blood.
e) The Name by which He was called was.
f) The Word of God.
(This QT teaches me a Heavenly Manifestation Of My Lord)
'Love Is A Proof.'
1 John 3:14.
a) We know that we have passed.
b) Out of death into Life.
c) Because we love the brothers.
d) Whoever does not love.
e) Abides in death.
(This Second one convinces me that Love Is A Proof)
The Name by which our Lord was called here was The Word Of God. Jesus Christ our Lord is the Living Word. Not only can we hear and read the Word from Him, we can also see the Word of God actively in His Life and Ministry. It is correct for us to call Him by His Names that are revealed in His Word.
Friday, November 20, 2015
The Salvation Of Our Souls!
'The Salvation Of Our Souls.'
1 Peter 1:3-9.
a) 1 Peter 1:3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is always good to begin our Message extolling our God.
b) 1 Peter 1:3. According to His Great Mercy.
c) 1 Peter 1:3. He has caused us to be Born Again.
d) 1 Peter 1:3. To a living Hope.
e) 1 Peter 1:3. Through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
f) 1 Peter 1:4. We have an Inheritance that is:-
3-Not going to fade away.
g) 1 Peter 1:4. Kept in Heaven for us .
h) 1 Peter 1:5. We are kept by the Power of God.
i) 1 Peter 1:5. Through Faith.
j) 1 Peter 1:5. For Salvation.
k) 1 Peter 1:5. Ready to be revealed in the last time.
l) 1 Peter 1:6. In this we Rejoice.
m) 1 Peter 1:6. Though now for a little while.
n) 1 Peter 1:6. If Necessary.
o) 1 Peter 1:6. We have been grieved by various trials.
p) 1 Peter 1:7. So that the genuineness of our Faith.
q) 1 Peter 1:7. Faith that is more precious than gold.
r) 1 Peter 1:7. Even though that Faith is tested by fire.
s) 1 Peter 1:7. It may be found to result in:-
t) 1 Peter 1:7. At the Revelation and Appearing of Jesus Christ.
u) 1 Peter 1:8. Although we have not seen Him, we love Him.
v) 1 Peter 1:8. We do not now see Him but we Believe in Him.
w) 1 Peter 1:8. We Rejoice with Joy that is inexpressible and full of Glory.
x) 1 Peter 1:9. We are obtaining the outcome of our Faith.
y) 1 Peter 1:9. Which is the Salvation of our souls.
(Through this QT I understand the Way to The Salvation Of My Soul)
'A Pastoral Desire.'
Hebrews 6:11.
a) The writer desired.
b) That every one in the Hebrew Church.
c) Shows the same diligence and effort.
d) To make their assurance of Hope.
e) Sure until the End.
(This Second one reveals A Pastoral Desire)
Our Faith is more precious than gold. This is a very strong statement to make. The price of gold in the financial markets is reported every day. Some people turn their cash into gold, thinking that the price of gold will be more stable than the price of cash. Gold is precious, it is used in the making of covenant rings. It is used for the winners' medals. We should, however, remember that our Faith is more precious than gold.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Stubborn No More!
'Stubborn No More.'
Jeremiah 3:17.
a) The times was coming.
b) For Jerusalem to be called the Throne of the Lord.
c) All Nations shall gather to Jerusalem.
d) They will be gathering to the Presence of the Lord in Jerusalem.
e) They shall not walk any more.
f) In the stubbornness of their own evil heart.
(This QT is a lesson for us all: Stubborn No More)
'Let Us Draw Near.'
Hebrews 10:22.
a) The writer is writing about the Presence of the Lord Jesus.
b) We can draw near.
c) With a true heart.
d) In full assurance of Faith.
e) Having our hearts sprinkled clean.
f) From an evil conscience.
g) And our bodies washed with pure water.
(This Second one gives me a response to the Lord: Let Me Draw Near)
They shall not walk any more in the stubbornness of their own heart. This is something that God holds against His People when they do it. He is concerned about the condition of our emotional heart. Our life, in every part, flows out from our heart. If we have a stubborn heart it can actually make it very difficult to grow in the Lord in every way. If we have a stubborn heart, we need to repent of it.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Faithful Lord!
'Faithful Lord.'
Revelation 19:11.
a) John saw Heaven opened.
b) He saw a white horse.
c) The One Who sits on the white horse is called:-
d) In Righteousness.
e) He Judges and makes War.
(Through this QT I revere Faithful Lord)
'In Christ Jesus.'
Ephesians 3:12.
a) We have.
b) Boldness.
c) Access.
d) With Confidence.
e) And open approach to Him.
(This Second one reminds me of my Faith Life In Christ Jesus.
John saw a white horse. Visions from Heaven are always majestic. We can read of many such visions in the Book of Revelation. When we consider these visions we can realise that we have a glorious and positively awesome Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. The assurance of our Salvation is always important.
Abiding In God Gives Us Confidence!
'Abiding in God Gives Us Confidence.'
1 John 4:15-16.
a) Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God.
b) God abides in that person and that person abides in God.
c) We have known the Love that God has for us.
d) We have believed the Love that God has for us.
e) God is Love.
f) If we truly dwell in Love.
g) We then dwell in God.
(Through this QT I know that Abiding In God Gives Me Confidence)
'The Confidence We Have In Knowing God.'
2 Timothy 1:12.
a) Sometimes we suffer for the Gospel's sake.
b) There is no need for us to be ashamed.
c) For we know the One that we have Believed in.
d) We are persuaded.
e) That He is able to guard.
f) That which we have committed to Him.
g) Until the Last Day.
(This Second one reminds me of The Confidence I Have In Knowing God)
This day's QT majors on Confidence in God. This can grow very speedily if we simply confess regularly that Jesus is the Son of God and read our Bible. Many Christians, mostly because of a lack of simple Bible Teaching in the early part of their Faith Life, do not have a clear confidence in God. It should not be like this. We all need confidence in God.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
A New Way For God's Blessed People!
'A New Way For God's Blessed People.'
Jeremiah 3:16.
a) The Lord says that in the land there is going to be:-
b) The people will not be considering the Ark of the Covenant any more.
c) The Ark of the Covenant will not even come to their minds.
d) They will not any more:-
1-Remember it.
2-Visit it.
3-Miss it.
e) The Ark of the Covenant will not be made again.
(This QT reveals to me A New Way For God's Blessed People)
'We Abide In Him.'
1 John 4:13.
a) By this we know that we abide in Him.
b) By this we know that He abides in us.
c) Because He has given us of His Spirit.
(Through this Second one I know that I Abide In Him)
When the Lord Promises to Bless - He keeps His Promise. It is when we doubt God or struggle with unbelief, even when God has spoken, that we miss His Best for us. We need Faith to Believe Him for the fulfilment of His Promises.
Worship Jesus Not Angels!
'Worship Jesus Not Angels!
Revelation 19:10.
a) John fell at the Angel's feet to Worship Him.
b) The Angel told John not to do it.
c) The Angel said that he was a fellow Servant with John.
d) The Angel held to the Testimony of Jesus.
e) The Angel told John to Worship God.
f) The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
(This QT Encourages me to Worship Jesus Not Angels)
'We Are Children Of God.'
Romans 8:16.
a) The Holy Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit.
b) That we are.
c) God's Children.
(Through this Second one I have confidence that I Am A Child Of God)
The Angel told John to Worship God. This is an important and fundamental part of our Faith as Christians (or True Believers). If we cannot or do not Worship God then it is likely that we are not True Believers. There are many 'nominal Christians' who really have no Faith. These people have not yet discovered the Joy of being a True Believer.
Monday, November 16, 2015
The Holy Spirit!
'The Holy Spirit.'
a) Luke 3:22. Descended on Jesus in bodily form.
b) Luke 4:1. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit.
c) Luke 4:18. The Holy Spirit was upon Jesus.
d) Luke 10:21; Romans 14:17. We can Rejoice in the Holy Spirit.
e) Luke 11:13; Acts 2:33. If we ask Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit, He will give us Holy Spirit.
f) Luke 12:12. The Holy Spirit can Teach us.
g) John 1:33; Acts 11:16. Jesus baptises us in the Holy Spirit.
h) John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is our:-
i) John 15:26; 16:13. Is the Spirit of Truth.
j) Acts 2:4 ; 4:8 & 31; 7:55. May fill us.
k) Acts 2:38; 10:45; 1 Thessalonians 4:8. Is a gift for all True Believers.
l) Acts 4:25. David spoke by the Holy Spirit.
m) Acts 5:3. Satan can fill people's hearts to lie to Him.
n) Acts 8:17. May be received through the laying on of hands by God's Servants.
o) Acts 9:31. We can walk in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit.
p) Acts 10:44; 11:15. May fall on us.
q) Acts 16:6. May forbid to go to certain places.
r) Acts 19:2. Can be received when we initially Believe in Jesus Christ.
s) Acts 19:6. May come on people.
t) Acts 20:28. Makes Overseers for the Church.
u) Romans 9:1. Our conscience should bear witness with the Holy Spirit.
v) Romans 15:13. Helps us to abound in Hope.
w) Romans 15:16. Sanctifies people for Ministry.
x) Romans 15:19. Equips people for Ministry.
y) Ephesians 4:30. Should not be grieved by True Believers.
z) Hebrews 3:7. Speaks.
(This QT causes me to thirst for more of the Holy Spirit)
'For Adult Water Baptism.'
Acts 2:36-38.
a) Acts 2:36. Philip was riding in the chariot together with the Ethiopian eunuch.
b) Acts 2:36. They came to some water and the eunuch wanted to be Baptised.
c) Acts 2:37. Philip was questioning the Faith of the eunuch.
d) Acts 2:37. The eunuch needed to Believe in the Lord Jesus with all of his heart.
e) Acts 2:37. The eunuch proclaimed his Faith in Jesus Christ.
f) Acts 2:38. The eunuch commanded the driver of the chariot to stop.
g) Acts 2:38. Philip and the eunuch went into the water.
h) Acts 2:38. Philip Baptised the eunuch.
(This Second one affirms my Biblical stance For Adult Water Baptism)
The Holy Spirit helps us to abound in Hope. There are many necessary reasons for the True Believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. One of them is mentioned here. The Holy Spirit helps us to abound in Hope. There are many reasons why people may feel hopeless in these days. The reasons are mostly justifiable and reasonable. This is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us abound in Hope.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...