The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Open The Door!
'Open The Door.'
Revelation 3:20.
a) Jesus stands at the door of our lives.
b) Jesus knocks on that door.
c) If we hear His Voice and Knock.
d) We are to open the door.
e) Jesus will come into us.
f) Jesus will dine with us.
(This QT urges me to Open The Door)
'A Miracle At Night.'
Matthew 14:25.
a) It was the fourth watch of the night.
b) The Disciples were in a boat on the sea.
c) Jesus came to them.
d) Walking on the water.
(Through this I find A Miracle At Night)
If we open the door Jesus will come into us. This is a very central part of how, generally, the Gospel begins to work in people's lives. We hear the Word of God and God is speaking to us. Then we simply open the door of our life to Jesus. There is much more that I could write here regarding our Forgiveness of sins and Salvation.
Jesus And Divorce!
'Jesus And Divorce.'
Matthew 5:31-32.
a) Jesus was quoting the World system concept of divorce first.
b) Jesus has another concept - from God.
c) On the grounds of her sexual immorality Jesus permitted
d) Any other grounds for divorce was not permitted.
e) Whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
(This QT reveals to me the Teaching of Jesus And Divorce)
'Christ Gave Up His Privacy.'
Matthew 14:13-14.
a) Jesus had heard about the death of John the Baptist.
b) Jesus went off in a boat to a deserted place by Himself. He wanted to be alone.
c) When the multitudes heard about this they made their way to where Jesus was.
d) Jesus:-
1-Saw this great multitude.
2-Had Compassion on them.
3-Healed their sick.
(Through this Second one I see that Christ Gave Up His Privacy)
In the days of Jesus Christ when He walked on the Earth, everything was simple. The Old Testament Law was still having great influence over the people. Today, internationally and culturally we have moved far away from those days of Jesus physically, spiritually and culturally on the Earth. In many Nations today there is "Family Law" which is far removed from the Bible concept. We all need Grace and Wisdom.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Our Holy Day!
Our Holy Day!
Isaiah 58:13-14.
a) We should not desecrate our Holy Day.
b) We should not do our own pleasure on our Holy Day.
c) We should call our Holy Day a delight.
d) We should call the Holy Day of the Lord honourable.
e) If we honour our Holy Day:-
1-We do not go our own ways.
2-We do not serve our own interests.
3-We do not pursue our own affairs.
f) Then we can delight in the Lord.
g) Then we can ride upon the heights of the Earth.
h) Then we can be fed with our heritage.
i) These Words are spoken by the Mouth of the Lord.
(This QT makes me thank God for My Holy Day)
'What Did Jesus Do With Food?'
Mark 8:5-7.
a) Mark 8:5. He wanted to know how much there was.
b) Mark 8:6. He:-
1-Gave thanks for the food.
2-Broke the food in pieces.
3-Gave the food to His Disciples to distribute.
c) Mark 8:7. He Blessed the few fish and they were distributed and there was enough for everyone.
(This Second one answers my question: What Did Jesus Do With Food?)
It should be a delightful thing for us to have a Holy Day. I am not thinking about Sunday here, there are many True Believers who often work on Sundays and they cannot attend a regular Church Worship. What I am more concerned about is that we can make a day, during the times when we may have a free day or from our free days, which we can call our Holy Day.
Reject Lust!
'Reject Lust.'
Matthew 5:27-30.
a) Matthew 5:27. We should not commit adultery.
b) Matthew 5:28. Whoever looks at a woman, lusting after her in his heart has already committed adultery with her.
c) Matthew 5:29. We need to deal with these lustful looks urgently.
d) Matthew 5:30. All lustful acts with our hands must be stopped.
(This QT strongly reminds me to Reject Lust and to teach others to do so)
'Blessing Follows Order.'
John 6:10-13.
a) John 6:10. Jesus asked all the multitude of people to sit down.
b) John 6:11. Jesus:-
1-Gave thanks for the bread.
2-Distributed to the Disciples.
3-The Disciples served the people who were sitting down.
4-Likewise the fish.
c) John 6:11-12. The people all ate as much as they wanted and were satisfied.
d) John 6:12. Jesus asked His Disciples to collect all the food that remained after the people had eaten their fill.
e) John 6:13. Eventually the Disciples picked up twelve baskets full.
(This Second one teaches me that Blessing Follows Order)
The Teaching of Jesus about adultery and its associated sins was always very strong and that Teaching is still standing today. There is nothing more emotionally damaging to family units as these sexual and relational sins.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Another Aspect Of The Lord's Love!
'Another Aspect Of The Lord's Love.'
Revelation 3:19.
a) As many people whom the Lord loves He:-
b) We need to be zealous.
c) If necessary, we need to repent.
(This QT teaches me Another Aspect Of The Lord's Love)
'The New Testament Ministry Of Healing.'
Mark 6:13.
a) They cast out many demons.
b) They anointed with oil many people who were sick.
c) They healed and cured the sick people.
(This Second one shows me something of The New Testament Ministry Of Healing)
The Lord Disciplines people that He loves. Here is another aspect of the Lord's Love. We often think of the very general Biblical concept of God's Love for humanity. There are also specific aspects of God's Love, such as His Love for His People. Here we read that the Lord Disciplines people that He Loves. It is obviously written about His Own People.
Stop Accusing Other People!
'Stop Accusing Other People.'
Isaiah 58:9-12.
a) Isaiah 58:9. We are to stop:-
1-Putting heavy yokes of oppression on people.
2-Pointing our finger at people and accusing them.
3-Spreading wicked rumours about other people.
b) Isaiah 58:10. We are to feed the hungry people.
c) Isaiah 58:10. We are to help the people in trouble.
d) Isaiah 58:10. Then our light will shine out from the darkness.
e) Isaiah 58:10. Then our darkness will be as the noonday.
f) Isaiah 58:11. The Lord will:-
1-Guide us continually.
2-Satisfy our soul in drought.
3-Restore our strength.
g) Isaiah 58:11. We will be like a well-watered garden.
h) Isaiah 58:11. We will be like an ever-flowing spring.
I) Isaiah 58:12. We will be part of a team of rebuilders and restorers.
(This QT counsels me to Stop Accusing Other People)
'Jesus' Team Ministry.'
Mark 6:7.
a) Jesus called the twelve Disciples together - He did not send them away alone.
b) Jesus began to send them out two by two. (It means that He organised the Ministry - they were not doing "their own thing" they were going out sent by Jesus)
c) Jesus gave them Power and Authority over evil spirits.
(This Second one teaches me about the early days of Jesus' Team Ministry)
It is not good for us to be pointing our finger and baselessly accusing them. One of the names of Satan is the Accuser. There are times, and the Bible affirms this, that people need to be tried of crimes that they may be justly accused of, that is totally different. This is about baseless accusations.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Resolve Financial Disputes Quickly!
'Resolve Financial Disputes Quickly.'
Matthew 5:25-26.
a) Agree and solve the problem.
b) With the one against us while we are talking together.
c) If not, the person may take us to court.
d) Then the court may hand us over to the police.
e) Then we go to prison.
f) We will not be let out of prison until we have paid all the money.
(This QT teaches me to Resolve Financial Disputes Quickly)
'The Manifested Compassion Of The Lord Jesus.'
Matthew 9:35-36.
a) Jesus went around all the:-
b) He Taught in their Synagogues.
c) He Preached the Good News of the Kingdom.
d) He healed every sickness and disease among the people.
e) He saw the many people.
f) He was moved with compassion for them.
g) The people were weary and scattered.
h) Like sheep who had no shepherd.
(This Second one reveals The Manifest Compassion Of The Lord Jesus)
Jesus encouraged the people in dispute over their business deals to agree and solve the problem. If any kind of dispute or misunderstanding has occurred as we read about here, the best way always of resolution is to communicate and negotiate to come to an appropriate answer. Who enjoys messy court cases? This especially applies between True Believers.
The Condition Of The Laodicean Church!
'The Condition Of The Laodicean Church.'
Revelation 3:14-18.
a) Revelation 3:14. The Lord reveals Himself to the Church as the:-
2-Faithful and True Witness.
3-Ruler of God's Creation.
b) Revelation 3:15. The Lord knew the deeds of the Church.
c) Revelation 3:15. They were neither cold nor hot.
d) Revelation 3:15. God wished that they were one or the other.
e) Revelation 3:16. Because they were a lukewarm Church, neither hot nor cold.
f) Revelation 3:16. God was going to vomit them out of His Mouth.
g) Revelation 3:17. The Laodicean Church claimed:-
1-To be rich.
2-To have become wealthy.
3-To have need of nothing.
h) Revelation 3:17. The Lord told them that they did not know that they were:-
i) Revelation 3:18. The Lord counselled them to buy from Him:-
1-Gold refined in the fire, so that they could become rich.
2-White clothes to wear, so that they could cover their shameful nakedness.
3-Salve to put on their eyes, so that they can see.
(This QT teaches me The Condition Of The Laodicean Church)
'Christ's Remedy For Unbelief.'
Mark 6:6.
a) Jesus was amazed and He marvelled.
b) Because of the unbelief of the people.
c) So He went around the villages.
d) In a circuit.
e) Teaching.
(This Second one shows me Christ's Remedy For Unbelief - Regular Bible Teaching)
There are some Churches that the Lord is not pleased with at all. These Churches claim to have become wealthy and they store up the wealth. They make luxury facilities and spend so much money. The Lord did not trust them with wealth for that. He had and has other ideas how the Churches should spend money.
A Result Of Obedience To God!
'A Result Of Obedience To God.'
Isaiah 58:8.
a) Our Light shall break forth like the morning.
b) Our Healing will quickly appear.
c) Our Righteousness shall go before us.
d) The Glory of the Lord will be our rear guard.
(This QT shows me A Result Of Obedience To God)
'The Healing Touch Of Jesus.'
Matthew 9:29.
a) Then Jesus touched their eyes.
b) Jesus said to them.
c) That according to their Faith.
d) Let it be done to them.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Healing Touch Of Jesus)
Obedience to God will always have results in one way or another. It is not up to us, or our decision, what that way will be, it will however, have results. In the case recorded here in Isaiah the result was healing given by the Lord. For those of us who are True Believers, we should always consider Obedience to God.
An Oft-Forgotten Principle!
'An Oft-Forgotten Principle.'
Matthew 5:23-24.
a) If we bring our gift to the Altar.
b) Then we remember there that our Brother or Sister has something against us.
c) We are to leave our gift before the Altar.
d) We are to go and be reconciled.
e) Then we are to come back and offer our gift.
(This QT teaches me An Oft-Forgotten Principle that keeps Churches healthy)
'It Is Not Easy To Always Be Faithful.'
Revelation 2:10.
a) Jesus encourages us not to be afraid, even though there may be difficult circumstances.
b) We are to be Faithful - even until the point of death.
c) Then Jesus will give us the Crown of Life.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Not Easy To Always Be Faithful)
Then we can freely come back and offer our gift. This passage is referring to our Brother or Sister in Christ. It does not say our Brother or Sister in Church. There are some Churches where there are actually very few True Believers within. Even the Minister may not be a True Believer. We should not remain in such Churches if we are True Believers. The Word 'Christian' can sometimes be treated too vaguely.
Monday, February 23, 2015
For Anyone Who Has Victory Over Sin!
'For Anyone Who Has Victory Over Sin.'
Revelation 3:12-13.
a) This is what the Lord will do for anyone who has Victory over sin.
b) That person will be made a pillar in the Temple of God.
c) They will never leave the Temple again.
d) The Name of God will be written on them.
e) The Name of the City of God will be written on them.
f) This is New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven from God.
g) The Lord Jesus' New Name will be written on them.
h) We should pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying.
(This QT is For Anyone Who Has Victory Over Sin)
'Those People Who Are Faithful To The Lord.'
Psalm 31:23.
a) Oh Love the Lord.
b) All people who are Faithful to Him.
c) The Lord keeps safe and preserves all people who are Faithful to Him.
d) The Lord completely pays back those people who are proud.
(This Second one encourages me: Those People Who Are Faithful To The Lord)
The Name of the City of God is said to be written on those people who have lived in Victory over sin. It is really desired by the Lord that His People live in Victory over sin. We have no reason to make excuses for our sin when the Lord Promises us Victory over it.
It Is Really What God Wants!
'It Is Really What God Wants.'
Isaiah 58:1-7.
a) Isaiah 58:1. This is something that needs to be loudly told. God's people needed to be confronted about their sins.
b) Isaiah 58:2-3. God's people liked to show religious appearance:-
1-Seeking God.
2-Wanting to know God's Will.
3-Seeking the Ordinances of God.
4-Delighting in approaching God.
5-Fasting and afflicting their souls.
c) Isaiah 58:3. God said that their desires were all selfish and that they exploited all of their workers.
d) Isaiah 58:4. Their fasting was accompanied by:-
d) Isaiah 58:4. They were hitting others with a fist of wickedness.
e) Isaiah 58:4. They were fasting, trying to make their voices heard in Heaven.
f) Isaiah 58:5. God did not want their false humility.
g) Isaiah 58:6-7. This is the fast that God wants:-
1-Remove the bonds and chains of wickedness.
2-Remove the burdensome yolk.
3-Set free the oppressed.
4-Share our food with the hungry.
5-Provide shelter for homeless and oppressed people.
6-Clothing those people who have no clothes.
7-Not turning our backs on our own flesh and blood.
(This QT causes me to confess: It Is Really What God Wants!)
'The Trusted Servant.'
Luke 12:44.
a) Jesus clearly tells the Truth about this servant.
b) The Master will put the Trusted Servant in charge.
c) Of all of his possessions.
(This Second one I see the joy of The Trusted Servant)
Debate is not always the best way to resolve problems. Yes, sometimes there needs to be debate, especially in conflict resolution. If debate is not handled well it can become a source of division and bitterness. It is good for us to follow Biblical Principles when dealing with problem resolution.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Keep Sweet!
'Keep Sweet.'
Matthew 5:21-22.
a) We know that it has been said of old.
b) We should not murder.
c) Whoever murders shall be in danger of hell fire.
d) Jesus says to us.
e) Whoever is angry with our brother or sister without a cause.
f) Is in danger of judgment.
g) If we say bad things to others, we may be judged by our leaders.
h) If we call someone a fool, we are in danger of hell.
(This QT challenges me to Keep Sweet)
'The Reality Of Being Chosen.'
John 15:16.
a) We did not choose Jesus Christ.
b) But He chose us.
c) He has appointed us.
d) That we should go and bear fruit.
e) He wants that fruit to be lasting fruit.
f) Then.
g) Whatever we ask the Father.
h) In the Name of Jesus Christ.
i) He may give to us.
(This Second one causes me to Rejoice: The Reality Of Being Chosen)
It is essential for every True Believer to get to know God's Word, the Bible, better and better. This is a simple but essential part of our spiritual growth as a Disciple and Follower of Jesus Christ. When we have an incorrect attitude towards the Bible then spiritually we are on dangerous ground.
Hold Fast!
'Hold Fast.'
Revelation 3:11.
a) Revelation 22:7, 12 & 20. The Lord is coming quickly.
b) Revelation 2:25. We are to hold fast to what we have.
c) So that no one will take our crown.
(This QT reminds me to Hold Fast)
'Friends Of Jesus.'
John 15:14-15.
a) We are the friends of Jesus if we do whatever He commands us.
b) The Lord does not call us servants or slaves.
c) A servant or slave does not know what their Master is doing.
d) Jesus calls His Disciples 'friends'.
e) Everything that Jesus has heard from His Father.
f) He makes known to His friends.
(Through this Second one I thank God for the possibility of being Friends Of Jesus)
It is an amazing privilege to be called a "friend of Jesus". To qualify for this place of friendship we need to do whatever He Commands us to do. Friendship with Jesus cannot be "bought". Some people try to get this friendship in their own way - it never works. Let us follow the Way, Who is Jesus Christ.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
For The Wicked!
'For The Wicked.'
Isaiah 57:20-21.
a) The wicked are like the tossing sea.
b) When it cannot be still.
c) Its waters cast up mire and mud.
d) There is no Peace.
e) Says my God.
f) For the wicked people.
(This QT teaches me that For The Wicked there is no Peace)
'The Greatest Love.'
John 15:13.
a) Jesus said that no one has greater Love than this.
b) Than to lay down one's life.
c) For their friends.
(This Second one reveal to me The Greatest Love)
When God says we should take notice. There are different places in the Scripture that express God speaking, sometimes as "God", sometimes as "Heavenly Father", sometimes as "The Lord Jesus" and sometimes as "The Holy Spirit". Whatever Title of God is used in the Scripture, we need to take notice of what He is saying.
Living Out The Word!
'Living Out The Word!'
Matthew 5:17-20.
a) Matthew 5:17. Jesus came to fulfil the Law and the Prophets.
b) Matthew 5:18. Truth guaranteed by Jesus:
c) Matthew 5:18. Until the Earth and the Heavens disappear.
d) Matthew 5:18. Neither a period or a comma.
e) Matthew 5:18. Will disappear from the Scriptures.
f) Matthew 5:18. Until everything has come true.
g) Matthew 5:19. So whoever sets aside any command that seems unimportant.
h) Matthew 5:19. Whoever teaches others to do the same.
i) Matthew 5:19. Will be unimportant in the Kingdom of Heaven.
j) Matthew 5:19. Whoever does and Teaches what the Commands say.
k) Matthew 5:19. Will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
l) Matthew 5:20. Jesus says:
m) Matthew 5:20. Unless we live a life that has God's Approval.
n) Matthew 5:20. We should live a life more faithfully than the Scribes and Pharisees.
o) Matthew 5:20. If we do not, we shall never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
(This QT reminds me to be Living Out The Word)
'A Command Of Jesus.'
John 15:12.
a) This is the Commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) That we Love one another.
c) As He has loved us.
(This Second one stirs me today: A Command Of Jesus)
When Jesus proclaimed Truth He proclaimed what was and is guaranteed as God's Word. This Word can never be revoked or changed. We live in days when many Churches and Christians deny by mouth, or by lifestyle the Truth that Jesus proclaimed. May our lights shine in the townships and communities where we live!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Reward For Patient Endurance!
'Reward For Patient Endurance.'
Revelation 3:10.
a) Because we have kept.
b) The Lord's Word.
c) About Patient Endurance.
d) The Lord will also keep us.
e) From the hour of trial.
f) That is coming to the whole Earth.
g) To test those people who live on the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that there is a Reward For Patient Endurance)
'Remaining Joy.'
John 15:11.
a) The reason for the Words Jesus spoke.
b) Was that His Joy might remain in His Disciples.
c) And that their joy might be full.
(This Second one gives me the desire for Remaining Joy)
There will be 'hours of trial' that all True Believers will face. This is mentioned in the New Testament and in the Teachings of Jesus also. No one enjoys going through such experiences. One of the comforts that suffering people can receive is the knowledge that God has not forgotten them and that other True Believers are praying for them.
Peace, Fruit And Healing!
'Fruit, Peace And Healing.'
Isaiah 57:19.
a) The Lord is the Creator of the Fruit of the lips.
b) Peace to the person who is afar off.
c) Peace also to the person who is near.
d) The Lord will heal the one in need of healing.
(This QT calls me to Give Thanks to the Lord for His Fruit, Peace and Healing)
'Keeping The Lord's Commandments.'
John 15:10.
a) If we keep the Lord's Commandments.
b) We will remain and abide in His Love.
c) The Lord has kept His Father's Commandments and abides in His Love.
(Through this Second one I want to be Keeping The Lord's Commandments)
I should give Thanks to the Lord for His Fruit, Peace and Healing. The Fruit is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit that I can taste from the lives of my True Believer friends. The Peace is what the Lord gives me to rule in my heart. The word Healing speaks for its self and covers so many thinks.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Lights In This World!
'Lights In This World.'
Matthew 5:14-16.
a) Matthew 5:14. We are the Light of the World.
b) Matthew 5:14. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
c) Matthew 5:15. They do not light a lamp and then put it under a basket.
d) Matthew 5:15. They light a lamp and then put it on a lampstand.
e) Matthew 5:15. It then gives light to all people in the house.
f) Matthew 5:16. We should let our light so shine before people.
g) Matthew 5:16. They will see our good works.
h) Matthew 5:16. They will glorify our Father in Heaven.
(Through this QT I want to be amongst the Lights In This World)
'A Clear Command Of Jesus Christ.'
John 15:17.
a) This is very specific ... This!
b) Jesus Christ commands us.
c) That we love one another.
(This Second one is A Clear Command Of Jesus Christ)
Our life is like a light that is meant to give light to everyone else in the house. If there is more than one True Believer living in the house then this becomes a combined light. Lights together shining in the house, giving light to everyone else, this is indeed a lovely picture of a truly Christian home.
Strong But Necessary!
'Strong But Necessary.'
Revelation 3:9.
a) There was an obvious conflict between Light and darkness going on in Philadelphia that had been affecting the Church.
b) There were some people who belonged to the Synagogue of Satan.
c) They claimed to be Jews but they were not.
d) They were liars.
e) Jesus will make them come and Worship before the feet of the Philadelphia Church.
f) They will know how much Jesus loved the Philadelphia Church.
(This QT teaches me something that was Strong But Necessary)
John 15:9.
a) As the Father loved the Lord Jesus.
b) In the same manner the Lord Jesus loves us.
c) We should abide in His Love.
(Through this Second one I want to be Abiding)
They were liars. They claimed to be Jews, they claimed to know God and to have a relationship with Him but they were liars. They were responsible for the conflict going on between darkness and Light in the Church. This is not just an historical problem, it is also very much a current one. We should be praying for our Senior Church Leaders to have discernment in such matters.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
God's Grace - Amazing And Awesome!
'God's Grace - Amazing And Awesome.'
Isaiah 57:17-18.
a) For the iniquity of his covetousness.
b) God:-
1-Was angry.
2-Struck him.
c) But he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.
d) God has seen his ways - and will heal him.
e) God will lead him.
f) God will restore comforts to him and his mourners.
(This QT shows me God's Grace - Amazing And Awesome)
'Signs Of True Discipleship.'
John 15:8.
a) A True Disciple will bring Great Glory to Father God.
b) A True Disciple will bear much fruit.
c) A True Disciple is exclusively Jesus' Disciple.
(This Second one reveals Signs Of True Discipleship)
God hid! That must have been a terrifying experience for anyone who knew, or who knows, God. I have been through some depressing and difficult periods in my life, I think that most of us have. God allows this so that we can identify with and help one another in some ways. I can never say that God hid, that must be a most awful experience for any True Believer to go through.
Keep Our Salty Taste!
'Keep Our Salty Taste.'
Matthew 5:13.
a) True Believers are the salt of the Earth.
b) If the salt loses its flavour and becomes tasteless.
c) How can it be made salty again?
d) It is good for nothing.
e) It should be thrown out.
f) It should be trampled under people's feet.
(This QT urges me to Keep My Salty Taste)
'Meaningful Abiding.'
John 15:7.
a) If we abide in Christ.
b) If Christ's Words abide in us.
c) We can ask what we desire.
d) It will be done for us.
(Through this Second one I desire to learn more about Meaningful Abiding)
Salt that has no flavour, salt that is tasteless is useless in domestic things like cooking and flavouring. There is only one use for this kind of salt. It should be thrown out and used for people to walk on, keeping the bottom of their shoes clean and also preventing slipping on an icy surface. I really desire to keep my salty taste in God's Presence.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Lord Knows!
'The Lord Knows.'
Revelation 3:8.
a) The Lord knows our works.
b) The Lord has set before us an open door.
c) No person can shut that door.
d) We have:-
1-A little strength.
2-Kept God's Word.
3-Not denied the Lord's Name.
(This QT assures me that The Lord Knows)
'We Need To Abide In Christ.'
John 15:6.
a) If we do not abide in Christ.
b) We become cast out as a branch.
c) We become withered.
d) We are gathered.
e) We are thrown into the fire.
f) We are burned.
(This Second one teaches me that I Need To Abide In Christ)
A little strength is better than having no strength at all. There are many churches, I am sure, that the Lord would say about, that they have a little strength. This is very much the case in the country where I live at the moment ... Scotland. I thank God that according to His Mercy, God has allowed the continued existence of a Church in Scotland. The Church in Scotland has a little strength, may it have more and more!
God Cares About Our Spirit And Soul!
'God Cares About Our Spirit And Soul.'
Isaiah 57:16.
a) God will not contend forever.
b) God will not always be angry.
c) Or the human spirit would fail before me.
d) The spirit is covered by the body.
e) God has also made the souls.
(Through this QT I know that God Cares About My Spirit And Soul)
'The Fruitful Ones.'
John 15:5.
a) Christ is the Vine.
b) We are the branches.
c) The person who abides in Christ.
d) The person in whom Christ abides.
e) Bears much fruit.
f) Without Christ we could do nothing.
(This Second one gives me a desire to be amongst The Fruitful Ones)
The human soul generally is defined as the mind, will and emotions. It is amazing that God made our individual souls. None of us has an identical condition of soul, we are all different. God not only made our soul, He cares about our soul. A part of our experience of being a True Believer is that He restores our soul.
Monday, February 16, 2015
A Great Reward Awaits!
'A Great Reward Awaits.'
Matthew 5:11-12.
a) The Disciples and True Believers will be Blessed when:-
1-Other people revile them.
2-Other people persecute them.
3-Other people say all kinds of things against them falsely for Christ's sake.
b) The Disciples and True Believers are to Rejoice and be Exceeding Glad.
c) Great will be their Reward in Heaven.
d) This persecution had and has been going on for many years.
(This QT reminds me that A Great Reward Awaits)
'Abide In The Lord.'
John 15:4.
a) If we Abide in Christ.
b) Christ Abides in us.
c) The branch cannot bear fruit of itself.
d) The branch has to abide in the vine.
e) If we are to be fruitful.
f) We need to abide in the Lord.
(This Second one encourages me to Abide In The Lord)
There are times in the Scriptures when True Believers are urged and encouraged to Rejoice and be Glad. There are so many Scripture Songs composed that also exhort us to Rejoice in the Lord and what He has done. Sometimes, Rejoicing is not easy but it is both positive and helpful. Such a time would be a time of persecution.
Jesus Christ Revealed To The Philadelphia Church!
'Jesus Christ Revealed To The Philadelphia Church.'
Revelation 3:7.
a) Christ is Holy.
b) Christ is True.
c) Christ opens doors that no one can shut.
d) Christ shuts doors that no one can open.
(This QT is Jesus Christ Revealed To The Philadelphia Church)
'Washed By God's Word.'
John 15:3.
a) We are already made clean.
b) Because of the Word.
c) Which Jesus Christ.
d) Has spoken to us.
(This Second one gives me the desire to be continually Washed By God's Word)
The Head of the Church is Jesus Christ. The Church belongs to Him. Wherever we Worship, whatever denomination we may belong to, if any, the Church belongs to Jesus Christ. When we have this understanding about Jesus Christ being Head of the Church it brings with it a fresh understanding of both Jesus Christ Himself and of His Church.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...