The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Visions And Revelations Of The Lord!
‘Visions And Revelations Of The Lord.’
2 Corinthians 12:1-6.
a) 2 Corinthians 12:1. They need to be mentioned in a very humble manner.
b) 2 Corinthians 12:2-4. They do happen and may be someone we know has had one.
c) 2 Corinthians 12:5. We can accept and believe another person’s story if it is true. The Truth can be confirmed by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:5-6. It is actually better not to talk about these things publicly. They can be sensationalised and make us proud.
(Through this QT I really am wary of people who boast or write books about Visions And Revelations Of The Lord)
‘The Shining Of The Eternal Lord.’
Revelation 22:1-5.
a) Revelation 22:1. The River of the Water of Life flows from the Throne of God and of the Lamb.
b) Revelation 22:2. The River of Life produces fruitful and consistent trees for the healing of the Nations.
c) Revelation 22:3-4. There will be no more curse – just God’s Throne and Worship.
d) Revelation 22:5. There will be no more artificial light source – the Lord God will give everyone Light.
e) Revelation 22:5. There will be no more World system political systems. God’s People will rule with Him there.
(This Second one has me enthralled by the thought of The Shining Of The Eternal Lord)
Visions and Revelations of the Lord do happen but I do not believe that they are for public attention. These manifestations are for the benefit of the person who God gives them to. God has given His People His Word, we are to pay attention to His Word. God’s Word equips us for life and Godliness.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A Habitation Of God In The Spirit!
‘A Habitation Of God In The Spirit.’
Ephesians 2:18-22.
a) Ephesians 2:18. As True Believers we have access by one Holy Spirit to the Father.
b) Ephesians 2:19. We are:-
1- No longer strangers and foreigners.
2- Fellow citizens of the saints.
3- Of the Family of God.
c) Ephesians 2:20. Being built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Corner-stone.
d) Ephesians 2:21. We are being joined together to become a Holy Temple in the Lord.
e) Ephesians 2:22. We are being built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.
(This QT leads to a Blessed fulfilment, being A Habitation Of God In The Spirit)
‘Give High Honour To The Lord.’
Psalm 99:5.
a) Exalt the Lord our God.
b) Worship at His Footstool.
c) He is Holy.
(This Second one calls me to Give High Honour To The Lord)
We are of the Family of God. This Family of God is truly an amazing Family. It consists of people from all the Continents of the World. It consists of people from all walks of life. It consists of both rich and poor people. It consists of well educated and illiterate people. What an amazing Family God has!
Even A Child!
‘Even A Child.’
Proverbs 20:11.
a) Makes themselves known by their actions.
b) Is the child pure?
c) Is the child right?
(Through this QT I realise how simple it is to know Even A Child)
‘Our Function As Chosen People.’
1 Peter 2:9.
a) We are royal Priests.
b) We are a Holy Nation.
c) We are God’s very own possession.
d) We are called to show other people the Goodness of God.
e) We are called out of the darkness into God’s Wonderful Light.
(This Second one reminds me of My Function As A Chosen Person)
Our function as Chosen People is very clearly stated in the Scriptures. The problem is that sometimes we do not think about being Chosen People and we live just like the godless people of the World system. We need to make time for God in our lives and search out the Will of the Lord for us in His Word.
Monday, August 29, 2011
The River Of Life!
‘The River Of Life.’
(An Old Testament Type of the Holy Spirit)
Exekiel 47:3-12.
a) Ezekiel 47:3-5. The water that flowed from God’s Temple was strong and pure. The Bible says that our bodies are the Temples of the Holy Spirit. So whether the individual True Believer or the Church, we need to let the Holy Spirit flow.
b) Ezekiel 47:6-7. This river produces much life.
c) Ezekiel 47:8-9. This river brings freshness.
d) Ezekiel 47:10. This river brings supply.
e) Ezekiel 47:11. This river does not attempt to change swamps.
f) Ezekiel 47:12. This river produces fruit and healing.
(This QT causes me to desire The River Of Life to flow out through me)
‘Enjoy The Presence Of The Lord In His House.’
Psalm 100:4.
a) Come into His Doors with Joy.
b) Come into His House with Praise.
c) Give Him Honour.
d) Bless His Name.
(This Second one encourages me to Enjoy The Presence Of The Lord In His House)
We really need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that we can come to the Lord Jesus and drink. Out of our innermost being will flow rivers of living water. This is the Holy Spirit. How wonderful and lovely if all True Believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and the rivers of living water would be flowing out from their lives.
Jesus Christ Is Truly The Prince Of Peace!
‘Jesus Christ Is Truly The Prince Of Peace.’
Ephesians 2:15-17.
a) Ephesians 2:15. Christ brought Peace to us by ending the system of Law with its Commandments and Regulations.
b) Ephesians 2:15. Christ has made Peace between us all by making one new people from:-
3-People from all Nations.
c) Ephesians 2:16. We are all together as one Body.
d) Ephesians 2:16. Christ has reconciled us to God by means of His Death on the Cross.
e) Ephesians 2:16. Our hostility towards each other has been put to death at the Cross.
f) Ephesians 2:17. Christ has brought this Good News of Peace for all of us.
(Through this QT I am convinced that Jesus Christ Is Truly The Prince Of Peace)
‘We Should Overcome The World System.’
1 John 2:15-17.
a) 1 John 2:15. We are not to love the World System or the things that it offers us.
b) 1 John 2:15. When we love the World System we do not have the Love of the Father God in us.
c) 1 John 2:16. The World System is not from Father God. It offers:-
1-A craving for physical pleasure.
2-A craving for something we see.
3-Pride in our achievements and possessions.
d) 1 John 2:17. The World System is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the Will of God abides forever.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Overcome The World System)
The Book of Ephesians in the Bible clearly teaches both how a True Believer should live and how to become a True Believer. I believe that this is one of the first Bible Books that the New Believer should read. It will help them to understand the Loving and Positive Heart of the Triune God.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Only God Can Make Us Clean!
‘Only God Can Make Us Clean.’
Proverbs 20:9-10.
a) Who Can say:-
1-I have cleansed my heart.
2-I am pure.
3-I am free from sin.
b) Double standards of every kind.
c) The Lord despises them and is disgusted by them.
(Through this QT I understand that Only God Can Make Me Clean)
‘We All Have Responsibility.’
Colossians 3:18-23.
a) Colossians 3:18. Wives to their husbands.
b) Colossians 3:19. Husbands to their wives.
c) Colossians 3:20. Children to their parents.
d) Colossians 3:21. Fathers to their children.
e) Colossians 3:22-23. Workers and staff for their employers.
(This Second one reminds me that We All Have Responsibility and that includes me too)
God hates double standards of every kind. I am not going to list here a whole list of examples of double standards there is no point in that. We all know what double standards are and we all know what ours are if we have them. Let us repent before the Lord of our double standards and live in a way that pleases Him.
The True Believer’s Real Life!
‘The True Believer’s Real Life.’
Colossians 3:1-3.
a) Colossians 3:1. We have been raised to new Life in Christ.
b) Colossians 3:1. We should set our spiritual sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ is seated at the Right Hand of God.
c) Colossians 3:2. We need to think more about the things of Heaven and not the things of the Earth.
d) Colossians 3:3. We have died to this Life, now our real life is hidden with Christ in God.
(Through this QT I discover The True Believer’s Real Life)
‘No Longer Servants To Sin.’
Romans 6:5-6.
a) If we have been made like Christ in His Death, through Baptism.
b) In the same way we will be like Him in His Resurrection.
c) Our old man was put to death on the Cross with Christ, so that the body of sin might be put away.
d) All this has happened so that now we may no longer be servants to sin.
(Through this Second one I know that the True Believers need be No Longer Servants To Sin)
The things of the Earth can often burden us and tempt us. Because of this plain fact we often give our thoughts to the things of the Earth, which are also the things of the World system. It is very plain that God wants to give us victory over these kinds of thoughts. He is Faithful to provide the way out of every temptation.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Walls Broken Down!
‘Walls Broken Down.’
Ephesians 2:14.
a) Christ Himself has brought Peace to us.
b) Christ has united us into one people.
c) Through His Body on the Cross He broke down the walls of hostility that separate us.
(Through this QT I thank God that there are Walls Broken Down)
‘Choose To Live.’
Romans 8:13.
a) If we go on in the way of the flesh it really is not good for us.
b) Spiritual death will come to us.
c) If by the Holy Spirit we put to death the works of the body and flesh.
d) We will have Life.
(This Second one encourages me to Choose To Live)
Thank God that on the Cross walls of hostility are broken down. This is a very meaningful part of the Message of the Cross that is often neglected in these days of hostility between individuals and between Nations. Walls of hostility can and should be broken down by True Believers. If the Church cannot deal with these walls then every hope for reconciliation is hopeless. Thank God that all is possible because of the Cross.
A Good Ruler!
‘A Good Ruler.’
a) Proverbs 20:8. Rules:-
1-Judging fairly.
2-Weighs all the evidence.
3-Distinguishes the bad from the good.
b) Proverbs 14:35. Rejoices in wise servants but is angry with those servants who disgrace him or her.
c) Proverbs 16:10. Speaks with Wisdom and Judges fairly.
d) Proverbs 16:15. Is a life giver and refreshes his people.
(This QT makes me pray that many Nations will have A Good Ruler)
‘The Reasons That We All Need Jesus Christ.’
a) Psalm 143:2. No one living is Righteous before God.
b) Jeremiah 17:9. Our hearts are deceitful.
c) Mark 10:18. No one is good except God alone.
d) Romans 3:10-12. No one:-
1-v10. Is Righteous.
2-v11. Is truly Wise.
3-v11. Is Seeking God.
4-v12. Turns to God.
5-v12. Does Good.
e) Romans 5:12. All people have sinned.
f) Romans 5:19. Through Adam’s sin we are all made sinners.
g) Ephesians 2:1. We were dead in trespasses and sins.
h) Ephesians 2:3. We were by nature objects of wrath.
(Through this Second The Reasons That We All Need Jesus Christ are made very clear to me)
Employees should never disgrace their leader or boss. The Bible teaches about the relationship between employer and employee from both sides. Even though the working system and environment were very different in Bible days, the principles are still the same. Employees that disgrace their leader or boss should definitely be made to quit their employment and get another job in another place.
Friday, August 26, 2011
God’s Love And Grace For Us!
‘God’s Love And Grace For Us.’
Isaiah 43:25.
a) God is the ‘I Am’.
b) He takes away our sins.
c) He no longer keeps our evil doings in His Mind.
(This QT teaches me God’s Love And Grace For Us)
‘Spiritual Speech Therapy And Control.’
James 3:1-12.
a) James 3:1. We should only teach if we are called by God to teach.
b) James 3:2. If we control what we say it means that we can keep every part of our body under control.
c) James 3:3-6. The tongue can be so negatively powerful.
d) James 3:7-8. We need to aim at controlling our tongue.
e) James 3:9-12. We should not be double tongued.
(Through this Second one I find God’s way for Spiritual Speech Therapy And Control)
Spiritual speech therapy and control is a very important part of life for the True Believer. James tells us that if we can control our tongue we can then control everything else. The tongue that is out of control is like a spark that can start a forest fire. Control of speech must be a priority in the life of the True Believer.
Something That We Need To Remember!
‘Something That We Need To Remember.’
Ephesians 2:11-13.
a) Ephesians 2:11. We are the “uncircumcised”. In the history of early Christianity we would have been looked down upon by the original Jewish Believers.
b) Ephesians 2:12. In the past:-
1- We were without Christ.
2- We were not citizens of Israel.
3- We had no part in the agreements that God made with His Jewish People.
4- We had no Hope.
5- We did not know God.
c) Ephesians 3:13. But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away from God are brought near through the Blood of Christ's death.
(Through this QT I find Something That I Need To Remember - something that should keep me humbly before the Cross of Jesus Christ)
‘When Possible Reconciliation Comes Before Worship.’
Matthew 5:24.
a) This is something to do before we Worship.
b) Go …
c) Be reconciled to that person.
d) Then come….
e) Make our sacrifice of Worship to God.
(Through this Second one I understand When Possible Reconciliation comes before Worship)
We may sometimes be looked down upon by other people. This especially can happen to True Believers. It may be a mild form of persecution or a comparison with the sinful standards of the World system. If we are looked down upon by other people our eventual response should be increased humility in our lives.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Good People!
‘Good People.’
Proverbs 20:5-7.
a) Proverbs 20:5. Are able to express their sound plans and bring them into action.
b) Proverbs 20:6. Are trustworthy.
c) Proverbs 20:7. Live with integrity and Blessed families.
(This QT makes me want to fellowship with Good People)
‘When Jesus Comes.’
a) Matthew 25:31. He will come in all His Glory with His Angels.
b) 1 Timothy 6:14-15. He will come in God’s Perfect time.
c) Revelation 11:15. He will come to Reign.
d) Revelation 19:16. He will come as King of kings and Lord of lords.
(This Second one teaches me how it will be when When Jesus Comes)
When Jesus Comes! All True Believers have this Hope – the Hope for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. His Coming will certainly be Glorious and in God’s Perfect time. When He Comes all Government systems will be changed and He will come to Reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Preaching the Gospel is more important than being involved in secular politics.
The Correct Attitude Toward Riches!
‘The Correct Attitude Toward Riches.’
a) James 2:5. Concentrate on Faith and the Kingdom of God.
b) Proverbs 17:5. Whenever we mock the poor people we reproach our Maker – God.
c) Proverbs 11:28. If we trust in them we will fall.
d) Mark 10:25-27. It is not easy for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.
(This QT reveals to me how God teaches us how to have The Correct Attitude Toward Riches)
‘Our Part In Making The Church Pure.’
1 Corinthians 5:6-8.
a) 1 Corinthians 5:6. People who are boasting about their immorality knowing that it is wrong are corrupting the entire Church.
b) 1 Corinthians 5:7. These people should be got rid of – removed.
c) 1 Corinthians 5:7. Then the Church can function as it is supposed to with Christ as the Head.
d) 1 Corinthians 5:8. Then we can Celebrate the Lord, free from wickedness and evil, in sincerity and Truth.
(Through this Second one I find My Part In Making The Church Pure.’
Riches! How we handle riches is very important. As God’s People we should be good stewards of what God gives to us. God does not ask other people to be stewards of what God has given to us, that is a fundamentally wrong thing. God has given to us and surely He will guide us in how we steward what He has given.
The Evidence Of Being A True Believer!
‘The Evidence Of Being A True Believer.’
Philippians 3:18-20.
a) Philippians 3:18. There are many people, and Apostle Paul was sad to say and write this, so should we be, who, although they are in Church, are haters of the Cross of Christ.
b) Philippians 3:19. The lives of these haters of the Cross:-
1- Their end is destruction.
2- Their God is their stomach.
3- They glory in their shame.
4- Their minds are fixed on the things of this World system.
c) Philippians 3:20. Our country is now Heaven.
d) Philippians 3:20. We look for the Saviour to come from Heaven. He is the Lord Jesus Christ)
(Through this QT I find The Evidence Of Being A True Believer and also the evidence of who are not True Believers)
‘The Biggest Gift Of All’
Romans 6:22-23.
a) As True Believers we become free from sin.
b) As True Believers we become Servants to God.
c) We have the Fruit unto Holiness and in the end Everlasting Life.
d) The wages of sin is death.
e) The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Through this Second one I know clearly what is The Biggest Gift Of All)
Not everyone who goes to Church is a True Believer. There are today, just as there was in Apostle Paul’s day, people in Church who are enemies of the Cross. These people are often believing a soft “bless me” gospel that excludes the Message of the Cross. They treat Church like a social club and their life outside of Church is far away from what the Life of a True Believer should be.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Good Works For The Church!
‘Good Works For The Church.’
Ephesians 2:10.
Sometimes we are tempted to take this verse out of context and apply it to the individual Believer. Actually in its fullest context it was written to the Church.
a) We (the Church) are God’s Creation.
b) We are Created in Christ Jesus for good works.
c) God has prepared those good works ahead of time.
d) We should walk in those good works as the Church.
(Through this QT I fully understand that God has prepared Good Works For The Church)
‘Get Rid Of The Darkness And Be Devoted To God.’
Matthew 6:23-24.
a) When our eye is bad or evil.
b) Then our whole body will be full of darkness.
c) If we think we have Light but it is not Light – it is darkness.
d) Then that darkness is so deceptively dark.
e) No person can serve two masters.
f) We will hate one and love the other.
g) We will be devoted to one and despise the other.
h) We cannot serve both God and money.
(Through this QT I am exhorted to Get Rid Of The Darkness And Be Devoted To God)
To keep Scripture in its context is very important. Some people abuse the Scripture or use it for their own benefit in a manipulative way. Surely it is sin to do such things. As True Believers we need to know the Scriptures well and keep them in their context.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
They Do No Work!
‘They Do No Work.’
Proverbs 20:4.
a) These people are:-
1- Haters of work.
2- Sluggards.
3- Too Lazy.
b) They will not do their ploughing at the correct time.
c) When the harvest time comes they will have no food.
d) When the harvest time comes they will have nothing..
(Through this QT: They Do No Work, I can see the folly of laziness and irresponsibility, both these sins lead to hunger and poverty. Work is Biblical)
‘The Biggest Decision in Life.’
Joshua 24:15.
a) Some people, even those who are supposedly God’s People dither about serving the Lord. They should stop dithering and make a choice.
b) Do they serve ancestral gods.
c) Do they serve cultural gods.
d) Or do they and their family make the decision to serve the Lord.
e) It seems that the ‘head’ of the family has a very big part in this decision.
(This Second one reveals to me The Biggest Decision In Life)
More Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs challenges us into appropriate action. Proverbs is an “action” Book. Proverbs reveals to us God’s Wisdom and also it reveals how to get godly Wisdom. That, in itself, is very amazing and yet there is a further step, putting this Wisdom into a lived out reality through our daily lives.
A True Servant!
‘A True Servant.’
a) Matthew 8:9; Titus 2:9. Is obedient to their master.
b) Matthew 10:24; John 13:16. Is not greater than their master.
c) Romans 6:20-21. Is not bound by sin.
d) Matthew 13:27. Can ask their master reasonable questions.
e) Matthew 18:23. Controls their borrowing and pays back their debts quickly.
f) Matthew 20:27. Will be first.
g) Matthew 22:3; 25:14. Is a trusted messenger.
h) Matthew 22:6. Risks their life in obedience to their master.
i) Matthew 24:45; 25:21 & 23. Can be trusted with delegated authority.
j) Luke 2:19. Can die in Peace.
k) Luke 7:2. Will be highly valued by their master.
l) Luke 12:43; Ephesians 6:8. Will be rewarded.
m) Luke 17:9-10. Simply does their duty.
n) John 15:15. Of the Lord can become a Friend of the Lord.
o) Acts 2:18. Can receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
p) Acts 4:29. Of the Lord need great boldness to Preach the Word of God.
q) Romans 1:1 Apostle Paul is a good model Servant of Christ Jesus.
r) Romans 6:16. Chooses to obey God, which leads them into Righteous living.
s) 2 Corinthians 4:5. Serve other people for Jesus’ sake.
t) Galatians 1:10. Of the Lord does not live to please people.
u) Philemon 1:16. Can become a Beloved Brother in Christ.
v) Revelation 2:20. Of the Lord should not be led astray.
(Through this QT I discover what it means to be A True Servant)
‘The Importance Of Receiving Wise Teaching.’
Proverbs 8:36.
a) There are some people who despise and do evil against wise Teaching.
b) These people do wrong to their own soul.
c) All the haters of wise Teaching are in love with death.
(This QT frankly reveals to me The Importance Of Receiving Wise Teaching)
A true servant can die in Peace. This is a very wonderful Promise of God. Even though the life of a true servant may not be an easy life during their life they generally live in Peace. There is the Peace of God which has permeated their soul. At the end of their life they can also die in Peace. What a Glorious Victory.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Understanding Salvation!
‘Understanding Salvation.’
Ephesians 2:8-9.
a) By Grace.
b) We have Salvation.
c) Through Faith.
d) It is not of ourselves.
e) It is given by God.
f) Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done.
g) None of us may take glory to ourselves for our Salvation.
(This QT helps me to be clearly Understanding Salvation)
‘The Holy Spirit Is Both Personal And Practical.’
Romans 8:13.
a) If we live in the way of the flesh we must die.
b) If by the Holy Spirit we put to death the things of the body.
c) We shall live.
(Through this Second one I fully appreciate that The Holy Spirit Is Both Personal And Practical)
Salvation is given to us by God. It is by and through pure and unadulterated Grace that we have been saved. This is not a theologian’s argument it is clearly what the Bible says. All True Believers believe that Salvation is by and through God’s Grace alone and not by our works.
The Honourable Thing!
‘The Honourable Thing.’
Proverbs 20:3.
a) Any fool can start arguments.
b) Only fools insist on quarrelling.
c) The honourable thing is to stay out of arguments.
d) Avoiding a fight is a mark of honour.
(This QT clearly shows me The Honourable Thing)
‘We Cannot Serve Two Masters.’
Matthew 6:24.
a) Nobody is able to be a servant to two masters.
b) This servant will have hate for the one and love for the other.
c) This servant will be loyal to one and despise the other.
d) We cannot serve both God and money.
(From this Second one I am strongly reminded that I Cannot Serve Two Masters)
The honourable thing is to stay out of arguments. What good do arguments do? The unsavoury fruit of arguments are bitterness, resentment and hurt. As True Believers we need to avoid arguments in home, work and Church.
The Merciful Presence Of The Lord!
‘The Merciful Presence Of The Lord.’
Matthew 18:20.
a) When two or three people gather together in the Lord’s Name.
b) They gather together as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) The Lord is amongst them.
(Through this QT I am in awe of The Merciful Presence Of The Lord)
‘God Is Always Consistent.’
a) Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is the same:-
1- Yesterday.
2- Today.
3- Forever.
b) Numbers 23:19. God:-
1- Is not like people.
2- Tells no lies.
3- Does not change His Mind.
4- Says something and He does it.
5- Makes a Promise and keeps it.
c) Malachi 3:6. The Lord never changes.
(Through this Second one I have a great sense of security: God Is Always Consistent)
In Matthew’s Gospel we read of the Presence and the Power of the Lord in restoring people’s lives in various ways. To read and to listen to the Word of God surely increases our Faith. If we are in need of Restoration in some way we should come to the Lord in Prayer and also read His Word.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Looking Forward With The Lord!
‘Looking Forward With The Lord.’
Ephesians 2:7.
a) In the coming ages and in the times to come this will be manifest.
b) The immeasurable riches of God’s Grace.
c) Through His Kindness towards us.
d) In Christ Jesus.
(Through this QT I am Looking Forward With The Lord, His Grace and Kindness never fails)
‘God Is Everywhere.’
Acts 17:24.
a) God made the World.
b) God made everything in it.
c) God is Lord of Heaven.
d) God is Lord of Earth.
e) God does not live in temples and buildings made by human hands.
(This Second one makes very clear to me that God is everywhere as well as in my heart through Faith)
In Christ Jesus we have much to look forward to. It does not matter too much about what kind of status we have now. Maybe we have no status at all, but if we have Christ Jesus living in our hearts by Faith we have everything to look forward to. Let us trust Him day by day.
We Need To Pray For Our Leaders!
‘We Need To Pray For Our Leaders.’
a) Proverbs 20:2; 19:12. If we make our leader angry we sin against ourselves.
b) Proverbs 16:14. If we are wise, we will try to appease our leader’s anger.
c) Proverbs 16:15. We should attempt, righteously, to cause our leaders to be happy.
d) Ecclesiastes 10:4. If your leader is angry at us, don't quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.
(This QT causes me to take action in that I Need To Pray For My Leaders)
‘The Worship Of God.’
John 4:24.
a) God is Spirit.
b) To Worship Him in a Godly manner is important.
c) We should Worship Him:-
1- In the True Way of the Holy Spirit.
2- Spiritually and Truly.
3- In Spirit and in Truth.
(This Second one gives me a very clear mind about The Worship Of God)
As True Believers it is correct that we should be happy under normal circumstances. Of course, sometimes things happen that would cause us to be in more serious mood and mode. Generally however, we should be happy knowing the Joy of the Lord as our strength.
An Amazing Choice!
‘An Amazing Choice.’
Romans 8:29.
a) God knew His People in advance.
b) God chose His People to become like His Son.
c) God did this so that His Son would be the First born among many brothers and sisters.
(Through this QT I find An Amazing Choice)
‘God Is So Merciful In His Acts Of Restoration.’
Isaiah 30:15-21.
a) Isaiah 30:15. This is the Word of the Sovereign Lord:-
1- Return to Him.
2- Rest in Him, we will be Saved.
3- In quietness and in confidence is our Strength.
4- We have rejected the Lord’s Message.
b) Isaiah 30:16. We trust in mere humans and we get defeated.
c) Isaiah 30:17. We will be embarrassed if we put our trust in humans.
d) Isaiah 30:18. The Lord waits for us to come to Him so that He can show us His Love and Compassion.
e) Isaiah 30:18. The Lord is a Faithful God.
f) Isaiah 30:18. If we wait for the Lord’s help we will be Blessed.
g) Isaiah 30:19. We will weep no more.
h) Isaiah 30:19. The Lord will be Gracious to us if we ask for His help.
i) Isaiah 30:19. The Lord will surely respond to the sound of our cry.
j) Isaiah 30:20. The Lord:-
1- Has given us adversity and suffering.
2- Will still be with us to Teach us.
3- Will reveal to us those people who can teach us well.
k) Isaiah 30:21. We will know the Lord’s Guidance in our lives, whether it be directly from Him or from people who are our teachers.
(This Second one reveals to me that God Is So Merciful In His Acts Of Restoration)
Return to the Lord! This is a very simple call and yet it can be a life changing one. Sometimes we are discouraged by things that happen in the Church and then we turn away from Church and the Lord. Sometimes we are so busy with our work and studies that God takes second place in our lives and that is really not good. If necessary, we should return to the Lord.
Friday, August 19, 2011
A Great Change In Our Lives!
‘A Great Change In Our Lives.’
Ephesians 2:1-6.
a) Ephesians 2:1. Before we new Christ we were dead in our:-
1- Failures.
2- Transgressions.
3- Sins.
b) Ephesians 2:2. We followed the ways of this present World system and its present ruler.
c) Ephesians 2:2. This ruler continues to work in people who refuse to obey God.
d) Ephesians 2:3. All of us formerly lived like this and followed the desires of our corrupt nature.
e) Ephesians 2:3. We did what our corrupt thoughts and desires wanted us to do.
f) Ephesians 2:3. Because of our sinful nature we deserved God’s anger just like everybody else.
g) Ephesians 2:4-5. God is rich in Mercy. Because of His great Love for us He made us alive together with Christ.
h) Ephesians 2:5. We were dead in sin but God intervened.
i) Ephesians 2:5. We have been Saved by God’s Grace.
j) Ephesians 2:6. God has brought us back to life together with Christ Jesus and has given us a position in Heaven with Him.
(Through this QT I really thank God because He has brought about A Great Change In My Life)
‘No Need For A Troubled Or A Fearful Heart.’
John 14:27.
a) Jesus gives us Peace.
b) Jesus gives us Peace.
c) His Peace is different from World system peace.
d) There is no need for our hearts to be troubled or afraid.
(Through this Second one I know that there is No Need For A Troubled Or A Fearful Heart)
Jesus has given to us a position in Heaven with Him. What a wonderful privilege for all people who will enter there. He said in John’s Gospel that He goes to prepare a place for us so that we can be where He is. Hallelujah!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Please Do Not Get Drunk!
‘Please Do Not Get Drunk.’
Proverbs 20:1.
a) Wine makes people mock.
b) Liquor makes people noisy.
c) Beer is a brawler.
d) People led astray by these things are not wise.
e) Ephesians 5:18. Rather, be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(This QT makes me request all True Believers: Please Do Not Get Drunk)
‘God’s Revealed Will.’
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
a) 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice always.
b) 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Pray without ceasing.
c) 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Be thankful in all circumstances.
d) 1 Thessalonians 5:18. This is God’s Will for us who belong to Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I find a part of God’s Revealed Will for us in normal circumstances)
Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Although every True Believer has the Holy Spirit not every True Believer is filled with the Holy Spirit. This is something that we need to take time every day for, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can do this as we come to God with thirst to be filled, come to God and ask Him to fill us.
The True Believer Loves True Holiness!
‘The True Believer Loves True Holiness.’
1 Peter 1:15.
a) We should be Holy in everything we do and in every aspect of our lives.
b) God is Holy.
c) He has Chosen us to be Holy.
(Through this QT I know that The True Believer Loves True Holiness)
‘Paul’s Way Of Being Content.’
Philippians 4:12.
a) This is something that Apostle Paul knew by experience.
b) He wrote that he had learned contentment.
c) Contentment meant to him and means for us accepting these situations:-
1- Living in poverty.
2- Living in prosperity.
3- Living full.
4- Living hungry.
5- Living with too much.
6- Living with too little.
(This Second one teaches me Paul’s Way Of Being Content, I want to learn more from him)
Apostle Peter was an amazing character. He was a volatile and erratic fisherman whom Jesus chose to become a Disciple. The Lord sees our future and not only our present. Because Peter had experienced a radically changed life from the Lord, in his Epistles he challenges us many times about our lives.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Christ Is The Head!
‘Christ Is The Head.’
Ephesians 1:20-23.
a) Ephesians 1:20. Christ is risen from the dead and now has the highest position in Heaven.
b) Ephesians 1:21. Christ is far above, in this World and in the World to come, all:-
1- Ruler.
2- Authority.
3- Power.
4- Leader.
5- Names that can be named.
c) Ephesians 1:22. God has put everything under the control of Christ.
d) Ephesians 1:22. Christ is the Head of everything for the good of the Church.
e) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is Christ’s Body, the Fullness of Him Who fills all in all.
(This QT leaves me in no doubt: Christ Is The Head, we are all His Body and Servants)
‘The Will Of God For Us.’
John 6:40.
a) This is the Will of God the Father Who sent His Son Jesus for us.
b) Everyone who sees (or understands) the Son and Believes in Him may have Everlasting Life.
c) Those people who have Everlasting Life will be raised up at the Last Day.
(Through this Second one I understand The Will Of God For Me)
Jesus Christ is above every Ruler. Sometimes we make such a fuss, wanting to see the Ruler when he or she is in town. This is understandable and I have no problem with that. However Jesus Christ is above every Ruler and yet so often we take Him for granted.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Simply Put It Is Sin!
‘Simply Put It Is Sin.’
Proverbs 19:29.
a) Punishments are set for mockers.
b) Judgments will be made on scorners.
c) Beatings are for the backs of fools.
d) Matthew 25:41. Eternal fire is prepared for:-
1- The Devil.
2- The Devil’s angels.
3- Those people who mock at sin.
(Through this QT: Simply Put It Is Sin, I know the God is really the True and Living Judge of all people and we should judge no one)
‘In The Hands Of God The Potter.’
a) Romans 8:29. God is conforming us to the Image of His Son.
b) James 1:3. When our Faith is tested, then we have a chance to grow.
c) Proverbs 27:21. We are tested by being praised. (How do we handle that?)
d) 1 Corinthians 4:7. We are no better than anybody else. (All we have and are is because of God’s Grace)
e) John 12:43. We should consider first what God thinks and says about us.
f) Ephesians 2:10. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
(Through this Second one I realise that my life is In The Hands Of God The Potter)
The Devil is to be overcome personally in all of our lives and this is possible because of what Christ has done on the Cross for us. Without Christ we are under the Devil’s domain, in Christ we have Victory over the Devil.
Avoid The Love Of Money!
‘Avoid The Love Of Money.’
1 Timothy 6:10.
a) It is certainly the root of all kinds of evil.
b) It causes some people to have their hearts set on getting rich.
c) It causes people to wander away from the Christian Faith.
d) It causes people to have a lot of grief.
(This QT reminds me to Avoid The Love Of Money)
‘We Belong To God.’
1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
a) We need to realise that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
b) The Holy Spirit lives in us.
c) The Holy Spirit has been given to us by God.
d) We do not belong to ourselves.
e) God bought us with a high price. (The Blood of Jesus Christ)
f) We must Honour God with our body.
(This Second one gives me clear assurance that I Belong To God)
We all need to be reminded to avoid the love of money whether we are in abject poverty in Somalia or middle class folks in Europe, America and Australasia. Business people all over the World or families struggling to survive because financially they are living beyond their means need also to be reminded. For all people everywhere, especially True Believers, we should avoid the love of money.
What A Blessing To Know!
‘What A Blessing To Know.’
Ephesians 1:17-19.
a) Ephesians 1:17. The Spirit of Wisdom as we come to know Christ better. Our Spiritual Leaders should be praying for us in this way.
b) Ephesians 1:17. The Spirit of Revelation as we come to know Christ better. Our Spiritual Leaders should be praying for us in this way.
c) Ephesians 1:18-19. Then:-
1- We will have deeper insight.
2- We will know the confidence that God calls us to have.
3- We will know the Glorious wealth that God’s People will inherit.
4- We will know the unlimited greatness of His Power as it works with might and strength for us True Believers.
(Through this QT I exclaim: What A Blessing To Know!)
‘Running The Race God Has For Us.’
Hebrews 12:1.
a) We need Faith.
b) We need Freedom from burdens.
c) We need Freedom from besetting sins.
d) We need Endurance.
e) We need Obedience.
(Through this Second one I have a strong desire to be Running The Race God Has Set For Me)
We can ask God for the Spirit of Wisdom. Godly Wisdom and God’s Wisdom are both of great benefit to the True Believer. We should not just trust in our own wisdom when God has made His Wisdom available for us.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Ungodly Witnesses!
‘Ungodly Witnesses.’
a) Proverbs 19:28. Make a mockery of Justice.
b) 1 Kings 21:10 & 13. Tell lies about other people and cause them to be destroyed.
c) Acts 6:11-13. Manipulate Justice and harm innocent people.
(Through this QT I realise the need to correct Ungodly Witnesses and realise that True Believers need to forgive them if they have been harmed by them)
‘Trust Correctly.’
a) Proverbs 31:11. In a happy marriage a husband trusts his wife. She enriches him.
b) Genesis 39:8. A good employee will be trusted by their employer.
c) Psalm 21:7; Matthew 18:6; Romans 9:33. Trust in the Lord.
d) Proverbs 17:19. Do not trust in high walls.
e) Isaiah 44:20. Do not trust in something or someone who cannot help you at all.
(This Second one encourages me to Trust Correctly)
There are times when we, as True Believers, will need to forgive ungodly witnesses, people who tell lies, or spread gossip about us. There are many reasons why this may happen and it usually happens in unhealthy Churches or Christian societies. As True Believers we should have no part in such destructive activities.
This Way Is Correct!
‘This Way Is Correct.’
Romans 13:7-8.
a) We should pay everyone what we owe them.
b) Pay:-
1- Tax.
2- Tolls.
3- Respect.
4- Honour.
5- Debts.
6- Love.
c) If we Love other people we fulfil God’s Law.
(Through this very clear QT I know that This Way Is Correct)
‘A Financially Stable Woman.’
Proverbs 31:16.
a) Considers what she wants to buy, is not an impulsive shopper.
b) Buys what is necessary after consideration.
c) Uses her finance wisely and constructively.
(Through this Second one I respect A Financially Stable Woman)
Pay respect when we should pay respect. Respect is increasingly becoming a lost virtue. God’s Word tells us many times of the virtue of respect. Respect has be a good example set by leaders and heads. If these people show respect other people can easily respond also with respect. If leaders and heads do not respect then gradually there will be a breakdown of society.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Good Response To Good People!
‘A Good Response To Good People.’
Ephesians 1:15-16.
a) Apostle Paul heard about the strong Faith of the Ephesian Believers.
b) Apostle Paul heard about the Love that the Ephesian Believers had for all people.
c) Apostle Paul never stopped thanking God for the Ephesian Believers.
d) Apostle Paul was continually praying for the Ephesian Believers.
(In this QT I find A Good Response To Good People)
‘God Helps Us Overcome.’
1 Corinthians 10:13.
a) The temptations that come into our lives are no different from what other people experience.
b) God is Faithful.
c) God will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that we cannot stand up against it.
d) When we are tempted God will show us a way out so that we will not give into that temptation.
(Through this Second one I know that God Helps Me Overcome)
Apostle Paul was continually praying for the Ephesian Believers. Most of us have some kind of responsibility in our Church or Mission, some of us have a specific ministry that we know that God has called us to. All of our responsibilities and ministries need to be bathed in prayer, especially for ourselves and for the people whom we serve.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Teenagers Need To Get It Right!
‘Teenagers Need To Get It Right.’
Proverbs 19:26-27.
a) Children should not mistreat their father.
b) Children should not chase away their mother.
c) If children do these things they are:-
1-A shame on the family.
2-A disgrace.
3-A bringer of reproach.
d) If a child stops listen to instruction they turn their back on Knowledge.
(Through this QT I know that Teenagers Need To Get It Right)
‘When We Have Much.’
Luke 12:48.
a) When someone is given much much will be required in return and a lot will be expected from them.
b) The person to whom much has been:-
1- Committed.
2- Entrusted.
3- Demanded.
c) Much more will be required of them.
(Through this Second one: When I Have Much, I realise my responsibilities in God and I desire to serve God until I go to be with Him)
Children should not chase away their mother. Most mothers want to do their best for their children. It breaks a mother’s heart, I am sure, when she is unable to care for her children properly. There are some children, however, who really treat their mothers badly. They give their mothers a very difficult time. Many of these children have no father figure in their lives because their fathers are absent. Schools, Churches and other places of religion, compulsory Government programmes and seminars in the work place are all good environments in which to train families.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Be Holy And Free!
'Be Holy And Free.'
Colossians 2:16-17.
a) Do not let anyone judge us about:-
1- What we eat.
2- What we drink.
3- How we observe Holy days.
4- New moon festival.
5- Worship services.
b) These were a shadow of things to come.
c) Now the reality has come, that reality is Christ.
(This QT urges me to Be Holy And Free)
‘Follow The Holy Spirit.’
a) Romans 8:4. And do not live according to the sinful nature.
b) 1 Timothy 4:1. And not deceptive spirits.
c) 1 John 3:24. And keep the Lord’s Commandments.
(This Second one encourages me to Follow The Holy Spirit)
Sometimes we get very confused about different festivals that are held by other religions and may be attended or arranged by our non-Christian family members. Of course they want us to be there because we are a part of the “family”. The first thing we can do is to pray that if God really does not want us to go then HE will make a way for us not to go. Second, if we do go, it is good to quietly go and pray sensitively to the Lord Jesus through the whole scene. If we have to bow – then bow to Jesus. We should never make a big “scene” at such festivals and, if possible, take a back place not a front one. Thirdly, if those festivals are about us personally we need to ask God for Wisdom how to decline.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
All True Believers Belong To God!
‘All True Believers Belong To God.’
Ephesians 1:12-14.
a) Ephesians 1:12. The First Believers put their Hope in Christ because He Chose them.
b) Ephesians 1:12. They were Chosen to Praise the Lord and to bring Him Glory.
c) Ephesians 1:13. Other people in the early Churches followed and became Believers in Christ.
d) Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 2:7. They heard the Message of Truth.
e) Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 2:13. They heard the Good News about how they could be Saved.
f) Ephesians 1:13. When these people in the early Churches became Believers they were sealed with the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus Christ had Promised.
g) Ephesians 1:14. The Holy Spirit is God’s Guarantee that He Will give to us the Inheritance that He Promised and that He has purchased us to be His Own People.
h) Ephesians 1:14. He did all this that we also will Praise the Lord and give Him Glory.
(Through this QT I am totally convinced that All True Believers Belong To God)
‘The Freedom God Desires Us To Have.’
2 Corinthians 3:17.
a) The Lord is the Holy Spirit.
b) Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is.
c) There is Freedom.
(This Second gives me a joyful heart: The Freedom God Desires Us To Have)
They heard the Message of Truth. It is so important for the Churches today to Preach and to Teach the Message of Truth. I read a recent article that said many Believers revere the Bible but they do not read the Bible. This is totally wrong, the Bible is to be read. After hearing the Message of Truth we need to read the Bible, God’s Word which will enable us to grow more as True Believers.
Reproof And Correction Are The Better Way!
‘Reproof And Correction Are The Better Way.’
Proverbs 19:25.
a) Reprove an understanding person (young or old) and they will gain more Knowledge and Wisdom.
b) If we physically strike a mocker these people may learn something:-
1- The naïve people.
2- The gullible people.
3- The simple minded people.
c) The simple profit from reproof and also wise people do.
(This QT teaches me that Reproof And Correction Are The Better Way and not violent punishment, especially in the family environment)
‘The Holy Spirit Shows No Favouritism.’
1 Corinthians 12:13.
a) We may come from different religious backgrounds. (Jew or Gentile)
b) Some of us may be working people, and others not. (Slaves or Free)
c) As True Believers we have all been baptised into one Body by the Holy Spirit. (The Body of Christ)
d) As True Believers we all share the same Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I know that The Holy Spirit Shows No Favouritism)
The Book of Proverbs really guides us down a good and right path for our lives. We should read it regularly. The Book of Proverbs is a wonderful Counsellor, giving us the Lord’s Counsel in many life situations that we may face.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Those People Who Are Truly Circumcised!
‘Those People Who Are Truly Circumcised.’
Philippians 3:3.
a) Worship by the Spirit of God.
b) Ephesians 2:11-16. Rely on what Christ Jesus has done for them.
c) Galatians 3:3. Do not put confidence in human effort.
(This QT Teaches me who are Those People Who Are Truly Circumcised)
‘One In Christ Jesus.’
Galatians 3:27-28.
a) If we have been Baptised into Christ we have put on Christ.
b) There is now no longer Jew or Gentile.
c) There is no longer slave or free person.
d) There is neither male nor female.
e) We are all one in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I am so glad that I belong to the Church that is One In Christ Jesus)
One in Christ Jesus is a very clear and easily understood statement. There is nothing that separates True Believers. Our basis for Worship is not nationality, status or skin colour. Our basis for Worship is language. If we are True Believers, let us live as those people who are one in Christ Jesus.
The Blessing Of Being United With Christ!
‘The Blessing Of Being United With Christ.’
Ephesians 1:11.
a) Because we are united with Christ.
b) We have received an inheritance from God.
c) God chose us in advance.
d) God makes everything to work out according to His Plan.
(This QT reveals to me The Blessing Of Being United With Christ)
‘Jesus Introduces Real Worship.’
John 4:19-24.
a) John 4:19. The woman at the well thought Jesus was a Prophet.
b) John 4:20. She was confused about the place of worship.
c) John 4:21. Jesus introduced to her new thoughts and understanding of Worship.
d) John 4:22. The Jews knew about Worship because Salvation was of the Jews.
e) John 4:23-24. Here is the big point, not only for the woman at the well but for all of us:-
1- Now is the hour when True Worshippers Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth.
2- The Father seeks True Worshippers to Worship Him.
3- God is Spirit.
4- They that Worship God must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
(Through this Second one I am so glad that Jesus Introduces Real Worship)
God chose us in advance. What a Blessed and Redemptive Truth. We did not choose God but rather God chose us. This does not mean that we were someone special, indeed we were not, we were sinners, but God has chosen us and Redeemed us through the Blood of Jesus Christ and He has given to us a new nature and a new life with which to Glorify Him.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Lazy People!
‘Lazy People.’
a) Proverbs 19:24 & 15. Go hungry.
b) Proverbs 10:4. Remain in poverty.
c) Proverbs 10:26. Irritate their employers.
d) Proverbs 12:24. Become slaves.
e) Proverbs 12:27. Do not even cook the game they catch.
f) Proverbs 13:4. Want much but get little.
g) Proverbs 15:19. Are always blocked in their way.
h) Proverbs 18:9. Are as bad as someone who destroys things.
i) Proverbs 20:4. Are too lazy to plough at the correct season.
j) Proverbs 21:25. Come to ruin.
k) Proverbs 22:13; 26:13. Believe and confess wrong things.
l) Proverbs 26:14. Stay in bed too long.
m) Proverbs 26:15. Go hungry.
n) Proverbs 26:16. Deceive themselves.
o) 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Need to be warned.
p) 1 Timothy 5:13. Become gossips.
q) Titus 1:12. Are often gluttons.
(Through this QT I do not want to be a Lazy Person)
‘The Imperfection Of Old Testament Worship.’
Hebrews 10:1.
a) It is only a shadow of the good things to come.
b) It is not the good thing itself.
c) It can never perfect the worshipper.
d) Although it is practised annually, no change comes to the worshipper’s life.
e) It does not provide cleansing for the worshipper.
(This Second one convinces me of The Imperfection Of Old Testament Worship)
Lazy people are too lazy to plough at the correct season. Laziness causes people to miss out on the Blessings that God has for them. Lazy people often cause a financial drain for their families. We should not be, and we should not encourage, lazy people.
The Joy Of Having Faith!
‘The Joy Of Having Faith.’
Galatians 3:23-27.
a) Galatians 3:23. Faith replaces legalism.
b) Galatians 3:23. Faith is a Revelation.
c) Galatians 3:24. Christ came that we might be Justified by Faith.
d) Galatians 3:25. When we have Faith we no longer need a tutor.
e) Galatians 3:26. We are all Children of God through Faith in Christ Jesus.
f) Galatians 3:27. If we belong to Christ we are true Children of Abraham.
(Through this QT I find The Joy Of Having Faith)
‘The Holy Spirit.’
a) Hebrews 9:8. Makes things clear.
b) Hebrews 3:7. Teaches us to respond to God.
c) Hebrews 10:15. Testifies to God’s Truth.
d) Isaiah 63:11. Is sent by God to be amongst His People.
e) Acts 7:51. Should not be resisted.
f) Acts 28:25. Is always right (correct).
g) 2 Peter 1:21. Moves and inspires people.
(Through this Second one I value the Presence of the Holy Spirit in my life very highly)
We are all Children of God through Faith in Christ Jesus. God has many Children all over the World, Children that come from many different ethnicities and cultures, Children that are both rich and poor. The common factor about God’s Children is that they have Faith in Christ Jesus.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
God's Great Plan!
‘God’s Great Plan.’
Ephesians 1:10.
a) At the right time.
b) God will bring everything together under the Authority of Christ.
c) God will bring history to its goal.
d) Everything in Heaven and on Earth.
(Through this QT I can understand God’s Great Plan)
‘Jesus And The Old Testament.’
Matthew 5:17.
a) Jesus never came to put an end to the Law of God.
b) Jesus never came to put and end to the Old Testament Prophets.
c) Jesus did not come to destroy the Old Testament.
d) Jesus came to complete the Old Testament.
e) Jesus came to accomplish the purpose of the Law of God and the Prophets.
(Through this Second one Jesus And The Old Testament is clearly seen)
We are given glimpses into God’s Great Plan in the Word of God. There are many things that the Word of God shows us. We learn how to live as True Believers as a result of the Word of God. We can also experience the Way of Salvation through the Word of God. God’s Great Plans that He wants to reveal to us are also revealed to us in the Word of God.
Benefits That Come From Fearing The Lord!
‘Benefits That Come From Fearing The Lord.’
Proverbs 19:23.
a) Life.
b) Security.
c) Protection from harm.
d) Contentment.
(Through this QT I can clearly see Benefits That Come From Fearing The Lord)
‘Growing To Be A Mature Believer.’
a) 2 Peter 1:5-7. We should make every effort to respond to God’s Promises:
1- Add Integrity to our Faith.
2- Add Knowledge to our Integrity.
3- Add Self control to our Knowledge.
4- Add Endurance to our Self control.
5- Add Godliness to our Endurance.
6- Add Brotherly Affection to our Godliness.
7- Add Love for all people to our Brotherly Affection.
b) 2 Peter 1:8. If we possess these qualities and they are increasing, it demonstrates that our Knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ is living and productive.
c) Romans 10:17. Faith comes from hearing the Words of God, especially the Good News about Christ.
d) Mark 9:23. Everything is possible for the person who Believes.
e) 1 Timothy 6:6. Godliness with contentment is great gain.
(This Second one teaches me something about the process of Growing To Be A Mature Believer)
If we Fear the Lord we can experience more protection from harm. The reason for this is that if we Fear the Lord then we do our utmost to Obey Him and to Please Him. Obedience to the Lord is not mystical. God’s Word clearly teaches us the way to live and behave. If we follow the Word of God in the Revelation and Understanding that we have of it, then we can live and be confident that we experience all things in the Will of God.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
So Let's Stop!
‘So Let’s Stop.’
Romans 14:13.
a) Let’s stop:-
1- Criticising each other.
2- Passing judgement on each other.
3- Condemning each other.
b) Let’s make a good decision.
c) Never put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a fellow True Believer.
d) Never do anything that would cause another True Believer to have doubts or fall.
(This QT is a great comfort and encouragement to me: So Let’s Stop)
‘We Should Live In The Light.’
1 John 2:10.
a) If we really love our fellow True Believers we will live in the Light.
b) We will not cause other people to stumble.
c) We will not destroy the Faith of another person.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Live In The Light)
We should make good decisions. All through the Word of God, in both the Old and New Testaments, God calls His People to make good decisions. These decisions were sometimes personal and sometimes National and God always guided them in their decision making. Today God still guides us to make good decisions, through His Word, by His Spirit and through our anointed Leaders.
Blessed Because We Are United To Christ!
‘Blessed Because We Are United To Christ.’
Ephesians 1:3-9.
a) Ephesians 1:3. God has Blessed us with every Blessing in the Heavenly realms because we belong to Christ.
b) Ephesians 1:4. Even before He made the World, God Loved us and Chose us in Christ to be Holy and without fault in His Eyes.
c) Ephesians 1:5. God decided in advance to adopt us into His Own Family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do, and it gave Him great pleasure.
d) Ephesians 1:6. We belong to God’s dear Son.
e) Ephesians 1:6. We Praise God for the Glorious Grace that He has poured out upon us.
f) Ephesians 1:7. Through the Blood of God’s Son we are set free from our sins and God forgives our failures because of His overflowing Kindness.
g) Ephesians 1:8. God has showered His Kindness and Grace on us, along with all Wisdom and Understanding.
h) Ephesians 1:9. God has revealed the mystery of His Plan to us, a Plan that is manifested in Christ.
(Through this QT I confess that I am Blessed Because I Am United To Christ)
‘There Is Work To Do.’
Isaiah 57:14.
a) Rebuild the road and keep building.
b) Clear the way ahead.
c) Remove everything blocking the paths of God’s People.
d) Let God’s People return from captivity.
(This Second one reminds me that There Is Work To Do)
One of God’s goals for us is that we might be Holy and without fault in His Eyes. This can only take place as we respond to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. God is not looking for our self righteousness, He is looking for Holiness. God is not wanting to listen to our excuses, He wants us to be without fault in His Eyes.
Friday, August 5, 2011
a) Proverbs 19:22. Is a desirable attribute.
b) Ruth 3:10. Is good to show to an “in-law” family.
c) 1 Samuel 20:8. Is good to show to a real friend.
d) 1 Samuel 20:42. Has great meaning when it is practised in the Lord’s Name.
e) 2 Chronicles 15:14. To the Lord can be shown in exuberant Praise.
f) Proverbs 3:3. Should always be our attitude.
g) James 1:6 & 8; 4:8. Should not be divided.
(Through this QT I find Loyalty as being very important)
‘The Responsibility Of A Holy Priest.’
Malachi 2:1-8.
a) Malachi 2:1. The Holy Priest is to listen to what the Lord says.
b) Malachi 2:2. Priests that do not listen will not be Blessed.
c) Malachi 2:3. Even the descendants of priests who do not listen will suffer.
d) Malachi 2:4. When the Holy Priests realise these Truths the Covenant that the Lord has made with them remains as a reality.
e) Malachi 2:5. The Covenant is Life and Peace given that the Holy Priest might fear the Lord and His Name.
f) Malachi 2:6-7. The Life of the Holy Priest:-
1- The Law of Truth is on his mouth.
2- The Holy Priest does not lie or cheat.
3- The Holy Priest walks with the Lord.
4- The Holy Priest lives a good and righteous life.
5- The Holy Priest turns many people from the life of sin.
6- The Holy Priest speaks words that preserve knowledge of God.
7- People go to the Holy Priest for instruction.
g) Malachi 3:8. Three things that God had against the Holy Priests:-
1- They left God’s paths.
2- They gave instructions that caused many people to stumble into sin.
3- They corrupted the Covenant that God made.
(Through this Second one I can see The Responsibility Of A High Priest is an awesome responsibility)
The Holy Priest walks with the Lord. We are, the Bible says, a Royal Priesthood. We are priests of the Lord Jesus. A priest comes before God on behalf of the people and also comes before the people on behalf of God. We should live as a Royal Priesthood.
Making A Sacrifice!
‘Making A Sacrifice.’
a) Matthew 19:29. For the sake of the Lord will be rewarded. Also those who make the sacrifice have assurance of Eternal Life.
b) Mark 10:43-45. To become a godly Leader. This is following the example of Jesus Christ.
c) Hebrews 6:10. God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard we work for Him. We show our love for Him by caring for other Believers.
(Through this QT I understand that Making A Sacrifice should be a part of my normal live as a True Believer)
‘Praying, Behaving And Speaking.’
Colossians 4:2-6.
a) Colossians 4:2. In our Prayers:-
1- Be persistent.
2- Be alert.
3- Give thanks.
b) Colossians 4:3. Pray for other people, especially the Servants of the Lord.
c) Colossians 4:4. Pray for the Messenger of God’s Word.
d) Colossians 4:5. Be wise in our behaviour, especially to those people who do not yet know Jesus.
e) Colossians 4:6. Speak in a way that is:-
1- Pleasant.
2- Interesting.
3- Graceful.
4- Attractive.
f) Colossians 4:6. Then we will be giving the correct answer to people.
(This Second one teaches me about Praying, Behaving And Speaking)
One of the ways in which we show our love for the Lord is by caring for other True Believers. It does take time and effort to care for other people, it is a Sacrifice that is pleasing to God to do so. Some people need very little care because they can care well for themselves, maybe we can care for these people by giving them a meal or such as that. There are other people in the Church, however, who need much more care. We should not ignore them or treat them badly as if they are secondary people.
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The Christian Life!
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