The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, February 28, 2011
God's Living Word!
‘God’s Living Word.’
a) James 1:25; John 13:17. Makes us effectual doers that will be Blessed in what we do.
b) 1 Timothy 1:5. It should produce in us Love that issues from:-
1-A pure heart.
2-A good conscience.
3-A sincere Faith.
c) 1 Corinthians 8:1. Knowledge of God’s Word should produce in us Love that builds up.
d) John 1:14. The Word of God should transform our lives.
e) Mark 7:8. Let us not hold on to the traditions of men and neglect the Commandments of God.
(Through this QT I want to experience more and more of God’s Living Word)
‘Be Wholehearted.’
a) Jeremiah 29:13. In our seeking of God, then we will find Him.
b) Mark 12:30. In our love for God.
c) Deuteronomy 25:15-16. In our business dealings.
d) Luke 6:38. In our giving.
(This Second one reminds me to Be Wholehearted)
Faith comes from hearing the Word of God, this is what the Book of Romans tells us. If we treasure the Word of God surely we will have a sincere Faith. God’s Word is not merely a religious book, God’s Word is a Living Word.
Yes, God Is Able!
‘Yes, God Is Able.’
2 Corinthians 9:8.
a) God is Able to make all Grace abound to us and to Bless us abundantly.
b) God is Able to give to us all sufficiency in all things at all times.
c) God is Able to make us abound in every good work.
(Through this QT I exclaim: Yes, God Is Able)
‘We Are Not To Become Trivial In Conflicts.’
1 Corinthians 6:2-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 6:2; Matthew 19:28. The Lord’s People will Judge the World.
b) 1 Corinthians 6:2. Should we not be able to make judgments in cases more trivial?
c) 1 Corinthians 6:3. The Lord’s People will Judge Angels.
d) 1 Corinthians 6:3. We should be able to Judge matters pertaining to this life.
e) 1 Corinthians 6:4. In cases of True Believer vs. True Believer we should not go into the World’s legal systems but keep the matter in Church.
f) 1 Corinthians 6:5. There surely should be someone wise enough in the Church to help settle legal disputes between True Believers.
g) 1 Corinthians 6:6. True Believer going to the Law Court against True Believer in front of unbelievers is not good.
(Through this Second one I know that I Am Not To Become Trivial In Conflicts)
We need to pray for the Wise People that God has put into the Church to be able to help other people who are in the Church, especially where there is some case of conflict. This can prevent much embarrassment for the Church. There should be no need for True Believer to go to Court against True Believer if there are Wise People in the Church.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Leave Him Alone!
‘Leave Him Alone.’
Proverbs 19:19.
a) A man of great wrath will pay the penalty and suffer punishment.
b) If you deliver this man.
c) You will only have to do it again. (Repeatedly)
(This QT wisely counsels me to Leave Him Alone)
‘Do Not Go To Court Against Another True Believer.’
1 Corinthians 6:1.
a) Sometimes we have a complaint or grievance against another True Believer.
b) We should not take this to the Law Court.
c) Neither should we ignore it and “let it go”.
d) We should take it before the Church or the spiritual Governing Body.
(This Second one give me wise counsel: Do Not Go To Court Against Another True Believer)
A man of great wrath is in need of repentance, healing and deliverance and whatever else it may take to get rid of the great wrath. We should try to help the man of great wrath in our own strength. The best person to help the man of great wrath is himself.
Friday, February 25, 2011
When Things Are Against Us!
‘When Things Are Against Us.’
a) Genesis 42:36. Our family is being destroyed.
b) Genesis 20:16. We need to settle the claims and clear our reputation.
c) Genesis 50:20. God can mean it for our good.
d) Judges 11:12. Our Nation may come under attack.
e) Judges 11:27. Wrong may be done against us.
f) 1 Samuel 17:45; Psalm 118:12. We sometimes need to resist them in the Name of the Lord Almighty.
g) 1 Samuel 26:19. We need to discern the source.
h) 2 Samuel 22:40; Psalm 18:48; 35:1. God may give us victory against them.
i) 1 Kings 17:18. It may be a trick of our imagination, coming from a painful heart.
j) Psalm 3:6. There is no need to be afraid.
k) Psalm 55:3. It may be somebody’s grudge.
l) Psalm 55:18. God can redeem our souls in safety from the battle.
m) Psalm 109:3. Sometimes it is for no reason.
n) Psalm 119:23. We should ponder upon the Word of God.
o) Matthew 18:21. We should be willing to forgive when appropriate.
(This QT gives me Wisdom from God of how to handle the situation When Things Are Against Me)
‘Truth That Overcomes Sorrow.’
John 16:6-7.
a) The Disciples had sorrow filling their hearts because of what Jesus had been telling them about His going away.
b) Jesus always spoke the Truth.
c) It was necessary for Him to go away.
d) Because Jesus went away the Holy Spirit came.
(This Second one teaches me about Truth That Overcomes Sorrow)
A beginner in Christ would be very wise to read John’s Gospel first when they begin the adventure of Bible reading. John’s Gospel gives us a very clear understanding of the Way of Salvation and of the Way of growing in Faith.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
God Loves A Cheerful Giver!
‘God Loves A Cheerful Giver.’
2 Corinthians 9:6-7.
a) This is something to remember.
b) Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly.
c) Whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully.
d) Each person must give as they have decided in their heart.
e) Do not give reluctantly.
f) Do not give under compulsion.
g) God Loves a cheerful giver.
(This QT reminds me that God Loves A Cheerful Giver)
‘Victory Through Jesus Christ.’
1 John 2:1-2.
a) This letter was written to the Church so that they would not sin.
b) If anyone in the Church sins, they have an Advocate in Jesus Christ the Righteous One.
c) Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole World.
(Through this Second one I am assured perfectly of Victory Through Jesus Christ)
We should never be manipulated into giving in God’s Kingdom. Whether it is Church giving or Mission giving this giving needs to come from a free and joyful heart. When manipulation is present that makes everything difficult for everyone and surely does not please God.
We Should Not Ruin Our Children!
‘We Should Not Ruin Our Children.’
Proverbs 19:18.
a) They need to be disciplined whilst there is hope for them. (In other words, whilst they are still young enough to receive discipline – which is discipleship.)
b) If we neglect this.
c) We will ruin their lives.
(This QT reminds me physical or spiritual – I Should Not Ruin My Children)
‘The Life Changing Power Of The Cross.’
Galatians 6:14.
a) It is the only thing that we should be boasting about.
b) Through the Cross our interest in the World system dies.
c) Through the Cross the World system’s interest in us also dies.
d) Ephesians 2:13. We are brought near to God by the Blood of Christ.
e) Ephesians 2:15-16. Through the Cross we understand Reconciliation.
(This Second one gives me a glimpse at The Life Changing Power Of The Cross)
Children’s lives are not ruined by the internet, Satan or through “bad” friends. Of course these things will not help the children’s lives. The primary cause of the lives of children being ruined is their parents. Sometimes the parent’s life is so damaged and hurting they just cannot properly think of, or care for, their children. Sometimes non Christian traditional philosophies about children have influenced the parents deeply so they have no Biblical perspective about their children, this also can ruin the children’s lives. Finally, sometimes the parent’s lives are so caught up in sin and bad habits that their influence over their children is only negative.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Nations!
‘The Nations.’
a) John 11:50. Need someone to die for them. That “Someone” is Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 10:18; 24:14; 28:19. Need to hear about the Lord Jesus.
c) Matthew 12:18. Need Justice from the Lord Jesus.
d) Matthew 12:21. Have the Lord’s Name as their hope.
e) Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8. Will be at war against each other in the last days.
f) Matthew 24:9. Will become persecutors of people who are in Christ.
g) Matthew 25:32. Will one day be gathered in the Lord’s Presence.
h) Mark 10:42. Have some tyrannical leaders.
i) Mark 11:17. Need prayer.
j) Luke 2:32. Need God to be revealed to them.
k) Luke 24:47. Need to repent and be forgiven.
(Through this QT I find God’s Heart for The Nations)
‘The Priesthood Of Jesus Christ.’
Hebrews 7:23-25.
a) Hebrews 7:23. Is different to the former Jewish priests, their ministry was temporary.
b) Hebrews 7:24. Jesus’ Priesthood is permanent – it continues forever.
c) Hebrews 7:25. Because Jesus is forever our Priest He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
(This Second one reveals to me something of The Priesthood Of Jesus Christ)
Forever… it is a very wonderful word. It is a Word that describes many things about God and His People simply because God lives forever! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are forever. The Word of God is forever. We belong to Him forever.
Getting It Right With Missions Giving!
‘Getting It Right With Missions Giving.’
2 Corinthians 9:1-5.
a) 2 Corinthians 9:1. The Corinthian Church were a Mission giving Church.
b) 2 Corinthians 9:2. Apostle Paul testified to the Macedonian Church about the Mission giving of the Corinthian Church.
c) 2 Corinthians 9:2. The Achaia Church were motivated into generous giving through the testimony of the Corinthian Church.
d) 2 Corinthians 9:3. Apostle Paul sent a team to the Corinthian Church to make sure that the giving was properly prepared and in order.
e) 2 Corinthians 9:4. Apostle Paul wanted no one put to shame over this matter.
f) 2 Corinthians 9:5. Apostle Paul’s Wisdom here assured everything being ready and a good testimony ensued.
(Through this QT I know that the Church needs to be Getting It Right With Missions Giving)
‘The Lord With Us.’
Psalm 32:7-8.
a) He is our Hiding Place.
b) He protects us from trouble.
c) He surrounds us with songs of Victory.
d) He will guide us along the best pathway for our life.
e) He will advise us.
f) He will watch over us.
g) Galatians 3:26. We are Children of God through Faith in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I give thanks for The Lord With Me)
The Testimony of the Local or Area Church is very important. People in the locality or area often know about the Church. Firstly Believers know and then information spreads to the nominal Christians and the non believers. A bad Testimony discredits the Lord and His Church. Let us endeavour to have a good Testimony as a Local Church and as the area Church. (Area Church is the local Churches which gather in a certain area.)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Blessed Kindness!
‘Blessed Kindness.’
Proverbs 19:17.
a) Whoever is generous to poor people.
b) Is lending to the Lord.
c) The Lord will repay the generous person for their deed.
(This QT reveals to me Blessed Kindness)
‘The Outcome Of Our Faith.’
1 Peter 1:7-9.
a) 1 Peter 1:7. The genuineness of our Faith will be tested.
b) 1 Peter 1:7, The genuineness of our Faith will be rewarded by the Lord at the time of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
c) 1 Peter 1:8. Our Faith focuses on Jesus Christ.
d) 1 Peter 1:8. We Believe in Him.
e) 1 Peter 1:8. We can Rejoice with Joy that is inexpressible and filled with Glory.
f) 1 Peter 1:9. We are obtaining the outcome of our Faith, the Salvation of our souls.
(Through this Second one I rejoice in The Outcome Of My Faith)
Blessed kindness is something that is not a special gift for some Believers. Every True Believer is called to be kind rather than unkind. We need to be kind in heart, thought and action then we can partake in Blessed Kindness.
To Glorify Our Heavenly Father!
‘To Glorify Our Heavenly Father.’
John 17:4.
a) It is something we do on Earth.
b) It is accomplishing the work.
c) That Heavenly Father gives us to do.
(Through this QT I find how To Glorify My Heavenly Father)
‘No Need To Feel Or Be Condemned.’
Romans 8:34.
a) Who is to condemn us.
b) Christ Jesus died for us.
c) Christ Jesus rose again for us.
d) Christ Jesus ascended for us.
e) Christ Jesus is now interceding at the Father’s Right Hand for us.
(Through this Second one I rejoice in that there is No Need To Feel Or Be Condemned)
We are called to Glorify our Heavenly Father on the Earth. This is a very important part of our lives as True Believers. If we cannot live our Message we should not preach our Message! We need to be accomplishing the work that our Heavenly Father gives us to do and not doing our own thing.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Looking After True Servants Of The Lord!
‘Looking After True Servants Of The Lord.’
2 Corinthians 8:23-24.
a) Acknowledge them.
b) Acknowledge their ministry.
c) They are representatives of the Churches.
d) They bring Glory to Christ.
e) They should be shown love by the Churches that they visit.
(This QT reminds me that the Churches should be Looking After True Servants Of The Lord)
‘Truth About The Holy Spirit.’
John 16:7.
a) This Truth comes from the mouth of Jesus Christ.
b) It was for the advantage of the Disciples that Jesus Christ ascended back to Heaven.
c) Then the Holy Spirit could come.
d) Holy Spirit is the Helper and Counsellor of True Believers.
e) Jesus would send the Holy Spirit from Heaven.
(This Second one reveals to me more Truth About The Holy Spirit)
The primary purpose of True Servants of the Lord is to bring Glory to Christ. In order to bring Glory to Christ True Servants of the Lord need to obey Him and to put their personal relationship with God as a top priority in their lives. Everything else in their lives, families and ministries should follow this.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Keep The Commands Of The Lord!
‘Keep The Commands Of The Lord.’
a) Proverbs 19:16; Luke 10:28. Then we keep our own life well.
b) Proverbs 3:1. In our heart.
c) Proverbs 29:18. They will make us happy.
d) Psalm 103:17-18. And we can expect that our children will come to Him.
e) Ecclesiastes 8:5. We will not be punished.
f) Ecclesiastes 12:13. It is our duty.
g) Jeremiah 7:23. All will be well.
h) Luke 11:28. We will be Blessed.
i) John 14:15 & 21-23; 1 John 5:3. It is evidence of our Love for Him.
j) John 15:10. Then we remain in His Love.
k) 1 Corinthians 7:19. It is important.
l) 1 John 2:3. It helps us have assurance of Salvation.
(Through this QT I want to Keep The Commands Of The Lord)
‘We Are Those People.’
Romans 8:28-29.
a) For those people who love God all things work together for good.
b) Those people who love God are called according to His Purpose.
c) Those people whom God foreknew He predestined to be conformed to the Image of His Son.
(Through This Second On I Thank God that I Am That Person)
When we read Romans 8:29 it really helps us to get Romans 8:28 in context. Our Christian life is not all about us, it is all about Him and how He will be Glorified in and though us. Keeping the Word of God in context is important.
If We Want To See The Glory Of God!
‘If We Want To See The Glory Of God.
John 11:40-43.
a) John 11:40. We need Faith in Him.
b) John 11:41. We need to be prepared and in good cooperative fellowship with the Lord.
c) John 11:41-43. We need to continually Trust the Words of Jesus, as revealed in the Word of God.
(Through this QT I understand how I should be living If I Want To See The Glory Of God)
‘Hate Jealousy.’
Psalm 73:3-15.
a) Psalm 73:3-9. The conduct of jealous people. They accuse the people that they are jealous of.
b) Psalm 73:10-11. They try to bring God in “on their side”.
c) Psalm 73:12. They frequently accuse the people that they are jealous of.
d) Psalm 73:13-15. They get into:-
1- Self Righteousness.
2- Self Pity.
3- Anger to God.
(Through this Second one I Hate Jealousy)
God cannot be manipulated. Sometimes immature or ill taught Believers try to bring God on to “their side”. This never resolves any difficulty or conflict but only makes things worse. The Word of God tells us clearly how to resolve our problems and it is never by manipulating Him or trying to bring Him on to “their side”.
Apostle Paul Was Ready!
‘Apostle Paul Was Ready.’
Romans 1:15.
a) As much as was in him.
b) He was ready.
c) To Preach the Gospel to the people of Rome.
(Through this QT: Apostle Paul Was Ready, I also want to be ready always to do the Will of God)
‘Trinitarian Witness.’
1 John 5:7-8.
a) These three are One.
b) The Three that bear witness in Heaven:-
1- The Father.
2- The Word.
3- The Holy Spirit.
c) These Three agree as one.
d) The Three that bear witness on Earth:-
1- The Holy Spirit.
2- The Water.
3- The Blood.
(Through this Second one I understand the Trinitarian Witness)
God always works in agreement with Himself. The Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are always in agreement. When God manifests Himself in the Church or in the World there is also always agreement between the Holy Spirit, the Water (the washing by the Word) and the Blood.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Good Men Handling The Money!
‘Good Men Handling The Money.’
2 Corinthians 8:18-22.
These anonymous men were to help Titus on his journey and they were responsible for handling the financial matters and gifts of the Churches.
a) 2 Corinthians 8:18. The first brother was praised in the Churches. He had a good reputation.
b) 2 Corinthians 8:19. He was chosen by the Churches for this matter.
c) 2 Corinthians 8:20. He was there also to help Apostle Paul so that Paul did not handle the finances and therefore be open to accusation.
d) 2 Corinthians 8:21. Everything needed to be honourable in the sight of God and people.
e) 2 Corinthians 8:22. The second man was diligent by reputation and took his responsibility seriously.
(This QT reminds me that in stewardship of Mission giving there needs to be Good Men Handling The Money)
‘The Sound Local Church.’
Romans 1:7.
a) Is local – serving the local community where they are.
b) Is Beloved of God.
c) Are called to be saints. (They are not there yet – but they know and are living in their calling)
d) Receives Grace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) Receives Peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This Second one gives me a glimpse into The Sound Local Church)
The sound local Church needs to be local. The first area of outreach and care needs to be in the immediate locality of the Church. All the mission activity of the Church is first proven in the immediate locality. For the local Church to be effective, Biblical and meaningful it has to have a good reputation in the immediate locality.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lazy People!
‘Lazy People.’
a) Proverbs 19:15. Sleep their life away and go hungry.
b) Proverbs 6:10-11. Go into seasons of poverty and scarcity.
c) Proverbs 10:26. Are a pain to their employer.
d) Proverbs 20:4. Will go hungry.
e) Proverbs 24:30-31; Ecclesiastes 10:18. Do not care for their property.
(Through this QT I do not want to be a Lazy Person)
‘Trusting What Jesus Says To Us.’
John 4:50.
a) Jesus said to the man that he should go because his son would live.
b) The man Believed what Jesus said to him.
c) So the man went on his way.
(Through this Second one I realise that I need to keep Trusting What Jesus Says To Me)
When we have property God wants us to be good stewards of the property that He has given to us. The word “property” can cover a vast number of things, if however, we have property we should fully understand that we are responsible for it.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Roman Doxology!
‘The Roman Doxology.’
Romans 16:25-27.
a) Romans 16:25. God is given Glory because He is able to establish us through the Gospel.
b) Romans 16:25-26. God is Glorified in all the Nations through the understanding of the Mystery of the Prophetic Scriptures.
c) Romans 16:26. God is Glorified through the Church’s obedience to His Commands.
d) Romans 16:27. God alone receives all the Glory.
(Through this QT I desire to Glorify God along with The Roman Doxology)
‘When The Work Is Done.’
Romans 15:23.
a) Apostle Paul was clear and frank in his decision.
b) Where he was his work was finished in a certain place.
c) Psalm 37:4. He had a great desire, God gave Him this.
d) He was ready to move on to Rome.
(This Second one really encouraged me today: When The Work Is Done)
God is given Glory – that is the prime reason for our lives – that God will be given Glory through them. The whole purpose of our being is to Glorify God. Let us not dream unobtainable dreams or envision ‘visions’ that are of our own imagination, rather let us live for the Glory of God.
The Dawn Meeting!
‘The Dawn Meeting.’
Luke 21:37-38.
a) Jesus taught in the Temple during the day.
b) Jesus stayed on the Mt. Olivet at night.
c) Early in the morning He was back in the Temple – the people came to hear Him.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus ministered at The Dawn Meeting, we can so often receive abundant Grace at that meeting)
‘It Is Good To Remember Holy Communion.’
Luke 22:19-20.
a) Jesus:-
1- Took the bread.
2- Gave thanks to God the Father for it.
3- Broke it.
4- Gave it to the Apostles who were with Him.
b) Jesus said that it was His Body that was broken for them and they were to take in remembrance of Him.
c) After the supper they were sharing He took the cup.
d) Jesus said that the cup was the New Covenant in His Blood which was shed for them.
e) 1 Corinthians 11:25. They were also to take the cup in remembrance of Him.
(Through this Second one I know that It Is Good To Remember Holy Communion)
We can so often receive abundant Grace at the Dawn Meeting. Here is a place of commitment, it takes effort to go to the Dawn Meeting. Here is a place of Sacrifice, people give up an hour or so of sleep to go to the Dawn Meeting. Here is a place where God may meet with us in a special way because we have purely come to seek Him at the Dawn Meeting. I found that the Dawn Meeting is one of the best places for God to heal and correct our lives.
Titus - An Excellent Messenger!
‘Titus – An Excellent Messenger.’
2 Corinthians 8:16-17.
a) Apostle Paul thanked God for him.
b) Titus genuinely cared for the Corinthian Church.
c) He accepted the exhortation to go to Corinth.
d) He was very diligent.
e) He went to Corinth of his own accord.
(This QT teaches me from the life of Titus – An Excellent Messenger)
‘A Good Testifier To Jesus Christ.’
John 21:24.
a) Should be a Disciple of Jesus Christ.
b) Should be able to speak a Testimony for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
c) Should be able to write a Testimony for the Glory of Jesus Christ.
d) Should have a good reputation as a truthful testifier.
(Through this Second one I want to be A Good Testifier To Jesus Christ)
It is very good, right and wholesome when in our conversations we can give thanks to God for people rather than gossip about them and say negative things behind their backs. Let us change our negative habits into positive ones.
Where Will You Go?
‘Where Will You Go?’
a) John 7:53. Back home, disillusioned with Jesus Christ.
b) John 8:1. Forward, to do the Will of God.
c) Exodus 33:15. Together with the Presence of God.
d) Psalm 42:4. With the multitude to the House of God.
e) Psalm 58:3. Astray, in wickedness.
f) Proverbs 6:6. To the ant to consider her ways.
(This QT asks me a very important question: Where Will I Go?)
‘Be Sure We Will Be Able To Go.’
John 7:36.
a) The Jews could not understand Jesus’ Teaching about Heaven and His place there.
b) He told them that they were going to seek Him.
c) He told them that they would not find Him.
d) He told them that where He was going to be they could not come.
(Through this Second one I know that I should Be Sure I Will Be Able To Go because I am Saved by Grace, I know Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and that He has gone to prepare a place for me)
Go together with the Presence of God! If the Presence of God does not go with us – we should not go. We need to have confidence in the Leading and Presence of God when we endeavour to step out to do His Will. It is not enough to step out “by faith” if we do not have assurance that the Presence of God goes with us.
Happy Families!
‘Happy Families.’
Proverbs 19:13-14.
a) Have intelligent and not foolish children.
b) Have wives that are positive and not contentious.
c) Have fathers who leave them an inheritance of some kind.
d) Have prudent wives.
(This QT shows me Happy Families)
‘The Appearing And Commission Of Jesus.’
Mark 16:9-20.
a) Mark 16:9. Jesus rose early on the first day of the week and appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom He had cast seven demons.
b) Mark 16:10-11. She went and told other followers of Jesus but they refused to believe her.
c) Mark 16:12-13. Jesus appeared to two other followers as they were walking into the countryside, they went and told the others but the other people refused to believe also.
d) Mark 16:14. Jesus then appeared to the eleven disciples as they sat at table eating. He rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those people who had seen Him after He had risen.
e) Mark 16:15. Jesus told the Disciples to go into all the World and Preach the Gospel to every creature.
f) Mark 16:16. Jesus explained the result of this Gospel Preaching. The person who Believed and was Baptised would be Saved. The person who did not Believe would be lost.
g) Mark 16:17-18. Jesus described the signs that would follow the Preaching of the Gospel:-
1- The casting out of demons.
2- The speaking with new languages.
3- Miraculous protection for the Servants of the Lord who were carrying out His Will.
4- Healing.
h) Mark 16:19. After giving this Commission Jesus went back to Heaven, seated at the Right Hand of the Father.
i) Mark 16:20. Then the Disciples went out and Preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirmed the Word with accompanying signs.
(This challenging Second one reminds me of The Appearing And Commission Of Jesus)
The speaking with new languages is a very broad and special gift. It is not just narrowly limited to the Pentecostal/Charismatic Church phenomenon (which can be accepted Biblically if executed correctly). There are other forms of speaking in new languages, some by miracle and others by education. The main purpose of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is to fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to all the Nations.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Continue To Believe The Scriptures
‘Continue To Believe The Scriptures.’
2 Peter 3:13-16.
a) 2 Peter 3:13-14. We look forward to the Promises of the Lord, especially those Promises of a New Heaven and a New Earth where Righteousness dwells.
b) 2 Peter 3:14. We should be diligent to be found by the Lord:-
1- In Peace.
2- Without spot.
3- Blameless.
c) 2 Peter 3:15. Consider that the Longsuffering of the Lord is Salvation.
d) 2 Peter 3:15-16. Consider the writings of Apostle Paul’s Epistles.
e) 2 Peter 3:16. Do not follow untaught or unstable people who twist the Scriptures to their own destruction.
(This QT encourages me to Continue To Believe The Scriptures)
‘Apostle Paul’s Message And Life Pattern.’
1 Timothy 1:15-16.
a) Paul’s message was that Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners.
b) Paul’s message was a humble testimony of his own Salvation by Grace. (The chief of sinners)
c) Paul’s life pattern was a response to God’s Mercy, that in him Christ Jesus would be revealed in longsuffering to those people who were going to Believe on Him for Eternal Life. (The suffering of Christ for them)
(Through this Second one we catch a glimpse of Apostle Paul’s Message And Life Pattern)
We can thank Father God that He so loved us that He sent His Son into this World to save sinners – that, of course, includes us. Let us always value the Saving Presence of the Lord in our lives.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Beautiful Giving!
‘Beautiful Giving.’
2 Corinthians 8:10-15.
a) 2 Corinthians 8:10. Apostle Paul knew the Corinthian Church’s genuine desire to give to those people who needed.
b) 2 Corinthians 8:11. They were to complete their giving well. Giving from what they had and not being burdened by giving.
c) 2 Corinthians 8:12. It is wanting to give that makes the gift acceptable.
d) 2 Corinthians 8:13. All giving should be done fairly. Not “expectation” but Grace.
e) 2 Corinthians 8:14. We should all be able to give out of our abundance. There are times of giving and receiving.
f) 2 Corinthians 8:15. The beautiful fairness of Biblical Giving.
(This QT teaches me about Beautiful Giving)
‘The Lord’s Perfect Time.’
John 11:6.
a) Jesus knew the situation.
b) Lazarus, whom Jesus loved so much, was sick.
c) Jesus stayed where He was. (He did not go to another place)
d) For two days before going to Lazarus.
(Through this Second one I trust The Lord’s Perfect Time)
Giving should never be a burden – it should be a joy. Whether we have a Gift of Giving or we just simply want to give, our giving should never be a burden. If we are not able to give because of our circumstances we should not feel guilty.
They Roar!
‘They Roar.’
a) Proverb 19:12; Judges 14:5; Psalm 22:13. An angry king and a lion.
b) Genesis 1:2; Psalm 65:7; 89:9. The ocean.
c) Job 37:2 & 4. God in the thunder.
d) Psalm 42:7. Waterfalls.
e) Isaiah 17:12-13. Great waters.
f) Isaiah 21:1. Disaster.
g) Jeremiah 17:27; Daniel 3:23. Flames.
h) Nahum 3:2. Chariots.
i) Acts 2:2. A mighty windstorm.
j) 1 Peter 5:8. The devil.
(This QT reminds me of my apprehension because They Roar, I prefer quiet ways rather than roaring ways)
‘They Wept.’
a) John 11:35. Jesus.
b) Genesis 21:16. Hagar.
c) Genesis 23:2. Abraham.
d) Genesis 27:38; 33:4. Esau.
e) Genesis 29:11. Jacob.
f) Genesis 42:24; 43:30; 45:15. Joseph.
g) Genesis 50:3. The Egyptians.
h) Numbers 11:4; 20:29; Deuteronomy 1:45. The people of Israel.
i) Judges 14:16. Samson’s wife.
j) Ruth 1:9. Naomi and her daughters in law.
k) 1 Samuel 1:7. Hannah.
l) 1 Samuel 20:41. David and Jonathan.
m) 1 Samuel 24:16. King Saul.
n) 1 Samuel 30:4. David and his men.
o) 2 Kings 8:11. The man of God.
p) 2 Kings 13:14. King Jehoash.
q) 2 Kings 20:3; Isaiah 38:3. Hezekiah.
r) Ezra 3:12. The:-
1- Older priests.
2- Levites.
3- Family heads.
s) Nehemiah 1:4.
t) Job 2:12; 30:25. Job’s friends.
u) Psalm 69:10. David.
v) Matthew 26:75. Peter.
w) John 20:11.
x) Acts 20:37. Apostle Paul and the Ephesian Elders.
y) Revelation 5:4. John the Revelator.
(Through this Second one: They Wept, I thank God for the ability to weep when I need to)
King David and his men had many dramatic experiences. Sometimes they were so tired because of all that they had done. At other times they rejoiced because of the victory that the Lord had given to them. There were other times that they cried because of their big mistakes in not protecting their families and property well.
Friday, February 11, 2011
God’s Love Helps Us To Endure!
‘God’s Love Helps Us To Endure.’
Romans 5:3-5.
a) Romans 5:3. Our suffering and tribulation produces patience and endurance. We should not have the wrong attitude towards our suffering and tribulation.
b) Romans 5:4. Endurance produces character and character produces hope.
c) Romans 5:5. Our hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
(Through this QT I am thankful because God’s Love Helps Me To Endure)
‘If You Had Been Here – An Opportunity For God’s Grace.’
John 11:21-32.
a) John 11:21. Lazarus was dead. There was much pain in the family who were good friends of Jesus. Martha said to Jesus: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
b) John 11:22. Martha had strong Faith in Jesus.
c) John 11:23. Jesus said clearly that Lazarus would rise again.
d) John 11:24. Martha knew the Scriptures about the Resurrection at the last day.
e) John 11:25-26. Jesus reaffirmed that He was (and still is) the Resurrection and the Life.
f) John 11:27. Martha reaffirmed her belief in Jesus.
g) John 11:28. Martha went and called Mary to come to Jesus.
h) John 11:29-31. Mary arose quickly and went out to meet Him, the mourners who had been gathered in the house followed.
i) John 11:32. Mary had the same idea as Martha: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
(Through this Second one I understand this challenge to my Faith: If You Had Been Here – An Opportunity For God’s Grace)
Martha knew the Scriptures! Think about that! She must have been in on Jesus' Teaching sessions. In fact it seems right through into the Book of Acts that Believing Women were treated well in a spiritual way. The women, as well as the men were able to be followers of Jesus. The early Church was made up of families. It was a family Church.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Amazing Grace!
‘Amazing Grace.’
2 Corinthians 8:9.
a) This Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is to be known.
b) Isaiah 50:7-12. He was rich.
c) Philippians 2:6-8. Yet for our sales He became poor.
d) So that by His poverty.
e) We might become rich.
(Through this QT I again thank God for Amazing Grace)
‘The Holy Spirit Intercedes For Us.’
Romans 8:26-27.
a) The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.
b) We do not know what to pray for as we ought.
c) The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groaning that are too deep for words.
d) He (God) Who searches the heart knows the Mind of the Holy Spirit.
e) The Holy Spirit intercedes for us according to the Will of God.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to God that The Holy Spirit Intercedes For Me)
God is so rich, He owns everything! We can have confidence in God meeting our needs when we are in His Will. Poverty, disease and famine are all in God’s Hands. Many of the World’s problems are because of the sin of mankind. If people and Nations turned to God they would find His Help and Answer to their problems.
Foolish Or Sensible People!
‘Foolish Or Sensible People.’
Proverbs 19:10-11.
a) It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury.
b) It is foolish for a servant to rule over princes.
c) It is sensible to be slow to anger.
d) It is sensible to overlook an offence.
(Here, in this QT is a helpful check, am I a Foolish Or Sensible Person?)
‘Apostle Paul’s Excellent Consideration.’
Romans 8:18.
a) He considered the sufferings.
b) Not historical things but of the present time of his writing.
c) He considered these sufferings as nothing.
d) Compared with the Glory that was going to be revealed toward the saints of his time (and towards us as well).
(Through this Second one I am Blessed by Apostle Paul’s Excellent Consideration)
It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury. There are times, especially in the realm of power and politics, when cunning fools live in luxury. These cunning fools are sometimes corrupt too and make many problems for the countries in which they have responsibility. The Bible exhorts us strongly to pray for our National Leaders and surely we should do so.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Exalted And Preeminent Son Of God!
‘The Exalted And Preeminent Son Of God.’
Romans 8:29.
a) There are people whom God has foreknown and already chosen.
b) These people are being conformed to the Image of God’s Son.
c) The Son is continually the Firstborn among many Brothers and Sisters.
(This QT makes me ever grateful for The Exalted And Preeminent Son Of God)
‘His Good First.’
Romans 8:28.
This verse has been abused so much and made into a “blessing” verse for Believers. However in the context of Romans 8 it was never meant to be taken like that.
a) Apostle Paul and his team knew the following as a fact.
b) Apostle Paul had been writing about difficult and painful circumstances in this chapter.
c) He is writing about “all things” that happen.
d) These things happen for the good.
e) This does not mean for our personal good but rather for God’s Glory.
f) We need to remember that we are those people who are Called according to His Purpose.
(This Second one reminds me that it is for His Good First)
The major process that is, or should be, going on in the True Believer’s life is that they are being conformed to the Image of God’s Son. This word “conformed” speaks of a process in our lives which takes place as we walk daily with the Lord. There may be occasional “events” that push the process along but these are the exception and not the rule.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Genuine Love!
‘Genuine Love.’
a) 2 Corinthians 8:8. Can be tested, especially by our spiritual leaders.
b) Romans 12:9. Is the way to live for a True Believer.
c) 2 Corinthians 6:6. Should be one of the motivational parts of our ministry.
(This QT speaks to my heart about the necessity for Genuine Love)
‘Peter’s Timely Reminder.’
2 Peter 1:3-13.
a) 2 Peter 1:3. God’s Divine Power has given us everything that we need for Life and Godliness.
b) 2 Peter 1:3. This Divine Power comes to us through our knowing Christ.
c) 2 Peter 1:4. Through God’s Divine Power it is granted to us to receive God’s precious and very great Promises.
d) 2 Peter 1:4. Through these Promises we become partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the World system.
e) 2 Peter 1:5. We should respond to being a partaker of the Divine Nature, a True Believer, by adding Integrity to our Faith and then Knowledge to our Integrity.
f) 2 Peter 1:6-7. We add:-
1- Self control to our Knowledge.
2- Steadfastness to our Self Control.
3- Godliness to our Steadfastness.
4- Christian kindness to our Godliness.
5- Love to our Christian kindness.
g) 2 Peter 1:8. If these qualities are in our lives and are increasing, they keep us from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
h) 2 Peter 1:9. If we lack these qualities we are so blind and we have forgotten that we are cleansed from our former sins.
i) 2 Peter 1:10. We should be diligent to make our Calling and Election sure. If we practice these qualities we will never fail.
j) 2 Peter 1:11. This is the Way into the entrance of the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
k) 2 Peter 1:12-13. These are things that we frequently need reminding of. Peter calls it a timely reminder.
(Through this Second one I am challenged by Peter’s Timely Reminder)
It is a very important part of our response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we come to Knowledge of Him. Not just knowledge about Him but Knowledge of Him. The next step in Knowing Jesus Christ is that we become effective and fruitful True Believers.
Monday, February 7, 2011
False Witnesses!
‘False Witnesses.’
a) Proverbs 19:9; 19:5. Will not go unpunished.
b) Proverbs 6:19; 12:17; 14:5. Pour out lies.
c) Proverbs 14:25. Are traitors.
d) Proverbs 21:28. Will be cut off.
e) Matthew 26:60. Facilitated the death of Jesus Christ.
f) Exodus 23:1. Cooperate with evil people.
(Through this QT I dislike False Witnesses intensely)
‘A Pathway To Maturity.
James 1:2-4.
a) James 1:2. It is a difficult pathway for when we encounter many trials we are to consider it pure Joy. In other words God is working through our trials.
b) James 1:3. The testing of our Faith produces steadfastness.
c) James 1:4. Perseverance must finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
(This Second one teaches me A Pathway To Maturity)
False witnesses pour out lies. One can never trust a false witness. If a relationship is broken by false witness we should let it remain broken until God takes some kind of initiative to restore it. God says that false witnesses will be cut off and He is the only one Who can graft them back in again.
The Lovely Presence Of God!
‘The Lovely Presence Of God.’
Psalm 16:11.
a) He makes known to us the path of life.
b) In His Presence there is fullness of Joy.
c) At His Right Hand there are pleasures for evermore.
(This QT makes me long for The Lovely Presence Of God)
a) Romans 12:21. Evil with good.
b) Genesis 24:60. All our enemies.
c) Psalm 31:7. With Joy because of God’s unfailing Love.
d) Ecclesiastes 9:18. Weapons of war with Wisdom.
e) Ecclesiastes 10:4. Great mistakes with a quiet spirit.
f) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11. Sorrow and mourning with Joy and Gladness.
(This Second one teaches me what and how to Overcome)
It is surely the desire of every True Believer to overcome every situation in life that they need to overcome by the Grace and Power of God. Not all overcoming is achieved by prayer alone. The Bible tells us that we are to overcome evil with good. Sometimes actions work where prayers, protests and words do not work.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Good Acts!
‘Good Acts.’
a) 2 Corinthians 8:6, 7 & 19. Acts of Grace.
b) Acts 4:9; Philemon 1:14. Acts of Kindness.
c) Romans 5:18. Acts of Righteousness.
d) Hebrews 11:17. Acts of Offering.
(Through this QT I see how God notes and is pleased with people who do Good Acts)
‘When Sorrow Is Turned Into Joy.’
John 16:20-28.
a) John 16:20. Our sorrow as True Believers is when the World system is rejoicing but we are weeping.
b) John 16:21. The sorrow of labour pain leads to the joy of motherhood.
c) John 16:22. When we see Jesus our sorrow will be taken away forever and we will have everlasting joy.
d) John 16:23-24. Joy comes as we ask the Father in the Name of Jesus and He answers our prayer.
e) John 16:25-27. When we know and experience the Love of Father God through and in our prayers.
f) John 16:28. When we understand that Jesus is with the Father interceding for us.
(Through this Second one I rejoice at those times When Sorrow Is Turned Into Joy)
All of us face times of sorrow in our lives. This is part of life. In fact there are times when we need sorrow to deal with painful and difficult events in our lives. For the True Believer, however, whatever the result of the “episode” we may go through our sorrow will be turned into Joy by the Lord. This does not include people who battle with depression and continuing negative thoughts, these people need the acceptance and love of the True Believers first and then (maybe) some ease of their pain through medical means
Keep It!
‘Keep It’
a) Proverbs 19:8. Understanding – it will do us good.
b) Proverbs 2:1; 4:4. Parents’ instructions.
c) Proverbs 3:18. Wisdom – we will be happy.
d) Proverbs 3:21. Good planning and insight.
e) Proverbs 22:18; John 14:21. The Word of God deep in our heart.
(Putting it very simply – this QT reminds me to Keep It)
‘The Pathway To Genuine Joy.’
John 15:21.
a) Is through the Words that Jesus speaks to us from the Word of God.
b) Then His Joy comes to us.
c) As a result of this our joy is made full.
(Through this Second one I find The Pathway To Genuine Joy)
(We need to simply receive the Word of God as it is. There is no need to oversimplify the Message of the Word of God. If it is well taught and clearly received, the Word of God can be understood by all people. There needs to be clear teaching and preaching of the Gospel to non believers so that they may come to Faith in Christ and there also needs to be clear teaching of the Word of God to True Believers so that they will grow in Christ)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A Good Example Of Prayer!
‘A Good Example Of Prayer.’
Ephesians 3:14-21.
a) Ephesians 3:14. Prayer in humility.
b) Ephesians 3:15. Prayer that recognises the Greatness and Omniscience of God.
c) Ephesians 3:16. Prayer for a Biblical filling and working of the Holy Spirit.
d) Ephesians 3:17. Prayer that is positive.
e) Ephesians 3:18-19. Prayer to know the Love of God and to be filled with all the Fullness of God.
f) Ephesians 3:20. Prayer that trusts the Omnipotence of God.
g) Ephesians 3:21. Prayer that gives Glory to God.
(In this QT I find A Good Example Of Prayer)
‘The Fountain Is Ready.'
Isaiah 12:3.
a) We have to come to the fountain and draw out the water.
b) This water will give us Joy.
c) This is the fountain of Salvation.
(This Second one reminds me that The Fountain Is Ready)
The Fullness of God. What a lovely description of what God has for us. God wants to give us His Fullness. This Fullness is connected with being filled with the Love of God and knowing the Love of God. There is much written in the Scriptures about the Love of God and Romans tells us that the Love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
Above Expectations!
‘Above Expectations.’
2 Corinthians 8:5.
a) The Corinthian Church gave financially to the work of God above the expectations of Apostle Paul and his team.
b) The Corinthian Church also gave themselves to the Lord.
c) They also gave themselves to Apostle Paul’s team in the Will of God.
(Through this QT I understand what it means to give in a way that is Above Expectations)
‘Our Life As A Believer.’
1 Peter 1:3-12.
a) 1 Peter 1:3. Is a life with a living Hope.
b) 1 Peter 1:4. Leads us to an Inheritance that is kept safe for us in Heaven that cannot:-
1- Decay.
2- Spoil.
3- Fade.
c) 1 Peter 1:5. Through Faith our Salvation is guarded.
d) 1 Peter 1:6. We Rejoice in our Salvation even though we face grief in various trials.
e) 1 Peter 1:7. Our Faith, which is more precious than gold, maybe tested by fire.
f) 1 Peter 1:8. We love Jesus Christ even though we have not yet seen Him.
g) 1 Peter 1:8. We believe in Jesus Christ and we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of Glory.
h) 1 Peter 1:9. We are receiving what our Faith is aiming at – the Salvation of our soul.
i) 1 Peter 1:10. We live in Grace.
j) 1 Peter 1:11. We believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
k) 1 Peter 1:12. We receive the Gospel by the working of the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I find My Life As A Believer)
The Corinthian Church was a growing Church, I mean growing in maturity. Apostle Paul needed to correct many of their faults and wrong concepts. All during this correction process he kept on assuring them of his love and of God’s Love. This Church had such obvious great potential. Even though they were new Believers they were very generous in their financial giving. They gave above Apostle Paul’s expectations. This reminds me that our giving as True Believers is a part of our Worship.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Fickle People!
‘Fickle People.’
Proverbs 19:2-7.
a) Proverbs 19:2. To have desire without knowledge means that you will miss the way.
b) Proverbs 19:3. One’s own folly leads to ruin and then the heart rages against the Lord.
c) Proverbs 19:4. The poor person loses their closest “friends”.
d) Proverbs 19:5. A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free.
e) Proverbs 19:6. Ask favours of rulers and are “friends” of people who give gifts.
f) Proverbs 19:7. A poor man’s relatives hate him and his “friends” stay away from him.
(This QT shows me fickle people)
‘Learn The Way To Life.’
a) Proverbs 6:23. From the Word of God.
b) Proverbs 10:17; 3:11-12. Through heeding discipline.
c) Proverbs 27:9. By heeding advice from a friend.
d) Proverbs 23:15-16. With a wise heart and right words.
e) 2 Thessalonians 3:4. Through obedience.
(Through this Second one I can Learn The Way To Life)
Fickle people are friends of people who can give them something. That is not friendship at all, that is using people. Time and time again wealthy people are wounded by people asking them favours. This is why it is better for wealthy and famous people to have their own Worship. Then they can enjoy the Presence of the Lord rather than be hounded by fickle people.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Remember God's Goodness!
‘Remember God’s Goodness.’
a) Deuteronomy 8:18. He is the One Who enables us to produce wealth.
b) Proverbs 28:20. He wants us to be Faithful, then we will abound with Blessings.
c) 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Live as He wants us to live.
(This QT encourages me to Remember God’s Goodness)
‘Parents Being Good Examples.’
a) Psalm 23:26. As parents to their children.
b) Proverbs 4:1-4. Of spiritual and practical life.
c) Proverbs 15:32. By giving correction.
d) Matthew 22:35-40. In loving the Lord our God and other people.
(Through this Second one I understand the importance of Parents Being Good Examples)
Parents need to be good examples to their children if they hope to have obedient and successful children. There are many homes that are “Christian” homes but they do not follow the teachings of the Word of God within their family. This will present many difficulties to the Children as they mature. Parents need to be good examples to their children.
The Generous Macedonians!
‘The Generous Macedonians.’
2 Corinthians 8:1-4.
a) 2 Corinthians 8:1. They received an abundance of the Grace of God.
b) 2 Corinthians 8:2. They were in trouble and need, yet they gave freely to the needs of others.
c) 2 Corinthians 8:3; 9:7-8. They gave as they were able and even more than that and they gave it from their hearts.
d) 2 Corinthians 8:4. They asked Apostle Paul that their gifts might be used for the needs of the True Believers.
(Through this QT I give thanks to God for The Generous Macedonians)
‘The Gospel.’
a) Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 15:2. Is the Power of God that brings Salvation to everyone that believes.
b) Romans 1:17. Reveals the Righteousness of God.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:23; 15:3-4. Is the preaching about Christ on the Cross.
d) 1 Corinthians 9:16. Is the Message that preachers are compelled to preach.
e) Galatians 1:6-9. Has no other alternative.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of the clarity and simplicity of The Gospel)
All giving in Church needs to be giving from our hearts. Firstly, giving ourselves to do the Will of God in serving in the Church. If we really consider ourselves as a part of the local Church we should give ourselves to doing God’s Will in that local Church. Secondly, giving ourselves to do the Will of God in His Mission or Calling for us, wherever and whenever that may Will may be. Thirdly, financial giving in the Church should not be out of mere obligation or duty, but rather willingly and worshipfully from our heart.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
People Of Integrity!
‘People Of Integrity.’
a) Proverbs 19:1. Being poor and yet living uprightly is better than being crooked.
b) Genesis 18:19. Direct their families in the Way of the Lord and do what is right and just.
c) Job 27:4. Speak no evil and tell no lies.
d) Job 29:14. Do everything justly and honestly.
e) Proverbs 10:9. Have firm footing.
f) 2 Corinthians 4:2. Reject shameful and underhanded methods.
g) 2 Corinthians 4:2. Do not try to trick anyone.
h) 2 Corinthians 4:2. Do not distort the Word of God.
i) 2 Corinthians 4:2. Tell the Truth before God.
j) 2 Corinthians 7:2. Do not do wrong to anyone.
k) 2 Corinthians 7:2. Do not lead anyone astray.
l) 2 Corinthians 7:2. Do not take advantage of anyone.
m) Colossians 3:22. Because of their fear of the Lord are good employees.
n) 1 Thessalonians 2:4. Purpose to please God first.
o) 1 Timothy 1:5. Love other people with a love that comes from:-
1-A pure heart.
2-A clean conscience.
3-A sincere faith.
p) Hebrews 13:18. Live honourably in everything they do.
(Through this QT I want to be amongst People Of Integrity)
‘The Purity Of The Priests.’
Leviticus 21:5.
a) They were not to make baldness on their heads (as priests of pagan religions did).
b) They were not to shave off the corners of their beard (as priests of pagan religions did).
c) They were not to make any cuttings in their flesh (as priests of pagan religions did).
(Through this Second one I am reminded of The Purity Of The Priests, which was God’s standard for them)
Living honourably in everything we do. This is a challenge that all True Believers face daily. Do we live to please our selves or do we live to please God. The testimony of the Churches is poor in these days. Many Churches have strayed away from the desire to please God and are just trying to please (and fill) themselves. May we all learn to live honourably in everything we do.
Our Calling!
‘Our Calling.’
a) 2 Corinthians 5:15. Is to live unto Christ.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:17. Is to live as a new creation.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:18. Is to be at Peace with God through Jesus Christ.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:18-19. Is to the Ministry of Reconciliation.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:20. Is to be ambassadors for Christ.
(Through this QT I am reminded of My Calling)
‘Beware Of Our Defeated Foe.’
a) Job 1:6-7. Satan is still active on the Earth and in the World system but we do not have to be defeated by him.
b) Revelation 12:9-10. Because he is the accuser of the True Believers.
c) 2 Corinthians 4:4. Because he is god of this World system.
d) Ephesians 2:2. Because he is the prince of the power of the air.
(This Second one reminds me to Beware Of My Defeated Foe)
Reconciliation is a powerful and active word. We are reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first and most important Biblical reconciliation. There are still times, even as True Believers, when our relationship with God is not as it should be, and if that happens we need to be reconciled with God. There are also times that we have difficult or broken relationships with other people. Sometimes God speaks to us about reconciliation with them too.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Apostle Paul And The Corinthian Church!
‘Apostle Paul And The Corinthian Church.’
2 Corinthians 7:16.
In this Scripture we read a very lovely testimony of both Apostle Paul and of the Corinthian Church.
a) Apostle Paul was:-
1- Rejoicing.
2- Happy.
3- Glad.
b) Apostle Paul was free to express himself – “I can have”.
c) Apostle Paul’s blessed state. In the Corinthian Church he could have:-
1- Complete confidence.
2- Perfect confidence.
3- Good courage.
(Through this QT I find a beautiful situation: Apostle Paul And The Corinthian Church)
‘Being Made Clean.’
a) Leviticus 14:9. To be cleansed completely from suspicion of leprosy:-
1- Shave off all facial hair.
2- Wash clothes.
3- Bathe all over with water.
b) Leviticus 19:28. Protect your skin, do not mutilate it.
c) Leviticus 19:29. Protect your children from becoming immoral.
d) Leviticus 19:30. Reverence for the House of God.
(This Second one teaches me the importance of cleansing and being clean in the Old Testament this was both for spiritual and health reasons. We should also be clean in this New Testament dispensation. Clean bodies, clean hearts and clean lives for God’s Glory – all because of Jesus Christ)
Apostle Paul was so blessed by the Corinthian Church. The Corinthian Church had so many problems but they also received so much Grace. The lives of the Corinthian Church members were being changed because they were responding to the Truth and Grace of God. This is such a good lesson for us. Let us always respond to the Truth and Grace of God.
Being Friends!
‘Being Friends.’
Proverbs 18:24.
a) A friend must show themselves as being friendly.
b) A friend may sometimes be closer than a brother.
c) A friend does not affront or quarrel with their friends.
d) A friend should show love to their friends by:-
1-Beeing free with them.
2-Pleasing them in godly ways.
3-Visiting them.
4-Welcoming them.
5-Serving them.
e) The best way to be loved is to be lovely.
f) Proverbs 17:17. A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother or sister in times of trouble.
(This QT teaches me the reality of Being Friends)
‘The Correct Way.’
a) Psalm 1:6. Is watched over for us by the Lord.
b) Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 30:21. The Lord will guide us in it.
c) Matthew 7:14. Is narrow.
d) Acts 9:2; 19:9. True Believers are called followers of it.
e) Acts 19:23. Does not compromise with darkness.
f) Acts 24:14. Is to be followed.
g) Hebrews 10:20. Is life giving.
(Through this Second one I want to follow The Correct Way)
We should be free with our friends and them with us. There is no place in real friendship for manipulation, intimidation or domination. These three things are real friendship breakers and can make our human relationships devastated. Let us aim to be good friends with our friends and avoid controlling friendships of any kind.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...