‘Have We Gone Wrong?’
Romans 13:1-7.
The Bible is relevant and meaningful for this generation just as much as it was relevant for the generation in which it was written. There is no part of the New Testament that only has historical relevancy.
Man in his quest for “freedom” has majored on democracy rather than on Jesus to be One to give freedom. This is mankind’s big mistake and caused so much of the World today to wander away from God and in to being, in many instances, not a nice or pleasant World to live in.
As Believers in Jesus, the least we can do for our political leaders is to pray for them. By political leaders I mean both Government and opposition leaders.
a) Romans 13:1. Every Leader of every Nation in the World is ordained by God and as God’s people we should be in subjection to our leaders.
b) Romans 13:2. If we resist our leaders, we are resisting God’s Authority and we will be Judged for it.
c) Romans 13:3. If we live a good life we should have no reason to be afraid of our leaders.
d) Romans 13:4. The leader is the Servant of God, even if they are not Christian, and has to execute National Law.
e) Romans 13:5. For our conscience sake before God we should be subject to our National leaders.
f) Romans 13:6. We should honestly pay our taxes.
g) Romans 13:7. We are to render to all people their dues.
(This QT causes me to ask the question: Have We Gone Wrong?)
‘Mary – A Blessed Woman.’
Luke 1:26-56.
a) Luke 1:26. Gabriel the Angel was deliberately sent from God to Nazareth.
b) Luke 1:27. He was sent especially to Mary.
c) Luke 1:28. He brought to her a special Message of the Lord’s Favour.
d) Luke 1:29. Mary was greatly troubled and afraid by this salutation. She could not understand why.
e) Luke 1:30-33. Gabriel prophesied to Mary about the Birth and the Personality of Jesus Christ.
f) Luke 1:34. Mary questioned the Angel Gabriel because of her physical purity.
g) Luke 1:35. The Angel Gabriel replied that this would be uniquely the Work of the Holy Spirit and her Child would be called the Son of God.
h) Luke 1:36. The Angel Gabriel told Mary about Elisabeth’s situation. Elisabeth was a much older woman and Mary’s cousin.
i) Luke 1:37. No Word from God is void of Power.
j) Luke 1:38. Mary received the Word of the Lord by Faith.
k) Luke 1:39-40. Mary went to visit the home of Elisabeth.
l) Luke 1:41-45. Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied.
m) Luke 1:46-55. Mary magnified the Lord.
n) Luke 1:56. Mary stayed with Elisabeth for about three months.
(This Second one shows me Mary – A Blessed Woman)
Everyone enjoys being in favour or receiving favour from another person. Favour can also be seen as some kind of a Blessing. The greatest favour that we can receive is God’s Favour that we do not merit and that we cannot earn, His amazing Grace.