The Hebrew meaning of the name Isaiah is Jehovah has Saved. When we read the Prophecy of Isaiah this is a very suitable name because the writer had both current and prophetic understanding of Salvation from Jehovah.
a) Isaiah 1:1; 2:1. He was a man of vision.
b) 2 Kings 19:2; Matthew 3:3; 8:17. He was a Prophet.
c) 2 Kings 19:20 & 29; 20:1. He was a spiritual advisor to the king.
d) 2 Kings 20:4; Isaiah 13:1; 38:4. He was sensitive to the Message from the Lord.
e) 2 Kings 20:11; 2 Chronicles 32:20. He was a man of Faith and Prayer.
f) 2 Kings 20:16. He was the Lord’s Messenger.
g) Isaiah 20:2. He was obedient to the Lord.
h) Matthew 15:7. Jesus taught from Isaiah’s prophecies.
i) Luke 4:17-19. Jesus gave His Ministry mandate from Isaiah.
j) John 1:23. John the Baptist taught from Isaiah.
k) Acts 8:28-30. Was read by the Jews in the New Testament times.
l) Acts 28:25; Romans 9:27 & 29; 10:16 & 20. Apostle Paul taught from Isaiah.
(This QT gives me many things to learn from Isaiah)
‘Isaiah’s Call.’
Isaiah 6:1-8.
a) Isaiah 6:1. Came at a time of National tragedy, the death of King Uzziah.
b) Isaiah 6:1-2. He SAW the Lord in His Temple and the winged ones.
c) Isaiah 6:3. He HEARD the winged ones Worship.
d) Isaiah 6:4. The whole Temple was shaking at the voice of the winged one.
e) Isaiah 6:5. Isaiah CONFESSED and REPENTED of his sin.
f) Isaiah 6:6-7. Isaiah received CLEANSING.
g) Isaiah 6:8. He HEARD the Lord’s Calling.
h) Isaiah 6:8. He RESPONDED wholeheartedly.
(In this Second one I am challenged by Isaiah’s Call)
Many times God allows National tragedies to happen so that people can both come to Him and also learn His Ways. No one enjoys National tragedies, sometimes they are catastrophic, but very often the end result is that God is Glorified. This is a good time to pray for France and the French people during their mourning regarding the two serious airplane accidents in the sea.