The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Hebrew meaning of the name Isaiah is Jehovah has Saved. When we read the Prophecy of Isaiah this is a very suitable name because the writer had both current and prophetic understanding of Salvation from Jehovah.
a) Isaiah 1:1; 2:1. He was a man of vision.
b) 2 Kings 19:2; Matthew 3:3; 8:17. He was a Prophet.
c) 2 Kings 19:20 & 29; 20:1. He was a spiritual advisor to the king.
d) 2 Kings 20:4; Isaiah 13:1; 38:4. He was sensitive to the Message from the Lord.
e) 2 Kings 20:11; 2 Chronicles 32:20. He was a man of Faith and Prayer.
f) 2 Kings 20:16. He was the Lord’s Messenger.
g) Isaiah 20:2. He was obedient to the Lord.
h) Matthew 15:7. Jesus taught from Isaiah’s prophecies.
i) Luke 4:17-19. Jesus gave His Ministry mandate from Isaiah.
j) John 1:23. John the Baptist taught from Isaiah.
k) Acts 8:28-30. Was read by the Jews in the New Testament times.
l) Acts 28:25; Romans 9:27 & 29; 10:16 & 20. Apostle Paul taught from Isaiah.
(This QT gives me many things to learn from Isaiah)
‘Isaiah’s Call.’
Isaiah 6:1-8.
a) Isaiah 6:1. Came at a time of National tragedy, the death of King Uzziah.
b) Isaiah 6:1-2. He SAW the Lord in His Temple and the winged ones.
c) Isaiah 6:3. He HEARD the winged ones Worship.
d) Isaiah 6:4. The whole Temple was shaking at the voice of the winged one.
e) Isaiah 6:5. Isaiah CONFESSED and REPENTED of his sin.
f) Isaiah 6:6-7. Isaiah received CLEANSING.
g) Isaiah 6:8. He HEARD the Lord’s Calling.
h) Isaiah 6:8. He RESPONDED wholeheartedly.
(In this Second one I am challenged by Isaiah’s Call)
Many times God allows National tragedies to happen so that people can both come to Him and also learn His Ways. No one enjoys National tragedies, sometimes they are catastrophic, but very often the end result is that God is Glorified. This is a good time to pray for France and the French people during their mourning regarding the two serious airplane accidents in the sea.
Have We Gone Wrong?
‘Have We Gone Wrong?’
Romans 13:1-7.
The Bible is relevant and meaningful for this generation just as much as it was relevant for the generation in which it was written. There is no part of the New Testament that only has historical relevancy.
Man in his quest for “freedom” has majored on democracy rather than on Jesus to be One to give freedom. This is mankind’s big mistake and caused so much of the World today to wander away from God and in to being, in many instances, not a nice or pleasant World to live in.
As Believers in Jesus, the least we can do for our political leaders is to pray for them. By political leaders I mean both Government and opposition leaders.
a) Romans 13:1. Every Leader of every Nation in the World is ordained by God and as God’s people we should be in subjection to our leaders.
b) Romans 13:2. If we resist our leaders, we are resisting God’s Authority and we will be Judged for it.
c) Romans 13:3. If we live a good life we should have no reason to be afraid of our leaders.
d) Romans 13:4. The leader is the Servant of God, even if they are not Christian, and has to execute National Law.
e) Romans 13:5. For our conscience sake before God we should be subject to our National leaders.
f) Romans 13:6. We should honestly pay our taxes.
g) Romans 13:7. We are to render to all people their dues.
(This QT causes me to ask the question: Have We Gone Wrong?)
‘Mary – A Blessed Woman.’
Luke 1:26-56.
a) Luke 1:26. Gabriel the Angel was deliberately sent from God to Nazareth.
b) Luke 1:27. He was sent especially to Mary.
c) Luke 1:28. He brought to her a special Message of the Lord’s Favour.
d) Luke 1:29. Mary was greatly troubled and afraid by this salutation. She could not understand why.
e) Luke 1:30-33. Gabriel prophesied to Mary about the Birth and the Personality of Jesus Christ.
f) Luke 1:34. Mary questioned the Angel Gabriel because of her physical purity.
g) Luke 1:35. The Angel Gabriel replied that this would be uniquely the Work of the Holy Spirit and her Child would be called the Son of God.
h) Luke 1:36. The Angel Gabriel told Mary about Elisabeth’s situation. Elisabeth was a much older woman and Mary’s cousin.
i) Luke 1:37. No Word from God is void of Power.
j) Luke 1:38. Mary received the Word of the Lord by Faith.
k) Luke 1:39-40. Mary went to visit the home of Elisabeth.
l) Luke 1:41-45. Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied.
m) Luke 1:46-55. Mary magnified the Lord.
n) Luke 1:56. Mary stayed with Elisabeth for about three months.
(This Second one shows me Mary – A Blessed Woman)
Everyone enjoys being in favour or receiving favour from another person. Favour can also be seen as some kind of a Blessing. The greatest favour that we can receive is God’s Favour that we do not merit and that we cannot earn, His amazing Grace.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Be Wise!
‘Be Wise.’
a) Proverbs 9:12. For ourselves.
b) Psalm 2:10. Kings.
c) Proverbs 6:6. After considering the ant.
d) Proverbs 8:33; 19:20. After hearing instruction.
e) Proverbs 13:20. As you walk with wise men.
f) Proverbs 23:4. Enough to know when to quit.
g) Proverbs 23:15; 27:11. And cause your father’s heart to rejoice.
h) Proverbs 23:19. And keep your heart on the right course.
i) Daniel 12:3. And shine as the brightness of the firmament.
j) Romans 16:19. About what is good.
k) Colossians 4:5. In the way we act towards outsiders.
(This QT calls me to Be Wise)
‘I Fell.’
There is much talk in certain Christian circles about being “slain by the Spirit” and falling down. What does the Bible say about falling down?
a) Acts 22:7. After conversion and his dramatic encounter with Jesus, Paul fell to the ground.
b) Genesis 41:22; Daniel 8:18; 10:9. I fell asleep.
c) Deuteronomy 9:18 & 25. I fell down before the Lord for forty days with fasting.
d) 1 Samuel 30:13. Sick.
e) Ezra 9:5. Upon my knees and spread out my hands to the Lord.
f) Ezekiel 1:28; 3:23; 43:3. Upon my face when I saw the Glory of the Lord.
g) Ezekiel 9:8; 11:13. In intercession.
h) Daniel 8:17. With terror in the Presence of Angel Gabriel.
i) Acts 22:17. Into a trance during my Prayer.
j) Revelation 19:10; 22:8. At the feet of the Lord to Worship Him.
(Through this Second one I understand the circumstances when people in the Bible wrote I Fell)
Falling sick is an unpleasant experience. From Bible days to now people have fallen sick and those people need to be cared for properly. Some may be healed through Prayer other people may need to go through the appropriate medical channels. Whichever way… sick people need to taste the Compassion of the Lord through the Church.
Jesus Changed Her Life!
‘Jesus Changed Her Life.’
John 4:4-42.
a) John 4:4. Jesus had to go through Samaria because it was His Father’s Will for Him to do so.
b) John 4:5-6. Jesus came to Jacob’s well at Sychar in Samaria.
c) John 4:6. Jesus was tired and it was around noon.
d) John 4:7. Jesus asked a lone Samaritan woman for a drink.
e) John 4:8. His Disciples had gone away into the village to buy provisions.
f) John 4:9. The Samaritan woman said to Him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" (Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.)
g) John 4:10. Jesus answered her:-
1- If you knew the Gift of God.
2- If you knew Who it was that was saying to you “give Me a drink of water.”
3- You would have asked Him and He would have given to you Living Water.
h) John 4:11. The woman wanted to know how Jesus could get Living Water because the well was deep and He had no bucket.
i) John 4:12. Although she was immoral she knew culturally the history of her people.
j) John 4:13-14. Jesus spoke about the water He would give:-
1- Permanent satisfaction of thirst.
2- An internal spring of water.
3- Welling up to Eternal Life.
k) John 4:15. The woman wanted this water.
l) John 4:16. Jesus asked her to go and call her husband and come back to Him. He was opening a door for the change to her life.
m) John 4:17. The woman said that she had no husband.
n) John 4:17-18. Jesus knew her immoral and embarrassing situation exactly.
o) John 4:19-20. The woman recognised Jesus’ spirituality and said that he must be a prophet.
p) John 4:21-24. Jesus called her to be a Worshipper in Spirit and in Truth.
q) John 4:25. The woman knew of the Promise of the coming Messiah.
r) John 4:26. Jesus plainly said to her that He was the Messiah.
s) John 4:27. When the Disciples returned they were astonished that Jesus was crossing cultural boundaries.
t) John 4:28-30. The woman became a Witness for the Lord to her city.
u) John 4:31-34. The Disciples still had a secular mind set Jesus said that His food was doing the Will of the Father.
v) John 4:35-41. An instant harvest became evident because of the woman’s testimony.
w) John 4:42. The people confessed to the woman at the well that now they Believed in Jesus.
(This QT amazes me – Jesus Changed Her Life – it was an amazing change. She was called to be a Worshipper, became a Witness of the Lord and gave Him the Glory, wanting none for herself)
‘A Time To Stop.’
a) Acts 21:32. Persecution and cruelty.
b) Luke 5:4. Speaking and start obediently doing.
c) Luke 8:24. The wind and calm to come.
d) Luke 11:1; Acts 5:42. Praying and start teaching.
e) Acts 6:13. Lying witnesses.
f) Acts 13:10. Perverting the True Ways of the Lord.
g) Acts 20:1. Discouraging True Believers and to encourage them.
h) Acts 20:31. Caring for one flock and moving on to the next.
i) 1 Corinthians 13:8. Spiritual manifestations that make us forget Love.
j) Ephesians 1:16; Colossians 1:9. A time to stop being negative and to pray Biblically and positively for other people.
k) 1 Peter 3:10. Speaking evil and telling lies then we can have a happy life and good days.
l) 1 Peter 4:1. Sinning and be ready to suffer for Christ.
(This Second one shows me very clearly there is A Time To Stop)
Lying witnesses are committing a crime in the laws of most Nations and yet we think it not serious when there are lying witnesses in the Church. Some Missionaries tell exaggerated stories from the Mission field so that they can raise more financial support. Some “charismatic” people exaggerate about their unbiblical experiences so as to impress other people. Let us stop lying witnesses.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Overcoming Evil With Good!
‘Overcoming Evil With Good.’
Romans 12:18-21.
a) Romans 12:18. If possible, so far as it depends on us, be at peace with all men.
b) Romans 12:19. As God’s loved Children we are never to take revenge.
c) Romans 12:19. Leave all revenge to the Lord.
d) Romans 12:20. It is right to serve our enemies if needs be.
e) Romans 12:21. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
(This QT reminds me that I am to be Overcoming Evil With Good)
Jason was a good man who gave hospitality to Apostle Paul and his team.
a) Acts 17:5. Jason’s house was attacked because he gave hospitality.
b) Acts 17:6. Jason himself was physically attacked in lieu of Paul.
c) Acts 17:7. Jason was falsely accused.
d) Acts 17:9. Because Jason paid the unjust fine he was released together with all the other people involved.
(Through this Second one, Jason, I can see that sometimes innocent people suffer great injustice)
We are God’s Loved Children if we are True Believers. This means that we should live in a positive and meaningful way and also live in an ongoing personal relationship with God. We should respond to His Love with our love for Him.
a) Proverbs 9:11; Luke 2:52. The years of our lives with Wisdom.
b) Genesis 30:30; Job 1:10; Deuteronomy 7:13. Through the Blessing of the Lord.
c) Isaiah 26:15. For the Glory of God.
d) Isaiah 51:2; Ezekiel 16:7; Zechariah 10:8. Comes from God.
e) Jeremiah 29:6. Population though family growth.
f) Daniel 12:4. Of Knowledge in the end times.
g) Acts 6:7. Of the Word of God.
h) Acts 16:5. In number for the Churches.
i) 2 Corinthians 10:15; Luke 17:5. Of Faith.
j) Deuteronomy 6:3. Mightily is the Promise of the Lord God.
k) Psalm 115:14. More and more from the Lord.
l) Proverbs 1:5. Learning if we are wise.
m) Isaiah 9:7. Of the Lord’s Government.
n) Isaiah 29:19. Of Joy in the Lord for meek people.
o) 2 Corinthians 9:10. The fruits of our Righteousness.
p) 1 Thessalonians 3:12. In Love.
(Through this QT I want to Increase)
‘A Fruitful Mission Trip.’
Acts 16:11-15.
a) Acts 16:11. Begins with a direct and purposeful journey.
b) Acts 16:12. Focuses first on a leading city.
c) Acts 16:12. Needs at least three days of calm and prayerful preparation time after reaching the place.
d) Acts 16:13. Looks for local Believers.
e) Acts 16:14. God touches the hearts of local Believers and then their hearts can be open to the Mission team.
f) Acts 16:15. The door opens for-
1- Effective Ministry.
2- Baptism of converts.
3- Hospitality.
(Through this Second one I pray that all who are going will have A Fruitful Mission Trip)
Mission trips are controversial – especially the short term ones. Some Churches love them and some do not like them at all. Mission trips need to be prayerfully well prepared. After arriving at the Mission field there needs to be at least three days of prayerful and calm preparation for the immediate mission ahead.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
They Believed
‘They Believed.’
a) Acts 4:4. When they heard the message of Peter and John.
b) Acts 5:14; 11:17 & 21. In the Lord, both men and women.
c) Acts 8:12; 18:8. The Good News of the Kingdom as preached by Philip and then they were Baptised.
d) Acts 13:12. Because of being amazed at the Teaching about the Lord.
e) Acts 13:48. Because they were appointed for Eternal Life.
f) Acts 14:1. Because the Message was spoken effectively.
g) Acts 18:27. By Grace.
h) Romans 4:3 & 18. Abraham.
i) Ephesians 1:13. In Christ and then were marked by Him with a seal – the promised Holy Spirit.
j) 2 Timothy 1:12. Then Know Him and have Confidence in Him.
k) Hebrews 4:3. And entered into God’s rest.
(Through this QT I want to maintain the testimony that I Believed)
‘The Word Of God.’
a) Acts 13:5. Needs to be Proclaimed.
b) 1 Kings 12:22; 1 Chronicles 17:3; Luke 3:2. Comes to men of God.
c) Proverbs 30:5. Is flawless.
d) Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:13. Is not to be nullified by tradition.
e) Luke 5:1. Was taught by Jesus.
f) Luke 8:11. Is seed.
g) Luke 11:28; Acts 13:7. Is to be heard.
h) Acts 4:31; Philippians 1:14. Can be spoken boldly by people filled with the Holy Spirit.
i) Acts 6:2. Its ministry is not to be neglected.
j) Acts 6:7; 12:24. Can spread.
k) Acts 8:14; 11:1. Needs to be accepted.
l) Acts 18:11. Needs to be taught.
m) 2 Corinthians 2:17. Should not be peddled for profit.
n) 2 Corinthians 4:2. Should not be distorted.
o) Ephesians 6:17. Is the sword of the Holy Spirit.
p) Colossians 1:25. Should be presented in its fullness.
q) 1 Thessalonians 2:13. Works in the people who Believe.
r) 1 Timothy 4:5. Has power to consecrate.
s) Hebrews 4:12. Is living and active.
t) Hebrews 6:5. Has Goodness that can be tasted.
u) Hebrews 13:7. Leaders should speak it to the Church.
v) 1 Peter 1:23. Is living and enduring.
w) Revelation 19:13. Is the Name of Jesus Christ.
(This Second one gives me strong desire for The Word Of God)
The Word of God should not be distorted. It is God’s Word and therefore should not be interfered with to try to suit the convenience of human beings. A text taken out of context is a pretext!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
God Bless You!
Now that "mac" are retiring their home pages service I will continue my QT on this page. It is possible to read the old QT series still at
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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