The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Bread From Heaven!
'Bread From Heaven.'
John 6:31.
a) Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness.
b) As it is written:
c) "He gave them bread out of Heaven to eat".
(This QT reminds me that God gave Bread From Heaven for His People)
PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING: For God's Daily Provision for us.
'Mankind's Dominion.'
Genesis 1:26.
a) God said:
b) "Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness;
c) "And let them have Dominion over:
1-The fish of the sea,
2-The birds of the sky,
3-And over the livestock,
4-And over all the Earth,
5-And over every creeping thing that creeps on the Earth."
(This Second one reveals Mankind's Dominion)
PRAYER: That we will use our Spiritual Dominion in a gentle and sensitive way.
Bread from Heaven is something that we read about in both the Historical Books of the Old Testament and also in the New Testament. We should remember that Jesus Christ said of Himself that He is the Bread of life. We partake of the Bread and the Wine to remember what He has done for us at the Cross. God also gave His People manna in the desert, during their wandering journeys.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
The Vision Came And Went!
'The Vision Came And Went.'
(Ezekiel's Vision from the Holy Spirit)
Ezekiel 11:24.
a) The {Holy} Spirit lifted me up,
b) And brought me in the Vision by the Spirit of God
c) Into Chaldea.
d) To the exiles of the captivity.
e) Then the Vision left me.
(This QT reveals to me that Ezekiel's Vision Came And Went)
PRAYER: For Biblical Visions to be given to the Church.
'Our True God.'
Deuteronomy 6:4.
a) Listen Israel!
b) The Eternal is our True God - He alone.
c) Jehovah our God is one Jehovah:
(Through this Second one I am reminded to Follow and Worship the One True God)
PRAYER: To be committed to follow and serve Our True God.
The Holy Spirit took Ezekiel to serve in Chaldea, it was a very foreign place to Him. The people he served were exiles, they maintained their Faith but it would have been a different style of expressing their Faith because they were exiles, out of touch with the mainstream of their people. Servants of the Lord need to follow the Leading of the Lord.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Angelic Attack - The Best Form Of Defence!
'Angelic Attack - The Best Form Of Defence.'
Genesis 19:11.
a) The two Angels blinded all the men,
b) Young and old,
c) Who were at the door of the house,
d) So they gave up trying to get inside.
(This QT reveals Angelic Attack - A Good Form Of Defence)
PRAYER: For Angelic protection when we need it.
'God's Audible Voice.'
Matthew 3:17.
a) A Voice from Heaven said:
b) "This is My Dearly Loved Son
c) "Who brings Me great Joy."
(Through this Second one I find a very rare occasion: when God's Audible Voice was heard)
PRAYER: Not to treat irreverently or deceptively God's Audible Voice.
Attack is sometimes a good form of defence! In this QT we see very pure attack executed by Angels, they blinded the evil men who came to the door of Lot's house. The purpose in the hearts of these evil men was very wrong and sinful. God acted to defend all those inside the house through what the Angels did. Even in these days we can still hear testimonies of God defending His People.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
They Wanted A Sign!
'They Wanted A Sign.'
John 6:30.
a) The people who had gathered spoke to Jesus.
b) They wanted a sign from Him;
c) Then they said that they would see and Believe.
d) They asked Him what work He would perform.
(This QT reveals to me that They Wanted A Sign, that was all!)
PRAYER: That we would not be mere sign-seekers.
'Jesus Knew That The Holy Spirit Was Upon Him.'
Matthew 3:16.
a) When Jesus was Baptised,
b) He went up immediately from the water,
c) And behold,
d) The Heavens were opened
e) And He saw the Spirit of God
f) Descending like a dove,
g) And alighting on Him.
(Through this Second one I can see that Jesus Knew That The Holy Spirit Was Upon Him)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Gospels are something that we should study and read if we want to know Jesus Christ more. He reveals Himself very clearly in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). As well as our regular Bible Readings, it is good for us to read the Gospels day by day, and if we have the time, to spend time studying them.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Gentle Leading!
'Gentle Leading.'
Isaiah 63:14.
a) Like animals going down into a valley,
b) The Spirit of the Lord gave them rest.
c) In this way You guided Your People
d) To make for Yourself a Glorious Name.
(This QT reveals the Gentle Leading way of The Spirit of the Lord)
PRAYER: To be sensitive to the Gentle Leading of the Lord in our lives.
'Holy Spirit - With Us Forever.'
John 14:16.
a) Jesus said: "I will ask the Father,
b) "And He will give you another Helper and Counsellor,
c) "To be with you forever."
(Through this Second one I love the Presence of the Holy Spirit - With Us Forever)
PRAYER: To be filled with, and sensitive to, the Holy Spirit.
The Gentle Leading of the Holy Spirit is surely available for every True Believer. The problem is this, that we do not take time to be really properly filled with the Holy Spirit and we do not know how to be sensitive to Him. It should be the desire and responsibility of all Spiritual Leaders to lead the people that they are responsible for into the understanding of being filled with the Holy Spirit and daily living that is sensitive to Him.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Divine Rescue!
'Divine Rescue.'
Genesis 19:10.
a) But the men (Angels) inside
b) Reached out their hands
c) And brought Lot into the house with them,
d) And shut the door.
(This QT reveals the Angels giving Lot Divine Rescue)
PRAYER: For help from God to trust Him in all circumstances.
'Listen To God.'
Isaiah 48:16.
a) The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking!
b) "Draw near to Me, Hear This.
c) "From the Beginning I have not spoken in secret,
d) "From the time it came to be, I have been there.
e) "And now the Lord God has sent Me and His Spirit."
(Through this Second one I am exhorted to Listen To God)
PRAYER: Prayer for calm, so that we can Listen To God)
Until today there are still many testimonies that we can hear about Divine Rescue. When these testimonies are true, and not exaggerated, they really Glorify the Lord. Whether it is spoken in Church or written in a book, these testimonies should be authenticated somehow by spiritual authorities. (Church Shepherds or Recognized Christian Leaders)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The Work Of God!
'The Work Of God.'
John 6:29.
a) Jesus answered them:
b) "This is the Work of God,
c) "That you believe in Him
d) "Whom He has sent."
(This QT reveals the real meaning of 'The Work Of God')
PRAYER: To believe truly in the Lord Jesus Christ.
'A Proof Of The Trinity Of God.'
Genesis 11:7.
a) God said:
b) "Come let US go down,
c) "And confuse their language there,
d) "So that they will not understand one another's speech."
(This Second one reveals A Proof Of The Trinity Of God)
PRAYER: To remember to Believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We hear and read of many Blessed and Meaningful messages from Missionaries all over the World who are doing 'the Work of God'. Many of these messages are truly "faith inspiring". The most important and primary Work of God, however, is to Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
A Powerful Cleansing!
'A Powerful Cleansing.'
Isaiah 4:4.
a) The Lord will wash away the filth of Zion's people.
b) He will clean bloodstains from Jerusalem
c) With a Spirit of Judgment
d) And a Spirit of Burning.
(This QT reveals to me the determined Compassion of the Lord: A Powerful Cleansing)
PRAYER: For A Powerful Cleansing for our Churches where necessary.
'From Worshipper To Farmer.'
Genesis 3:22-23.
a) Man's sin and pride caused him to disobey God.
b) Man became like a god.
c) Man began to know 'good' and 'evil'.
d) Man must not reach out and take of the fruit tree in the garden.
e) The "Tree Of Life".
f) If man did that he would disobey God and live forever like God. g) So God sent the man out of the Garden to go and become a farmer.
(This Second one teaches me the result of Adam's sin: From Worshipper To Farmer)
PRAYER: For Faith to obey God.
Whatever Nation or people group it may be, the Lord still has the Power to wash away the filth of its people. Our duty now is not to 'judge' Nations, it is to Preach the Gospel with the Love and Power of God. If we cannot love the people we serve with the Love of God, then we should not be serving them.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
They Were Pressed Hard Or Hard Pressed!
'They Were Pressed Hard Or Hard Pressed.'
a) Genesis 19:9. Lot, by the evil men outside his home.
b) Judges 14:17; 16:16. Samson, by his wife.
c) 1 Samuel 13:6; 14:24. The men of Israel.
d) 1 Samuel 31:3; 1 Chronicles 10:3. Saul, by the battle.
e) Philippians 1:23. Apostle Paul, by his life situation.
(This QT teaches me that They Were Pressed Hard Or Hard Pressed)
PRAYER: For God's Help at times when we are Pressed Hard or Hard Pressed.
'God's Original Plan For Mankind.'
Genesis 1:26.
a) Then God said:
b) Hebrews 1:2. "Let us make man in Our Image,
c) "After Our Likeness.
d) "And let them have dominion over:
1-The fish of the sea.
2-The birds of the heavens.
3-The livestock.
4-All the Earth.
5-Every creeping thing that creeps on the Earth."
(This Second one reveals more about God's Original Plan For Mankind)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Original Plan For Mankind.
Lot was a brave man who stood up for what was Right. Even though the evil men outside his home wanted to do something bad to Lot's (Angelic) guests, he withstood those evil men. It takes both Faith and Bravery to live in obedience to God. It takes Faith and Bravery sometimes to simply do what is right. At this time Lot had Faith and Bravery, let us learn from this incident about the principle of "doing right"!
Monday, February 19, 2018
What Should We Do?
'What Should We Do?'
a) John 6:28. What does God want us to do?
b) 1 Samuel 5:8; 6:2. With the Ark of God.
c) 2 Kings 3:10. The king of Israel cried out.
d) Jonah 1:11. To stop the storm.
e) Luke 3:10-14. The crowds asked John the Baptist.
f) Acts 2:37. When God's Word pierces our heart.
(This QT teaches me that there maybe times when we need to express ourselves with the question: What Should We Do?)
PRAYER: Ask God what we should do when we need to ask Him.
'Peace To You.'
a) 1 Samuel 25:6. Peace:
1-To you.
2-To your family.
3-To everything you own.
b) 1 Chronicles 12:18. Because God helps you:
1-Peace be with you.
2-Prosperity be with you.
3-Success be with you.
c) 1 Chronicles 22:9. Through God's appointed king.
d) 1 Chronicles 22:18. Because the Lord God is with you.
e) Daniel 10:19. God's Words spoken by the Angel.
f) Zechariah 3:10. With your neighbors.
g) Mark 5:34. Because your suffering is over, the Lord has made you whole.
h) Mark 7:50; Luke 8:48. Because your Faith has saved you.
i) John 16:33; Ephesians 2:17. In Jesus Christ.
j) John 20:19 & 26. Jesus spoke it to His Disciples.
k) Romans 1:7. And Grace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
l) 2 Corinthians 13:11. The God of Love and Peace will be with you as you:
1-Be joyful.
2-Grow to maturity.
3-Encourage each other.
4-Live in harmony.
5-Live in Peace.
m) Revelation 1:4. From God in Heaven.
(Through this Second one I pass on this Blessing: Peace To You!)
PRAYER: For Peace to be on us and on everything that we own.
Prosperity be with you! These words are positive and powerful. When we speak them it means we desire to see God's Blessing on another or others in a very wonderful way. When we are free from jealousy and envy we can speak these Blessing words over other people from our genuine heart.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Special Plans!
'Special Plans.'
1 Chronicles 28:12.
a) David gave to Solomon, his son,
b) All that he had in mind, (By the Holy Spirit)
1-For the courts of the House of the Lord.
2-For the rooms around the House of the Lord.
3-For the store-houses of the House of the Lord.
4-For the treasuries for the dedicated gifts.
(This QT teaches me that the Lord has Special Plans for His House)
PRAYER: For the Honorific care of our normal House of Worship.
'A Simple Blessing.'
2 Corinthians 13:13.
a) The:
3-Spiritual Blessing,
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) The Love of God.
c) The:
3-Sharing together,
In the Holy Spirit.
d) Be with you all.
(Through this Second one I find and share A Simple Blessing)
PRAYER: For this Simple Blessing to be included in our private prayers for other people.
We need to remember that The Lord has special plans for His House. If we Worship in a Church Building, we should be good stewards of that building. If we worship in a house Church, the place should be at least clean, well kept and suitable for Worship. In every place of Worship there should be a sense of Holy Awe as we gather together.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
The Unreasonable Result Of Fear!
'The Unreasonable Result Of Fear.'
Genesis 19:8.
a) Lot's fear made his family unprotected.
b) Lot's fear made him lose his sense of priority.
c) Lot's fear made him unreasonable.
(This QT reveals to me The Unreasonable Result Of Fear)
PRAYER: For the fathers in our Churches to be free from fear and to care for their families well.
'Because Of The Authority Of Jesus Christ.'
Matthew 28:19.
a) We should be involved somehow in discipling all nations.
b) We should be teaching the importance of water baptism.
c) We should be baptizing the people in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me something that the Church should be doing Because Of The Authority Of Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: For the Churches to be motivated Because Of The Authority Of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for the fathers of the Church is an important prayer. When both fathers and mothers in the Church are functioning in the Way of the Lord then the Church will surely Glorify the Lord. The Church is not a mere organization controlled by people, it is the Body of Christ! When the fathers of the Church are living with fear, that will surely have a negative effect in and over the Church.
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Son Of Man Gives Eternal Life!
'The Son Of Man Gives Eternal Life.'
John 6:27.
a) Do not work for the food that perishes,
b) But for the food that lasts for Eternal Life,
c) Which the Son of Man will give you;
d) For on Him
e) God the Father has set His Seal.
(This QT reminds me that The Son Of Man Gives Eternal Life)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Gift of Eternal Life.
'The Glorious Son Of God.'
John 1:14.
a) And the Word became flesh
b) And dwelt among us,
c) And we gazed on His Glory,
d) The Glory as of the only-begotten of the Father,
e) Full of Grace and Truth.
(Through this Second one I ponder upon The Glorious Son Of God)
PRAYER: To have time for a meaningful relationship with the Glorious Son Of God.
God the Father has set His Seal on His Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that we receive the Gift of Eternal Life. The Scripture guarantees that all people who come to God through His Son Jesus Christ will receive this Eternal Life Gift. Every True Believer can have assurance of Salvation because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
The Purpose Of The Lights In Heaven!
'The Purpose Of The Lights In Heaven.'
Genesis 1:14.
a) God said that this is their purpose.
b) "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens,
c) "To separate the day from the night.
d) "Let them be signs,
e) "To mark the:
(This QT reminds me of The Purpose Of The Lights In Heaven)
PRAYER: To consider the Seasons, Days and Years.
'The Kingdom Of God Or The Ways Of The Nations.'
Jeremiah 10:2.
a) This is what the Lord says:
b) "Do not learn the way of the Nations;
c) "Do not be terrified at the signs of Heaven.
d) "Although the Nations are terrified at them.
(Through this Second one I can see the clear choices faced by all mankind)
PRAYER: To choose the Way of the Kingdom of God.
From this QT I am strongly reminded to abstain from learning and following the ways of the Nations. The Way that I am to follow firstly, is a Person, Jesus Christ, Who is the Way. Secondly, I am to follow the way of the Kingdom of God.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
A Plea Against Wickedness!
'A Plea Against Wickedness.'
Genesis 19:7.
a) Lot said to the men:
b) "I beg you my brothers,
c) "Do not act so wickedly,
d) "Do not do this wicked thing."
(This QT reveals A Plea Against Wickedness)
PRAY: For strength to oppose all wickedness.
'Brotherly Love Is Simple And Sincere.'
1 Thessalonians 4:9-10.
a) Brotherly love is taught to us by God Himself.
b) Brotherly love should be increasingly practised amongst True Believers.
c) Brotherly love should be encouraged by our True Believer friends.
(Through this Second one I know that Brotherly Love Is Simple And Sincere)
PRAY: For simple and sincere Brotherly Love to excel in the Churches.
If True Believers were more united in their Plea against wickedness the simple fact would be that there will be less wickedness. This is not a human protest movement but, rather, a sincere Prayer movement. Let us be united in our pleas against wickedness.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Jesus Knew Their Motive!
'Jesus Knew Their Motive.'
John 6:26.
a) Jesus knew why the people were looking for Him.
b) It was not because they saw miraculous signs.
c) But it was because they had eaten all the food that they wanted.
(This QT reveals to me that Jesus Knew Their Motive)
PRAYER: That we will seek the Lord for the right reasons.
'Miserable People.'
Philippians 3:19.
a) Their end is destruction.
b) Their god is their stomach.
c) Their glory is in their shame.
d) They are focused on earthly things.
(This Second one defines the situation of Miserable People)
PRAYER: That any miserable people whom we may know can turn to Christ.
If we are True Believers it means that we seek the Lord for the correct reasons. We are not just looking for some kind of 'blessings' but we are genuinely desiring the Glory of God and the welfare of other people. Many of us have friends and family members who genuinely need our sincere prayers and it is right that we pray for them.
What Do We Want?
'What Do We Want?'
John 3:19.
a) They are judged by this fact:
b) The Light has come into the World,
c) But they did not want Light.
d) They wanted darkness because they were doing evil things.
(This QT causes me to ask the question: What Do We Want?)
PRAYER: For God to bring more Peace to this World through the Pyong Chang Winter Olympic Games.
'What Kind Of Baptism Did We Have?'
Acts 19:3.
a) Apostle Paul asked a very challenging question:
b) "Then why were you Baptised?"
c) They answered:
d) "Because of what John taught."
(Through this Second one I question: What Kind Of Baptism Did We have?)
PRAYER: For clear explanation to be given to Baptismal candidates before we Baptise them)
What do we want? This is a very important question to be asked by every True Believer every day. The answer, of course, should be: "The Way of The Light". The love of darkness is very natural for sinful people. For those of us who are True Believers, we love the Light and we hate darkness.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
A Good And Protective Father!
'A Good And Protective Father.'
Genesis 19:6.
a) When Lot went outside to dissuade the evil men.
b) He shut the door
c) Behind him.
(This QT shows me that Lot tried to be A Good And Protective Father)
PRAYER: For our fathers in Church to be good and protective.
'Unintentional Sin Needs To Be Atoned For.'
Leviticus 4:1-7.
a) Leviticus 4:1. This is the Word of the Lord.
b) Leviticus 4:2. Whoever sins, whether priest or not, the matter must be resolved.
c) Leviticus 4:3. When the priest sins, his sin brings the curse of sin upon the people.
d) Leviticus 4:4-7. This priest must offer the appropriate blood offerings before the Lord. Only then can the sin be atoned for.
(Through this Second one I know that Unintentional Sin Needs To Be Atoned For)
PRAYER: For honesty in front of God about our lives.
Prayer for the fathers in the Church is something that should not be forgotten. The Church Leadership, whenever they meet together, in their prayers they should pray for the fathers and families in the Church. If the fathers of the Church are in good spiritual condition, then the entire Church can be in good spiritual condition.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
How And When Did Jesus Get There?
'How And When Did Jesus Get There?'
John 6:25.
a) The Disciples found Jesus on the other side of the lake.
b) When they found Him they said:
c) "Rabbi, how and when did You get here?"
(This QT was a great question for the Disciples: How And When Did Jesus Get There?)
PRAYER: For us to find Jesus and have time with Him day-by-day.
'The Blameless Person.'
Psalm 15:2-5.
a) Psalm 15:2. He:
1-He walks blamelessly.
2-He does what is right.
3-He speaks Truth in his heart.
b) Psalm 15:3. He:
1-Does not slander with his tongue.
2-Does no evil to his neighbour.
3-Does not take up a reproach against his friend.
c) Psalm 15:4. He:
1-Despises a vile person.
2-Honours people who Fear the Lord.
3-Swears to his own hurt and does not change. (Keeps his promises, no matter what.)
d) Psalm 15:5. He;
1-Does not put out his money at interest.
2-Does not take a bribe against the innocent people.
The person who does these things shall never be moved.
(This Second one reveals The Blameless Person)
PRAYER: To be truly Blameless.
Our prayers should be more than just duty or habit! Our prayers should be a central part of our personal relationship with God. There are three major spheres of Prayer. A-Our prayers in and with our Church. B-Our Prayers together inside our Christian family. C-Our personal prayers. Of course there are, and should be, other times and types of Prayer, but these three should be major in our lives. If we do not have a Christian family, because our family members are non-Believers, we should be praying for them in our private prayers.
Friday, February 9, 2018
A Clear Certainty!
'A Clear Certainty.'
Psalm 27:13.
a) I am certain
b) That I will see the Lord's Goodness
c) In the Land of the Living.
(This QT reveals the Psalmist's certainty)
PRAY: To have A Clear Certainty about Faith.
'The Importance Of Believing.'
(As taught by our Lord Jesus)
John 3:18.
a) Whoever Believes in Him (The Lord Jesus),
b) Is not condemned,
c) But whoever does not Believe is condemned already,
d) Because he has not Believed in the Name
e) Of the Only Son of God.
(Through this Second one I understand well The Importance Of Believing)
PRAY: For our Churches to teach the people The Importance of Believing.
Pray to have a clear certainty about Faith. The Bible is simply very clear about this matter, Faith comes! We can all have Faith and we can all have more Faith. It is as we receive the Word of God, whether we are listening to it, reading it, or writing it down, that Faith will come.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
God Knows When Men Are Evil!
Genesis 19:5.
a) These evil men had loud voices - they had no shame.
b) They wanted to know Lot's guests.
c) They did not realise that the guests were angels.
(This QT thankfully reminds me that God Knows When Men Are Evil)
PRAY: For God to purify the town or city where we live.
'The Steadfast Love Of The Lord.'
Psalm 118:4.
a) Let those people who fear the Lord say:
b) "His Steadfast Love
c) "Endures forever."
(This Second one comforts me about the The Steadfast Love Of The Lord)
PRAY: Thank the Lord for His Steadfast Love.
Prayer for the city, town or village where we live is important. One of the reasons that God has placed us there, whether we 'like' it or not, is to pray for it. When we can pray effectively for the place where we live, we become intercessors for that place.
They Went Looking For Jesus!
'They Went Looking For Jesus.'
John 6:23-24.
a) Some boats from Tiberius came near to the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
b) When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor His Disciples were there,
c) They got into the boats
d) They went to Capernaum,
e) Looking for Jesus.
(This QT reveals to me that They Went Looking For Jesus)
PRAYER: To seek the Lord.
'A Biblical Feast With Jesus.'
John 6:11-12.
a) Jesus took the loaves,
b) After giving thanks,
c) He distributed them to those people who were seated.
d) So also with the fish,
e) As much as they wanted.
f) When the people were full,
g) He told His Disciples:
h) "Collect the left-overs, so that nothing is wasted."
(Through this Second one I see A Biblical Feast With Jesus)
PRAYER: To thank the Lord Jesus for our daily provision.
The Lord Jesus teaches us the importance of giving thanks to God for the food that we eat. This is something that we can do in our daily Prayers and also when we are ready to eat our meals day-by-day. God is ultimately the One Who provides for us and we really should thank Him for His Provision, even when we are eating alone.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The Fallacy Of Only Doing!
'The Fallacy Of Only Doing.'
Luke 18:18.
a) The Ruler asked Jesus:
b) "Good Teacher,
c) "What must I do to inherit Eternal Life?"
(This QT reveals a common problem: The Fallacy Of Only Doing)
PRAYER: For our Faith to increase and our trusting in our own works to decrease.
'Lord, Lord!'
Luke 6:46.
a) 'So, why do you keep calling me:
b) "Lord, Lord."
c) 'When you don't do what I say?'
(Through this Second one I understand the folly of crying out "Lord, Lord" to Him when we do not do what He says)
PRAYER: That we will actively obey the Lord.
We can clearly and Biblically pray for our Faith to increase. Even the Disciples in the New Testament prayed and asked this of the Lord. As we pray this prayer, we will surely be reminded to stop trusting in our own virtues and putting our Trust more clearly in the Lord. When we only trust our own efforts, then our Faith dries up.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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