The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 31, 2017
A Beautiful And Lovely Church!
'A Beautiful And Lovely Church.'
Song of Solomon 2:2.
a) The Beloved (Christ) speaks:
b) Like a lily among thorns,
c) So is My Love (Love being a person, the Bride of Christ)
d) Among the daughters.
(This QT reveals A Beautiful And Lovely Church)
PRAYER: For the Church in our City or Town to be A Beautiful And Lovely Church.
'Only Two Types Of Son.'
Matthew 13:38.
a) The field is the World.
b) The good seed - these are the sons of the Kingdom.
c) The tares - these are the sons of the wicked one.
(This Second one teaches me that, basically, there are Only Two Types Of Son)
PRAYER: For the children in our family to be "good seed" children.
I am sure that all Church-attending Believers have a desire for their local Church to be a Beautiful and Lovely Church. No-one enjoys the 'life' of a Church full of rejected and angry people. A part of the difficult and challenging ministry of a local Church Pastor, is that, through his/her ministry, the Church can be made and kept for the Lord as Beautiful and Lovely.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
A Revelation Of Jesus Christ!
'A Revelation Of Jesus Christ.'
a) Luke 2:12. As a Babe, in a manger.
b) Acts 5:31. As a Prince and Saviour.
c) Romans 11:26. As the Deliverer, Who turns away ungodliness.
d) Revelation 5:9. As the Worthy Son of God.
e) Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; Acts 8:32-33. As the Lamb of God.
f) Isaiah 59:16; Luke 23:34. As the Intercessor.
(This QT gives to me A Revelation Of Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: That all people who hear God's Word today will have A Revelation Of Jesus Christ.
'A Superb Translation.'
Colossians 1:13.
a) The Heavenly Father
b) Has delivered us
c) Out of the power of darkness
d) And has translated us
e) Into the Kingdom of His Dear Son.
(Through this Second one I discover A Superb Translation)
PRAYER: For deliverance from the power of darkness and for the awareness of being in the Kingdom of God's Dear Son.
As True Believers, we need to have a Revelation of Jesus Christ as both The Intercessor and Our Intercessor. One of the foremost functions of our Lord today is being the Intercessor in Heaven, praying at the Father's Right Hand for us. Do we attend Prayers in Church? Do we Pray for our Sunday Worship Service in our quiet prayers before it begins? Do we join Jesus Christ, our Intercessor, as He Prays for us? If we have no interest in Church Prayer times, it is usually because we do not have personal Prayer times. When God's People do not pray, the Church dies!
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Abram Drove Them Away!
'Abram Drove Them Away.'
Genesis 15:11.
a) When the vultures.
b) Came down on the carcasses.
c) Abram drove them away.
(This QT teaches me not to compromise with the vultures: Abram Drove Them Away)
PRAYER: Drive away any 'vultures' that may be attacking your life in some way through authoritative Prayer in Jesus' Name.
'Born Again.'
John 3:5.
a) Jesus answered the man's question clearly.
b) Jesus told him that a person must have two births:
c) A natural birth
d) A spiritual birth.
e) Only then would it be possible to enter the Kingdom of God.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of being Born Again)
PRAYER: To be Born Again - it can be answered as we repent of our sins and then by Faith receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and Lord.
There are times when every True Believer needs to pray authoritative Prayers in driving away the 'vultures' from our lives. These 'vultures' can attack us especially when we are alone. They can attack us body or soul in many different ways. The Lord has given us authority in Jesus' Name over these vultures - to drive them away. Like Abram did - drive them away.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Beautiful Christ!
'Beautiful Christ.'
Song Of Solomon 2:1.
a) I am the Rose of Sharon.
b) I am the Rose of the valleys.
c) I am the Lily of the field.
d) I am the Lily of the valleys.
(This QT shows to me Beautiful Christ)
PRAYER: Centered on Beautiful Christ is Adoration and should accompany Worship.
'Heavenly View Of Christ On Earth.'
Hebrews 2:9.
a) But we see (this Same) Jesus,
b) Crowned (already) with Glory and Honour
c) Who was made a little lower than the angels
d) For the suffering of death.
e) That He,
f) By the Grace of God
g) Should taste death for every man.
(This Second one reveals to me a Heavenly View Of Christ On Earth)
PRAYER: That we, and all humanity, might see this Heavenly View Of Christ On Earth.
If we are going to Worship the Lord well, a part of our Worship should be Adoration. Adoration is expression of our deep love for Him. If we miss out on Adoration in our Worship, then Worship seems to be a program, rather than a pure expression of love. It seems today that the Church has lost the heart of Adoration and therefore is missing out on an important part of the Beauty and Reality of Worship. We need to know and experience restoration of our Church and personal Worship.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Really Good News!
'Really Good News.'
Luke 2:10-11.
a) The Angel said to them:
b) "Listen...
c) "Do not be afraid...
d) "I bring you Good News of great Joy...
e) "Which is for all the people...
f) "This very day...
g) "In David's City...
h) "Is Born to you...
i) "A Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord."
(This QT reveals Really Good News)
PRAY...That we will receive well, and share well, Really Good News)
'Because Jesus Christ Humbled Himself.'
Philippians 2:8-9.
a) Jesus Christ, our Lord, being found in human form.
b) Humbled Himself by becoming obedient, even to the point of death.
c) Even death on a (humiliating and cruel) Cross.
d) Therefore, God has highly exalted Him
e) And bestowed on Him the Name that is above every Name.
(Through this Second one I can see what happened Because Jesus Christ Humbled Himself)
PRAY...With Faith in Jesus' Name Because Jesus Christ Humbled Himself.
The Angel told the Wise Men to "listen" first, not to "look" first. This is an important lesson for us too, many of life's pitfalls can be avoided if we listened first and not tried to look first. There are quite a number of sources that we should listen to, including God, those people closest to us, and experts etc, before we make any judgement about important decisions or new things.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Abram Prepared His Offering!
'Abram Prepared His Offering.'
Genesis 15:10.
a) He brought all of his offerings to God.
b) He cut the offerings in half.
c) He laid them against each other.
d) (He prepared them carefully and well.)
e) He did not cut the birds in two.
(This QT teaches me that Abram Prepared His Offering)
PRAYER: That we will have Wisdom how to prepare our offerings well)
'God's Workers.'
2 Timothy 2:15.
a) Be diligent
b) To present yourself
c) Approved to God,
d) A worker who does not need to be ashamed,
e) Rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
(This Second one reveals to me God's standard for God's Workers)
PRAYER: For God's Workers to be approved by Him first.
Abram gave a pattern for the Priests of the Old Testament times. He carefully cut the offerings in half. He prepared them carefully and well. There are two thoughts for me here. Firstly, the Servants of the Lord today need to prepare their ministry lives carefully and well. Secondly, all True Believers need to offer to God offerings that are pleasing to Him in every way.
Don't Be Anxious Regarding Clothes!
'Don't Be Anxious Regarding Clothes.'
Matthew 6:28.
a) Why worry about clothes?
b) Notice how the flowers grow in the field.
c) They never work.
d) They never spin yarn for clothes.
(This QT exhorts me: Don't Be Anxious Regarding Clothes)
PRAYER: Trusting God for His Provision.
'A Short, But Amazing Prayer.'
Luke 23:42.
a) Jesus!
b) Remember me,
c) When You enter Your Kingdom.
(Through this Second one I find A Short, But Amazing Prayer)
PRAYER: To be remembered by King Jesus at all times.
Whatever the circumstances of our lives may be, Jesus has Promised to fill the needs within those circumstances. What we need to do is to follow Him and obey Him. We need to concentrate on our relationship with Him and live to please Him. As we do this, whatever circumstances we may be living in He has surely Promised to meet our needs in every way.
Monday, July 24, 2017
When The Angel Of The Lord Was Present!
'When The Angel Of The Lord Was Present.'
Luke 2:9.
a) The Angel stood.
b) The Glory of the Lord
c) Shone around about them.
d) They were terrified.
(This QT reveals to me the environment When The Angel Of The Lord Was Present)
PRAY: That we would always respond properly to the Presence of the Lord.
'Their Hope Was Not In Vain.'
Luke 24:21.
a) We had hoped.
b) That Jesus Christ,
c) Was the One,
d) Who would redeem Israel.
e) All these things had happened three days before.
(This Second one reminds me that Their Hope Was Not In Vain)
PRAY: That our Hope will be God-given and God-centered.
The Bible tells us that we may be 'entertaining angels unawares' I really Believe this statement of the Word of God, but I do also realise that there are times when angels identify themselves as angels, and we realise that they are angels during or after a certain event. We should definitely not be negative about the existence of angels and the missions that God gives them to do.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
The Sacrifice That God Wanted!
'The Sacrifice That God Wanted.'
Genesis 15:9.
a) A three-year-old female calf.
b) A three-year-old female goat.
c) A three-year-old ram.
d) A dove.
e) A young pigeon.
(This QT teaches me The Sacrifice That God Wanted)
PRAYER: That our various Sacrifices to God would be pleasing to Him.
'Ready For Battle.'
Psalm 110:3.
a) Your People.
b) Stand ready.
c) On Your 'Day of Battle'.
d) In Holy Grandeur.
e) From the dawn's womb.
f) Fight!
g) Your youthful strength.
h) Is like the dew itself.
(This Second one encourages me to be Ready For Battle)
PRAYER: That we shall always be Ready For Battle.
The Greatest Sacrifice that was ever made was the Sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus Christ, on the Cross for us. It was a complete and once-for-all Sacrifice. Because of this Sacrifice we can have New Life in Him and receive all the Blessings and Benefits of the Salvation that He gives to us as well as a new life-style.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
At Sodom In The Evening!
'At Sodom In The Evening.'
Genesis 19:1.
a) Two Angels came to Sodom in the evening.
b) Lot sat in the Gate of the city - the place of city authority.
c) When Lot saw the two Angels:
1-He rose.
2-He went to meet them.
3-He bowed before them.
(Through this QT, At Sodom In The Evening, I find the real heart of Lot, a simple and polite man)
PRAYER: For the hospitality example and arrangements of our Church fathers and leaders.
'Part Of A Specific Design.'
1 Kings 7:19.
a) The capitals
b) That were on the tops of the pillars
c) In the vestibule
d) Were of lily-work,
e) Four cubits high.
(This Second one teaches me Part Of A Specific Design)
PRAYER: When designing something, to follow God's Creativity gift, Part Of A Specific Design)
This was a traditional and very polite welcome given to these two strangers when they came to the Gate of the City. Lot was a man of authority in the city, similar to a member of the ruling council. It was not only his kindness, but also Lot's responsibility, to welcome strangers who came into the city in the evening, and to arrange their accommodation, in this case, he welcomed them to his own home.
Friday, July 21, 2017
An Important Function Of Shepherds!
'An Important Function Of Shepherds.'
Luke 2:8.
a) Nearby, in the fields outside of Bethlehem,
b) A group of shepherds were guarding their flocks
c) From predators,
d) In the darkness of night.
(This QT reveals An Important Function Of Shepherds (even until today))
PRAYER: For our Church 'Shepherds' to learn from the lives of the shepherds of flocks in Jesus' Day)
'The Father Said To Jesus Christ.'
Psalm 110:1.
a) This was spoken to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
b) "Sit at My Right Hand,
c) Until I make Your enemies
d) A footstool for your feet."
(This Second one is a part of what The Father Said To Jesus Christ, His Son and our Saviour)
PRAYER: That we would have patience, in the same way that both our Lord Jesus Christ, and also the shepherds, had patience to do the Will of God.
It is important for us, even today, to be praying for our farmers. Not only do they have to work hard in weather that is often inclement, but also the farms are subject to sheep and cattle thieves - night or day. To be a farmer is very hard work, so when the thieves come to their farms, it is so frustrating and discouraging! Yes, please pray for the farmers.
How Will I Know?
'How Will I Know?'
a) Genesis 15:8. Abraham's question to God.
b) Judges 6:36. Gideon's question to God.
c) Luke 1:18. Zacharias' question to the Angel.
d) Isaiah 7:11. Ask God for a sign.
(This QT assures me that if it is necessary, we can ask God: How Will I Know?)
'This Is The Lord.'
Exodus 34:6.
a) He is the Lord.
b) He is:-
3-Slow to Anger.
4-Abundant in Loving-kindness.
5-Abundant in Faithfulness.
6-Abundant in Truth.
(Through this Second one I understand that This Is The Lord)
It is very wonderful that, God, in His Word, reveals Himself, He teaches us there that He Is The Lord! This is the most important part of God and His Character that we need to learn. There are many other aspects of God's Character that we need to study and learn about, but here is the most important ... He is the Lord! We then need to apply all that this means to our lives.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
A Hard Time Waiting For God!
'A Hard Time Waiting For God.'
Psalm 69:3.
a) I am weary with my crying.
b) My throat is parched.
c) My eyes grow dim.
d) With waiting for my God.
(This QT teaches me that it is possible to have A Hard Time Waiting For God)
PRAYER: For Patience and Strength when we are Waiting For God.
'That You May Know.'
Matthew 9:6.
a) That the Son of Man,
b) Has Power on Earth
c) To forgive sins -
d) Jesus then said to the paralytic -
2-Take up your bed.
3-Go home.
(This Second one is written That We May Know the Power of Jesus to forgive sins and to heal)
PRAYER: For confidence in our Prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sometimes we have a difficult time in Prayer whilst waiting for God, this does not mean that God does not hear our Prayers, it means that He has the Perfect Time for His Answer to our Prayers. Most of us, even from the Old Testament days it is recorded, have difficult times at time in our Prayer life, the lesson that we learn from the Bible is that we do not give up!
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
No Room In The Living Quarters!
'No Room In The Living Quarters.'
Luke 2:7.
a) Mary gave birth to her first-born Son.
b) She wrapped Him in cloth.
c) She laid Him down in a feeding trough.
d) Because there was no place for them in the living quarters.
(This QT reveals to me the rejection of Christ, right from the beginning of His time on Earth - No Room In The Living Quarters)
PRAYER: For healing of all the 'rejection' in our heart, it is possible because Christ was rejected for us, right from the start of His Life on Earth.
Only One Mediator.'
1 Timothy 2:5.
a) There is one God.
b) There is one Mediator between God and man.
c) He is the Man Christ Jesus.
(This Second one teaches me that there is Only One Mediator between human-kind and God, He is Christ Jesus Himself)
PRAYER: For our relationship with God to be resolved, if necessary, through our Mediator, Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ suffered rejection for us, that we can be restored from all rejection's pain and the dysfunctional behaviour that it produces. True Believers should not live with rejection-rooted behaviour in their lives because Jesus Christ suffered rejection for us.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
I Have Done - Now You Do!
'I Have Done - Now You Do.'
Genesis 15:7.
a) The Lord said to Abram:
b) "I Am Jehovah Who brought thee out of the land of Ur of the Chaldees.
c) To give thee this land.
d) To possess it.
e) To inherit it.
(This QT teaches me a part of God's Way: I Have Done - Now You Do)
PRAYER: For strength to do the Will of God.
'Jesus Christ Prayed For Our Unity.'
John 17:21.
a) Our Unity at His Return.
b) The only way for there to be unity among True Believers:
c) All of us first to find unity with God in Jesus Christ - are we united with God?
d) Then the World can Believe that God the Father has sent His Son to Save us.
(Through this Second one I rejoice that Jesus Christ Prayed For Our Unity)
PRAYER: For unity in our Church and among True Believers in our locality.
Inheritance is an important word. God gave the land for His People to inherit. If that land was to fulfill its purpose then God's People had to take the land and live in it. The land would be useless if the people did not do something about it. There are times when we need to do something if we are to enjoy the inheritance that God has given to us. Do what? That is between the individual Believer and God.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Christ The Creator!
'Christ The Creator.'
Colossians 1:16.
a) For by Him.
b) All things were created:
1-In Heaven.
2-On Earth.
c) They were created through Him and for Him. (1 Corinthians 8:6)
(This QT reminds me of Christ The Creator)
PRAY: For a personal understanding of Christ the Creator.
'Christ Has All Authority.'
Matthew 28:18.
a) All Authority.
b) In Heaven.
c) On Earth.
d) Has been given to Him.
(Through this Second one I believe that Christ Has All Authority)
PRAY: Thanking God that Christ Has All Authority and Pray with Faith in the Authority of His Name.
I need to remember that By Christ the Creator all things were created. It is easy to take things and life for granted and forget the reality of Christ the Creator. We can have confidence because the Bible assures us that Christ is the Creator of all things in every realm.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Was This A Deliberate Plan?
'Was This A Deliberate Plan?'
Luke 2:6.
a) It was while they were in Nazareth.
b) With all of its discomforts.
c) The time came,
d) For Mary to give birth.
(This QT prompts me to ask the question: Was This A Deliberate Plan? Not just a 'prophetic' convenience that 'just happened'?)
PRAYER: For all those families, in family or Church, with a pregnancy, to give birth in the Will of God in every part of the circumstance and event.
'The Voice From The Cloud.'
Matthew 17:5.
a) It was very unusual - it was a bright cloud.
b) It appeared while Peter was speaking.
c) This cloud overshadowed Jesus, Peter, James and John who were together alone on a high mountain.
d) A Voice (Father God's Voice) spoke from the cloud:
1-This is My Beloved Son.
2-With Whom I am well pleased.
3-Listen to Him.
(God spoke in A Voice From A Cloud)
PRAYER: That we will not "miss" God speaking to us, in whichever way that He may choose.
The place of very temporary lodging for Joseph and Mary (then eventually Jesus also) was a place of discomfort, a very ordinary facility made for feeding the animals that normally were kept there. Some of us may rarely have to temporarily stay in an uncomfortable place that is not our "home". If we do, we should not complain, rather ask God what His Plan is in us being there!
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Abram Believed The Lord!
'Abram Believed The Lord.'
Genesis 15:3-6.
a) Genesis 15:3. Abram had a big cultural and natural struggle.
b) Genesis 15:3. He had no children, so one of his servants would be his heir.
c) Genesis 15:4. Then the Lord said to Abram:
2-Your servant will not be your heir.
3-You will have a son of your own who will be your heir.
d) Genesis 15:5. Then the Lord took Abram outside.
e) Genesis 15:5. The Lord said to Abram:
1-Look up into the sky.
2-Count the stars if you can.
3-That is how many descendants you will have.
f) Genesis 15:6. Then Abram believed the Lord.
g) Genesis 15:6. The Lord counted Abram as Righteous because of his Faith.
(This QT encourages my faith: Abram Believed The Lord)
PRAY: For Faith to Believe the Lord's Promises.
'The Father Loves And Is Well Pleased With His Son.'
Matthew 3:17.
a) A Voice from Heaven spoke. (It was the Voice of the Father)
b) "This is My Son,
c) "Whom I love;
d) "With Him I am well pleased!
e) "He brings Me great Joy."
(This Second one teaches me that: The Father Loves And Is Well Pleased With His Son)
PRAY: For clear understanding of, and to have Faith in, the Triune God: Father, Son (Jesus Christ our Lord), and the Holy Spirit.
There are times in our life when God simply says: "No!" He said it to Abram when Abram was struggling with his situation and could not Believe the Promises of God. (I think that we all face such times.) God intervened, He took Abram outside of his tent to show him the reality of the Promise that He was giving to Him. When Abram took that step of obedience and simply did what God asked him to do, then Abram was able to believe the Lord.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Our Powerful And Wise God!
'Our Powerful And Wise God.'
Jeremiah 10:12.
a) It is He Who made the Earth by His Power.
b) It is He Who established the World by His Wisdom.
c) By His understanding He stretched out the Heavens.
(This QT reminds me of Our Powerful And Wise God)
PRAY: Worshipping Our Powerful And Wise God.
'A Humble And Sent Missionary.'
John 3:28.
a) The people bore witness to him.
b) He said that he was not the Christ.
c) He was simply sent before Him.
(This Second one reveals to me A Humble And Sent Missionary - John the Baptist)
PRAY: That all sent missionaries, especially those from your Church, or your Nation, shall be humble before God.
Worship is really an important part of every True Believer's life. "Worship" can be the title given to our main Sunday Service: Sunday Worship. It can also be given to the part of the Service, on any day, at any time, when the assembled Church, turn their hearts to glorify God with words, music and song. A person who loves God will surely want to Worship Him. Worship can also be private, our own time of Love expressed to God in some way.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
To Where Do We Belong?
'To Where Do We Belong?'
Luke 2:4-5.
a) Joseph took his wife Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem, which was David's City, for census registration.
b) Joseph was of the House and family of David.
c) Mary was heavily pregnant.
d) The distance is 107km. This must have been a very uncomfortable and difficult journey.
e) The reason that they took that journey was threefold:
1-Joseph was a diligent citizen.
2-For the sake of natural lineage.
3-It was the Will of God.
f) Joseph belonged to Bethlehem, it was his home town.
g) The painful reality: Even though Joseph belonged to Bethlehem, there was no place available for his family there.
(This QT, To Where Do We Belong?, teaches me that there is a big difference between "home town" and "home")
PRAY: For our present home to be filled with God's Presence and Peace.
'Believe In Christ Jesus.'
Acts 10:43.
a) All the Prophets bear witness,
b) That everyone who Believes in Him,
c) Receives forgiveness of sins,
d) Through His Name.
(This Second one reminds me of the simple Gospel Message: Believe In Christ Jesus)
PRAY: For our unsaved family members and friends to Believe In Christ Jesus.
Joseph was a diligent father! He is a fine example to us of commitment. He wanted to go back and visit his hometown for the birth of his son. Joseph wanted to be a good 'Bethlehemite' and he took his wife on a difficult journey so that this lineage of 'Bethlehemites' be maintained. It is evident from Scripture that Joseph did not want to live and settle there in Bethlehem, he only wanted Mary to give Birth there.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
They Had To Go!
'They Had To Go.'
a) Genesis 31:17-18. Jacob, back to his father.
b) Luke 2:4. Joseph, to pay his taxes.
c) Ruth 3:3. Ruth, to meet her husband to be.
d) 1 Samuel 13:20. The Israelites, down amongst the Philistines.
e) 2 Kings 8:1. The woman and her family, because a famine was coming.
f) 2 Kings 23:9. The sinful priests, out of the Lord's Service.
g) Esther 2:15. Esther, to go in to the king.
h) Ezekiel 3:14. Ezekiel, as a prophet.
i) Mark 5:19; Luke 8:38. Back to his own people, to tell them of the Mercy of the Lord.
j) John 13:1. Jesus, back to the Father.
k) Acts 11:12. Peter, with the men who called for him.
(This QT tells me that They Had To Go)
PRAY: That we would always be sensitive to the Lord's Leading in our life.
'Do Not Miss Him.'
John 5:39.
a) Acts 17:11. They searched the Scriptures.
b) Because they thought that, by doing so, they would find Eternal Life.
c) But the Scriptures simply testify about Christ.
d) It is in Christ that we have Eternal Life.
(This Second One is a clear warning to all who love the Bible: Do Not Miss Him)
PRAY: That our friends and family members do not 'miss' the Lord because of their simply 'being religious'.
We cannot always understand the ways of the Lord, Jacob was led back to his father, Esther was led into the king's presence, and Jesus had to go back to His Father via the Cross after a short time of life on this Earth, He was in His early thirties! I cannot define the workings of the Lord and His Leading in our lives but I can always say that I need to trust Him.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
God And People!
'God And People.'
Psalm 104:28-30.
a) Psalm 104:28. What You give them, they gather in.
b) Psalm 104:28. You open Your Hand and they are filled with good.
c) Psalm 104:29. You hide Your Face and they are troubled.
d) Psalm 104:29. You take away their breath and they die and return to their dust.
e) Psalm 104:30. You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;
f) Psalm 104:30. You renew the Face of the Earth.
(This QT gives me a glimpse of Creator God: God And People)
PRAY: Giving Thanks to God for the Life and for the Holy Spirit that He gives to us.
'He Is There Now.'
Luke 22:69.
a) From now on,
b) The Son of Man will be seated
c) In the Place of Power
d) At God's Right Hand.
(Through this Second one I know that He Is There Now)
PRAY: Worshipping God because The Son of Man Is There Now.
Without God we would not be here, whatever our "belief" or lack of "belief", this is a very clear fact. God supplies all things for all peoples, whether they acknowledge Him or not. Even more amazing is the fact that God is the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth. If we shared, internationally, with other peoples, some of what our Nations have materially and physically, they would be healthier and happier. We, also would be Blessed by God.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Abram's Doubting Response to The Word Of The Lord!
'Abram's Doubting Response To The Word Of The Lord.'
Genesis 15:1-2.
a) The Word of the Lord came to Abram in a Vision.
b) The Lord said:
1-Do not be afraid Abram.
2-I am your Sovereign Shield.
3-I am your Exceedingly Great Reward.
c) Abram responded pitifully:
1-Sovereign Lord God:
2-"What can You give me
3-"Since I remain childless
4-"And the one who will inherit my estate
5-"Is Eliezer of Damascus?"
(This QT shows me Abram's Doubting Response To The Word Of The Lord)
PRAYER: That we will always respond with Faith when we receive the Word of the Lord.
'Accused Falsely.'
Luke 23:1-2.
a) The multitude of the people
b) They led Jesus off to Pilate.
c) And they began to accuse Him saying:
1-"We have found this man subverting our Nation.
2-"He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar,
3-"Saying that He, Himself, is Christ, a King."
(Through this Second one I understand the possibility of every True Believer being Accused Falsely at times)
PRAYER: That before any other response we will come to God when we are Accused Falsely.
Abram's thinking was consumed by the thought, and his prayer with the response to the thought, that he remained childless. We know, from the Scripture that God gave him a family that was huge, the generations spreading all over the Earth. God was greater than Abram's doubting! "What can you give me, since I remain childless?" was the cry of Abram's prayer, it was a doubting and unbelieving response. Yet, despite the doubt of Abram, God intervened, He gave Abram a huge family that has spread all over the World until now
Sunday, July 9, 2017
The Best Census System!
'The Best Census System.'
Luke 2:3.
a) Everyone.
b) Went to their own town.
c) To register.
d) In the books of the Nation.
(This QT teaches me The Best Census System)
PRAY: For Government systems in the Nation where you live.
'Evil Violence.'
a) Matthew 26:68; 27:30. They hit Jesus Christ.
b) Exodus 21:12; Numbers 35:21. They hit a man and kill him.
c) Exodus 21:15. Hitting parents.
d) Exodus 21:18. Hits another person and injures them.
e) Exodus 21:19. The one who hits needs to take care of the person he hits.
f) Exodus 21:22. Do not hit a pregnant woman.
g) Exodus 21:26. Do not hit a servant in the eye.
h) Numbers 22:28-32. Unnecessary violence toward animals.
i) Deuteronomy 27:24. Hitting a neighbour in secret.
j) 1 Samuel 19:10. Hitting the wall with a spear, in anger.
k) 2 Samuel 3:27. In revenge.
l) 1 Kings 22:24. Hitting the true Servant of the Lord.
m) Job 16:10. Men hit Job on the face in anger.
n) Proverbs 23:35. They hit me but I was not hurt.
o) Isaiah 50:6. Jesus Christ gave His Back to those who hit Him.
p) Matthew 5:39. True Believers may sometimes be hit by people persecuting them.
q) Acts 16:23. They hit Paul and Silas many times.
r) Acts 23:2-3. They hit Apostle Paul.
(This Second one makes me to Pray for the people who suffer from Evil Violence)
PRAY: For those who suffer because of Evil Violence.
They hit Jesus Christ, this was a part of His Suffering before eventually being taken to be crucified. It means that His Body was already very painful when He carried His Cross to Calvary. The pain that He went through in the whole evil process must have been excruciating! Jesus is able, by His Holy Spirit, to Comfort and Succor those people who have experienced, or are still experiencing, evil violence.
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The Christian Life!
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