The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Not Greedy!
'Not Greedy.'
John 21:10.
a) Jesus Christ fully realised that fishing was the Disciples' skill and former work.
b) Although Jesus Christ provided a huge catch of fish.
c) He did not want all the fish.
d) He did not want to waste the fish.
e) He asked the Disciples simply to bring some of the fish. (Enough for the meal)
(This QT teaches me that Jesus Christ was Not Greedy)
'Jesus' Example Of Growth.'
Luke 2:52.
a) Jesus grew in Wisdom.
b) Jesus grew in Stature.
c) Jesus grew in favour with God.
d) Jesus grew in favour with man.
(Through this Second one I want to follow Jesus' Example Of Growth)
This true incident that was recorded before Christ went back to His Father in Heaven teaches me that Christ was not greedy. As True Believers we should follow this example and not be greedy. When people manifest human greed it robs them of receiving the pure Blessing of God. True Believers should never be greedy!
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Christ Made Peace!
'Christ Made Peace.'
Colossians 1:20.
a) By Christ, God reconciled all things to Himself.
b) Whether things on Earth.
c) Or things in Heaven.
d) Having made Peace.
e) Through the Blood of the Cross.
(This QT reminds me that Christ Made Peace)
'In Early Church Days.'
1 Corinthians 5:5.
a) Dealing with immoral men.
b) They should be handed over to Satan.
c) For the destruction of the flesh.
d) So that their spirit may be Saved.
e) In the Day of the Lord Jesus.
(This Second one reveals to me the way that immorality was dealt with In Early Church Days)
When we sing about "The Power of the Blood of Jesus", we are singing about something that is very real. There are certain things that we need to value and remember about the Blood of Christ. We have Peace through the Blood of Jesus; Peace with God! This means in reality that our conscience is washed clean. God has reconciled all things to Himself through the Blood of Jesus shed at the Cross. As we read the Scriptures, we can find more and more about the Power of the Blood of the Cross. (The Blood of Jesus)
Saturday, October 29, 2016
a) Jeremiah 8:3; 24:9. God can banish entire Nations.
b) Jeremiah 25:10. God can banish the sounds of Joy and Gladness.
c) Jeremiah 27:15. God will banish everyone involved with false prophecy.
d) Zechariah 13:2. God will banish the names of idols.
(This QT gives me awe of the Lord: Banishment)
'The Church.'
Ephesians 1:23.
a) Is Christ's Body.
b) Is The Fullness Of Christ.
c) That fills all in all.
(This Second one teaches me how the Lord treasures The Church)
The Church! This word should mean something special for True Believers. It should be the place that we Love and Enjoy God and each other. In the History of many Churches, both Local and National, there are hurts and 'incidents' in their history or present experience that can cause strife or division. Upon careful reading of the New Testament we find that there are several examples of Church life.
Jesus Christ The Host!
'Jesus Christ The Host.'
John 21:9.
a) As soon as the disciples came to land.
b) They saw a fire of coals.
c) Fish were laid on the fire.
d) There was also bread.
(This QT reveals to me Jesus Christ The Host)
'He Really Wanted To Know.'
Matthew 19:16.
a) A man came and said to Jesus.
b) Good Teacher.
c) What good thing should I do?
d) This man wanted to have Eternal Life.
(This man Really Wanted To Know)
For the True Believer, Jesus Christ is surely the Host at every meal. He is the Lord our Provider. We believe, as True Believers, that all of our provision comes from the Lord. We pray and give thanks to Him for our meal. Because He is the Host, we can enjoy our food and fellowship in every way.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Three Simple Instructions!
'Three Simple Instructions.'
Colossians 3:15.
a) Let the Peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.
b) As members of one Body we are called to live in Peace.
c) Be thankful and appreciative.
(This QT gives me Three Simple Instructions)
'The Testimony Of Jesus Christ.
John 3:34.
a) He is sent by God.
b) He speaks God's Words.
c) God gives Him the (Holy) Spirit without limit.
(This Second one is a part of The Testimony Of Jesus Christ)
When we read of the Testimony of Jesus Christ, it surely makes us in awe of Him and gives us a desire to share Him, in some way, with other people. Sharing Christ with other people is a very broad expression, it does not just refer to talking about Him, it can also be doing the things that He would do and teaching the things that He taught. We can easily read the Testimony of Jesus Christ in the Gospels.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The Humiliation Of The Important People!
'The Humiliation Of The Important People.'
Jeremiah 8:1-2.
a) They will bring out the bones of the important people in Judah.
b) The:-
5-Inhabitants of Jerusalem.
c) They will be exposed to:-
1-The Sun.
2-The Moon.
3.The Host of Heaven.
d) These things they have:-
3-Walked after.
e) They shall not be gathered or buried.
f) They shall be like refuse on the face of the Earth.
(This QT reveals to me The Humiliation Of The Important People)
'Christ In The Father And The Father In Christ.'
John 14:10.
a) We need to Believe that Christ is in the Father and that the Father is in Christ.
b) The Words that Christ speaks, He does not speak on His Own Authority.
c) The Father Who dwells in Christ does the works.
(This Second one reminds me about Christ In The Father And The Father In Christ)
Eternal punishment was to come to God's Old Testament People because they worshipped the Host of Heaven (Sun, Moon, Stars, etc.) They loved these things more than they loved God. These things were very much objects of worship in the World System in those Old Testament Days. It is both amazing and sad that the situation is almost the same today.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Their Net Was Full!
'Their Net Was Full.'
John 21:8.
a) All the other Disciples were with the boat.
b) They experienced together the Miracle of Jesus.
c) They pulled the loaded net to the shore.
d) They were only about one hundred yards from the shore.
(This QT reminds me of the Miracle: Their Net Was Full)
'All The Fulness Of God.'
Colossians 2:9.
a) In Christ.
b) Lives all the Fulness of God.
c) In a human body.
(Through this Second one I proclaim that All The Fulness Of God always dwelt in Christ)
Jesus Christ, through His Creational Miracle, gave the Disciples a net full of fish. This helped them in many ways. They saw the Miracle, their financial needs would have been met, it happened near the shore, so that they did not have to pull the full net too far. They experienced Grace together. I am Blessed through reading about this Creational Miracle.
Monday, October 24, 2016
The Church!
'The Church.'
Ephesians 1:23.
a) The Church is Christ's Body.
b) The Fullness of Him.
c) Who fills everything.
d) In every way.
(This QT helps me understand more about The Church)
'Husbands And Christ.'
Ephesians 5:23.
a) The husband is the head of the wife.
b) Even as Christ is the Head of the Church.
c) The Church is Christ's Body.
d) Christ Himself is the Saviour of the Church.
(This Second one teaches me about Husbands And Christ)
It is good that every True Believer has a greater and increasing understanding about the Church. It does not matter where in the World I may be, it always seems that there is some misunderstanding among True Believers about the Church. Going back to the Bible and reading it about the Church, will surely help us all to understand more.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Then Desolation Follows!
'Then Desolation Follows!'
Jeremiah 7:32-34.
a) Jeremiah 7:32. Beware.
b) Jeremiah 7:32. The days are coming.
c) Jeremiah 7:32. Says the Lord.
d) Jeremiah 7:32. When the garbage dump will no longer be called Topheth, or the Valley of Ben Himmon.
e) Jeremiah 7:32. But it will be called the Valley of Slaughter.
f) Jeremiah 7:32. They will bury the bodies in Topheth until there is no more room for them.
g) Jeremiah 7:33. The bodies of God's People will be food for the vultures and wild animals.
h) Jeremiah 7:33. No one will be left to scare away the vultures and wild animals.
i) Jeremiah 7:34. The Lord will put an end to the happy singing and laughter in the streets of Jerusalem.
j) Jeremiah 7:34. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard in the towns of Judah.
k) Jeremiah 7:34. The land will lie in complete desolation.
(This QT makes me understand - Then Desolation Follows)
'New Testament Church Persecution.'
Acts 9:1.
a) Saul was uttering threats with every breath.
b) Saul was eager to kill the Lord's followers.
c) Saul went to the High Priest in order to get permission to carry out further persecution of the New Testament Believers.
(This Second one confirms to me that there was New Testament Church Persecution)
There are days ahead in which Prophecies that are true will be fulfilled, in fact this has started to happen already. We should be aware of these days and of the Prophecies concerning them, especially the Prophecies of the Scripture. Every 'prophetic word' that is spoken can be tested by the Scripture to check if it is really what the Lord says. If the 'prophetic word' is not in keeping with the Scripture, then that 'prophetic word' may be discarded.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
It Is The Lord!
'It Is The Lord!'
John 21:7.
a) John said to Peter.
b) "It is the Lord."
c) When Peter heard that it was the Lord he put his outer garment on.
d) (He was stripped for work)
e) Then he threw himself into the sea.
(This QT reveals to me the shame Peter had when he heard that It Was The Lord)
'Now Is The Time.'
Mark 16:20.
a) The Disciples went out and preached everywhere.
b) The Lord worked with them.
c) The Lord confirmed the Word by the signs that followed the preaching.
(This Second one strongly reminds me that Now Is The Time)
Peter was embarrassed by the Presence of Jesus, that is why he threw himself into the sea, he was improperly dressed. This was not 'old-fashioned' or merely 'religious' behaviour, Peter genuinely had the holy Fear of the Lord and did not want to appear undressed before His Lord. Without making much comment or unnecessary criticism I would just remark that it is good that True Believers can emulate Peter, having the holy Fear of the Lord.
Friday, October 21, 2016
The Lord Is Our Peace!
'The Lord Is Our Peace.'
Ephesians 2:14-17.
a) Ephesians 2:14. The Lord Himself is our Peace.
b) Ephesians 2:14. He breaks down every dividing wall.
c) Ephesians 2:15. He abolishes, in His Own flesh the enmity caused by the Law.
d) Ephesians 2:15. That in Himself He might make the two, Jew and Gentile, into one new man.
e) Ephesians 2:15. He establishes Peace.
f) Ephesians 2:16. He might reconcile Jew and Gentile, united in One Body, to God.
g) Ephesians 2:16. Through the Cross.
h) Ephesians 2:16. The Power of the Cross breaks down enmity.
i) Ephesians 2:17. Christ came and preached "Peace" to all people.
(Through this QT I know that The Lord Is Our Peace)
'In The Fulness Of Time.'
Galatians 4:4.
a) When, in God's Plan.
b) The proper time had fully come.
c) God sent His Son.
d) Born of a woman.
e) Born under the regulations of the (Jewish) Law.
(This Second one teaches me that Christ came In The Fulness of Time)
Jesus Christ our Lord breaks down every dividing wall. The places where dividing walls may be are Churches, Nations, Cities, Towns, Homes, Families, Schools, Colleges and Workplaces plus a host of others. Wherever dividing walls are, the problem can be solved through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
God Never Thought About Such Things!
God Never Thought About Such Things!'
Jeremiah 7:31.
a) This is what God's People did:
b) They built pagan shrines at Topheth.
c) This is the garbage dump in the Valley of Ben-Hinnom.
d) At the same place they burn their sons and daughters in the fire.
e) God never commanded such a horrible deed.
f) It never crossed God's Mind to command such a thing.
(This QT reveals that God Never Thought About Such Things)
'Those People Who Are Truly Blessed.'
John 20:28.
a) Thomas saw and felt the wounds of Jesus.
b) He exclaimed: "My Lord and my God".
c) Then Jesus told Thomas.
d) That because he had seen Jesus with his own eyes he Believed.
e) But more Blessed are those people who Believe without seeing Him.
(This Second one teaches me about Those People Who Are Truly Blessed)
God never Commands His People to do horrible things, especially things aligned with evil or occult practices. This kind of evil never came and never comes into God's Mind. We need to be alert Intercessors in these days because evil people are practicing evil things and trying to call innocent people to follow them. As God's People we need to reject all forms of evil.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
The Lord's Simple Instruction!
'The Lord's Simple Instruction.'
John 21:6.
a) Throw out your net on the right hand side of the boat.
b) You will find some fish.
c) So they did.
d) Then they could not haul in the net.
e) Because of the large number of fish.
(This QT reveals to me The Lord's Simple Instruction)
'The Man's Response To His Own Faith.'
John 9:38.
a) The Statement of Faith affirmed.
b) "Yes, Lord, I Believe."
c) Then he Worshipped the Lord.
(This Second one shows me The Man's Response To His Own Faith)
The Miracle of the fish was a truly amazing Miracle. After fishing all night, which was the correct time for fruitful fishing, the Disciples had caught nothing. In the morning, after the end of the fishing time, Jesus told His Disciples to try again, He gave them specific instructions. They simply obeyed Him, and caught a huge catch. This QT Teaches me to follow The Lord's Simple Instruction.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit!
'The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit.'
Galatians 5:22-23.
a) Love.
b) Joy.
c) Peace.
d) Patience.
e) Kindness.
f) Goodness.
g) Faithfulness.
h) Gentleness.
i) Self-control.
(This QT gives me a desire for more of The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit In My Life)
'Straight To The Real Problem.'
Luke 12:13-15.
a) Luke 12:13. Someone in the crowd was more interested in their legal "right" than they were in Jesus Himself.
b) Luke 12:14. Jesus refused to be the Judge or Arbitrator.
c) Luke 12:15. Jesus simply told the people to be on their personal guard.
d) Luke 12:15. Against all covetousness.
e) Luke 12:15. One's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus goes Straight To The Real Problem)
Faithfulness is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between 'Faith' and 'Faithfulness'! The Church today is in great need of the Fruit of Faithfulness. It does not matter which part of the World that we may live in, we can easily see the lack of the Fruit of Faithfulness in the Church. Both Faithfulness in regard to our relationship with the Lord, and also our relationships with one another in the Church. Here is a "Call To Faithfulness".
Monday, October 17, 2016
They Defiled The Lord's House!
'They Defiled The Lord's House.'
Jeremiah 7:30.
a) The Judeans did what was evil in the Lord's sight.
b) This is what the Lord declares:
c) They have set up their detestable things.
d) In the House that is called by My Name.
e) They have Defiled My House.
(This Qt reveals to me that They Defiled The Lord's House)
'Worship God Only!'
Revelation 22:9.
a) The Angel told John not to worship Angels.
b) The Angel said that he was a fellow slave.
c) The Angel had to obey the Word of God.
(This Qt reminds me to Worship God Only)
To defile God's House is sin. Sometimes I hear people referring to the Sanctuary that 'it is only a building', that is a completely error-ridden concept. The Sanctuary is a place for Worship and Encounter with God. We need to preserve the Sanctuary for Worship and the other rooms in God's House for associated activities. God's House is not meant to be a common playground. The rooms and area outside the Sanctuary are meant to be for other Church-related activities.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
The Simple Thoughtfulness Of Jesus!
'The Simple Thoughtfulness Of Jesus.'
John 21:5.
a) He called His Disciples "children".
b) He wanted to know if they had any food (fish).
c) To eat along with their bread.
d) They answered Jesus in the negative.
(This QT reveals to me The Simple Thoughtfulness Of Jesus)
'Stop Worshipping The Preacher.'
Acts 14:15.
a) Preachers have the same nature as anybody else.
b) Preachers simply preach the Gospel.
c) The Preacher's Message should call people to repentance.
d) The Preacher's Message Glorifies the Creator God.
(Through this Second one I echo the call to Stop Worshipping The Preacher)
The simple thoughtfulness of Jesus first touched the lives of His Disciples. He affectionately called them "children". He was concerned for the natural part of their lives as well as the spiritual. When Jesus asked them about food, He was talking about food to eat. He was wanting them to have fish to eat, as well as bread.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Galatians 1:3.
a) Grace to us.
b) And Peace.
c) From God our Father.
d) From the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT simply shows to me what is Ours)
'Perfect Oneness.'
John 10:30.
a) Jesus Christ said:
b) I.
c) And the Father.
d) Are one.
(This Second one Teaches me Perfect Oneness)
The Bible is God's Word for us (True Believers). The Bible is God's Word for me (The Individual Believer). We need to value and esteem God's Word for what it is. The way in which God is going to speak to us most is through the Words of the Bible. We need to read our Bible and to love it as God's Word.
Friday, October 14, 2016
When The Lord's People Make Him Angry!
'When The Lord's People Make Him Angry.'
Jeremiah 7:29.
a) They have to cut off their hair.
b) They are to throw their hair away.
c) They are to take up a lamentation on the barren heights.
d) For the Lord has rejected.
e) For the Lord has forsaken.
f) The generation that is under His wrath.
(The QT teaches me what happens When The Lord's People Make Him Angry)
'Before Abraham Was.'
John 8:58.
a) Jesus was speaking out to the Jews.
b) Jesus said to them:
c) "Very Truly I tell you. "
d) "Before Abraham was - I am."
(This Second one stirred up the anger of the Jews: Before Abraham Was)
The Lord forsook the people who were under His Wrath. This fact should make us very careful what we think and say about people groups other than our own. Clearly and surely the Lord is our Judge and not we ourselves. Only He can take the initiative to accept or to forsake a people group. True Believers should be the most accepting people in the whole World.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Jesus At Dawn!
'Jesus At Dawn.'
John 21:4.
a) At dawn.
b) Jesus was standing on the beach.
c) The Disciples.
d) Did not know that it was Jesus.
(This QT reveals to me Jesus At Dawn)
'God At Work.'
John 5:17.
a) Jesus was speaking to the Jewish religious leaders.
b) He said to them:
c) My Father is working.
d) He clearly stated the Fatherhood of God!
e) He affirmed that He Himself was also working.
(This Second one reveals to me God At Work)
We know that the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never changes! Jesus did however do different things at different times of the day. It seems that around dawn and in the evening He loved to be on the beach, enjoying the calm of the sea. Some of His Miracles took place at the seaside or on board the boat.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Grace And Peace!
'Grace And Peace.'
2 Corinthians 1:2.
a) Grace to you.
b) Peace to you.
c) From God our Father.
d) And the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT makes me Grateful to God for Grace And Peace)
'Honour The Son.'
John 5:23.
a) All people will give to the Son (Jesus Christ):-
b) In the same way that they Honour the Father.
c) Whoever does not Honour the Son.
d) Does not Honour the Father Who sent Him.
(This Second one reminds me to Honour The Son)
There is not enough time, generally, given in our Churches to express our Gratefulness and Thanksgiving to God. The very fact that we live and breathe should make us grateful to God! Church is meant to be a place of Worship first, then a place of Ministry second. If we express Ministry first, we lose our grateful heart to God and Church just becomes a place of work. Gratefulness and Thanksgiving to God are both vitally important.
Monday, October 10, 2016
The Nation That Did Not Obey!
'The Nation That Did Not Obey.'
Jeremiah 7:28.
a) Jeremiah was to say to the Nation.
b) This is the Nation that did not obey the Voice of their God.
c) They did not accept discipline.
d) Truth has perished.
e) Truth has been cut off from their mouth.
(This QT reveals The Nation That Did Not Obey)
'God Is Good.'
Luke 18:19.
a) Jesus said to a Ruler.
b) "Why do you call Me good?"
c) No one is good.
d) Except God alone.
(This Second one reminds me that God Is Good)
When a Nation continuously lives in disobedience to God then Truth becomes cut off from their mouth. Deception enters the society of that Nation which brings with it all kinds of other problems. For most of the Nations on this planet Earth, most of their difficulties, social and financial problems come because of their disobedience to God and Truth being cut off from their mouths.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Quick Return To The Old Life!
'Quick Return To The Old Life.'
John 21:3.
a) Because of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
b) The Disciples were so easily discouraged and unbelieving.
c) Peter took a negative decision.
d) Going back to fishing. (As a way of life)
e) All the other disciples went along with Peter.
f) That night they caught nothing!
(This QT reveals the fruit of discouragement: Quick Return To The Old Life)
'A Heavenly Kingdom.'
John 18:36.
a) Jesus was defending Himself in front of Pilate.
b) "My Kingdom is not of the World (System)."
c) "If My Kingdom were of this World, then would My Servants fight."
d) "So that I would not be handed over to the Jews."
e) "As it is."
f) "My Kingdom does not have its origins here."
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus' Kingdom is A Heavenly Kingdom)
When people become discouraged for some reason, just like these original Disciples of Jesus Christ, it is easy for them to make wrong decisions. These wrong decisions have nothing to do with Faith, they are just experience and faithlessly going back to an old life style. It become a negative: "follow the leader". Thank God that Jesus intervened and restored these Disciples.
Friday, October 7, 2016
God's Grace Given!
'God's Grace Given.'
a) 1 Corinthians 1:4. Can cause others to thank God.
b) 1 Peter 4:10. We are to minister God's Grace to one another.
c) Romans 12:6-8. We all have different Gifts.
d) 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. There are various Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
e) Ephesians 4:7-12. Some Gifts are people who have Gifts.
(This QT causes me to Rejoice: God's Grace Given)
'Patient Not Pushy.'
Romans 12:7.
a) If our Gift is serving others.
b) Serve them well.
c) If you are a teacher.
d) Teach well.
(Through this Second one I want to be Patient Not Pushy)
God's Grace Given. This is a very wonderful statement! God is a God Who is desiring to Bless His People. He has an abundant supply of Grace. It is sometimes our attitude or understanding that restricts the Grace that God wants us to receive. God's Grace is abundant and God's Grace is amazing.
Called But Rebellious!
'Called But Rebellious.'
Jeremiah 7:27.
a) Jeremiah spoke God's Words to the people.
b) The people will not obey them.
c) Jeremiah was to call out to God's People.
d) They will not answer him.
(This QT reveals a People who are Called But Rebellious)
'Secretly Enticed.'
Deuteronomy 13:6.
a) If a close family member.
b) Or a very close friend.
c) Secretly entices you.
d) Inviting you to serve other gods with them.
e) Gods that you have not known.
f) Gods that your fathers have not known.
g) Do not go with them.
(This Second one warns me not to be Secretly Enticed)
These were God's People. God had already called them, He had eternal purposes for them. Even though this people were called by God, they were rebellious. Even though God's People were in this state of rebellion, God was still calling them. God's calling was very clear, it was also filled with His Grace, yet His People were continually rejecting this calling.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
At Crisis Time!
'At Crisis Time.'
John 21:2.
a) Several of the Disciples were present.
b) Simon Peter.
c) Thomas the twin.
d) Nathanael from Cana in Galilee.
e) The Sons of Zebedee.
f) Two other Disciples.
(This QT reminds me that At Crisis Time it is not good to be alone)
'He Was And He Is.'
Romans 1:4.
a) Jesus Christ our Lord.
b) Was shown to be the Son of God.
c) When He was raised from the dead.
d) By the Power of the Holy Spirit.
e) He is Jesus Christ.
f) Our Lord.
(This Second one affirms this fact about Jesus Christ our Lord: He Was And He Is)
It really brings some kind of honour to the family when sons of the family are referred to as Disciples of Jesus Christ. It is God's Grace and God's Blessing when we can say that we come from a truly Christian family. Here some of the Disciples were simply known as: "The Sons of Zebedee", yet they were also known as Disciples of Jesus. Surely we all want to be known as Disciples of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Coming From God!
'Coming From God.'
1 Corinthians 1:3.
a) Grace to us.
b) Peace.
c) From God our Father.
d) And the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT reveals what is coming from God)
'Jesus Remained Silent.'
Matthew 26:62.
a) At the unjust trial of Jesus.
b) The High Priest rose up.
c) He said to Jesus.
d) "Do you answer nothing?"
e) "What is it that these men testify against you?"
(This Second one teaches me God's Wisdom: Jesus Remained Silent)
As True Believers we are Blessed in many ways through our personal experience of, and relationship with, God. We are Saved by and through God's Amazing Grace. It is so wonderful that God gives to His People Grace and Peace. We very much need these things in our everyday life.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
They Were Stiff Necked!
'They Were Stiff Necked.'
Jeremiah 7:26.
a) These were God's People.
b) They did not listen to God.
c) They did not pay attention.
d) They were stiff-necked.
e) They did more evil than their ancestors.
(This QT shows me that They Were Stiff Necked)
'A Good Answer.'
John 5:17.
a) In His Defense.
b) Jesus spoke to His enemies.
c) My Father is always at work.
d) To this very day.
e) I, too, am working.
(This Second one reveals that Jesus gave A Good Answer)
I am always disappointed when I hear Believers talking about the Jews, God's Old Testament People, as if they are a model of sinless perfection. Of course they are not - they are sinful human beings just like any other people who dwell on the Earth. Their place in Bible History is very significant but it does not make them sinlessly perfect.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Jesus Appeared Again!
'Jesus Appeared Again.'
John 21:1.
a) Later.
b) Jesus appeared again.
c) To the Disciples.
d) At the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee).
e) He showed Himself specifically.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Appeared Again)
'The Accusation Of The Jewish Leaders.'
John 19:7.
a) The Jewish Leaders replied to Pilate.
b) By our Law.
c) Jesus ought to die.
e) Because He called Himself.
f) The Son of God.
(This Second one shows me The Accusation Of The Jewish Leaders)
Jesus showed Himself specifically after His Resurrection. This is also a very certain part of the Gospel of Jesus. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is another most important part of the Gospel Message. Not only Jesus died, but also Jesus rose again!
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...