The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
What Great Love!
'What Great Love.'
1 John 3:1.
a) See what great Love the Father has given us.
b) That we should be called Children of God.
c) That is what we are.
d) The reason that the World system does not know us.
e) Is that it did not know the Father.
(This QT makes me proclaim: What Great Love!)
'He Is Going To Come.'
Matthew 16:27.
a) The Son of Man is going to come.
b) He will come in the Glory of His Father.
c) Then He will repay everyone for what they have done.
(This Second one reminds me that He Is Going To Come)
The World system does not know the Father. It has no Godly principles. The Bible teaches us that the World system is filled with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. It is ever so clear that the World system does not know the Father.
He Is The Lord!
'He Is The Lord.'
Isaiah 42:8.
a) He is the Lord.
b) That is His Name.
c) He will not yield His Glory to another.
d) He will not yield His Praise to idols.
(This QT is very clear for me: He Is The Lord)
'According To Their Faith.'
Matthew 9:29.
a) Jesus touched the eyes of the two blind men.
b) It was obvious to Jesus that they had Faith to be healed.
c) Jesus said to them that according to their Faith.
d) Let it be done to them.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus knows about my Faith: According to their Faith)
He is the Lord. This is one of the most important Proclamations of the Scripture. We often esteem human beings who have the title "Lord". We quickly give them the pre-eminence among us. How much should we respond.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Holy Communion Was Initiated By The Lord Jesus!
'Holy Communion Was Initiated By The Lord Jesus.'
Luke 22:19.
a) The Lord Jesus:-
1-Took the Bread.
2-Gave thanks.
3-Broke it.
4-Gave it to His Disciples.
b) He said that this was His Body given for them.
c) They were to take it in remembrance of Him.
(This QT reminds me that Holy Communion Was Initiated By The Lord Jesus)
'Fulfilled In Us.'
Romans 8:4.
a) The Just and Righteous Commandment of the Law.
b) Might be fulfilled in us.
c) We do not live according to the flesh.
d) We live according to the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one: Fulfilled In Us, gives me a stronger desire to live according to the Holy Spirit)
The Lord Jesus gave the bread to His Disciples. I think that there are many times that I miss this when I am taking Holy Communion. It is very easy to take the serving and the server for granted and think we are simply 'getting' the bread. We need to ponder on the fact that originally this bread and wine came from the Hands of the Lord Jesus Himself.
He Is Righteous!
'He Is Righteous.'
1 John 2:29.
a) If we know that the Lord is Righteous.
b) We know that everyone who does what is correct.
c) Has been Born of Him.
(This QT reminds me that He is Righteous)
'Maintain Oneness.'
Ephesians 4:3-6.
a) Ephesians 4:3. Make every effort to maintain the Unity of the Holy Spirit in the bond of Peace.
b) Ephesians 4:4. There is One:-
3-Hope of our Calling.
c) Ephesians 4:5. There is One:-
d) Ephesians 4:6. There is One God and Father of all. He is above all and through all in all.
(Through this Second one I am urged to Maintain Oneness)
We should always remember that there is One. One God and Father of all. To follow God's Will means that we are following one way. To be in Church should mean that we are one with all the other Brothers and Sisters there. There is One!
Monday, April 28, 2014
A Holy Calling From God!
'A Holy Calling From God.'
Isaiah 42:6-7.
a) This Calling is in Righteousness.
b) This Calling is in Holy Intimacy.
c) This Calling calls us into God's Keeping Power.
d) This Calling makes us a new person.
e) This Calling makes us a Light.
(Through this QT following the Calling of Christ Himself, shows us a Holy Calling From God)
'The Purpose Of Christ's Suffering.'
1 Peter 3:18.
a) He suffered once for our sins for all time.
b) The Righteous One for the unrighteous us.
c) To bring us to God.
d) He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me The Purposes Of Christ's Suffering)
We are called to individually be lights in the World. This calling is from God through Christ. We are also as a Church locally to be a light to the local community and to the Mission field. Finally the True Church itself is called to be a light to the World system. God said: "Let there be Light ". I echo God's Call.
Isaiah 42:6-7.
a) This Calling is in Righteousness.
b) This Calling is in Holy Intimacy.
c) This Calling calls us into God's Keeping Power.
d) This Calling makes us a new person.
e) This Calling makes us a Light.
(Through this QT following the Calling of Christ Himself, shows us a Holy Calling From God)
'The Purpose Of Christ's Suffering.'
1 Peter 3:18.
a) He suffered once for our sins for all time.
b) The Righteous One for the unrighteous us.
c) To bring us to God.
d) He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me The Purposes Of Christ's Suffering)
We are called to individually be lights in the World. This calling is from God through Christ. We are also as a Church locally to be a light to the local community and to the Mission field. Finally the True Church itself is called to be a light to the World system. God said: "Let there be Light ". I echo God's Call.
Hard For Jews And Gentiles!
'Hard For Jews And Gentiles.'
1 Corinthians 1:23.
a) We preach Christ Crucified.
b) Hard for the Jews to listen too.
c) Foolishness to the Gentiles.
(This QT reminds me that Gospel Presentation is never easy: Hard For Jews And Gentiles)
'The Apostle Made It Easy To Understand.'
Romans 6:19.
a) Apostle Paul spoke with illustrations of every day life because of the Romans human limitations.
b) Previously the Romans gave themselves over to the power of sin.
c) They kept on sinning more and more.
d) Now they were to offer themselves as slaves to Righteousness.
e) This leads to holiness.
(Through this Second one I see that The Apostle Made It Easy To Understand)
The Apostle made it easy to understand. We need to remember that in his times Apostle Paul was extremely well educated. Amongst those people around him he was of a high level. Even in his Jewish faith he had a high position. Through Christ his life was totally changed. He taught in a way that all Jews and Gentiles could understand.
1 Corinthians 1:23.
a) We preach Christ Crucified.
b) Hard for the Jews to listen too.
c) Foolishness to the Gentiles.
(This QT reminds me that Gospel Presentation is never easy: Hard For Jews And Gentiles)
'The Apostle Made It Easy To Understand.'
Romans 6:19.
a) Apostle Paul spoke with illustrations of every day life because of the Romans human limitations.
b) Previously the Romans gave themselves over to the power of sin.
c) They kept on sinning more and more.
d) Now they were to offer themselves as slaves to Righteousness.
e) This leads to holiness.
(Through this Second one I see that The Apostle Made It Easy To Understand)
The Apostle made it easy to understand. We need to remember that in his times Apostle Paul was extremely well educated. Amongst those people around him he was of a high level. Even in his Jewish faith he had a high position. Through Christ his life was totally changed. He taught in a way that all Jews and Gentiles could understand.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Abide In Him!
'Abide In Him.'
1 John 2:28.
a) This is the 'now' time.
b) John loved the Church so much. In his old age he called them "little children".
c) He called them to abide in the Lord Jesus.
d) So that when He appears.
e) They may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him.
(This QT calls me to Abide In Him)
'They Are Spiritually Discerned.'
1 Corinthians 2:14.
a) The person without the Holy Spirit, the natural man, does not receive the things of the Spirit of God.
b) These things seem like foolishness to that person.
c) They cannot understand or discern them.
d) Because they are discerned only through the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one shows me that They Are Spiritually Discerned)
The desire of every True Believer is surely to have confidence and not be ashamed before the Lord Jesus when He appears. This appearing is something that every True Believer looks forward to.
1 John 2:28.
a) This is the 'now' time.
b) John loved the Church so much. In his old age he called them "little children".
c) He called them to abide in the Lord Jesus.
d) So that when He appears.
e) They may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him.
(This QT calls me to Abide In Him)
'They Are Spiritually Discerned.'
1 Corinthians 2:14.
a) The person without the Holy Spirit, the natural man, does not receive the things of the Spirit of God.
b) These things seem like foolishness to that person.
c) They cannot understand or discern them.
d) Because they are discerned only through the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one shows me that They Are Spiritually Discerned)
The desire of every True Believer is surely to have confidence and not be ashamed before the Lord Jesus when He appears. This appearing is something that every True Believer looks forward to.
This Is God The Lord!
'This Is God The Lord.'
Isaiah 42:5.
a) The Creator of heavens Who stretches them out.
b) He spreads out the Earth with all that springs from it.
c) He gives breath to Earth's people.
d) He gives Life to those people who walk on the Earth.
(This QT is Revelation from God's Word: This is God the Lord)
'The Father Seeks.'
John 4:23.
a) The time is now come and will continue to come.
b) When True Worshippers will Worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth.
c) These are the kind of Worshippers the Father seeks.
(Through this Second one I know that The Father seeks) {He is the Seeker}
God the Lord is the Creator, He is the Creator of all things. Not only does He Create but He also gives Breath. He gives life to the foliage and fruit. All things are from Him. To minimise God the Lord is a sinful and selfish thing to do. Yes, He loves us but also He is far greater than that in our concept. He is God of the whole World and loves the whole World.
Isaiah 42:5.
a) The Creator of heavens Who stretches them out.
b) He spreads out the Earth with all that springs from it.
c) He gives breath to Earth's people.
d) He gives Life to those people who walk on the Earth.
(This QT is Revelation from God's Word: This is God the Lord)
'The Father Seeks.'
John 4:23.
a) The time is now come and will continue to come.
b) When True Worshippers will Worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth.
c) These are the kind of Worshippers the Father seeks.
(Through this Second one I know that The Father seeks) {He is the Seeker}
God the Lord is the Creator, He is the Creator of all things. Not only does He Create but He also gives Breath. He gives life to the foliage and fruit. All things are from Him. To minimise God the Lord is a sinful and selfish thing to do. Yes, He loves us but also He is far greater than that in our concept. He is God of the whole World and loves the whole World.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The Son Of Man Had A Clear Purpose!
'The Son Of Man Had A Clear Purpose.'
Luke 19:10.
a) For the Son of Man.
b) Came to Seek the lost people.
c) Came to Save the lost people.
(This QT shows me that The Son Of Man Had A Clear Purpose)
'Here Is A Saying That We Can Trust.'
1 Timothy 1:15.
a) Here is a saying that we can trust.
b) This saying should be completely accepted.
c) Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners.
d) Every True Believer needs to identify with this Scripture.
(This Second one Is A Saying That We Can Trust)
We all need to be able to Trust the Word of God. What makes it trustworthy is the fact that it is God's Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we find it difficult to trust God's Word because of our life experiences. God wants to restore us from those experiences too.
Friday, April 25, 2014
The True Anointing!
'The True Anointing.'
1 John 2:27.
a) Is received from the Lord and not from a person.
b) Remains in us.
c) There is no need for us to be repeatedly taught about it.
d) This Anointing teaches us.
e) This Anointing is real and not counterfeit.
f) Primarily it teaches us to remain and abide in Christ.
(Through this QT I understand more about The True Anointing)
'God's Heart For The Lost Sheep.'
Ezekiel 34:16.
a) God will search for the lost sheep and bring back the stray ones.
b) God will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak ones.
c) The fat and strong sheep God will destroy.
d) God will Shepherd the flock with Justice.
(This Second one reveals to me God's Heart For The Lost Sheep)
b) God will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak ones.
c) The fat and strong sheep God will destroy.
d) God will Shepherd the flock with Justice.
(This Second one reveals to me God's Heart For The Lost Sheep)
Here Is The Servant Saviour!
'Here Is The Servant Saviour.'
Isaiah 42:1-4.
a) Isaiah 42:1. He is:-
1-God's Servant Whom He upholds.
2-God's Chosen One in Whom He delights.
3-The One in Whom God puts His Spirit.
4-The One Who brings Justice to the Nations.
b) Isaiah 42:2. He will not:-
2-Cry out.
3-Raise His Voice in the streets.
c) Isaiah 42:3. He will not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smouldering wick.
d) Isaiah 42:3. In Faithfulness He will bring forth Justice.
e) Isaiah 42:4. He will not falter or be discouraged until He establishes Justice on the Earth.
f) Isaiah 42:4. In His Teaching the Islands will put there Hope.
(Through this QT I know that Here Is The Servant Saviour)
'Our Careful Shepherd.'
Ezekiel 34:12.
a) He looks after His scattered flock when He is with them.
b) He rescues them.
c) When they are scattered on days of clouds and darkness.
(This Second one Teaches me about My Careful Shepherd)
Our Servant Saviour brings Justice to the Nations. In recent decades this has begun to be more and more true. For many years, since the early days of mission some of the actions and habits of Christian Missionaries were not good. They hurt people more than they brought Salvation to them. Thank God this is changing now. Our Servant Saviour brings Justice to the Nations.
Isaiah 42:1-4.
a) Isaiah 42:1. He is:-
1-God's Servant Whom He upholds.
2-God's Chosen One in Whom He delights.
3-The One in Whom God puts His Spirit.
4-The One Who brings Justice to the Nations.
b) Isaiah 42:2. He will not:-
2-Cry out.
3-Raise His Voice in the streets.
c) Isaiah 42:3. He will not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smouldering wick.
d) Isaiah 42:3. In Faithfulness He will bring forth Justice.
e) Isaiah 42:4. He will not falter or be discouraged until He establishes Justice on the Earth.
f) Isaiah 42:4. In His Teaching the Islands will put there Hope.
(Through this QT I know that Here Is The Servant Saviour)
'Our Careful Shepherd.'
Ezekiel 34:12.
a) He looks after His scattered flock when He is with them.
b) He rescues them.
c) When they are scattered on days of clouds and darkness.
(This Second one Teaches me about My Careful Shepherd)
Our Servant Saviour brings Justice to the Nations. In recent decades this has begun to be more and more true. For many years, since the early days of mission some of the actions and habits of Christian Missionaries were not good. They hurt people more than they brought Salvation to them. Thank God this is changing now. Our Servant Saviour brings Justice to the Nations.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
No One!
'No One.'
Romans 3:11.
a) There is no one.
b) Who understands.
c) There is no one.
d) Who seeks for God.
(Through this QT I am challenged to understand and to seek for God)
'Lost And Hiding.'
Genesis 3:9.
a) The Lord God called to the man (Adam).
b) The Lord God said to the man.
c) Where are you?
(This Second one reveals to me God's Practical Patience: Lost And Hiding)
It is necessary for us to understand God's Will and Word, especially concerning ourselves. We live in days where even 'Christian' people are often not concerned about God's Will and Word, especially if they are living comfortable lives. These people do not know Who and what they are missing. May God have Mercy on us all.
Romans 3:11.
a) There is no one.
b) Who understands.
c) There is no one.
d) Who seeks for God.
(Through this QT I am challenged to understand and to seek for God)
'Lost And Hiding.'
Genesis 3:9.
a) The Lord God called to the man (Adam).
b) The Lord God said to the man.
c) Where are you?
(This Second one reveals to me God's Practical Patience: Lost And Hiding)
It is necessary for us to understand God's Will and Word, especially concerning ourselves. We live in days where even 'Christian' people are often not concerned about God's Will and Word, especially if they are living comfortable lives. These people do not know Who and what they are missing. May God have Mercy on us all.
They Are There!
'They Are There.'
1 John 2:26.
a) To write this was in the heart of Apostle John. It is also in God's Heart for us today.
b) There were some people who were trying to lead the Church astray.
c) There were some people who were trying to deceive the Church.
(This QT reminds me that They Are There)
'Apostle Paul's Use Of Other Tongues.'
1 Corinthians 14:18.
a) Apostle Paul had the speaking in tongues gift.
b) He prayed with the gift more than anyone else in the Corinthian Church.
c) He was grateful to God for this gift.
(Through this Second one I understand Apostle Paul's Use Of Other Tongues)
They are there, probably in many, if not most, churches. Those people who try to lead the Church astray into something 'new', when that probably is not the answer. Often they are good people but they have made errors of judgment about spirituality.
1 John 2:26.
a) To write this was in the heart of Apostle John. It is also in God's Heart for us today.
b) There were some people who were trying to lead the Church astray.
c) There were some people who were trying to deceive the Church.
(This QT reminds me that They Are There)
'Apostle Paul's Use Of Other Tongues.'
1 Corinthians 14:18.
a) Apostle Paul had the speaking in tongues gift.
b) He prayed with the gift more than anyone else in the Corinthian Church.
c) He was grateful to God for this gift.
(Through this Second one I understand Apostle Paul's Use Of Other Tongues)
They are there, probably in many, if not most, churches. Those people who try to lead the Church astray into something 'new', when that probably is not the answer. Often they are good people but they have made errors of judgment about spirituality.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Heed What The Lord Says!
'Heed What The Lord Says.'
Isaiah 41:27-29.
a) Isaiah 41:27. The Lord was the First to say to Zion: "Look here they are".
b) Isaiah 41:27. The Lord gave to Jerusalem a Messenger of Good News.
c) Isaiah 41:28. The Lord looked but there was no one.
d) Isaiah 41:28-29. They:-
1-Could not give an answer.
2-Are all false.
3-Do deeds that amount to nothing.
4-Have images that are nothing but wind and confusion.
(This QT calls me to Heed What The Lord Says)
'Crazy Church.'
1 Corinthians 14:23.
a) Crazy Church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues.
b) The non-Believers come into Crazy Church.
c) These non-Believers will say that Crazy Church really is crazy.
(This Second one tells me something about Crazy Church)
They could not give an answer. When the Church makes decisions from their own will rather than God's Will surely God knows all about it. He may wait andgently show the Church the correct way or He may intervene in another way.
Isaiah 41:27-29.
a) Isaiah 41:27. The Lord was the First to say to Zion: "Look here they are".
b) Isaiah 41:27. The Lord gave to Jerusalem a Messenger of Good News.
c) Isaiah 41:28. The Lord looked but there was no one.
d) Isaiah 41:28-29. They:-
1-Could not give an answer.
2-Are all false.
3-Do deeds that amount to nothing.
4-Have images that are nothing but wind and confusion.
(This QT calls me to Heed What The Lord Says)
'Crazy Church.'
1 Corinthians 14:23.
a) Crazy Church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues.
b) The non-Believers come into Crazy Church.
c) These non-Believers will say that Crazy Church really is crazy.
(This Second one tells me something about Crazy Church)
They could not give an answer. When the Church makes decisions from their own will rather than God's Will surely God knows all about it. He may wait andgently show the Church the correct way or He may intervene in another way.
Let It Remain In Us!
'Let It Remain In Us.'
1 John 2:24-25.
a) This is our responsibility.
b) See what we have heard from the beginning (the Truth) remains in us.
c) If we do this we will remain in the Son and the Father.
d) Eternal Life is what Jesus Christ Promised us.
(This QT encourages me to Let It Remain In Us)
'No One Else Is Edified.'
1 Corinthians 14:17.
a) If we are Giving Thanks publicly in a Prayer language.
b) We are Giving Thanks well enough.
c) But no one else is edified.
(Through this Second one I understand that No One Else Is Edified)
I desire strongly to let the Truth of God's Word remain in me. There is so much that the Word of God gives to me. When I read the Word of God I receive Faith, I receive Understanding, I receive Truth that gives me Freedom and also I receive an abundance of Grace.
1 John 2:24-25.
a) This is our responsibility.
b) See what we have heard from the beginning (the Truth) remains in us.
c) If we do this we will remain in the Son and the Father.
d) Eternal Life is what Jesus Christ Promised us.
(This QT encourages me to Let It Remain In Us)
'No One Else Is Edified.'
1 Corinthians 14:17.
a) If we are Giving Thanks publicly in a Prayer language.
b) We are Giving Thanks well enough.
c) But no one else is edified.
(Through this Second one I understand that No One Else Is Edified)
I desire strongly to let the Truth of God's Word remain in me. There is so much that the Word of God gives to me. When I read the Word of God I receive Faith, I receive Understanding, I receive Truth that gives me Freedom and also I receive an abundance of Grace.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Learn From Paul About Other Tongues!
'Learn From Paul About Other Tongues.'
1 Corinthians 14:19.
a) In public Worship in the Church.
b) I would much rather speak five words from which people can:-
1-Be instructed.
3-Be helped.
c) Than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
(This QT reminds me to Learn From Paul About Other Tongues)
'Building Up The Church.'
1 Corinthians 14:26.
a) This is for the Brothers and Sisters in the Church.
b) They had some Spiritual gifting:-
4-Foreign Language Prayer.
5-Interpretation of Foreign Language Prayer.
c) Everything should be done so that the Church will be built up in the Lord.
People in the Church often need help from the Word of God. This is a basic part of the public Teaching of the Word of God. The Teaching of the Word of God should both spiritually and practically affect our lives. Ministers of the Church should understand that people often need help from the Word of God.
1 Corinthians 14:19.
a) In public Worship in the Church.
b) I would much rather speak five words from which people can:-
1-Be instructed.
3-Be helped.
c) Than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
(This QT reminds me to Learn From Paul About Other Tongues)
'Building Up The Church.'
1 Corinthians 14:26.
a) This is for the Brothers and Sisters in the Church.
b) They had some Spiritual gifting:-
4-Foreign Language Prayer.
5-Interpretation of Foreign Language Prayer.
c) Everything should be done so that the Church will be built up in the Lord.
People in the Church often need help from the Word of God. This is a basic part of the public Teaching of the Word of God. The Teaching of the Word of God should both spiritually and practically affect our lives. Ministers of the Church should understand that people often need help from the Word of God.
No Other People Knew!
'No Other People Knew.
Isaiah 41:26.
a) They did not know that the Lord proclaimed His Coming and His Works from the beginning.
b) No one declared it beforehand so that they could say that they were and are correct.
c) There was none:-
1-Who declared it.
2-Who Proclaimed.
3-Who heard the Lord's Words.
(This QT reveals to me that No Other People Knew)
'Divisions In The Church Are Not Good.'
1 Corinthians 11:17-18.
a) Are shameful.
b) Do more harm than good.
c) When the Corinthians came together as a Church they were divided.
d) Apostle Paul believed it. (Even though divisions cause all kinds of rumour)
(This Second one reminds me that Divisions In The Church Are Not Good)
The Declaration of Truth in the Church is a must. There can be no lies in the Church. A Church that endures liars is a dysfunctional "church". If the Church declares the Truth in all ways of Ministry and Fellowship then this Church is surely pleasing to the Lord!
Isaiah 41:26.
a) They did not know that the Lord proclaimed His Coming and His Works from the beginning.
b) No one declared it beforehand so that they could say that they were and are correct.
c) There was none:-
1-Who declared it.
2-Who Proclaimed.
3-Who heard the Lord's Words.
(This QT reveals to me that No Other People Knew)
'Divisions In The Church Are Not Good.'
1 Corinthians 11:17-18.
a) Are shameful.
b) Do more harm than good.
c) When the Corinthians came together as a Church they were divided.
d) Apostle Paul believed it. (Even though divisions cause all kinds of rumour)
(This Second one reminds me that Divisions In The Church Are Not Good)
The Declaration of Truth in the Church is a must. There can be no lies in the Church. A Church that endures liars is a dysfunctional "church". If the Church declares the Truth in all ways of Ministry and Fellowship then this Church is surely pleasing to the Lord!
Monday, April 21, 2014
A Wrap Around!
'A Wrap Around.'
1 Corinthians 11:15.
a) This is written about Christian culture at the times of the early Church in Corinth.
b) If a woman has hair that is covering her head (not shaven).
c) This hair is a Glory for her.
d) Her head should not be shaved.
(Through this QT I understand more about a Believing woman's hair. It is A Wrap Around)
'Please Be Considerate.'
1 Corinthians 14:16.
a) When we are Praising God in the Languages of the Holy Spirit we should be considerate.
b) If there are new Believers present, or someone who does not understand.
c) How can these people say "Amen" to our Thanksgiving and Praise?
d) Because they do not know what we are saying.
(This Second one reminds me: Please Be Considerate)
I really do not like commenting about fashion except in a positive way. Sometimes people let their hearts dominate their fashion and choice of what to wear. Other people have to wear uniform style because of their work or worship environments. Fashion should not be a competition within a group or a cause of jealousy. We should enjoy what we wear.
1 Corinthians 11:15.
a) This is written about Christian culture at the times of the early Church in Corinth.
b) If a woman has hair that is covering her head (not shaven).
c) This hair is a Glory for her.
d) Her head should not be shaved.
(Through this QT I understand more about a Believing woman's hair. It is A Wrap Around)
'Please Be Considerate.'
1 Corinthians 14:16.
a) When we are Praising God in the Languages of the Holy Spirit we should be considerate.
b) If there are new Believers present, or someone who does not understand.
c) How can these people say "Amen" to our Thanksgiving and Praise?
d) Because they do not know what we are saying.
(This Second one reminds me: Please Be Considerate)
I really do not like commenting about fashion except in a positive way. Sometimes people let their hearts dominate their fashion and choice of what to wear. Other people have to wear uniform style because of their work or worship environments. Fashion should not be a competition within a group or a cause of jealousy. We should enjoy what we wear.
It Is Ever So Clear!
'It Is Ever So Clear.'
1 John 2:22-23.
a) A liar denies that Jesus is the Christ.
b) That person has an antichrist.
c) They deny the Father and the Son.
d) No one who denies the Son has the Father.
e) Whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
(This QT teaches me: It Is Ever So Clear)
'Knowing God Means That We Should Not Turn Back.'
Galatians 4:9.
a) Now we know God.
b) Now we are known by God.
c) We should not turn back to the weak and miserable forces and principles.
d) Do we desire to be in bondage again, after Christ has set us free from it?
(Through this Second one I understand that Knowing God Means That I Should Not Turn Back)
Whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. We are clearly taught in the Gospels that no-one can come to the Father but by Jesus Christ. Jesus taught us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
1 John 2:22-23.
a) A liar denies that Jesus is the Christ.
b) That person has an antichrist.
c) They deny the Father and the Son.
d) No one who denies the Son has the Father.
e) Whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
(This QT teaches me: It Is Ever So Clear)
'Knowing God Means That We Should Not Turn Back.'
Galatians 4:9.
a) Now we know God.
b) Now we are known by God.
c) We should not turn back to the weak and miserable forces and principles.
d) Do we desire to be in bondage again, after Christ has set us free from it?
(Through this Second one I understand that Knowing God Means That I Should Not Turn Back)
Whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. We are clearly taught in the Gospels that no-one can come to the Father but by Jesus Christ. Jesus taught us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
He Has Power Over The Clay!
'He Has Power Over The Clay.'
Isaiah 41:25.
a) God has stirred up one from the North and He comes.
b) He came from the rising of the sun.
c) He called on God's Name.
d) He treads on rulers as if they are mortar and as a potter who has power over the clay.
(This QT reminds me that He Has Power Over The Clay)
'Try And See.'
Matthew 7:7.
a) Ask, and it shall be given to you.
b) Seek, and you will find.
c) Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
(This Second one calls me to Try And See)
He has Power over the clay. The first thought that comes to my mind when I read this is the Holy Trinity. The Triune God has Power over the clay. We are made from clay initially. God's Design. Secondly, God has gifted us with creative abilities. We are also given some power over clay!
Isaiah 41:25.
a) God has stirred up one from the North and He comes.
b) He came from the rising of the sun.
c) He called on God's Name.
d) He treads on rulers as if they are mortar and as a potter who has power over the clay.
(This QT reminds me that He Has Power Over The Clay)
'Try And See.'
Matthew 7:7.
a) Ask, and it shall be given to you.
b) Seek, and you will find.
c) Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
(This Second one calls me to Try And See)
He has Power over the clay. The first thought that comes to my mind when I read this is the Holy Trinity. The Triune God has Power over the clay. We are made from clay initially. God's Design. Secondly, God has gifted us with creative abilities. We are also given some power over clay!
Not Even One!
'Not Even One.'
Psalm 53:1-3.
a) Psalm 53:1. The fool says in his heart that there is no God.
b) Psalm 53:1. The fool:-
1-Is corrupt.
2-Is vile.
3-Does nothing good.
c) Psalm 53:2. God looks down from Heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand or who seek God.
d) Psalm 53:3. Everyone has:-
1-Turned away.
2-Become corrupt.
3-Does not do good.
e) Psalm 53:3. Not even one person.
(This QT reminds me of God's Conclusion: Not Even One)
'You Will Find Me.'
Jeremiah 29:13.
a) You will Seek Me.
b) You will Find Me.
c) When you seek Me with all your heart.
(This Second one encourages me so much: You Will Find Me)
The fool does nothing good. Sometimes I meet people who are bent on doing evil. They even boast about it. The habit has probably built up in their lives since a dysfunctional childhood. God can heal them and set them free.
Psalm 53:1-3.
a) Psalm 53:1. The fool says in his heart that there is no God.
b) Psalm 53:1. The fool:-
1-Is corrupt.
2-Is vile.
3-Does nothing good.
c) Psalm 53:2. God looks down from Heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand or who seek God.
d) Psalm 53:3. Everyone has:-
1-Turned away.
2-Become corrupt.
3-Does not do good.
e) Psalm 53:3. Not even one person.
(This QT reminds me of God's Conclusion: Not Even One)
'You Will Find Me.'
Jeremiah 29:13.
a) You will Seek Me.
b) You will Find Me.
c) When you seek Me with all your heart.
(This Second one encourages me so much: You Will Find Me)
The fool does nothing good. Sometimes I meet people who are bent on doing evil. They even boast about it. The habit has probably built up in their lives since a dysfunctional childhood. God can heal them and set them free.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Affirming The Truth!
'Affirming The Truth!'
1 John 2:21.
a) John did not write his letter because the Churches did not know the Truth.
b) The Churches knew the Truth.
c) The Churches knew that no lie comes from the Truth.
(This QT Teaches me that it is always good to be Affirming The Truth)
'In The World System.'
Romans 3:11.
a) There is no one.
b) Who understands.
c) There is no one.
d) Who Seeks God.
(This Second one looks at a part of life In The World System)
The light laughter and enjoyment of sin is a part of life in the World system. When God's Word tells us about not loving the World it is not written about the people in the World, whatever their race or religion is. We should love them with a view to reaching them with the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Not loving the World means not loving the World System.
1 John 2:21.
a) John did not write his letter because the Churches did not know the Truth.
b) The Churches knew the Truth.
c) The Churches knew that no lie comes from the Truth.
(This QT Teaches me that it is always good to be Affirming The Truth)
'In The World System.'
Romans 3:11.
a) There is no one.
b) Who understands.
c) There is no one.
d) Who Seeks God.
(This Second one looks at a part of life In The World System)
The light laughter and enjoyment of sin is a part of life in the World system. When God's Word tells us about not loving the World it is not written about the people in the World, whatever their race or religion is. We should love them with a view to reaching them with the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Not loving the World means not loving the World System.
The Lord Challenges Idols!
'The Lord Challenges Idols.'
Isaiah 41:21-24.
a) Isaiah 41:21. The Lord told the idols to present their cases and to set forth their arguments.
b) Isaiah 41:22. The Lord challenged them to tell about the past and the future.
c) Isaiah 41:23. The Lord told the idols to do something good or bad so that they could be responded to but they could not.
d) Isaiah 41:24. The Lord told the idols that they are less than nothing and that their works were utterly useless.
e) Isaiah 41:24. The Lord said that whoever choses idols is detestable.
(In this QT The Lord Challenges Idols)
'The Nations.'
a) Matthew 28:19. Need to be Discipled.
b) Mark 11:17. Need Prayer.
c) Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47. Need to hear the Gospel.
(This Second one proves to me that God Loves the Nations that He Created)
The Lord, historically, spoke to the idols. I am sure that they could not hear Him because His Word says that they have ears but they cannot hear. Those that can hear are the evil spirits associated with many of the idols, they obey the Lord perfectly.
Isaiah 41:21-24.
a) Isaiah 41:21. The Lord told the idols to present their cases and to set forth their arguments.
b) Isaiah 41:22. The Lord challenged them to tell about the past and the future.
c) Isaiah 41:23. The Lord told the idols to do something good or bad so that they could be responded to but they could not.
d) Isaiah 41:24. The Lord told the idols that they are less than nothing and that their works were utterly useless.
e) Isaiah 41:24. The Lord said that whoever choses idols is detestable.
(In this QT The Lord Challenges Idols)
'The Nations.'
a) Matthew 28:19. Need to be Discipled.
b) Mark 11:17. Need Prayer.
c) Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47. Need to hear the Gospel.
(This Second one proves to me that God Loves the Nations that He Created)
The Lord, historically, spoke to the idols. I am sure that they could not hear Him because His Word says that they have ears but they cannot hear. Those that can hear are the evil spirits associated with many of the idols, they obey the Lord perfectly.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Go And Do It!
'Go And Do It.'
Matthew 28:18-20.
a) Matthew 28:18. Jesus came to His Disciples and spoke to them.
b) Matthew 28:18. Jesus told them that al Authority on Earth and in Heaven had been given to Him. (Not to us - but to Him)
c) Matthew 28:19. The Disciples were to go and make more Disciples of all Nations.
d) Matthew 28:19. They were to Baptise these new Disciples in the Name of the:-
3-Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 28:20. They were to Teach the new Disciples everything that they themselves had been taught by Jesus.
f) Matthew 28:20. Jesus Promised to be with His Disciples until the end of the Age.
(This QT encourages me to Go And Do It)
'A Good Foundation For The Church To Grow.'
Acts 2:42.
a) Devoted to the Teaching and Learning of the Bible.
b) Having fellowship with fellow True Believers.
c) Breaking of Bread. (Meals together and Holy Communion)
d) Prayer together.
(This Second one Teaches me A Good Foundation For The Church To Grow)
The Disciples were to go out and Baptise the new Disciples. Notice please they were not sent to Baptise babies and little children. They were to follow Jesus' example and Bless the little children and babies. They were not to "save" people through Baptism. They were to Baptise those Disciples who were newly committed as True Believers.
Matthew 28:18-20.
a) Matthew 28:18. Jesus came to His Disciples and spoke to them.
b) Matthew 28:18. Jesus told them that al Authority on Earth and in Heaven had been given to Him. (Not to us - but to Him)
c) Matthew 28:19. The Disciples were to go and make more Disciples of all Nations.
d) Matthew 28:19. They were to Baptise these new Disciples in the Name of the:-
3-Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 28:20. They were to Teach the new Disciples everything that they themselves had been taught by Jesus.
f) Matthew 28:20. Jesus Promised to be with His Disciples until the end of the Age.
(This QT encourages me to Go And Do It)
'A Good Foundation For The Church To Grow.'
Acts 2:42.
a) Devoted to the Teaching and Learning of the Bible.
b) Having fellowship with fellow True Believers.
c) Breaking of Bread. (Meals together and Holy Communion)
d) Prayer together.
(This Second one Teaches me A Good Foundation For The Church To Grow)
The Disciples were to go out and Baptise the new Disciples. Notice please they were not sent to Baptise babies and little children. They were to follow Jesus' example and Bless the little children and babies. They were not to "save" people through Baptism. They were to Baptise those Disciples who were newly committed as True Believers.
The Anointing!
'The Anointing.'
1 John 2:20.
a) If we have an Anointing.
b) It is from the Holy One.
c) It helps to know all things that we need to know.
(Through this QT I thank God for The Anointing.
Revelation 22:17.
a) The Spirit and the Bride say "Come."
b) The one who hears say "Come."
c) Let the one who is thirsty Come.
d) Let the one who wishes take the free gift of the Water of Life.
(This Second one encourages me to Come)
Come! That is the Call to every True Believer. We can all Come! There are many reasons that we need to Come to God. I will not write a list here. Some people, even though they are True Believers, do not come to God, they try to do everything in their own strength.
1 John 2:20.
a) If we have an Anointing.
b) It is from the Holy One.
c) It helps to know all things that we need to know.
(Through this QT I thank God for The Anointing.
Revelation 22:17.
a) The Spirit and the Bride say "Come."
b) The one who hears say "Come."
c) Let the one who is thirsty Come.
d) Let the one who wishes take the free gift of the Water of Life.
(This Second one encourages me to Come)
Come! That is the Call to every True Believer. We can all Come! There are many reasons that we need to Come to God. I will not write a list here. Some people, even though they are True Believers, do not come to God, they try to do everything in their own strength.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Jesus Is!
'Jesus Is.'
Revelation 22:13.
a) The Alpha and Omega.
b) The First and the Last.
c) The Beginning and the End.
(This QT teaches me more about who Jesus Is)
Jesus is Lord and He is also the Answer to many of the difficulties that we may have. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent and always the same! We need to Trust Him as our Lord and Saviour.
Done By The Hand Of The Lord!
'Done By The Hand Of The Lord.'
Isaiah 41:18-20.
a) Isaiah 41:18. The Lord will:-
1-Make rivers flow on barren heights.
2-Make springs in the valleys.
3-Turn the desert into pools of water.
4-Make the dry land springs of water.
b) Isaiah 41:19. In the desert God will put the:-
c) Isaiah 41:20. It is done by the Hand of the Lord. It is created by the Holy One of Israel. People will:-
(This QT shows me that it is Done By The Hand Of The Lord)
Isaiah 41:18-20.
a) Isaiah 41:18. The Lord will:-
1-Make rivers flow on barren heights.
2-Make springs in the valleys.
3-Turn the desert into pools of water.
4-Make the dry land springs of water.
b) Isaiah 41:19. In the desert God will put the:-
c) Isaiah 41:20. It is done by the Hand of the Lord. It is created by the Holy One of Israel. People will:-
(This QT shows me that it is Done By The Hand Of The Lord)
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The Gospel Of The Kingdom!
'The Gospel Of The Kingdom'
Matthew 24:14.
a) Will be Preached in the whole World.
b) As a Testimony to all Nations.
c) Then the end will come.
(This QT stimulates me to share The Gospel Of The Kingdom.
'Our Lord Come.'
1 Corinthians 16:22.
a) If anyone does not love the Lord.
b) That person is cursed.
c) Our Lord, come.
(With is Second one I echo: Our Lord Come)
Our Lord come! This is the cry of many True Believers - especially in the suffering Nations of the Third World. We should always keep in mind in our more affluent Nations, not only remembering the poor but also the fact that Jesus Christ is coming again. Our Lord come!!
Matthew 24:14.
a) Will be Preached in the whole World.
b) As a Testimony to all Nations.
c) Then the end will come.
(This QT stimulates me to share The Gospel Of The Kingdom.
'Our Lord Come.'
1 Corinthians 16:22.
a) If anyone does not love the Lord.
b) That person is cursed.
c) Our Lord, come.
(With is Second one I echo: Our Lord Come)
Our Lord come! This is the cry of many True Believers - especially in the suffering Nations of the Third World. We should always keep in mind in our more affluent Nations, not only remembering the poor but also the fact that Jesus Christ is coming again. Our Lord come!!
Antichrists Come From Within!
'Antichrists Come From Within.'
1 John 2:18-19.
a) There are many antichrists.
b) This is a proof that we are living in the Last Days.
c) They went out from the Churches.
d) They did not really belong to the Church.
e) If they belonged to the Church they would have remained in the Church.
f) By going out from the Church they proved that they did not really belong there.
(This QT reminds me that Antichrists Come From Within)
'Listen To The Voice Crying In The Wilderness.'
Isaiah 40:3-5.
a) Isaiah 40:3. The Voice in the wilderness cries out "Prepare the Way for the Lord and make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
b) Isaiah 40:4. Every valley shall be raised up. Every mountain and hill shall be laid low. The rough ground shall be made level. The rugged places will be made a plain.
c) Isaiah 40:5. The Glory of the Lord shall be revealed. All the people shall see it together. The Mouth of the Lord had spoken.
1 John 2:18-19.
a) There are many antichrists.
b) This is a proof that we are living in the Last Days.
c) They went out from the Churches.
d) They did not really belong to the Church.
e) If they belonged to the Church they would have remained in the Church.
f) By going out from the Church they proved that they did not really belong there.
(This QT reminds me that Antichrists Come From Within)
'Listen To The Voice Crying In The Wilderness.'
Isaiah 40:3-5.
a) Isaiah 40:3. The Voice in the wilderness cries out "Prepare the Way for the Lord and make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
b) Isaiah 40:4. Every valley shall be raised up. Every mountain and hill shall be laid low. The rough ground shall be made level. The rugged places will be made a plain.
c) Isaiah 40:5. The Glory of the Lord shall be revealed. All the people shall see it together. The Mouth of the Lord had spoken.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Christ Jesus Said It!
'Christ Jesus Said It.'
Matthew 19:30.
a) Many who are first.
b) Will be last.
c) Many who are last.
d) Will be first.
(This QT causes me to ponder)
'The First.'
a) Matthew 20:16. Shall be last.
b) Matthew 22:38. There is the First and Greatest Commandment.
c) Matthew 23:6; Luke 14:8. Some people love the first and most important seats.
d) Mark 12:29-30. Commandment is to Love God with our:-
e) John 2:11. Of the miraculous signs of Jesus Christ.
f) John 8:7. Person with no sin can throw a stone.
g) Acts 20:7. Day of the week the Church assembled to break bread.
h) Romans 8:23. Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
i) Romans 16:5. Convert to Christ in Asia.
j) 1 Corinthians 15:47. Man was of the dust of the Earth.
k) 1 Corinthians 16:2. Day of the week is the time to put money aside for God.
l) 1 Corinthians 16:15. Converts in Achaia.
m) Ephesians 1:12. To put our Hope in Christ.
n) Ephesians 6:2. Commandment with a Promise.
(This Second one teaches me the significance of The First)
It is not good for us to push ourselves forward as being the most important person or as being a part of the group of the most important persons. We have absolutely no need to exalt ourselves. We find the pattern in the New Testament and in the New Testament Church. We are all a part of the Body of Christ.
Matthew 19:30.
a) Many who are first.
b) Will be last.
c) Many who are last.
d) Will be first.
(This QT causes me to ponder)
'The First.'
a) Matthew 20:16. Shall be last.
b) Matthew 22:38. There is the First and Greatest Commandment.
c) Matthew 23:6; Luke 14:8. Some people love the first and most important seats.
d) Mark 12:29-30. Commandment is to Love God with our:-
e) John 2:11. Of the miraculous signs of Jesus Christ.
f) John 8:7. Person with no sin can throw a stone.
g) Acts 20:7. Day of the week the Church assembled to break bread.
h) Romans 8:23. Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
i) Romans 16:5. Convert to Christ in Asia.
j) 1 Corinthians 15:47. Man was of the dust of the Earth.
k) 1 Corinthians 16:2. Day of the week is the time to put money aside for God.
l) 1 Corinthians 16:15. Converts in Achaia.
m) Ephesians 1:12. To put our Hope in Christ.
n) Ephesians 6:2. Commandment with a Promise.
(This Second one teaches me the significance of The First)
It is not good for us to push ourselves forward as being the most important person or as being a part of the group of the most important persons. We have absolutely no need to exalt ourselves. We find the pattern in the New Testament and in the New Testament Church. We are all a part of the Body of Christ.
God Does Not Forsake The Poor And Needy!
'God Does Not Forsake The Poor And Needy.'
Isaiah 41:17.
a) The poor and needy people search for water but there is none.
b) Their tongues are parched with thirst and they are dying.
c) But the Lord will answer them.
d) The God of Israel will not forsake them.
(This QT shows me that God Does Not Forsake The Poor And The Needy)
'A Shout From Heaven.'
Revelation 16:7.
a) Yes!
b) Lord God Almighty.
c) Your Judgments are:-
(This Second one is A Shout From Heaven)
God does not forsake the poor and the needy. I have seen this Truth being manifest in many parts of the Third World. I have seen the effort and Prayer of those reaching out to them. One thing that does concern me in the Western World is that we, too, have our poor and needy but they are mostly rejected by society. Wherever they may be in this World God does not forsake the poor and the needy people.
Isaiah 41:17.
a) The poor and needy people search for water but there is none.
b) Their tongues are parched with thirst and they are dying.
c) But the Lord will answer them.
d) The God of Israel will not forsake them.
(This QT shows me that God Does Not Forsake The Poor And The Needy)
'A Shout From Heaven.'
Revelation 16:7.
a) Yes!
b) Lord God Almighty.
c) Your Judgments are:-
(This Second one is A Shout From Heaven)
God does not forsake the poor and the needy. I have seen this Truth being manifest in many parts of the Third World. I have seen the effort and Prayer of those reaching out to them. One thing that does concern me in the Western World is that we, too, have our poor and needy but they are mostly rejected by society. Wherever they may be in this World God does not forsake the poor and the needy people.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Do It Eagerly!
'Do It Eagerly.'
a) Romans 8:23. Wait eagerly for adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:7. Eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 14:1. Eagerly desire the greater Gifts.
d) Galatians 5:5. Through the Spirit we eagerly await by Faith the Righteousness for which we hope.
e) Hebrews 9:28. Eagerly waiting for Christ.
f) 1 Peter 5:2. Pastors should eagerly tend the flock of God.
(This QT reminds me to Do It Eagerly)
'Longing For His Appearing.'
2 Timothy 4:8.
a) Apostle Paul was looking forward to a crown of Righteousness.
b) The Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award Apostle Paul on that day.
c) This is not only for Apostle Paul but for all people who love and long for the Appearing of the Lord.
(Through this Second one I find a Biblical focus: Longing For His Appearing)
Eagerly waiting for Christ is not meant to be an unhealthy escape route for struggling Believers. Rather it is anticipation of a very wonderful change of life and environment. A commonly used phrase is that we are joyfully and expectantly to Eternity with the Lord.
a) Romans 8:23. Wait eagerly for adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:7. Eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 14:1. Eagerly desire the greater Gifts.
d) Galatians 5:5. Through the Spirit we eagerly await by Faith the Righteousness for which we hope.
e) Hebrews 9:28. Eagerly waiting for Christ.
f) 1 Peter 5:2. Pastors should eagerly tend the flock of God.
(This QT reminds me to Do It Eagerly)
'Longing For His Appearing.'
2 Timothy 4:8.
a) Apostle Paul was looking forward to a crown of Righteousness.
b) The Lord, the Righteous Judge, will award Apostle Paul on that day.
c) This is not only for Apostle Paul but for all people who love and long for the Appearing of the Lord.
(Through this Second one I find a Biblical focus: Longing For His Appearing)
Eagerly waiting for Christ is not meant to be an unhealthy escape route for struggling Believers. Rather it is anticipation of a very wonderful change of life and environment. A commonly used phrase is that we are joyfully and expectantly to Eternity with the Lord.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...