The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Diligent People!
‘Diligent People.’
a) Proverbs 12:27. Prize their possessions.
b) Joshua 22:5. Will obey the Word of God.
c) Joshua 23:11. Love the Lord for their own well-being.
d) 2 Chronicles 31:21. Are so in their ministry.
e) Ezra 4:22. Care about their Leaders.
f) Psalm 77:6. Are so spiritually.
g) Proverbs 10:4; 21:5. Can get wealth.
h) Proverbs 12:24. Will become Leaders.
i) Proverbs 13:4. Will be fully satisfied.
j) Proverbs 13:24. Discipline their children.
k) Proverbs 27:23. Make good farmers.
l) Luke 12:58. Attempt to resolve their conflicts.
m) 2 Corinthians 8:17. Become good missionaries.
n) 2 Timothy 2:15. In our lifestyle as Ministers.
o) 2 Peter 1:10. Make their Calling and Election sure.
p) 2 Peter 3:14; 2 John 1:8. Are ready for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
q) Revelation 3:19. Turn from their indifference.
(This QT reminds me to be a Diligent Person)
‘Jesus’ Last Words And Actions.’
Acts 1:2-9.
a) Acts 1:2. He gave His Orders to the Apostles by the Holy Spirit.
b) Acts 1:3. He gave signs of His Resurrection Life.
c) Acts 1:3. He taught the Message of the Kingdom of God.
d) Acts 1:4. He told the Disciples and Apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the Promise of the Father.
e) Acts 1:5. He told them all that they would be Baptised with and in the Holy Spirit.
f) Acts 1:6-7. He answered their questions about times and seasons.
g) Acts 1:8. He taught them about the purpose of receiving the Holy Spirit, that they could be His Witnesses.
h) Acts 1:9. He was taken up to Heaven.
(Through this Second one I learn so much about Jesus’ Last Words And Actions)
Diligent people are diligent both naturally and spiritually, their diligence flows out from their lives. Even their work ethic and standard is good. The Church needs to Teach more about the Diligent life. Christians generally are only diligent about the things that they desire, that is wrong, very wrong, it should cover every area of our lives, ministries and working/study environments.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Certainly He Can!
‘Certainly He Can.’
Luke 11:13.
a) We are so frail as human beings and even sometimes evil.
b) Yet we know how to give to our children gifts that are good for them.
c) Most certainly our Father Who is in Heaven.
d) Will give the Holy Spirit to those of His Children who ask Him.
(This QT give me much Joy regarding my Heavenly Father. Certainly He Can give the Holy Spirit to all of His Children who ask Him)
‘Patient Believers.’
a) James 5:7-8. We are to be patient:-
1- Until the Coming of the Lord.
2- The farmer is eagerly waiting for his crop – but He has to be patient. It is the same for us. Maybe we are eager – but we have to be patient.
3- We need to be patient, with calm self control.
4- We should not forget, the Lord is Coming.
b) Galatians 6:9. We should be patient in our courage to do what is right. We will reap a reward if we do not faint.
c) Romans 5:3-4. Even though we may be suffering, our character matures in patience.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. New Creation Christ’s Ambassadors need to be patient.
(Through this Second one I learn my calling as a Patient Believer)
We need to have a heart revelation of our frailty and even sometimes that we are prone to think, say or do evil. The only reason that we can stand in God is because of Grace. The Lord is so Gracious and wonderfully kind.
The Real Manifestation Of Christ!
‘The Real Manifestation Of Christ.’
1 Corinthians 1:22-24.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:22. Jews demand signs.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:22. Greeks look for Knowledge and Wisdom.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:23. We Preach Christ crucified.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:23. This is a hard Message for Jews to take.
e) 1 Corinthians 1:23. To the Greek mind it is foolishness.
f) 1 Corinthians 1:24. To those people whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks.
g) 1 Corinthians 1:24. Christ is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.
(Through this QT I can clearly see The Real Manifestation Of Christ to both Jewish people and Greek people and apply this Truth to the present age)
‘Biblical Unity.’
Acts 4:32.
a) Cannot be legalistically imposed. It is something that flows from our heart and thinking mind.
b) Expels selfishness.
c) Stimulates generosity.
(Through this Second one I strongly desire to live in Biblical Unity with other True Believers wherever the Lord may take me)
There is much so called “Christianity” where, in actuality, Christ and His Teachings are neglected. This is sham, religious sham. If we call ourselves “Christians” we should honour and follow the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Personally I prefer to use the Biblical word “Believer” instead of the word “Christian”.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
We Need A Guide!
‘We Need A Guide.’
a) Proverbs 12:26. An upright person is a guide to their neighbour.
b) Genesis 24:42. The Lord can guide us in a special way.
c) Genesis 33:15. Friendly people can guide and protect us.
d) Exodus 15:13. The Lord will guide us in His special Strength to the place where His Holiness dwells.
e) Numbers 10:32. We can tell our guides the good things that the Lord has done for us.
f) Joshua 3:4. In strange and new places.
g) 1 Samuel 30:15. That will trust us.
h) Psalm 32:8; Micah 2:13. The LORD says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
i) Psalm 43:3; 119:133. The Lord’s Light and Truth.
j) Psalm 48:14; Isaiah 58:11. God will be our Guide until we die.
k) Psalm 119:98. The Lord’s Commands are our constant guide.
l) Psalm 139:10. The Lord’s Hand will guide us.
m) Proverbs 3:17. Wisdom will guide us down delightful paths.
n) Ecclesiastes 7:23. Wisdom should guide our thoughts and actions.
o) Isaiah 42:6. To lead us to the Lord. ‘
p) Isaiah 45:13. The Lord will guide all our actions.
q) Jeremiah 3:15; Zechariah 10:2. We need Leaders with God’s Heart to guide us with Knowledge and Understanding.
r) Luke 1:79. Into the path of Peace.
s) John 16:13. The Holy Spirit Guides us into all Truth.
(Through this QT I am convinced that I Need A Guide)
‘The Big If.’
1 John 1:9.
a) If we confess our sins to God.
b) God is Faithful and Just.
c) To forgive us our sins.
d) To make us clean from all evil.
(Through this Second one I truly understand The Big If)
Sometimes the Lord takes us to strange and new places in His Will and Plan for our lives. It is right for us to expect some kind of Guidance in that new environment. In a hostile environment the Lord Promises to be our Guide. However, in a more friendly environment there should be True Believers who are willing to guide the stranger and the person who is new to the locality.
Simple But Profound And Effective!
‘Simple But Profound And Effective.’
John 13:34-35.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ.
b) He is giving a new Commandment to His Disciples.
c) Love each other in the same way that I have loved you.
d) When we love each other like this all people will know that we are Disciples of Christ.
(This QT teaches me something that is Simple But Profound And Effective)
‘An Important Message.’
John 7:37-39.
a) John 7:37. Jesus stood up and cried out with this Message. It was unusual for Him to do such things, usually He sat to teach and did not raise His Voice.
b) John 7:37. He called spiritually thirsty people to come to Him and drink.
c) John 7:38. The spiritually thirsty people needed to Believe the Words of Jesus.
d) John 7:38. Jesus was quoting again from the Scriptures here.
e) John 7:38. Rivers of living water will flow from the innermost being of the person who Believes in Jesus.
f) John 7:39. Jesus was speaking about the Holy Spirit which those people who Believed in Him would receive.
g) John 7:39. This was a coming and future Promise of God because Jesus was not yet Glorified at that time. Now Jesus is Glorified so that all True Believers can know The Holy Spirit and His rivers of living water flowing from their innermost beings. This will quench their spiritual thirst.
(This Second one reveals An Important Message)
We have a model for loving in the Church. Jesus said that we are to love other people in the same way in which He loved and loves us. We need to learn this if we are going to see the Church grow and be effective in the Nation, City, Town or Village.
Friday, November 27, 2009
God's Superior Wisdom!
‘God’s Superior Wisdom.’
1 Corinthians 1:19-21.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:19. God is not in awe at the Wisdom of wise people. Sometimes He overturns it.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:20. Where are?:-
1- Wise people.
2- Perfectly educated people?
3- The people of this World who has a love of discussion?
c) 1 Corinthians 1:20. God has made foolish the Wisdom of this World.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:21. The World needs to hear the Message of the Gospel – which is God’s Wisdom.
(This QT reveals to me God’s Superior Wisdom)
‘Because Christ Has Forgiven Us.’
Ephesians 4:32.
a) We should be kind to one another in the Church.
b) We should be full of pity for one another in the Church.
c) We should have forgiveness for one another in the Church.
(I find here our responses to other Believers Because Christ Has Forgiven Us)
Wise people should never be proud of their Wisdom but rather thank God for enabling them to attain Wisdom. All Wisdom is good, but if it is handled in the incorrect way it can become prideful and offensive. Let us Glorify and thank God for the Wisdom we have.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
a) Proverbs 12:25. In a person’s heart makes it stoop.
b) Isaiah 61:3. The Lord can give us a garment of Praise instead of it.
c) James 4:9. Accompanies repentance.
(Through this QT I understand more about Heaviness)
‘Living As A True Believer.’
Ephesians 5:1-21.
a) Ephesians 5:1. Desire to be Godlike.
b) Ephesians 5:2. Live in Love, following the example of Jesus Christ.
c) Ephesians 5:3-5. Avoiding unclean things.
d) Ephesians 5:6-7. Keep following the right way and not being influenced by the wrong people.
e) Ephesians 5:8-9. Living as people of the Light.
f) Ephesians 5:10. Prove what is agreeable to the Lord.
g) Ephesians 5:11-13. Avoiding the things and people of darkness.
h) Ephesians 5:14. Be alert and then Christ will be our Light.
i) Ephesians 5:15. Take care then how we are living, not as unwise, but as wise.
j) Ephesians 5:16. Redeeming the time.
k) Ephesians 5:17. Understand what is the Will of the Lord.
l) Ephesians 5:18-21. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reveals more to me about Living As A True Believer)
The Lord can give to us a Garment of Praise. Real Praise comes initially from God to our hearts, it is not our invention – it is the Gift of God. For those of us who are involved especially in the Ministry of Praise – let us keep our relationship with God fresh and our prayer life good.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Be Holy!
‘Be Holy.’
a) 1 Thessalonians 4:3. It is the Will and Purpose of God.
a) Leviticus 19:2; 20:26. Because the Lord is Holy.
b) Leviticus 20:7. We have our part – to Sanctify ourselves.
(This QT calls me to Be Holy)
‘Inner Renewal Is Important.’
Ephesians 4:22-24.
a) Ephesians 4:22. We are to put away, we need to do it, no one will do it for us:-
1- Things that are in relation to our earlier way of life.
2- The Old Man.
3- Corruption through deceitful lusts.
b) Ephesians 4:23. We should be renewed in the spirit of our mind.
c) Ephesians 4:24. Then we can:-
1- Put on the new nature.
2- Begin to live like people created in the image of God.
3- Have a True and Holy way of living.
(Through this Second one I know very well that Inner Renewal Is Important)
Inner Renewal is important. This should make every True Believer think about Inner Renewal. There are many people who leave Churches for negative reasons such as: being disillusioned, getting hurt in Church, being offended by the Leaders’ behaviour and Church financial problems. This should not be. When we begin to genuinely grow in Christ then we cease from looking at other people and blaming other people. We have a new desire – the desire for Inner Renewal.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Aim For The Target!
‘Aim For The Target.’
1 Corinthians 1:15-18.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:15. Which person baptised us is not important – the fact that we get baptised is important.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:16. Apostle Paul was not really into baptising people – he did it when necessary.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:17. Paul’s target:- For Christ did not send me to baptize but to proclaim the gospel, and not with eloquent Wisdom, so that the Cross of Christ might not be emptied of its Power.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:18. Two results of the Preaching of the Cross:-
1- It is foolishness to those people who are perishing.
2- It is the Power of God to us who are being saved.
(This QT exhorts me to Aim For The Target by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ)
‘The Function Of The Ministry Gifts Of Christ.’
Ephesians 4:11-16.
a) Ephesians 4:11. The Ministry Gifts:-
1- Apostles.
2- Prophets.
3- Evangelists.
4- Pastors.
5- Teachers.
b) Ephesians 4:12. For the training of the saints as servants in the church, for the building up of the Body of Christ.
c) Ephesians 4:13. To make us united and mature Believers.
d) Ephesians 4:14. So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error.
e) Ephesians 4:15. To help us speak the Truth in Love and grow up in Christian maturity.
f) Ephesians 4:16. To help us function well in the Body of Christ.
(This Second one clearly shows me The Function Of The Ministry Gifts Of Christ)
We are being Saved. This subject of “being saved” is grossly misunderstood and sometimes misrepresented in the Church today. The Biblical fact about Salvation is that for those people who have received Salvation by Grace through Faith - they are Saved, they are being Saved and they will be Saved.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Work Hard!
‘Work Hard.’
a) Proverbs 12:24. And become a Leader.
b) Proverbs 13:4. And Prosper.
c) Ecclesiastes 5:12. And sleep well.
d) Luke 13:24. To enter the narrow door into God’s Kingdom.
e) Romans 12:11. And Serve the Lord enthusiastically.
f) 2 Corinthians 5:11. To persuade other people of the Truth of the Gospel.
g) Philippians 2:12. To show other people the good results of our Salvation.
h) 1 Thessalonians 5:12. As a Spiritual Leader to give Spiritual guidance.
i) 1 Timothy 4:10. And do not give up.
j) 1 Timothy 5:17. Leaders should, at Preaching and Teaching.
k) 2 Timothy 2:15. To receive God’s approval as a Leader.
l) 2 Peter 1:10. To prove that you really are among those people that God has Called and Chosen.
m) 2 Peter 1:15. At remembering the Truth.
(This QT encourages me to Work Hard)
‘Prayer For Other People.’
Ephesians 3:14-21.
a) Ephesians 3:14-15. Is to Father God.
b) Ephesians 3:16-17. For the Work of the Holy Spirit in them.
c) Ephesians 3:18-19. For them to experience the Love of God.
d) Ephesians 3:20. For their Faith in God.
e) Ephesians 3:21. That God will be Glorified in their lives.
(This Second one reminds me how to make Prayer For Other People)
We are not “born leaders” we become Leaders in the Plan and Will of God after much training of different kinds. We need character training. We need training in the Word of God. We need training through discipleship by other Leaders. God will give us training through endurance and suffering. All these different kinds of training will help us to fulfil the Gift of Leadership.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What Jesus Christ Has Done For Us!
‘What Jesus Christ Has Done For Us.’
Ephesians 2:13-22.
a) Ephesians 2:13. He has brought us near to God by His Blood.
b) Ephesians 2:14-15 & 17. He is our Peace, through Whom we have Reconciliation with God and people. Having in His flesh put an end to that which made the division between us, even the law with its rules and orders, so that He might make in Himself, of the two, one new man, so making Peace.
c) Ephesians 2:16. Through His Cross He has made one Body, the Body of Christ.
d) Ephesians 2:18. Through Him we have access to the Father by the Holy Spirit.
e) Ephesians 2:19. He has made us a part of the Family of God.
f) Ephesians 2:20-22. He is our Foundation. On which we are being built as a Holy House of God and a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.
(This QT states very clearly a part of What Jesus Christ Has Done For Me in the Family of God)
‘Apostle Paul’s Effective Ephesian Ministry.’
Ephesians 3:1-12.
a) Ephesians 3:1. After being amongst them for nearly three years he later became a prisoner for them.
b) Ephesians 3:2-3. He revealed the Grace of God to them.
c) Ephesians 3:4. He wrote to them.
d) Ephesians 3:5. He revealed the reality of multi ethnic ministry to them.
e) Ephesians 3:6. He revealed to them that there is Hope in Christ.
f) Ephesians 3:7-9. He was a Preacher of Good News to them.
g) Ephesians 3:10. He taught them the Spiritual Power of the Church.
h) Ephesians 3:11. He revealed to them God’s Eternal Purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.
i) Ephesians 3:12. He taught them about coming to God through Christ with boldness and confidence.
(Through this Second one I can see Apostle Paul’s Effective Ephesian Ministry)
Christ Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, we should really be grateful to Him for that fact. It is because of the Cross, Resurrection, Ascension and present Intercession of Christ Jesus for us that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Christ Jesus is the Head, we are His Body and also we are a part of the Precious Family of God.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Give Praise To God!
‘Give Praise To God.’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:14. That Water Baptism is not something to be done by a famous or special minister – it should be done simply in the Name of the Lord.
b) Joshua 7:19. Through confession of our sin that affected other people.
c) 1 Chronicles 16:4. So as to keep the Acts of the Lord in memory.
d) 1 Chronicles 29:20. And Worship the Lord.
e) Ezra 10:11. And separate ourselves from wrong relationships.
f) Nehemiah 9:5; Psalm 44:8; 106:48. Forever and ever.
g) Psalm 30:12. And do not be quiet.
h) Psalm 43:4; 71:22. On an instrument of music.
i) Psalm 47:6; 69:30. With Songs of Praise.
j) Psalm 51:14. To His Righteousness.
k) Psalm 56:10. To His Word.
l) Psalm 56:12. To keep the memory of our debt to Him.
m) Psalm 68:26. In the great meeting.
n) Psalm 86:12. With all our heart.
o) Psalm 136:2 & 26. For His Mercy is unchanging.
p) Psalm 147:1. For it is:-
1- Good.
2- Pleasing.
3- Beautiful.
q) Psalm 150:1. In His Holy place.
r) Daniel 2:23. Who gives us Wisdom and Strength.
s) Joel 2:26. Who has done wonders for us.
t) Romans 1:8; 7:25. Through Jesus Christ.
u) 1 Corinthians 1:4. Because of the Grace of God which has been given to us through Christ Jesus.
v) 1 Corinthians 10:30. For the food which we take.
w) 1 Corinthians 14:18. For the Gift of Tongues.
x) Colossians 1:3. And make Prayer for you.
y) Colossians 3:15; 1 Thessalonians 1:2; 2 Thessalonians 2:13. At all times.
z) 2 Timothy 1:3; Revelation 19:5. Whose Servants we have been.
(By this QT I want to Give Praise To God)
‘Before We Believed In Christ.’
Ephesians 2:12.
a) We were separated from Him.
b) We were not considered to be His Special people – Israel.
c) We were not included in what God’s Covenants promised.
d) We were without Hope.
e) We were without God in this World.
(This Second one helps me to understand my state Before I Believed In Christ)
Making Prayer for other people is an important part of the life of a Christian Leader or one who Disciples other people. We need to make Prayer for other people carefully and constructively, not praying judgmental or presumptuous prayers but rather Praying with the Word of God and led by the Holy Spirit.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Be Prudent!
‘Be Prudent.’
a) Proverbs 12:23. And keep what you know to yourself.
b) Deuteronomy 4:6. And obey God’s Word carefully – other people will see this and be positively influenced by your life.
c) Proverbs 14:15. And carefully consider your steps.
d) Proverbs 22:3; 27:12. See the danger ahead and take precautions.
(Through this QT I am exhorted to Be Prudent)
a) Ephesians 2:3. All of us followed the passions and desires of our human nature.
b) Romans 7:9. We did not know the Truth – now we know it.
c) Romans 11:30. We were rebels against God.
d) Ephesians 2:2; Colossians 3:7. You used to live just like the rest of the World, full of sin, obeying Satan, the mighty prince of the power of the air. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God.
e) Ephesians 2:11. We were outside the Kingdom of God.
f) Ephesians 2:13; Colossians 1:21. We were far away from God.
g) Ephesians 5:8. Our hearts were full of darkness.
h) Titus 3:3. Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled by others and became slaves to many wicked desires and evil pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy. We hated others, and they hated us.
i) 1 Peter 2:10. We were not a people.
(Through this Second one, Formerly, I can really thank God for His Grace and Life Changing Power)
We were outside the Kingdom of God. This is a very significant and sad statement referring to the people who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. It means vain efforts at righteousness instead of God’s Gift of Righteousness, it means no real peace and it means for something joyful we look for something not from God to fill our lives. Let us be sure that we are inside the Kingdom of God.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
By Grace We Have Salvation Through Faith!
‘By Grace We Have Salvation Through Faith.’
Ephesians 2:1-10.
a) Ephesians 2:1. We were dead in our trespasses and sins. This is our history.
b) Ephesians 2:2. This is the past way without Grace and Salvation:-
1- According to the course of the World System.
2- Living according to the prince of the power of the air. (Satan)
3- Satan is now working in those people who go against the purposes of God.
c) Ephesians 2:3. This is the way in which we were all living in the past:-
1- In the pleasures of our flesh.
2- Giving way to the desires of the flesh and of the mind.
3- By nature the children of wrath.
d) Ephesians 2:4. God is full of Mercy through the great Love He had and has for us.
e) Ephesians 2:5. The operation of Grace is that even though we were dead in our sins, God made us alive together with Christ.
f) Ephesians 2:6. Now He has raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
g) Ephesians 2:7. The future is that in the time to come He might make clear the full wealth of His Grace in his Mercy to us in Christ Jesus.
h) Ephesians 2:8. This is how we are Saved:-
1- By Grace.
2- Through Faith.
3- Not by ourselves.
4- It is the Gift of God.
i) Ephesians 2:9. Salvation is not by human works.
j) Ephesians 2:10. How about Believers’ works? For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
(This QT fills me with thanks to God because By Grace I Have Salvation Through Faith)
‘Do God’s Pleasure And Will.’
1 John 2:15-17.
a) 1 John 2:15. We are:-
1- Not to love the World system.
2- Not to love the things of the World system.
3- Void of the Love of the Father if we love the things of the World system.
b) 1 John 2:16. The World system is not of the Father but it is of the World. It is:-
1- Lust of the flesh.
2- Lust of the eyes.
3- Pride of life.
c) 1 John 2:17. The World system is passing away, and also its lusts ; but the one who does the Will of God lives forever.
(This Second one reminds me and calls me to Do God’s Pleasure And Will)
Faith is a very necessary part of the True Believer’s life. We live by Faith. Without Faith, the Bible says, it is impossible to please God. Some people talk like victims and say that they have no Faith. These people are deceived. We are told in Romans that Faith comes and it comes by hearing the Word of the Lord. So we can all have Faith and we can have more Faith.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Idolatry In Church Creates Division!
‘Idolatry In Church Creates Division.’
1 Corinthians 1:10-13.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:10. Paul’s request of the Corinthian Church:-
1- It was made to the Church in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – so it carried authority.
2- That they be united in their talking.
3- That there be no divisions among them.
4- That they may be in complete agreement.
5- That they have the same mind and opinion.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:11. Paul had come to know about divisions in the Church.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:12. There were Church politics, all were divided behind their favourite leader. A few were free from it, following Christ. This means idolatry in the Church.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:13. Paul reasons against idolatry in the Church:-
1- Is Christ divided?
2- Was Paul nailed to the Cross for them?
3- Were they Baptised in the name of Paul?
(Through this QT I can clearly see that Idolatry In The Church Creates Division)
‘Walking And Living In Christ.’
a) Ephesians 4:1. We are to walk worthy of our Calling.
b) Ephesians 4:17. We are not to walk with futile thinking.
c) Ephesians 5:2. We are to walk in Love.
d) Genesis 5:24. We are to walk with God.
e) Genesis 17:1. We are to walk before the Lord and be blameless.
f) Acts 9:31. We are to walk in the Fear of the Lord and in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit.
g) Philippians 3:17. We are to walk as good examples.
h) Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 2:12. We are to walk worthy of the Lord. This means:-
1- Fully pleasing Him.
2- Being fruitful in every good work.
3- Increasing in the Knowledge of God.
i) 1 Thessalonians 4:1. We are to walk as we are taught by our Leaders.
(This Second one teaches me the importance of Walking And Living In Christ)
We are to walk in the Fear of the Lord and in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit. When we look at the subject of “The Fear of the Lord” in the Scriptures we find that there are so many Blessings and benefits for those people who have the Fear of the Lord. With the Fear of the Lord we can also live with the Comfort of the Holy Spirit which is the greatest comfort. God the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter.
The Lord Delights In (2)
‘The Lord Delights In.’
a) Proverbs 12:22. People who deal truly.
b) Proverbs 11:1. Honest business deals.
c) Proverbs 11:20. People who are upright in their ways.
d) Proverbs 15:8. The Prayer of upright people.
e) Jeremiah 9:24. In:-
1- Loving Kindness.
2- Judgment.
3- Righteousness.
(Through this QT I want to Delight in the same things that The Lord Delights In)
‘The Resurrection Of Christ.’
a) Romans 8:34. Means that He is Interceding for us now.
b) Matthew 12:40. Was predicted by Himself.
c) Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19. Jesus taught it to His Disciples before He was Resurrected.
d) Matthew 28:6-7. Needed to become a broadcast reality.
e) Acts 1:3. Is a clear and undeniable fact.
f) Acts 2:24 & 32; 3:15; 4:10. Was God’s Work.
g) Acts 4:33. Was testified of by the Apostles.
h) Acts 17:3. Is an essential part of the Gospel.
(This Second one convinces me of the reality of The Resurrection Of Christ)
Righteousness is a very powerful and wonderful word. The Lord is our Righteousness – that is His Name and because of what He has done for us on the Cross we can be made Righteous. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Righteousness. God also expects True Believers to live lives that are Righteous.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Lord Jesus Christ Is Our Everything!
‘The Lord Jesus Christ Is Our Everything.’
Ephesians 1:15-23.
a) Ephesians 1:15. He is the Object and Subject of our Faith.
b) Ephesians 1:16-17; John 14:6. He is the Way to the Father and then we can receive the Holy Spirit. We are complete in the Triune God.
c) Ephesians 1:18-20. The Resurrected Christ is the Way to God and then we can realise there are so many benefits and Blessings.
d) Ephesians 1:21-22. Christ is the Head of all things.
e) Ephesians 1:23. The Church is Christ’s Body – He is the Head.
(Through this QT I proclaim that The Lord Jesus Christ Is My Everything)
The Holy Spirit And Our Bodies.’
Romans 8:11-13.
a) Romans 8:11. Because the Holy Spirit lives in us and He is the same Holy Spirit Who gave Resurrection Life to Jesus Christ, We also receive God’s Life in our bodies because of the Holy Spirit.
b) Romans 8:12. We are now obliged, as True Believers, not to live merely according to our flesh.
c) Romans 8:13. For if you go in the way of the flesh, death will come on you; but if by the Spirit you put to death the works of the body, you will have life.
(This Second one reminds me of the correct way of thinking and behaving in regard to The Holy Spirit And My Body)
Jesus Christ is not only the Head of the Church – He is the Head of all things. This should inspire us to humbly submit to Him. There are some people in the Churches who even deny the Diety of Jesus Christ. We should give no place to that type of teaching – for it is false.
Monday, November 16, 2009
God Is Faithful!
‘God Is Faithful.’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:9. To keep His Promises and to call us into Fellowship with His Son Who is Jesus Christ our Lord.
b) 1 John 1:9. To forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
c) 1 Corinthians 10:13. To give us the way out of temptation.
d) 2 Corinthians 1:18. It is a sure fact.
(This QT reminds me that God Is Faithful)
‘Understanding More About Our Life In Christ.
Ephesians 1:3-14.
a) Ephesians 1:3. God has given us every Blessing of the Holy Spirit in the Heavenly places through Christ. The Trinity of God at work in us.
b) Ephesians 1:4. Before the creation of the World, God chose us through Christ to be holy and perfect in His Presence.
c) Ephesians 1:5. We are freely adopted into God’s Family through Jesus Christ.
d) Ephesians 1:6. God has freely given us Grace through His dear Son.
e) Ephesians 1:7. We have:-
1- Salvation through the Blood of Jesus.
2- Been set free from our sins.
3- Forgiveness of our sins through the wealth of God’s Grace.
f) Ephesians 1:8. He poured out His Kindness by giving us every kind of Wisdom and Insight.
g) Ephesians 1:9. Through Christ, God revealed the secret of His Purpose to us.
h) Ephesians 1:10. Christ is our Eternal Head.
i) Ephesians 1:11. God has chosen us in Christ according to His Plan.
j) Ephesians 1:12. Through us Praise might go to the Glory of God.
k) Ephesians 1:13. We have:-
1- Heard and Believed the Message of Truth.
2- Been Saved by the Good News.
3- Been Sealed by the Holy Spirit.
l) Ephesians 1:14. The Holy Spirit is the Guarantee that we will receive our Inheritance.
(This Second one gives to me Understanding More About My Life In Christ)
God has chosen us in Christ according to His Plan. This is such an amazing act of God’s Grace and Love on our behalf. Not one of deserved this choosing from God, we all sinned and came short of God’s Glory. Grace means that we can enjoy God’s forgiveness of our sins because of the Blood of Jesus Christ and then a real life of Faith and Relationship with God until we move on into our Eternal Inheritance.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
No Trouble!
‘No Trouble.’
a) Proverbs 12:21. Will come to upright people. Trials may come, but trouble will not.
b) Numbers 23:21. Is in store for us when the Lord is with us.
c) 1 Samuel 20:21. May be indicated for us by another person whom we can trust.
d) 1 Kings 18:18. Is made for Israel by God’s True Servants.
e) Job 3:17. Will be caused by wicked people when they die.
f) Philippians 3:1. Should be in the hearts of God’s Servants about their selfless ministry.
(This QT makes me believe in God’s Promise of No Trouble)
‘Apostle Paul’s Miletus Message Given To The Ephesian Elders.’
Acts 20:17-38.
a) Acts 20:17. It was a Message that Paul knew he had to give. He called for the Ephesian Elders.
b) Acts 20:18-19. Paul’s humble and Faithful life amongst them.
c) Acts 20:20. Paul’s practical public and private Teaching ministry.
d) Acts 20:21. The emphasis of repentance toward God and of Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
e) Acts 20:22-23. Paul’s difficult coming times in Jerusalem.
f) Acts 20:24. Paul’s concept of life and ministry.
g) Acts 20:25. Paul’s knowledge that he would not see the Ephesian Church again.
h) Acts 20:26-27. Paul was not responsible for the lives of the Ephesian Church because he had declared to them already the whole Counsel of God.
i) Acts 20:28. Apostle Paul’s charge to the Ephesian Elders:-
1- Pay careful attention to yourselves.
2- Pay careful attention to all the flock which the Holy Spirit has given you care over.
3- Give food to and care for the Church of God for which He gave His Own Blood.
j) Acts 20:29-30. The difficult immediate future that was awaiting the Ephesian Church.
k) Acts 20:31. Ephesian Elders needed to be alert.
l) Acts 20:32. Apostle Paul commended them to:-
1- God.
2- The Message of God’s Grace which was able to build them up.
3- Their Inheritance amongst those people who are Sanctified.
m) Acts 20:33-35. Apostle Paul’s hard work and Biblical principles.
n) Acts 20:36-38. Apostle Paul’s Prayer and farewell.
(Through this Second one, Apostle Paul’s Miletus Message Given To The Ephesian Elders, I learn much)
All Christian Leaders and Church workers need to take heed to this Message from Apostle Paul, especially to pay careful attention to your self first. If the Christian leader and Church worker do not pay attention to themselves then havoc will eventually be created in the Church.
They Were Ordered!
‘They Were Ordered.’
a) Acts 23:31. To take Paul on a journey to face trial.
b) Genesis 12:20. To escort Abram and his family out of Egypt.
c) Genesis 19:17. By the Angel to flee.
d) Genesis 26:16. Isaac was ordered to go somewhere else because he became powerful.
e) Genesis 42:25. Joseph’s servants to help Joseph’s brothers.
f) Genesis 43:31. To bring out the food.
g) Exodus 12:31. Moses and Aaron by the Egyptian Pharaoh, to take their people out of Egypt.
h) Numbers 25:5. Israel’s Judges, by Moses, to pass severe sentences.
i) 2 Samuel 18:5. Joab, Abishai and Ittai, by David, to be kind to Absalom, even though he did not deserve kindness.
j) 1 Kings 2:19. King Solomon ordered that his mother be honoured.
k) 2 Kings 11:9 & 15. The commanders of God’s peoples’ armies by Jehoiada the High Priest.
l) 1 Chronicles 15:16. The Levite leaders, by King David, to appoint a Praise band.
m) 1 Chronicles 22:17. All the leaders of Israel by King David to assist Solomon.
n) 2 Chronicles 20:3. Everyone in Judah to begin fasting.
o) 2 Chronicles 24:8. To make a chest to contain the people’s offerings outside the Temple of the Lord.
p) 2 Chronicles 29:27 & 30. To Worship, by King Hezekiah.
q) Esther 2:9. By Hegai, special care for Esther.
r) Jeremiah 36:8. Baruch, by Jeremiah, as to His Service in God’s House.
s) Matthew 14:19. The crowd, by Jesus, to sit down and enjoy a meal.
t) Mark 1:25; Luke 4:35. The evil spirit, by Jesus, to come out of the man.
u) Acts 1:4. The Disciples, by Jesus, to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
v) 1 Corinthians 9:14. Those people who have benefited from the Good News to support those people who preach it.
(Through this QT, They Were Ordered, I find that orders given in the Bible were very reasonable and sensible. As True Believers we need to obey orders given to us that are reasonable and sensible, whatever authority over our lives they may come from)
‘Apostle Paul’s Legal Struggles.’
Acts 28:16-30.
a) Acts 28:16. He was kept under house arrest.
b) Acts 28:17-18. He was visited by Senior Jewish leaders who wanted to release him as being innocent.
c) Acts 28:19-24. He was able to explain the Truth to others even when he was imprisoned.
d) Acts 28:25-27. Apostle Paul was very frank about the situation.
e) Acts 28:28. From house prison for two years he served the multi ethnic community in Rome.
(Through this Second one I realise that despite Apostle Paul’s Legal Struggles, he continued to serve the Lord faithfully, even from a prison environment)
God gives us authority over our lives in several spheres of our lives. Firstly is our own authority, in Proverbs the Word of God tells us to guard our hearts - that means we take authority over them. Secondly, in home, work place, school, university, Nation and Church there are always authority figures that will give us reasonable and sensible orders at times. We should obey these orders.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Be Blameless!
‘Be Blameless.’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:8. On the Day of the Lord Jesus.
b) Luke 1:6. As Zachariah and Elisabeth were in their generation.
c) Philippians 2:15. It is our calling, to shine as lights in this dark World.
d) 1 Thessalonians 3:13. God can give us hearts un-blameable in Holiness.
(This QT gives me the strong desire to be Blameless and to teach the subject too)
‘Faith In Christ.’
a) Ephesians 1:1. The New Testament Church should have it.
b) Acts 24:24; 2 Timothy 1:1. Is the Message of the Gospel.
c) Galatians 2:16; Philippians 3:9. Can make us right with God.
d) Galatians 3:9. Opens the Way for us to receive the Blessing that Abraham received.
e) Galatians 3:23. Is now available to us.
f) Galatians 3:26. Makes us Children of God.
g) Galatians 5:6. Is something that we have to exercise.
h) Colossians 1:4. Gives a True Believer a good reputation.
i) Colossians 2:5. Should be strong.
j) 1 Timothy 1:19. We should cling to it.
k) 1 Timothy 3:13. Increases in confidence as we do our ministry well.
(This Second one reminds me of the necessity of Faith in Christ)
We need to grow in the Lord after we receive Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Saviour and Lord of our lives. We need to have assurance of Faith in Christ and to confess Him as our Saviour and Lord. He is the One Who can lead us into a blameless life – not our own self-righteousness.
There Is Joy!
‘There Is Joy.’
a) Proverbs 12:20. For those people who purpose peace.
b) Luke 15:10. In the Presence of the Angels over one sinner who repents.
c) Isaiah 22:13. Expressed in wrong living sometimes, this is sinful joy.
(Through this QT I desire to purpose Peace and then know that There Is Joy)
‘Simple And Biblical Marriage Principles.’
Ephesians 5:22-33.
a) Ephesians 5:22. In the Lord (Believers’ Marriages) the wife should be under the authority of her husband.
b) Ephesians 5:23. Christ is the Saviour and Head of the Church and the husband is head of his wife.
c) Ephesians 5:24. As the Church is under Christ's authority, so let wives be under the rule of their husbands in all things.
d) Ephesians 5:25. Husbands, have love for your wives, even as Christ had love for the Church, and gave Himself for it.
e) Ephesians 5:26. Christ Sanctifies His Church and washes it by His Word. Husbands should be spiritual leaders of their families.
f) Ephesians 5:27. Christ wants to present the Church to Himself a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be Holy and without blemish.
g) Ephesians 5:28. Even so it is right for husbands to have love for their wives as for their bodies. He who has love for his wife has love for himself.
h) Ephesians 5:29. For no man ever hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ also the Church.
i) Ephesians 5:30. We are parts of Christ’s Body. (This is the way that the husband and father should see his family.
j) Ephesians 5:31. For this cause will a man go away from his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.
k) Ephesians 5:32. Apostle Paul is writing about the mystery of Christ and His Church.
l) Ephesians 5:33. Everyone should have love for his wife, even as for himself; and let the wife see that she has respect for her husband.
(This Second one reminds me of Simple And Biblical Marriage Principles)
We are parts of the Body of Christ, it means that we should love each other esteem each other and, if necessary, forgive each other. This Love of Christ for His Church is a picture for us of how God expects husbands to love their wives.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Benefits Of Being A True Believer!
‘The Benefits Of Being A True Believer.’
a) Ephesians 4:17. We receive Grace given by Christ.
b) Ephesians 4:11-12. The Lord gives Ministers to serve us in differing ways and equip us to serve.
c) Ephesians 4:16. We are part of a growing Body life, the Life of the Body of Christ.
d) Ephesians 2:19; 3:6. We are fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household.
e) Ephesians 5:18-21. We can be filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore be:-
1- Ephesians 5:19. Positive.
2- Ephesians 5:20. Thankful.
3- Ephesians 5:21. Cooperative and submissive in the Body of Christ.
(Through this QT I find some of The Benefits Of Being A True Believer)
‘Facts About True Believers.’
Ephesians 2:10.
a) They are God’s Workmanship.
b) They are Created in Christ Jesus.
c) Their purpose of life is to do good works which God has prepared in advance for them to do.
d) Ephesians 5:1-2. They are to live a life of Love in the same way as Christ loved us.
e) Ephesians 5:3-5. They are to be pure morally.
f) Ephesians 5:8. They are light in the Lord and should live as such.
g) Ephesians 5:10. They are to find out what pleases the Lord.
h) Ephesians 5:11-12. They are to have nothing to do with the Works of Darkness.
i) Ephesians 5:15-17. They are to live wisely and not foolishly.
(In this Second one here are Facts About True Believers)
We are to live a life of Love in the same way that Jesus Christ did. This is a challenge for every True Believer, but it is a Biblical challenge. God enables us by the Holy Spirit to live the Life that He wants us to live and He shows us how to do it in His Word.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What Are We Waiting For?
‘What Are We Waiting For?’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:7. The Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Luke 8:40. Jesus.
c) John 5:3. The moving of the healing water.
d) Acts 10:24. The Servant of the Lord to come.
e) Acts 20:5. The team to be together.
f) Romans 8:23. Our adoption, the Redemption of our body.
(This QT challenges me to think: What Am I Waiting For?)
‘Obey The Lord.’
a) Job 36:11. If they obey and serve Him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.
b) Romans 2:13. By not just hearing but also doing the Word of God.
c) Deuteronomy 6:3-6. O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has Promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.
d) Matthew 12:49-50. Stretching out His hand toward his disciples, he said, here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in Heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.
e) Psalm 57:1. Through taking refuge in Him when we need to and not going our own way.
f) Psalm 57:2. By crying out to God most High because He fulfils His Purposes for us.
(Through this Second one I realise that there is no other way but to Obey The Lord)
Sometimes Believers make the mistake of looking to the Servant of the Lord rather than to the Lord Himself. Plainly speaking, this is idolatry, and the Bible tells us that God hates idolatry. God sends His Servants to do His Will and the biggest goal of the True Servant of the Lord is to Glorify Jesus Christ.
The Proper Use Of The Mouth!
‘The Proper Use Of The Mouth.’
Proverbs 12:17-19.
a) Proverbs 12:17. The person that utters Truth shows forth Righteousness.
b) Proverbs 12:17. Liars lay down a smokescreen of deceit.
c) Proverbs 12:18. Speaking rashly pierces like a sword.
d) Proverbs 12:18. There is healing in the words of Wise people.
e) Proverbs 12:19. The lips of Truth shall be established forever.
f) Proverbs 12:19. A lying tongue is here today and gone tomorrow.
(This QT clearly reveals to me The Proper Use Of The Mouth)
‘Put Away The Old And Put On The New.’
Colossians 3:5-14.
a) Colossians 3:5. We are to put to death our members which are upon the earth:
1- Fornication.
2- Uncleanness.
3- Sinful passion.
4- Evil desire.
5- Covetousness, which is idolatry.
b) Colossians 3:6. The wrath of God is going to judge such things.
c) Colossians 3:7. We need to live a new life and not follow sinful ways.
d) Colossians 3:8. We should also put away:-
1- Anger.
2- Wrath.
3- Malice.
4- Railing.
5- Shameful speaking out of your mouth.
e) Colossians 3:9. A True Believer never tells lies.
f) Colossians 3:10. We need to live a New Life that is being formed to become more and more Christ like.
g) Colossians 3:11. Christ should be the Centre of the Church. Not position or race. The basis of worship is language and not race.
h) Colossians 3:12. As God’s:-
1- Elect people.
2- Holy people.
3- Beloved people.
We are to put on:-
A- Compassion.
B- Humility.
C- Lowliness.
D- Kindness.
E- Meekness.
F- Longsuffering.
i) Colossians 3:13-14. We need to:-
1- Forgive one another.
2- Bear with one another’s faults.
3- Love one another.
j) Luke 6:35-36. We need to be merciful.
(This Second one reminds me to Put Away The Old And Put On The New)
We are God's Holy People if we are True Believers in Christ. We need to live like God's Holy People and not just call ourselves by that name. This means that our practical day by day life needs to measure up to the Word of God.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Living In Peace With Other People!
‘Living In Peace With Other People.’
Romans 12:17-21.
a) Romans 12:17. Repay no one for evil.
b) Romans 12:17. Respect what is honourable in the sight of all people.
c) Romans 12:18; Luke 6:32-34. If it is possible, as much as it is up to us, be at peace with all people.
d) Romans 12:19. As loved Believers we are not to seek revenge but give a place to God’s wrath, for He says that He will take revenge.
e) Romans 12:20. If our enemies are hungry, we should feed them. If our enemies are thirsty we should give them something to drink. In so doing we will heap coals of fire upon their heads.
f) Romans 12:21. Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.
g) Matthew 10:23. Persecution on the Mission field means that it is time to leave.
(This QT teaches me about Living In Peace With Other People)
‘Gracious And Generous God.’
2 Peter 1:2-4.
a) 2 Peter 1:2. Grace to you and Peace be multiplied in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
b) 2 Peter 1:3. Seeing that His Divine Power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the Knowledge of Him Who called us by His Own Glory and Virtue.
c) 2 Peter 1:4. He has granted to us His Precious and exceedingly Great Promises; that through these we may become partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust.
(Through this Second one I find Gracious And Generous God)
We are to repay no one for evil. Really this is very basic for the True Believer and yet sometimes how difficult it is to do. We so often face the temptation to take revenge, to pay back the evil done to us by another person. Let us remember, repay no one for evil.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Testimony Of The Corinthian Church!
‘The Testimony Of The Corinthian Church.’
1 Corinthians 1:4-6.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:4. They caused Apostle Paul to thank God for them.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:4. They experienced Grace in Christ Jesus.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:5. In Christ they were enriched in:-
1- Everything.
2- All utterance.
3- All Knowledge.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:6. The Testimony of Christ was confirmed in them.
(This QT Blesses me through The Testimony Of The Corinthian Church)
‘The Ways Of God Need To Be Learned.’
a) Micah 4:1; Isaiah 2:3-4. The place where we learn is supposed to be God’s House.
b) Micah 4:2. We learn the Lord’s Ways most effectively in a multi ethnic environment.
c) Micah 4:2; Luke 24:44-47. The Lord Himself is the foundational Teacher.
d) Micah 4:2. We are taught a new lifestyle.
e) Micah 4:2. We are taught from the Word of God.
f) Micah 4:3; Luke 6:27-31. We learn Peace instead of conflict.
g) Hebrews 12:25-27. We should not refuse the Lord when He speaks to us.
h) Hebrews 12:28. We are taught that we must serve God with fear and awe in a way that pleases Him.
i) John 18:36. The Way of no conflict in God’s Kingdom.
(Through this Second one I know that The Ways Of God Need To Be Learned)
In Christ we are enriched in everything. The Bible tells us that Christ became poor in order that we might become rich. He revealed Himself as Jehovah Jireh our Provider. Philippians tells us about God meeting our needs though Christ Jesus as we live in obedience to Him. We can and should also be responsible people who are enriched by the Lord in utterance and Knowledge.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
a) Proverbs 12:16; 19:11. Are ignored by wise people.
b) Nehemiah 4:4. Are rooted in hatred.
c) Job 34:7. Can be taken well.
d) Psalm 31:13. Are sometimes many.
e) Psalm 42:10. Can damage our health.
f) Psalm 44:16. Are sometimes used as revenge.
g) Psalm 59:7; Lamentations 3:61; Ezekiel 35:12. God is aware of them.
h) Psalm 69:20. Can break our heart and leave us physically weak.
i) Psalm 74:22. Come from foolish people.
j) Psalm 79:12. Are even sometimes made to God.
k) Psalm 89:50; Ezekiel 21:28; 34:29. May be made by entire Nations.
l) Psalm 123:4. Cause us to suffer and may come from lazy people.
m) Proverbs 14:23; 17:5. We insult God if we mistreat the poor.
n) Proverbs 22:10. Will stop when we get rid of the person who despises Wisdom.
o) Isaiah 51:7. Should not upset us.
p) Jeremiah 20:8. Are sometimes given to the Lord’s Messenger.
q) Ezekiel 25:6. Are sometimes the jokes of sinners.
r) Luke 23:39. Were shouted at Jesus on the Cross.
s) 2 Corinthians 12:10. Were made at Apostle Paul.
(This QT teaches me that I should not react to Insults)
a) Matthew 5:7. Merciful people shall obtain Mercy.
b) Matthew 16:17; Luke 22:32. Is given by God.
c) Mark 11:25; Matthew 18:26-34; Luke 6:36. Should be shown by us.
d) James 2:13. If we do not show Mercy we will not receive it from God.
e) Matthew 25:34-40. Is a door to the Kingdom of Heaven.
(Through this Second one I value Mercy very highly)
Insults are very common in the World system and are becoming stronger and stronger as the globe becomes the global village. We, as True Believers of Jesus, should not and never insult other people. God knows all about the words of every person and wants to help and protect us in reality.
The Kindness Of God!
‘The Kindness Of God.’
Romans 11:22.
a) Is to be beheld.
b) Is toward us.
c) Is for us to continue in.
(Through This QT I am urged to ponder upon The Kindness Of God)
‘Is Having Church Easy?’
Revelation 2:4-10.
a) Revelation 2:4. Jesus Himself is against the Church that has left its first love.
b) Revelation 2:5. Some Churches need to repent and restore the works of the Church.
c) Revelation 2:6. Jesus commends the Church that hates sin.
d) Revelation 2:7. The Church needs to be an overcoming Church so that it can Glorify the Lord.
e) Revelation 2:8. The Resurrected Jesus is Lord of the Church.
f) Revelation 2:9. Some Churches go through experiences of:-
1- Revelation 2:10. Tribulation and testing.
2- Poverty.
3- Being blasphemed and cursed by others.
g) Revelation 2:10. The Church needs to be Faithful unto death so that it can receive the Crown of Life.
(This Second one causes me to ask the question: Is Having Church Easy?)
Apostle Paul wrote to the churches not from the comfort of his home or hotel room, he wrote his letters from prison. He was there in the prison for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus. He understood hardship personally, that is why he was able to write to the Church about realities of life and to teach the Churches meaningfully in his letters.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Grace And Peace Combined!
‘Grace And Peace Combined.’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:3; Romans 1:7; 2 Corinthians 1:2. Come from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Romans 16:20. Come from the God of Peace Who bruises Satan under our feet and the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Colossians 1:2; Revelation 1:4. Come from God our Father.
d) 1 Thessalonians 1:1. Come as a greeting from other True Believers.
e) 1 Peter 1:2. Be multiplied to us.
f) 2 Peter 1:2. May grace and peace be ours in full measure through our knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
(This QT reveals to me my need of Grace And Peace Combined)
‘The Importance Of Right Living In The Kingdom Of God.’
a) Matthew 13:41-43; 25:24-30. Taught by Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 22:14. Many people are called but few are chosen.
c) John 15:1-2. That we might be clean branches.
d) Deuteronomy 7:6. Because we are called to be God’s Own Special People.
e) Exodus 19:5-6. We are called to be:-
1- Obedient to God.
2- Covenant Keepers.
3- Servants of God.
f) Hebrews 3:7-8. We are not to harden our hearts when the Holy Spirit speaks.
g) Hebrews 3:14. We are to hold fast to our confidence and be partakers of Christ.
h) 1 Peter 2:9. We are chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, Who called us out of darkness into His own marvellous Light.
(Through this Second one I find The Importance Of Right Living In The Kingdom Of God)
God the Father is amazing. He is the Source of Grace, Love and Peace for us. In Him we find all our needs are met through His Son Jesus Christ. Let us come to Him, as we are exhorted to in the Scripture through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to the Father. We cannot know or appreciate God if we try to come to Him in our own effort or cultural religious context, we can only come to God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Mouths, Hands, Eyes And Ears!
‘Mouths, Hands, Eyes And Ears.’
Proverbs 12:14-15.
a) A person shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of their mouth.
b) The work of a person’s hands come back to them.
c) In their own eyes the way of a fool is right.
d) A wise person listens to advice.
(This QT strongly reminds me about my Mouth, Hands, Eyes And Ears)
‘For The Lord’s Name Sake.’
a) Romans 1:5. We need to obey our God-given Faith.
b) Hebrews 5:9. Obey the Lord and receive Eternal Salvation.
c) Acts 19:1-5. Be baptised.
d) Ephesians 4:5. Jesus is the only Lord.
e) 2 Peter 1:10. Make our Calling and Election sure.
(This Second one shows me what needs to be done and believed For The Lord’s Name Sake)
We need to be always teachable as True Believers, no matter what our Ministry is or what position we hold we need to be teachable. In their own eyes the way of a fool is right and not a few people have made this foolish mistake. We all need to be teachable and we all need to become more like Jesus Christ.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
As God's People!
‘As God’s People.’
a) 1 Peter 4:17; Acts 17:30-31. We know that we need to face Judgment.
b) John 8:24. We need to believe in Jesus.
c) Romans 10:9-10. With our mouths we have confessed Jesus as our Lord and we Believe on Him in our heart.
d) Matthew 28:19. We are to make other people Disciples of Jesus.
e) Mark 16:15; Romans 1:5. We are to be ready to take the Gospel into all the Nations.
(This QT gives me more understanding about living As God’s People)
‘If We Want To Know The Holy Spirit.’
Acts 2:38.
a) Repent.
b) Acts 22:16. Be Baptised.
c) Have assurance of the forgiveness of sins.
d) Then we will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me what one should do If They Want To Know The Holy Spirit)
As True Believers we should not be afraid to confess the Lordship of Jesus with our mouths. Some Believers are reluctant to confess Jesus as their Lord. It is a very important and necessary step in having assurance of our Salvation that we confess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Simply saying that we are “Christians” can cause confusion to our hearers, we need to confess Jesus.
The True Church!
‘The True Church.’
1 Corinthians 1:2.
a) Has geographical locations.
b) Are Called by God to be His Own Holy People.
c) Are Sanctified in Christ Jesus.
d) Calls upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) Is manifested in many places.
f) Has unity with other Churches in other places and geographical locations.
(This QT reminds me of the function and identity of The True Church)
‘Having Been Called By God.’
a) 2 Peter 1:4. By His Mighty Power He has given to us all of His Rich and Wonderful Promises.
b) 2 Peter 3:13. To everyone who is “right” with God He has Promised New Heavens and a New Earth.
c) 2 Peter 1:10. We should prove it.
d) 2 Thessalonians 2:14. Now we can share in the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:1. Our Faith is built on the Gospel Message.
f) 2 Thessalonians 1:8. We need to obey that Calling.
(Through this Second one I understand more about what it means in Having Been Called By God)
The True Church is situated in very many parts of the World already. In the foreseeable future, just as the Bible says, every tribe and nation will be represented in the True Church. This prophecy has yet to be fulfilled so the propagation of the Gospel to the unreached people is still very necessary.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Righteous People Shall Come Out Of Trouble!
‘The Righteous People Shall Come Out Of Trouble.’
a) Proverbs 12:13. It is the Promise of God’s Word.
b) Proverbs 11:8. They are delivered from it.
c) Genesis 48:16. There is sometimes Angelic intervention.
d) 2 Samuel 4:9. David experienced it.
e) Psalm 34:19. Many times.
f) Ecclesiastes 7:18. Because they Fear God.
g) Romans 8:35-37. Because of the Lord’s Love.
h) 2 Peter 2:9. The Lord knows how to do it for us.
(Through this QT I am convinced that The Righteous People Shall Come Out Of Trouble)
‘God’s Light In A Dark World System.’
a) 1 John 2:15. We are not to love the World system or the things in it.
b) 1 John 2:16. The World system is full of lust and pride.
c) 1 John 2:17. Only the person who does the Will of God abides forever.
d) 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. We are to avoid deceptive and dark ministries that operate outside of the Churches. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.
e) John 8:12. Only Jesus Christ is the Light of the World.
f) Isaiah 8:20. If they do not speak the Word of the Lord, reject them.
g) Psalm 119:105. God’s Word is our Light.
h) Psalm 119:130. The unfolding of God’s Word gives Light and Understanding.
(This QT makes me long for God’s Light In A Dark World System)
Righteous people get delivered from trouble. We do not know how the Lord will do this but He Promises to do so. There is another fact here. Sometimes Righteous people do get into trouble. I am sure that God is Glorified through their deliverance from it.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
A God Who Rewards!
‘A God Who Rewards.’
a) Job 42:10. He rewarded Job for his integrity.
b) Luke 6:38. He rewards the generous person.
c) Ephesians 6:7-8. He rewards the person who does their work with enthusiasm.
d) Psalm 41:1-3; Proverbs 19:17. He rewards the people who are kind to the poor.
(Through this QT I know I serve A God Who Rewards, whether here or in Eternity)
‘Trust In The Lord.’
a) Psalm 143:8. And lift up our soul to Him. He will give us Word of His Unfailing Love and show us the Way to go.
b) Isaiah 12:2. And do not be afraid, for He is our:-
1- Salvation.
2- Strength.
3- Song.
c) Psalm 56:3-4. When we are afraid.
d) Psalm 28:7. With our heart and He will help us. He is our Strength and our Shield.
e) Proverbs 16:20. And be Blessed.
(Through this Second one I am exhorted to Trust In The Lord)
The Lord rewards the generous person. This is a clearly stated Biblical fact. Generosity is not something that can be pulled from a person – it has to be given. Both trust and forgiveness are like that too. Just because a person is generous and maybe even has the gift of giving does not mean that other people can go to them and ask them for something.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Biblical Apostles!
‘Biblical Apostles.’
a) 1 Corinthians 1:1; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 1:1. Are called by Jesus Christ.
b) Romans 1:1. Are separated unto the Gospel of God.
c) Romans 11:13; 1 Corinthians 9:2. Are sent to specific peoples.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:12. Produce:-
1- Signs.
2- Wonders.
3- Mighty works.
e) 1 Timothy 2:7. Are appointed by God.
f) 2 Timothy 1:11. Sometimes have other ministries too.
(Through this QT I understand more about the calling and function of Biblical Apostles)
‘As Long As The Earth Endures.’
Genesis 8:22.
a) There will be seed time and harvest.
b) Cold and heat.
c) Summer and winter.
d) Day and night.
(This Second one reminds me what endures As Long As The Earth Endures)
Being separated unto the Gospel of God is a very high calling. It cannot be a self appointed thing. I have met very few people who are truly separated unto the Gospel of God. This separation means that they are totally devoted to spreading the Good News and their lives reflect that fact.
A Good Christian Farmer!
‘A Good Christian Farmer.’
Proverbs 12:10-12.
a) Proverbs 12:10. Regards the life of his beast.
b) Proverbs 12:11. Tills his land and will have plenty of bread.
c) Proverbs 12:12. Will have roots that yield fruit.
(Through this QT I am reminded to pray for Good Christian Farmers)
‘Saved And Free.’
a) John 10:9. Jesus is the Way to Salvation and Freedom.
b) Psalm 23:1-2. The Lord:-
1- Is our Shepherd.
2- Meets our needs.
3- Gives to us Peace and Calm.
c) John 10:3-4; Jeremiah 31:9. The Lord leads us out and goes before us.
d) Psalm 23:3. The Lord restores us and guides us.
e) Isaiah 40:11. Experiencing the Lord’s gentleness.
f) Ephesians 5:25-27. Christ’s Love for His Church.
g) John 10:28-29. Secure in God.
(This Second one makes me so grateful to God that I am Saved And Free)
It is very encouraging to meet a good Christian farmer, one who is a True Believer in Jesus Christ because this means that he or she will be applying godly principles to their farming skills. Farming is the oldest recorded human work in the Scriptures. Let us continue to pray for God’s Blessing on True Believer farmers.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Jesus The Caring Shepherd!
‘Jesus The Caring Shepherd.’
a) John 10:3, 14 & 27 . He knows and leads His Sheep.
b) 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14. He has chosen us and called us.
c) John 10:16. He is making one flock of all Nations.
d) Ephesians 2:13. He shed His Blood to bring us to God.
e) Ephesians 2:14 & 17. He is our Peace.
f) Ephesians 2:16. He brings Reconciliation through His Cross.
g) Ephesians 2:18. Through Him we have access to the Father.
(Through this QT I find Jesus The Caring Shepherd)
‘Foundational Outworking Of Christianity.’
2 Timothy 2:19.
a) This is the solid foundation of God.
b) The Lord knows who are His People.
c) Let everyone who names the Name of Christ depart from iniquity.
(Here in this Second one is the Foundational Outworking Of Christianity)
All True Believers should be founded in the solid foundation of God. This means Bible Study! We need to know what the Bible says, not just what other people say that the Bible says. Basic Bible Study is a vital part of the Spiritual growth process.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...